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Swtor future best mmo.


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You stated an opinion, you like the game, that does not mean everyone needs to share your feelings.



You know what ? No one is forcing you to play this game.

There are several good mmos out there that is stable for you if you so choose to try.

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It's a COMPLETELY valid statement. A more apt analogy would be going to Mcdonalds, paying for an Ice Cream Sunday, then complaining that it's not as good as Dairy Queen's ice cream, then saying that it's not as full as Dairy Queen's Sundays. No duh, Dairy Queen's focus is on ice cream, whereas Mcdonalds has better fries and is generally quicker to get you your order.


The point being, endgame was never stated to be the focus of this game. We all knew it coming in. We all knew the game would be buggy, that's the industry. In the same way that fast food places overprice their food, the MMO industry launches games that are bugged to pieces.


This is an MMO. If endgame isn't the focus, then it will fail. One would think that when Bioware crafted these storylines, companions, ships etc, they wanted you to become invested in said character, to be interested in their development. If you get to max level and that's it, what is the point of continuing to pay a sub? Alts? No thanks. Replaying 90% of the same quests and areas for a slightly different story isn't going to appeal to many. Any company that doesn't focus on end game is aiming to fail.

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This is a great mmo with a bright future, I saw somebody say this game is like WoW earlier. The only thing similar is the point and click game style and some of the UI features (Which by the way isn't original to WoW either.


Really the UI is the only similar thing?


What about instanced pvp? End game consisting of raiding for PURPLES? What about getting pvp points to get PURPLE pvp gear? How about classes whose abilities that are EXACTLY the same with no difference?

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People say they don't notice any issues with lag or w/e. All I can say is tehy must not be playing at a high level, becuase ever high level player I know that is playing this game that was a 2k+ PvPer or in a top raiding guild, has the exact same complaints, the controls are sluggish or sometimes unresponsive, sometimes having to wait anywhere from .1 to 1 second to fire.


This should not be. This is terrible. It is the most frustrating thing I have ever encounterd in an MMO, I will be running at 60+ FPS and sub 100 ms and my ability will take half a second to fire.


I have a level 50 already, and no I have not any bug or lag issues. I play the game on max settings as well, full bloom, full tree intensity the works. :)

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You are easily satisfied. I feel like the specific areas of dysfunction for the listed areas of the game were things that shouldn't have happened in the first place. I based -that- assumption on the fact that the developers had played MMO's themselves. I can't imagine how anyone could think the hollow shell that is the GTN was functionally complete, that queueing players for random battlegrounds without letting them at least down-vote certain ones was a good idea, or assume that guild support would be covered by a mere list that allowed players to set ranks and created a


All of those things don't matter at all to me. Looks like you are confusing your opinion with facts. My guild is thriving.


I've seen you bend over backwards trying to not like this game. Why do you do it? You're just sick of mmos.

Edited by Gohlar
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Really the UI is the only similar thing?


What about instanced pvp? End game consisting of raiding for PURPLES? What about getting pvp points to get PURPLE pvp gear? How about classes whose abilities that are EXACTLY the same with no difference?


Once again, some things are just easier to understand in handle with color coordinating and seperate mediums for seperate playstyles. That in zero ways, makes it "Just like WoW." My exbf and I played WoW off and on for five years, there really isn't massive degrees of chop and block going on at all between the two games.

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I have a level 50 already, and no I have not any bug or lag issues. I play the game on max settings as well, full bloom, full tree intensity the works. :)


I dont have any lag as far as I can tell either, sub 100 ms, and my abilties don't always fire when I press them. If I am having no latency and I am running at 60+ FPS and I am moving and everything seems to be functioning correctly, and I hit an ability and it fires instantly sometimes and takes half a second other times. It drives me crazy.

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I dont have any lag as far as I can tell either, sub 100 ms, and my abilties don't always fire when I press them. If I am having no latency and I am running at 60+ FPS and I am moving and everything seems to be functioning correctly, and I hit an ability and it fires instantly sometimes and takes half a second other times. It drives me crazy.


