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Any Actual females not female characters play this game?


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I'm a female gamer and I don't care if anyone knows whether or not I'm female in game. I've not gotten any handouts because I'm a girl while playing. I currently don't have any male toons, but I'm not partial to just playing one or the other. I'm fickle and will play whatever the mood strikes me when I got to make a new char.
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I'm actually honestly surprised that so many girls actively hide their genders even when referred to as 'he.'


Maybe it's just because I'm still new to MMO's and haven't had any creeps bother me, or have received any special attention for it, but it irks me to be called a guy.


There is a very simple solution for anyone who does end up becoming creepy after revealing you're a girl... stop talking to them.



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As a male, I ONLY play female characters in the game. Why? Well why would I want to spend god knows how many hours staring male toon when I could be doing the exact same thing with a female toon?


Most girls do not play male characters because they want to, they play them because they have to (to tell you the truth playing a guy really ruins the game but i have to cause i get harassed every waking moment that i play a girl).

-I am a girl-

See people probably reacted like "Oh My God! she wants Attention!" and if i was in the game "OMG! i am going to Troll and follow her around the whole *********** planet"

Yes i know that i can ignore and take down my general chat but why should i HAVE to do that I mean seriously Just Let Me Play The *********** Game.


by the way sorry for my language but it just really gets me upset when talking about

how much harassment goes on, but again sorry about that :o

Edited by Freyaska
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I'm actually honestly surprised that so many girls actively hide their genders even when referred to as 'he.'


Maybe it's just because I'm still new to MMO's and haven't had any creeps bother me, or have received any special attention for it, but it irks me to be called a guy.


There is a very simple solution for anyone who does end up becoming creepy after revealing you're a girl... stop talking to them.




They generally hide it because they get bugged, annoyed, harassed w/e you want to call it. Its abit sad that they have to withdraw to doing so but welcome to the internet.


I know alot of girl gamers from other games, and yes im a guy, and from what i've seen, i dont blame them for hiding away. Although i try to welcome anyone to play games no matter what gender.



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*raises hand*

Not on your server though. :[


I play a female char, and my legacy name is Girl. I like the irony because my characters names are Virtual and Fantasy. As for being "bothered of mouth breathers" and perverts, I think it's funny. -shrug- No big deal.

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I've never found it necessary to reveal my gender UNTIL I get onto something like Vent or Teamspeak with the people I'm playing with. If my teammates can't handle the fact that I am lady, then clearly they aren't worth my time.


Just my luck that I would find a guild full of people who don't give a **** either, as long as I am there to play and have fun with the rest of them. Sure, they might toss a sexist joke my way every once in a while (not a day goes by where I'm not told at least once to go make a sandwich), but I give them **** back all the same.


I guess it helps though that I've been playing from my kitchen ;)


Edit: Playing on Keetael :p

Edited by Parali
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If the first thing someone says on joining a group is "IM A GURL LOLZ" you can probably just save yourself the trouble and kick them.


Played with plenty of girls over the years. Some were drama, some were not, they're out there but they generally only reveal themselves to their guilds.

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Girls game. It's a well known fact. Just most try to hide the fact that they play because they don't want all the guys swarming all over them like they're a dog in heat. Which is what guys tend to do when there's a girl doing something that interests them to a great degree. I would know, I am a man and I have done such things in the past.


To be honest, I didn't think about it until right this second but I opened this thread because it was a girl asking if other girls play. Instinctively I like to meet girls with interests similar to mine.


In any case. Welcome to Star Wars, not sure how long you've been here. I hope through this thread and being more open you can find girls who also game so you feel less alone. I also hope that this thread doesn't end up with forty billion guys hitting on you, but I haven't read through all the posts and I can almost guarantee that's probably already happened :(

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I'm a girl :) and I play Republic on the EU realm The Progenitor. Aaaand... I also play a male toon. Why? Well, it's not because I'd rather stare at a guy's *** all day (I can't even see it with my jedi cloak). I usually prefer to play as male toons because I find it more interesting to RP as one. I find that a lot of girl characters can end up bland or take on the "damsel-in-distress" stereotype.
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When it comes down to it... all the characters are but puppets in a play anyhow. Does it really matter who's pulling the strings to make them dance?


... and if you're into meeting a girl who is also a gamer, may I suggest a convention? Or at the very least a meet and greet? because trying to find opposite-sex friends online is kind of a crapshoot in the first place. Goodness knows I've had bloody awful luck with it. That's why I say no when people ask.

