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Does Republic lose ALOT in WZ's on yoru server ?


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Sorry I can't recall my server name, but we seem to lose ALOT approx 80% of the time, and not a close lose, a pure we kicked your buts loss, like in the 3 cannons map 500 vs 0


huttball 6 vs 0

the bombs on doors one, we rarely get through the first doors the sith get to the computer in a few minutes.


How are Republic doing on your server, I did roll a sith class, but I like Reoublic more I just hate losing, not sure why it is.


I dont think it's because they have more 50's we have a fair few in the maps I play, it may be because they have more healers, not sure.


any ideas why you think we lose so much, is it because the better PvPers chose sith, and we ended up with the casual no Pvpers?

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I would say its about 50:50 on my server with pug against pug.

If its my team with a premade we win if its their team with a premade they win.


Overall I think I have a 60:40 win loss ratio but that is from memory so there might be some error in the numbers ^^

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When I first started, Republic seemed to have a slight advantage. I could go 5-6 games w/o a loss 2-3 weeks ago.


I switched characters a few weeks ago and have a vastly different experience now. The Imps have 3-5 50s per battle zone, with the rest mostly being in their 30s. The republic has maybe 1 50, and most of the rest 40 or less.


I am hoping that when they split the 50s to their own Battlezones, that will make PvPing at lower levels at least playable.

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A few weeks ago. it was something like 7 to 3 Sith. Now its 5 to 5. Odly enough had my first Rep v Rep match in Huttball today on Veela. SHOCKING i know. Had an epiphony moment when i was like "bounty hunter dont have that helm... wait".


I dont know if i can say this for all servers but it seemed like on mine atleast that more republic players were taking their time leveling then the Sith who had power leveled to 50 by new years. Because now i rarely get group members under 30 and majority are 50. Where as around new years it was majority under 30.



Veela seems to be pretty balanced.

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Cant recall the exact name of the server I'm on, something like Theedyis Nithal or some crap, but Republic doesnt hardly even bother with warzones. If I'm really lucky I might get 2 Empire vs Republic out of 15 matches.


Thank god I can tolerate huttball (not my favorite but I can stand it).


*EDIT* When they do queue they get slaughtered. Some of us actually encourage the group to go a little easy on them to hopefully get them queueing more lol.

Edited by Whitelightr
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Cant recall the exact name of the server I'm on, something like Theedyis Nithal or some crap, but Republic doesnt hardly even bother with warzones. If I'm really lucky I might get 2 Empire vs Republic out of 15 matches.


Thank god I can tolerate huttball (not my favorite but I can stand it).


*EDIT* When they do queue they get slaughtered. Some of us actually encourage the group to go a little easy on them to hopefully get them queueing more lol.


Could just have too many Sith on your server so you are more likely to queue for that. Its that way on a lot of servers. I think of it as motivation to role Republic but... meh.

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Empire has more people therefore they have more tryhards and premades.


When solo queueing I lose quite a bit, when I tryhard with a premade we crush all of the other Empire premades.


They aren't better or worse, there are just more of them. A lot more of them.

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Most of the matches I get in we win, unless it's a bunch of tunnel visioning derps that don't understand how to guard nodes or call out incomings and such. The rare few times we do lose it's generally against a heavily geared Imp premade, or the ones that abuse certain exploits and bugs and try to say "Huttball says we can cheat" as their defense :rolleyes: Edited by Silverspar
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I rolled a sith character purely because I got tired being slaurtered in WZ's, I have no idea how the games will go when its 100% 50's vs 100% 50's on my server my git feel is republic will win, as anytime they had a few 50's vs our few 50's they did really well.



But losing all the time really gets you down, but anyway as i was saying i rolled a sith and started leveling again, and I played some WZ's and I didn't notice right away but most of the games are sith vs sith, and they are fun games, very close in skills & 50's


No way you can complain about buggy tallents as we same classes on both teams, so i found them alot more fun than republic vs sith.


the huge amount of people in the lvl 10-15 areas on my servers are huge, i think lots more people are rerolling sith.


Phopped back on my Rep sage today to play some WZ, and we couldn't fill the teams twice, this was during peak USA play time, thats when i decided screw republic on my server, can't even fill a group to play a game.

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Repuplic does win most games, the reasons are simple.


They are fewer people, which means they play more games + more often together. It is the same situation we had at wow where Horde did win more games than Alliance at vanilla.


Premade pvp is a different story ofc, but random repuplic does win most games.

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On warriors of the shadow, its just a roflstomp by the empire most of the time. Generally its 5 inqs in battlemaster, with a couple BH, also in pvp gear. 6 sith players are 50s, while repub will generally be glad as heck to see 2 50 on their side, and I know I sacrifice myself frequently to keep a 50 alive and fighting. It is not uncommon for my guildies to fail to complete a pvp daily in a 4 hour playing session.
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Twin spears.


Pugs on Twin Spears really depend on the time of day. Late night and early morning you will run into a lot of ID and Kad premades and get rolled hard. During peak times you got the masses of morons running rampant and it's about 50/50.


Premades: Good republic premades tend to stomp the piss out of the masses. During peak hours you have waves of really BAD Imperials and the occasional good premade.


Running with a 4 man from my guild we went 10 wins and 2 losses today.

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On warriors of the shadow, its just a roflstomp by the empire most of the time. Generally its 5 inqs in battlemaster, with a couple BH, also in pvp gear. 6 sith players are 50s, while repub will generally be glad as heck to see 2 50 on their side, and I know I sacrifice myself frequently to keep a 50 alive and fighting. It is not uncommon for my guildies to fail to complete a pvp daily in a 4 hour playing session.


We play on the same server and have a completely different experience.

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Sorry I can't recall my server name, but we seem to lose ALOT approx 80% of the time, and not a close lose, a pure we kicked your buts loss, like in the 3 cannons map 500 vs 0


huttball 6 vs 0

the bombs on doors one, we rarely get through the first doors the sith get to the computer in a few minutes.


How are Republic doing on your server, I did roll a sith class, but I like Reoublic more I just hate losing, not sure why it is.


I dont think it's because they have more 50's we have a fair few in the maps I play, it may be because they have more healers, not sure.


any ideas why you think we lose so much, is it because the better PvPers chose sith, and we ended up with the casual no Pvpers?


I play republic on Wound in the Force and I seem to go 50-50, infact I think republic might actually win more than imp.

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