Yea, there is a slight ability lag in pvp but it's being addressed so woot!

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All of those things don't matter at all to me. Looks like you are confusing your opinion with facts.


I've seen you bend over backwards trying to not like this game. Why do you do it? Who knows.


It's funny to me that you guys spend all this time defending the game, and you aren't playing it? Why not let the dissenters complain on the forums and you guys enjoy the game as it is?


That way the dissenters that have legitimate concerns can voice their opinions and maybe, just maybe BW will read a post or two and say "Yeah, maybe this is a little too much like WOW, why don't we do this to make our game new and exciting?". While I have my doubts that they'd implement an idea from the forums, it's still nice to be able to vent that you're dissatisfied. Eventually the people who say "this game sucks" will leave and the people who still like the game but wish it wasnt so much like WOW will be around, hoping that some new changes will make the game better. I find myself in the latter group.

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It just doesn't seem fair to automatically call a fellow player a "fanboy" when their opinion differs from yours. Just sayin'.


I didnt call the player a fanboy.. reading comprehension 101...


I said the fanboy was strong in that paragraph...

As an aside if the person concerned had an issue, then surely he/she should have reported it or taken it up with me. Rather than your flagrant and rude interjection!

Edited by Swampson
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"Wow has sent their evil little trolls to sabotage the swtor forums"


You realy are delusional..BUT if someone is paying to point out how bad this game is let me know...Be the easiest job I ever had.


Come the 20th all the naysayers will be gone, the forums will only be inhabited by the 100 or so fan-boi sock puppets, everyone will be happy.


Hey what are you doing on the Forums , aren't you completley engaged with the Game? Or are you working , on a saturday , at a job that has computer available? Strange. Why don't the fan-bois play the game more? How are they able to shut it off? it's the greatest game EVA..isn't it?

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It's funny to me that you guys spend all this time defending the game, and you aren't playing it? Why not let the dissenters complain on the forums and you guys enjoy the game as it is?



We browse the forum from time to time and respond to comments obviously.


Why spend time on a forum for a game you don't like?

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Launching a full featured, modern MMORPG worthy of something released for 2012?

Again, I'd say Rift was a slick complete and polished package at launch..


Rift wasn't bad, and was perhaps better than this, but I wouldn't say slick, complete, or polished. It's also worth noting that game is nothing compared to what it once was :/.


Oh, clever and useless just as your response is?.. we're all SUPPOSED to know what YOU mean?


No, my response couldn't have been useless because it was to clarify what I meant by your response. Your response was either completely (don't take offense, it really isn't intended) ignorant, intentionally or otherwise (everyone knows story and endgame are two different things).


So there's the levelling process, etc etc.. as great as it is.. you're telling me Bioware decided that's what the game is about, and endgame is an after-thought? You really think they'd launch on that basis.. just how the hell do you propose they'd keep subs going once that 'levelling story' runs dry?


Yes, I really do. The evidence is that... it... did lol. I never said it was the correct way to launch, but that is the way that it DID launch, and the way I (and a lot of others) expected it to launch; so my facts are completely straight.



The fanboy is strong in this one...

Keep patting them on the back, the fact is their bug fixing is painfully SLLLLLOOOOOOWWWWW, and they don't give the impression they're listening at all..


Ad Hominem... Furthermore their patching has been LIGHTNING fast (Once a week they're releasing patches with anywhere from 5-100 bug fixes and then they've got content being added and then they've got balancing being done. Please play about a dozen MMOs, then come back and comment on how slow Bioware is (I've played WELL over a dozen, I've been in max level in more than a dozen I bet).


Yep now I know you're bonkers if you can tell me Rift was full of deep lore, let alone a story... Rift is a great game as far as their whole ecosystem goes. But story/lore nah.. it's only just started to nit all that kind of stuff together.


