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My 3 most un-fun things about swtor.


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1. No dual speccing. Every time I log on and my buddies want to run a flashpoint or a warzone this makes very sad. Ruins the fun of playing a versatile class (scoundrel/sage for me). Huge downer.


2. The green light bug: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=54455. I love playing in swtor's beautiful world but those dang green lines really poop on my parade. It happens at least once every time I log in and everyone I know personally has this bug.


3. This was definitely going to be "geared level 50's in warzones" but that is being fixed on Tuesday. So I will settle for, no sell back option on gear bought with commendations. This gives me major nerd rage every time it happens and makes me a tad nervous whenever I'm buying gear.


These are the three biggest things that suck the fun out of swtor for me. What about you guys?


Feel free to post your own top 3 un-fun things in this thread. Keep it short, keep it sweet, and remember fun is subjective, fun and fun-sucking things are different for everyone.

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1. My companion returns and kicks me out of the GTN, or distracts me in combat. So not fun. Also, sent a bug report about it during the first weekend warriors test (11/11), have seen many people complain about it, still persists. Is it unfixable, low-priority, or non-issue for the devs?


2. The world feels lifeless and stale. E.G.: Coruscant. A trillion people living on the planet, yet every zone I run through feels like empty warehouse after empty warehouse. If the game felt more "alive", I would have a lot more fun. As it is, I am all too aware that I'm playing a game, and that is not fun.


3. Recycled, un-fun quests. Some of the quests are fun, but I'm pretty sure I've done the quest where Ghouls/Rakghouls/Giant Ants are taking over a town, and some investigator needs a sample of the blood, and you have to kill 20 of them, and then you have to smash 10 of their eggs, and then you find an old tape recording where some misguided scientist talks about experimenting with ants to try to make them stronger (you find the recording right next to his dead body of course). Pretty sure I've done that quest about 40 times actually (Oblivion/Fallout 3/New Vegas - thanks Bethesda). So far, in SWTOR, I think I've done 2 different iterations of that quest. Not fun.



Don't look down

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1 Error 9000 ( seriously unplayable a lot of days)


2, Gtn worse ah I have seen for a game released in 2011, no right clicking items in our inventory and have any already on the ah appear. Items being listed under wrong professions. Not long enough duration to have items up.


3, UI, can't edit layout and move about bars to where I want or any other boxes I would like to have in a better posistion.

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1: My most un-fun thing currently is not being credited for daily/weekly quests. I should not have to win 12 warzones before I'm credited for winning 3. Also, we downed Gharj this week... I was there, I got a belt. I was not credited. That is immensely frustrating.


2: The GTN needs some TLC, it's in pretty sorry shape


3: I should be able to right click and invite people to group direct from the guild list. I can from the friend list, but not that guild, although I can passively call somebody an A-hole in their comment that cannot be seen unless they look, that almost makes up for it. Guild Notes should be visible right on the guild page so people don't have to right click a name and manually check the note. That way people can know at a glance who's an alt of who, etc.

Edited by Dejoule
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1. My companion returns and kicks me out of the GTN, or distracts me in combat. So not fun. Also, sent a bug report about it during the first weekend warriors test (11/11), have seen many people complain about it, still persists. Is it unfixable, low-priority, or non-issue for the devs?



Don't look down


I forgot about that one. Hella annoying.

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1) UI, UI, UI... come on, it's 2012. Resize, move, and for the love of God, I play on a monitor larger than a 15" CRT... may I have more than 2 windows open?


2) Galactic Trade Mart: Oh, please, tell me the lead dev on this project didn't let his 12-year old kid have fun programming this abortion. Games had better markets half a dozen years ago.


3) Character customization and geear options. The customization options are, well.. weak. Everything from race selection and body size to the inability to wear a matched AND functional set of stylish clothing just smacks of a hurried release.


Now, before the zealous forum moderators latch onto this post like a starving pitbull on a t-bone, let me say I do enjoy the majority of the game, and have high hopes for it. Mostly, I am dissapointed that so many of the things brought up by beta testers have not been implemented.

