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Auto target SPIN = FAIL


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It's in the game, deal with it. When I found out that I couldn't be a 100% pure ranged (meaning from 20 meters away min) tank as a Trooper.. you know what I did? I rolled a Trooper Vanguard and dealt with it. It isn't game breaking, stop being dramatic. That tactic was viable in other MMO's you played and you used it there, which is fine. This is a new game. The old tactic you used doesn't work here, then find a new one.


You sound like one of those people who plays Street Fighter and just constantly jumps around back and forth. Then when someone tears right through that PoS tactic, you start whining about how the game developers need to modify their game to suit your play-style.

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People are aware that everyone can parry/deflect with their back turned in this game so unless you need a positional attack, there's really no reason to even get behind someone? The class that needs position the most (Operatives) will usually stun you anyway as they backstab since stunning you is usually a good idea. If my attack can hit someone behind me, I literally don't care if I'm fighting someone with my back behind them the entire time.
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This is about the dumbest thing I have seen in a MMO with pvp............ BW you really need to turn off the auto control for aiming ranged will spin in circles never losing you as a target and smash buttons!

There is no skill in pvp when the game plays for you! If im good enough to stay behind you then you should have to turn to hit me! AS MUCH as I hate wow atleast they had that part right lol TARGET NEEDS TO BE INFRONT OF YOU not here let the game control your character so you can smash buttons!


Cry much

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I kinda like auto-spin. Makes all those ******* who think circle-strafing somehow equates to a skill look totally ridiculous.


Circle strafing is not skill. Never was. Never will be.


Jousting you could argue up or down, but with the forgiving range this game has, it's kind of a moot point anyway.


Personally I like auto-facing. Makes combat a little less idiotic to look at, and allows you to focus on abilities and tactics rather than seeing who gets motion sickness from the spinning first - you or your opponent.

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I kinda like auto-spin. Makes all those ******* who think circle-strafing somehow equates to a skill look totally ridiculous.


Circle strafing is not skill. Never was. Never will be.


Jousting you could argue up or down, but with the forgiving range this game has, it's kind of a moot point anyway.


Personally I like auto-facing. Makes combat a little less idiotic to look at, and allows you to focus on abilities and tactics rather than seeing who gets motion sickness from the spinning first - you or your opponent.

I would agree, if it wasn't for the fact melee do not get auto-facing for the majority of skills.

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Auto-face is stupid but doesn't bother me as much as being able to walk through players. I say collision detection first then get rid of autoface. That takes something away from both melee and ranged both being stupid lazy mechanics that favor one archetype over the other by giving them a crutch instead of requiring them to actually have situational awareness and strategy..
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Maybe i'm imagining it, but haven't you found that you can use a melee ability regardless if you're facing your target or not, as long as you're in melee range?

Only Ravage or Force Choke, most others I generally get a red error saying "You are not facing the target!" or something along those lines.

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Auto-face is stupid but doesn't bother me as much as being able to walk through players. I say collision detection first then get rid of autoface. That takes something away from both melee and ranged both being stupid lazy mechanics that favor one archetype over the other by giving them a crutch instead of requiring them to actually have situational awareness and strategy..


I sorta agree with ya. They go hand-in-hand, imo. The reason to have auto-face is the lack of collision detection. Prevents the lag-teleport abuse.


Asheron's Call had collision detection for enemies. This game has auto-face. /shrug

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Maybe i'm imagining it, but haven't you found that you can use a melee ability regardless if you're facing your target or not, as long as you're in melee range?


I can confirm that is a big no melee does not benefit from auto-facing except on channels or if your a sin on your cast times which you rarely if ever use. I suppose a compromise would be to fix that but I still think auto-face is lazy

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I can confirm that is a big no melee does not benefit from auto-facing except on channels or if your a sin on your cast times which you rarely if ever use. I suppose a compromise would be to fix that but I still think auto-face is lazy


If we all had 0 ping, we wouldn't need it. But we don't. So it makes it more fair by allowing everyone to pretend that lag isn't there.

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THIS THIS 1000 times this!! I hate that range can stand there like tanks and kill people. If you are range then be ranged range should never be able to stand in one place and take the damage like they do now


....So...you think that a gun can't shoot while at point blank range? You should look at numerous case reports of suicide and murder involving gun wounds.

Or...lightning, which I'm sure you know the speed of, cares how far away it is before striking?


Flawed logic is flawed.

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In SWTOR Range classes take no skill to play. I play a merc myself and didn't want to admit this for the longest time but its true.


The copious amounts of CC, lack of CC immunity, high damage spammable skills with no Cooldown, and autofacing all combine to make range classes ridiculously overpowered and take no skill to play. Its quite comedic sometimes to watch other mercs literally rotate a full 180 degrees and spam those tracers.


In the open world which is currently pointless melee classes do quite well in small scale engagements. In Warzones however where there are many targets a range class can setup and tab-target to victory.

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Auto-target only works on the present or immediate activated power.



So if I already start an attack and you're (already) facing me (otherwise, I can't even start it), it moves me to finish the attack if you move during (that I already started while facing you). Only then does that happen; only then does it "turn me." From then onwards, if you're moving, I must move to face you before I fire again, with my next attack.


So bunny-hopping and the like still work... so long as I don't react to it.


Sounds like lots of folks in this thread are unaware, or ignoring that.



Edited by Feskitt
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I'm confused.


I thought you circle strafing keybinders are the ultra elite PvP squad of the universe? Aren't you untouchable by normal plebians?


If so, then isn't your skill so amazing that letting the "mongoloids" autoface you completely insignificant in the face of how awesome you are?

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I knew some bunny hopper would come along and complain about this eventually. People can melee me from 20' away, half the time I'm trying to back blast someone from behind the game is telling me that the conditions aren't meant (Until the character is done being stunned and the network decides to update their position) and I have to wait half a second after I stop moving to cast anything but quite clearly this game engine can handle casters not having auto target spin.
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Oh, you mean the same crap melee has to do with currently? Being right next to someone, and seeing "Effect Condition Failed" or " Must be in range" spammed across your screen is fun, let me tell you. Melee is infinitely more punished by lag/ability delay , because they aren't 30m away from their target, with their whole range of a view as potential time on target.


As the old adage goes ... QFT

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In SWTOR Range classes take no skill to play. I play a merc myself and didn't want to admit this for the longest time but its true.


Lets see SKEY is roughly 60% run speed, snare is 50% ... snare, skey, spam insta, win!

Edited by HoosierDuke
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