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Auto target SPIN = FAIL


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This is about the dumbest thing I have seen in a MMO with pvp............ BW you really need to turn off the auto control for aiming ranged will spin in circles never losing you as a target and smash buttons!

There is no skill in pvp when the game plays for you! If im good enough to stay behind you then you should have to turn to hit me! AS MUCH as I hate wow atleast they had that part right lol TARGET NEEDS TO BE INFRONT OF YOU not here let the game control your character so you can smash buttons!

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Let me guess, you play a melee who thinks that bunny hopping and running through a character and tapping ADADADADADADADADADADADADAD at a rate of 15 times per second is somehow a measure of "skill".


No, just no.


The biggest problem with wow pvp has *always* been, to me, the fact that melee could cause miss rates not because of stats, gear, or skill, but because they could hammer movement keys like a frenzied monkey on crack while still pressing 1 and 2.


Start facing your targets like a man. I laugh at the stupidity of melee players I face who still subscribe to this outmoded WASDSASDAWDAS hammering line of thought and I frequently ask them in /say why they are making themselves look foolish.


If you need to backstab, well sure then. If you're trying to set up a devastating knockback, alright. But thinking you should be able to dodge other players abilities by slapping your keyboard like it was your ho? Get out of here.

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Let me guess, you play a melee who thinks that bunny hopping and running through a character and tapping ADADADADADADADADADADADADAD at a rate of 15 times per second is somehow a measure of "skill".


No, just no.


The biggest problem with wow pvp has *always* been, to me, the fact that melee could cause miss rates not because of stats, gear, or skill, but because they could hammer movement keys like a frenzied monkey on crack while still pressing 1 and 2.


Start facing your targets like a man. I laugh at the stupidity of melee players I face who still subscribe to this outmoded WASDSASDAWDAS hammering line of thought and I frequently ask them in /say why they are making themselves look foolish.


If you need to backstab, well sure then. If you're trying to set up a devastating knockback, alright. But thinking you should be able to dodge other players abilities by slapping your keyboard like it was your ho? Get out of here.


I would say some degree of the skill can be discerned from character placement and positioning. If I'm fast enough to get behind someone, and they're not fast enough to match me, why should they be rewarded?


FYI, good pvp'ers don't use A and D as you seem to think. We use a little thing called the mouse to turn. Also, I played a mage in WoW for a while. People bunny hopping around me was never a problem. Why? Because I always had my right mouse button pressed, pivoting and rotating as my target jumped around.

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Let me guess, you play a melee who thinks that bunny hopping and running through a character and tapping ADADADADADADADADADADADADAD at a rate of 15 times per second is somehow a measure of "skill".


No, just no.


The biggest problem with wow pvp has *always* been, to me, the fact that melee could cause miss rates not because of stats, gear, or skill, but because they could hammer movement keys like a frenzied monkey on crack while still pressing 1 and 2.


Start facing your targets like a man. I laugh at the stupidity of melee players I face who still subscribe to this outmoded WASDSASDAWDAS hammering line of thought and I frequently ask them in /say why they are making themselves look foolish.


If you need to backstab, well sure then. If you're trying to set up a devastating knockback, alright. But thinking you should be able to dodge other players abilities by slapping your keyboard like it was your ho? Get out of here.


bad player discovered

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This is about the dumbest thing I have seen in a MMO with pvp............ BW you really need to turn off the auto control for aiming ranged will spin in circles never losing you as a target and smash buttons!

There is no skill in pvp when the game plays for you! If im good enough to stay behind you then you should have to turn to hit me! AS MUCH as I hate wow atleast they had that part right lol TARGET NEEDS TO BE INFRONT OF YOU not here let the game control your character so you can smash buttons!


It's true, DAoc PVP required no skill because of /stick.




Oh wait...



Auto face is in the game because you don't have a 0 ping, and if you don't have it the game very quickly becomes "Lowest ping wins".

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Let me guess, you play a melee who thinks that bunny hopping and running through a character and tapping ADADADADADADADADADADADADAD at a rate of 15 times per second is somehow a measure of "skill".


No, just no.


The biggest problem with wow pvp has *always* been, to me, the fact that melee could cause miss rates not because of stats, gear, or skill, but because they could hammer movement keys like a frenzied monkey on crack while still pressing 1 and 2.


Start facing your targets like a man. I laugh at the stupidity of melee players I face who still subscribe to this outmoded WASDSASDAWDAS hammering line of thought and I frequently ask them in /say why they are making themselves look foolish.


If you need to backstab, well sure then. If you're trying to set up a devastating knockback, alright. But thinking you should be able to dodge other players abilities by slapping your keyboard like it was your ho? Get out of here.