Thought we were talking about SWTOR lol. I only played Rift for like 3 days at launch so I have no idea about Rift.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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All of those things don't matter at all to me. Looks like you are confusing your opinion with facts. My guild is thriving.


I've seen you bend over backwards trying to not like this game. Why do you do it? Who knows.


My guild is thriving too, but the officers had to go out of the way to make guild-bank alts and use another web-site to orchestrate keeping people doing things together. I still assist in the running of my guild right now despite the fact that I feel the system we have now is pretty pathetic.



And while you don't seem to PvP or use the GTN, more power to you. Regarding me "bending over backwards trying not to like this game." I want to like it, and it's rather disappointing that I don't. I don't hate it. It's just not worth a subscription fee, and was barely worth the $60 it took for me to discover that fact. However, this thread isn't the place for another of my lengthy explanations as to why I feel TOR hasn't lived up to my expectations. My role in this thread thus far has been addressing a few people who seem to think the game is perfect and that anyone who disagrees either has unrealistic expectations or is clearly a BioWare-hating WoW-fanboy.

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My guild is thriving too, but the officers had to go out of the way to make guild-bank alts and use another web-site to orchestrate keeping people doing things together. I still assist in the running of my guild right now despite the fact that I feel the system we have now is pretty pathetic.



And while you don't seem to PvP or use the GTN, more power to you. Regarding me "bending over backwards trying not to like this game." I want to like it, and it's rather disappointing that I don't. I don't hate it. It's just not worth a subscription fee, and was barely worth the $60 it took for me to discover that fact. However, this thread isn't the place for another of my lengthy explanations as to why I feel TOR hasn't lived up to my expectations. My role in this thread thus far has been addressing a few people who seem to think the game is perfect and that anyone who disagrees either has unrealistic expectations or is clearly a BioWare-hating WoW-fanboy.


I've just noticed a lot of poorly thought out criticisms from you that's all. It's pretty clear you are simply tired of the genre, you keep listing standard conventions as a reason you don't like the game. It's like going on the Battlefield forums to talk about how shooting guys is lame.

Edited by Gohlar
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Yea, there is a slight ability lag in pvp but it's being addressed so woot!


It is a deal breaker for me, and if it doesn't get fixed with in the first 3 months, yes I will play this game a bit longer, I want to give it a fair chance, since I love SW so much and I want this to succeed. But they will be losing my business if it doesn't get fixed to my satisifaciton.


I can't see going longer than 3 months if this game has nothing but story that I enjoy.

Edited by Maigrey
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This is an MMO. If endgame isn't the focus, then it will fail. One would think that when Bioware crafted these storylines, companions, ships etc, they wanted you to become invested in said character, to be interested in their development. If you get to max level and that's it, what is the point of continuing to pay a sub? Alts? No thanks. Replaying 90% of the same quests and areas for a slightly different story isn't going to appeal to many. Any company that doesn't focus on end game is aiming to fail.


Maxing equips (new equips coming next patch), getting all Datacrons, getting all Codex entries, getting max Legacy level, getting max PvP level, beating all raids on Nightmare etc. Those are the reasons I'm still playing with two characters at max level, though I'll be a man and admit even with all of this, it's not enough. I'm glad they've got a new OP, a new flashpoint, and a new planet slated for around March. Not to mention a new Flashpoint coming in 1.1 which should be next week.

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Once again, some things are just easier to understand in handle with color coordinating and seperate mediums for seperate playstyles. That in zero ways, makes it "Just like WoW." My exbf and I played WoW off and on for five years, there really isn't massive degrees of chop and block going on at all between the two games.




I was just using the color of the gear to illustrate a point. The fact that you have to raid and pvp to get the gear is ALSO a similarity. The fact that some of the classes have the EXACT same moves is a similarity.


The only thing different in this game is the option to watch a movie (which I personally don't prefer watching, but many do so i can just space out of it and move on) and the space combat which is boring after you've done all of the missions a couple of times.

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