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1. UI; terrible design, cannot customize at all, takes up way to much space. Most menus take up the entire screen. No target of target...


2. Stupid increase in respecing costs. 230 to 2000? 2000 to 8000? 8000 to 14000? Terrible. Unneeded; stupid.


3. Every class is the same as it's opposite. 4 classes. You can call one a bounty hunter and another a Trooper, doesn't mean they are different. You don't even bother to change icon designs in spec trees.



I really could go further; but, I'll keep to the thread format.

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1. No dual speccing. Every time I log on and my buddies want to run a flashpoint or a warzone this makes very sad. Ruins the fun of playing a versatile class (scoundrel/sage for me). Huge downer.


2. The green light bug: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=54455. I love playing in swtor's beautiful world but those dang green lines really poop on my parade. It happens at least once every time I log in and everyone I know personally has this bug.


3. This was definitely going to be "geared level 50's in warzones" but that is being fixed on Tuesday. So I will settle for, no sell back option on gear bought with commendations. This gives me major nerd rage every time it happens and makes me a tad nervous whenever I'm buying gear.


These are the three biggest things that suck the fun out of swtor for me. What about you guys?


Feel free to post your own top 3 un-fun things in this thread. Keep it short, keep it sweet, and remember fun is subjective, fun and fun-sucking things are different for everyone.



i agree with 3, that is all

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1. No "hood down" option for robes. I'm a guardian and every damn heavy armor robe has that stupid hood up (hide headslot doesnt help). I could do for leveling with a light robe (some of those dont have a hood) but I need the armor bonus on the mods when doing my endgame stuff :(


2. Companions returning from missions interrupting stuff / being annoying (GTN, combat, ...)


3. You cannot disable leave/join chatchannel messages individually. We (my server) have a serverwide custom channel for lfg and the normal lootmessages (you receive X ...) and other "yellow" important messages are the same filter as "XY has joined channel" "AB has left the channel". So I basically get spammed to death.

Well you could say that this point is more about the bad LFG system ;)

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1. People in General chat complaining about the game when it only came out last month.


2. People comparing it to Warcraft when it has been out for around 7 years, and was a terrible launch to begin with.


3. People in General chat saying they're not renewing their subscription... like everyone cares.

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1 - needlessly complicated, time consuming travel


2 - faction imbalance


3 - dead feeling world. Would like day/night, weather, bugs, birds, anything living besides bored packs of npc's waiting to be killed.

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1. The Ui - No Target of Target. No Scaling of Ui size. Weird lock out Bugs. Cant right click on guild members names to invite to group. Limited to 4 action bars. Auto pivot of mouse when release left click (ie: when you are running forward and you look behind you, then release your left click - the camera auto moves back to directly behind your char). Overall there is no customization available for the Ui (i tell a lie, they have a focus bar.... which doesnt show cast bars LOL!).


2. GTN - Why do i have to apply a filter before i search an item? Why cant i shift click the iten and then have its name in the search field? Default Price listing, bad for the economy!


3. Commendations - Its raining commendations people!! How are we supposed to keep up with this stuff? This needs a rethink .....

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1- The ui elements unmovable , cannot resize.


2- Too few action bars .


3- no assist functionality . As in , i target a player for healing /cleansing , if i attack, it should hit his/her target, not tell me target is not an enemy .

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1. Companion constantly interrupts my field of vision, and often when I'm trying to click a certain thing.


2. The rows of 'quickslots' arent that quick to scroll through to see my other moves. It takes vital seconds away from a boss fight I might be partaking in.


3. Korriban quests seem a bit reptitive. Tomb. Return to Harken. Tomb. Return to Harken. Tomb. Return to Harken. Tomb. Return to Zash.

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1) My computer is old so my load times are terrible.


2) My work hours are long so I hardly get to play.


3) Not that I want an LFD Tool, but maybe just something like WoWs (Yes, i said it) Dungeon Journal.

Something to show you what dungeons you can do and whatnot, in hopes to make more people aware of them.

a server only LFD tool would be lovely though. :p

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