Good ranged characters used the tools at their disposal to keep melee at a distance, so this was never an issue. Auto-facing is horrible. If they let a melee get their back, they should be handled, especially in this game, with it's half a million knockbacks/stuns/whatever. As a ranged in this game, there is no excuse for a melee being stuck to you, you have more than ample tools.

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Exactly the auto character spin this game does is for care bear pvp'ers who dont know who to control their own character. It' complete fail! I love how the fail pvper's think bunny hops and running around trying to stay behind your target is dumb only cause they have no skill.... this games pvp is like the civil war lol lets line up face to face and kill eachother without moving!
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It's true, DAoc PVP required no skill because of /stick.




Oh wait...



Auto face is in the game because you don't have a 0 ping, and if you don't have it the game very quickly becomes "Lowest ping wins".


Oh, you mean the same crap melee has to do with currently? Being right next to someone, and seeing "Effect Condition Failed" or " Must be in range" spammed across your screen is fun, let me tell you. Melee is infinitely more punished by lag/ability delay , because they aren't 30m away from their target, with their whole range of a view as potential time on target.

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I was a wow gladiator several times over. Cast your stones somewhere else. It was stupid then, it's stupid now, and I'm quite happy TOR has differed.


then melee should get insta cast teleport to target spamming ability, evens out things a bit.

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It's true, DAoc PVP required no skill because of /stick.




Oh wait...



Auto face is in the game because you don't have a 0 ping, and if you don't have it the game very quickly becomes "Lowest ping wins".


Let's say I agree. Make melee autoface an option too then. Preferably something toggleable with a keypress.


The lag problems you described are multiplied massively when you're melee ranged with people, because much smaller movements can cause your facing to mess up, it would have been fairer to give it to melee first then ranged if this was their reasoning, imo. If this won't happen or would be unwieldy for melee I do agree with the OP that it should be removed, it gives an unfair advantage to ranged classes, who would still have a far easier time remaining facing the target the majority of the time.

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I agree, what is the point of being melee when range can fire their most powerful stuff in melee range and turret with ease. Simple make range play range put in a dead zone of 5m which ranged attacks do not work in PVP..keep out dead zone for pve. Edited by Badlander
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I heard it's really hard to simply right click and drag your mouse to follow a melee on your screen while pressing 1-4 on your keyboard.


Yeah, put in autospin so that the drooling, keyboard turning mongoloid casters only have to press 1-4, we wouldn't want to make them have to react to an opponent of a certain class/role or anything.


Just have them spam 1-4 against everybody!

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Melee classes jousting with ranged classes to interupt casting via laggy movement is an archaic and stupid mechanic and im glad swtor is done with it.


You should only be able to interupt casting via interupts / los / knockbacks etc. not forcing the ranged class to suffer your laggy connection because you are teleporting around his character.

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I agree, what is the point of being melee when range can fire their most powerful stuff in melee range and turret with ease. Simple make range play range put in a dead zone of 5m which ranged attacks do not work in PVP..keep out dead zone for pve.


THIS THIS 1000 times this!! I hate that range can stand there like tanks and kill people. If you are range then be ranged range should never be able to stand in one place and take the damage like they do now

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I heard it's really hard to simply right click and drag your mouse to follow a melee on your screen while pressing 1-4 on your keyboard.


Yeah, put in autospin so that the drooling, keyboard turning mongoloid casters only have to press 1-4, we wouldn't want to make them have to react to an opponent of a certain class/role or anything.


Just have them spam 1-4 against everybody!


I play an assassin. I just have one question. Why is it that you believe they are inept because they can't follow you in a circle when any melee with a brain runs through the target for a guarantee that they will lose LoS for at least a portion of a second? Running through the target guarantees you will break channels. Running through at the last moment drastically increases the likelihood of the cast not going off. The need to "follow" you is a poor, archaic flaw.


I do, however, think the latency issue needs looking at. I only have a problem with it in Hutball when they jump platforms; watching them glitch between two levels for a portion of a second gets old really fast. I agree it should be fixed. Perhaps the range on melee should be increased a few yards as well. However, they shouldn't need to try to follow you as you run through them everywhere.

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I heard it's really hard to simply right click and drag your mouse to follow a melee on your screen while pressing 1-4 on your keyboard.


Yeah, put in autospin so that the drooling, keyboard turning mongoloid casters only have to press 1-4, we wouldn't want to make them have to react to an opponent of a certain class/role or anything.


Just have them spam 1-4 against everybody!


Naw, we'd rather give the energy-drink chugging FPS junkies the ability to lag-teleport LoS around the caster while they spin frantically trying to guess the next position the melee will be in, which is impossible due to AAADDDDD ADADADA ADDDAAAA DADADAADWDADAAAAWWWAASSSASAAAAAADADADA.


Clearly skill...

Edited by AntoniusDelitan
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