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British accents = Empire


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To begin with, I didn't even realize that there was such a thing as an "Imperial" accent until one of my chat options had said something along the lines of, "You don't sound like a citizen of the Empire" that it finally dawned on me. Apparently in order to be classified as an Imperial, you needed to have some form of a British accent.


Admittedly, that threw me into a bit of a loop. Granted I'm not a Star Wars know-all, and pretty much my only background knowledge of the Star Wars universe stems from the movies (yes, even the godawful prequels). But as far as I remember, accents ranged on both Republic and Empire. Qui-Gon and Obi Wan sure as hell didn't sound like John Wayne after all.


So what's with the accents? Was there some kind of explanation in the canon that I'm completely oblivious to? Thoughts?

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LOL I just made the connection b/w "true" imperials and British accents from that piece of dialogue last night, as well. I guess Bounty Hunters aren't citizens of the empire if that is really the case.


My guess is that it has nothing to do with the Star Wars lore and more to do with the fact that BW wanted two distinct accents for the two factions (not really sure why) and British and American English (uh Galactic Basic) were probably just picked to allow for that (with the faction/accent choice being based on stereotypes). If we ever get a third faction maybe they will have an Australlian accent...I would love to listen to that all day :)

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In the original trilogy, almost all of the Rebels spoke English with American accents, whereas almost all of the Imperials spoke British English. Why they're choosing to carry that convention back 4000 years when we've got movies in between where all kinds of Republic cultures are speaking with all sorts of different accents, I'm not sure.
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The main reason I think Bioware made most of the imp classes have british accents was because in the movies a lot of the officers had british accents like on the death star on a new hope. Not completely sure though I believe that is why.
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The main reason I think Bioware made most of the imp classes have british accents was because in the movies a lot of the officers had british accents like on the death star on a new hope. Not completely sure though I believe that is why.


I don't know their names, but a lot of imperial officers were played by brits in the movies. I don't mean just Peter Cushing. I only realized this because when rewatching the movies I noticed some of them I'd seen before on shows like BLake's Seven and Doctor Who. (the old school DW, not the new series)

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Don't you realise that the british government is evil? After all we're even building a giant deathstar right now to destroy our enemies! The sooner the americans take control of england, the better.


joking, joking. Really I wouldn't know why, i mean for instance they did the same with FFXII where the "evil" empire were all british with thick british accents. Though there it seems more of a slap in the face as all the guards had a very thick british accent and not a more subtle one.


What me and my friend discovered was that the imperial engineers all appears to be scottish which lead to me saying in chat "I can't do it cap'n. i don't have the power!" so I'm not certain if it's more star trek sneaking into star wars of if that was made completely by accident and is a weird co-incidence.


the voices could stem from the many british actors that played as generals in the origonal star wars trilogy and now that's become part of their identity.

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How the hell did you make the link between needing an accent to be Imperial and then suddenly jumping to they must all be British?!


You realize Britain includes Scotland, Wales, England and Ireland?


Because I'm yet to see an accent that could be any of them but English.


On Dromund Kaas, there is a Scottish Imperial Officer on the bridge that leads to the place where you go to get

Revan's Mask

he gives you a quest to find the plans to some new turret systems.



Also. In a great many movies, the "Bad Guy" has an English accent. (E.g. X-Men.)


Found this on google: http://h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/A891155

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Bioware has actually done something similar before: in dragon age: origins, elves have american accents while humans have british accents. I guess it's a good way to distinguish two different accents, it's a bit wierd i agree but it does make sense. Edited by teoita
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How the hell did you make the link between needing an accent to be Imperial and then suddenly jumping to they must all be British?!


You realize Britain includes Scotland, Wales, England and Ireland?


Because I'm yet to see an accent that could be any of them but English.


You've not played enough Imperial side then. I was expecting the old RP English=Evil connection, but you run across Scottish, Welsh, Northern English and I'm sure I heard a bit of Somerset at one point. Apart from the lack of N. Irish accents it pretty much is British=Empire.

Edited by Sanguinal
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Whatever the reason is, I enjoy hearing all the different accents. I've heard English the most but sometimes they throw a Scottish or Australian one in. *shrug* Just enjoy the diversity?


(As far as the alien racism, I can't say I enjoy that aspect of the Empire very much. Isn't everyone an alien to everyone else? How is it that my human isn't an alien?)

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How is the Empire racist anyway? I've ran into NPCs of every colour and nobody makes the slightest reference to it. They may dislike aliens, but giving your own species preferential treatment over a completely unrelated species is pretty much universal outside the minds of fiction writers looking for a blunt racism analogy.
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Whatever the reason is, I enjoy hearing all the different accents. I've heard English the most but sometimes they throw a Scottish or Australian one in. *shrug* Just enjoy the diversity?


(As far as the alien racism, I can't say I enjoy that aspect of the Empire very much. Isn't everyone an alien to everyone else? How is it that my human isn't an alien?)


The Empire, and moreso the Sith, have always been pro-human (as far as lore is concerned). It doesn't matter what planet you come from, as long as you're genetically human, you jump to the front of the line. An "alien," to the Sith, is anyone that isn't completely genetically human. It was especially so during Palpatine's reign, as he hated any and all non-humans (though he tolerated some, i.e. Maul and Thrawn, mainly for their usefulness).


Accents are a little shakier, as lore-wise a British accent is considered a "Coruscanti" accent. However, since we are 3500 years prior to Coruscant becoming Imperial Center (when said accent becomes widely known), I suppose it works as sort of an origin bit.

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How is the Empire racist anyway? I've ran into NPCs of every colour and nobody makes the slightest reference to it. They may dislike aliens, but giving your own species preferential treatment over a completely unrelated species is pretty much universal outside the minds of fiction writers looking for a blunt racism analogy.


If you haven't noticed how racist the Empire is towards Aliens, then you simply have not been paying attention at all.

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If you haven't noticed how racist the Empire is towards Aliens, then you simply have not been paying attention at all.


Read it again. Preference towards your own species is not racist, it's just nature. The Empire would be racist if it discriminated against pink Sith or black humans, which it does not.

Edited by Sanguinal
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I don't find it racist or speechist...or I guess whatever 'ist' you want to call this.


Its just using accents to distinguish between cultures. Lucas choose to have the higher ranking officers speak American British. Lucas was involved in making this game so its not much a mystery. It can easily be hand waved by saying that they got the accent over time after being isolated for a thousand years. Same in how all the different languages got their accents.


Guess I have to have an Australian accent to be a bounty hunter next right?

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How the hell did you make the link between needing an accent to be Imperial and then suddenly jumping to they must all be British?!


You realize Britain includes Scotland, Wales, England and Ireland?


Because I'm yet to see an accent that could be any of them but English.


If you've played the Imperial side, you'll hear Irish, Scottish accents too. Haven't heard a Welsh accent yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was thrown into the mix.


So don't get your panties in a twist over it.

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