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Also, establishing your gender or wanting to seek out other female players does not make you an attention seeker or a whore and doesn't mean that you are 'saying you're a girl to get stuff'. Anyone who thinks that is essentially saying that women are not allowed to declare themselves as female, which is ridiculous if you think about it. Saying 'actually I'm a woman' doesn't mean you're silently tagging on phrases such as 'and I'd like some free stuff please' or 'and all sexual harassment, comments about by voice/body/whatever are welcome' or 'and I am a noob and am twirling my pigtails so that you do stuff for me'.


Anyone who thinks otherwise is seriously repressed. What is particularly scary is the women that hide their gender and come down on other women for not hiding theirs. Not only have they bought into the myth that you have to pretend to have a peen to be taken seriously in gaming - instead of helping shatter this idiotic misconception they are spreading it further out of fear of being labelled some kind of attention seeker!


Women, don't feel you have to hide. There are a LOT more of us than people think and we're not asking to be treated differently, we just like things that guys aren't always into and there is nothing wrong with that.


Guys - maybe if some of you didn't respond to female gamers who are brave enough to go 'actually I'm a girl' with juvenile sexism and pathetic comments you might see some more of them.

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I never bother to ask...if it comes up fine, I am here to enjoy the game and really do not care how ubber or not a player is either....If u die then hit the button and come on back, its about fun,friends and convo.

Have met a few gals on the shadowlands server...and anybody that is a fool or troll they have a button for that....and I have already used it.

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I'm actually honestly surprised that so many girls actively hide their genders even when referred to as 'he.'


Maybe it's just because I'm still new to MMO's and haven't had any creeps bother me, or have received any special attention for it, but it irks me to be called a guy.


There is a very simple solution for anyone who does end up becoming creepy after revealing you're a girl... stop talking to them.




Just gonna say that as someone who plays both female and male characters, there are a lot of guys out there that get really weird if they think you're a girl. They can easily be ignored, but most female gamers I know would rather not reveal the gender and still be able to complete the quest/flashpoint/whatever without having to ignore the guy. Its even funnier when they assume I'm a girl when I'm on one of my two Agent twins, and flip out when I tell them I'm a guy. They usually stop talking first.


That said, I've met plenty of female gamers in my years of playing MMOs, even before WoW. The vast majority of them have actually been the most hard core, vicious gamers I have ever known, especially when it comes to PvP. Still, most of them don't go advertising their gender online unless they happen to use Ventrilo with their guild. I've asked a few of my friends about it, and they usually reply with something alone the lines of "Why's it matter?"


Honestly, it makes sense to me. Usually if someone asks "Any (fe)males?" in guild chat they usually just don't bother to respond because they don't really see the point of announcing their gender.


Bit rambley, but yea I'm tired.

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Just gonna say that as someone who plays both female and male characters, there are a lot of guys out there that get really weird if they think you're a girl. They can easily be ignored, but most female gamers I know would rather not reveal the gender and still be able to complete the quest/flashpoint/whatever without having to ignore the guy.


Yes but attitudes like this need to be stamped out, not ignored. If someone is harassing you in game report them! Don't let it force you underground!

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I've ran in to a few couples so far who play together on Bao-Dur, everytime i hear "oh we always play together" im like aww thats so sweet :)


Yeah we have 4 couples in our guild at last count, it's nice (one has even brought her mum into the guild). My favourite side effect of this though is that with one couple, whenever the guy says something purposely stupid or derogatory as a joke you can hear the slap he gets for it across mumble!

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I really haven't seen too many guys swoon over my female character to be honest. I think out of the ten years I have been playing MMO's.. I have only ran into maybe 10 guys who tried to treat me special. If you think about it 10 guys in 10 years REALLY isn't a lot. I mean I am sure it happens to people more often as that but in my personal experience it really isn't that bad.


Perhaps I am lucky for not meeting a lot of creepers.

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We've got 4 or 5 females in our guild that I know of although all but one are girlfriends/wives of others in the guild. Most are fairly endgame orientated so its not as if their boyfriends/husbands have dragged them here either which in my experience is more the norm.


GL finding other female gamers to play with, there are plenty out there

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really? i think girls who play guy toons are weirder than guys who play girl toons 0_o.


How is it weird? I enjoy looking at handsome men while playing, just as there are men who enjoy looking at beautiful women while playing. Nothing more to it than that. People try to over-analyze the issue but really, it's a simple matter of aesthetics. It doesn't make you any less of a man or a woman for playing a character of the opposite gender.


On a side note, since I have no shame in admitting that I'm a total perv... my male smuggler looks delectable in those tight pants of his. So to you men out there who make those rear-end comments in regards to your female characters - I can totally see where you are coming from. It can be hypnotic at times.

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