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Healing PVP - Hybrid vs Recuperate Nano


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I've tried a few specs out so far and it does seem the majority of healers are going hybrid into concealment for stim boosters/def/speed, or lethality for the extra cc benefits.


Currently, I'm 31/3/7, as the set bonus and extra hot I find extremely useful when getting zerged, it just need the right time to use it. Having the spec does make the HM's easier when I do them, as my PvE tooth still needs its' fix every now and again.


I have tried more in the concealment for the extra survivability, but wanted to know how other people are playing and what benefits they're finding from either variations or hybrid abilities.


I don't want this to become a "omgwtfunoob" post. I play my way, just as everyone else should, so am not looking for critism, but simply finding ideas to maybe try out.



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I go for Recuperative Nanotech, personally. I also use 31/3/7 as my build. I run in a premade and I don't consider myself a hybrid, so I don't see a benefit to not maxing out Medicine...though the 20 second cooldown and instant energy return on Stim Boost from Lethality is tempting.
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I don't see much use for RN in PVP as people usually run around too much and don't clump up, unless several people gang up on one person and then they don't really need heals. People do need heals though when severa people gang up on them, so single target heals are great.


I use http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MffMzhMRzZZhrbkrM.1 and I usually do pretty well in battlegrounds. Corrosive Grenade is great to toss at people trying to cap a point since the DOT means they can't do it for a while and darting people is a good way to get damage and kills.


Going full heal if you're pvping means that you might heal better but you won't get the added benefit of another tree to do much else.

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I use RN, I was Hybrid for a while (Med/Leth) but on my server everyone seems to clump up especially at the doors in Voidstar, turrets in Civil War and Huttball is no different, so taking RN seemed like a good idea, However I do miss the stim boost from Leth.



** My current spec is Med/Conc but I'm looking at changing over to 31/3/7.

Edited by Ainotour
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Running 31/3/7 build but startin to think that hybrid would be better. I am constantly energy starved and when I go below 20 energy: it does not regen, maybe 1 per 3 secs and thats with stim boost active. So havin an ability to give me 10 energy on demand to conteract that bug (?) seems way more useful than a super weak and really expensive 4 target aoe HoT that only ticks once per 3-4 secs.


Goin this route makes me more squishie though (no 15% extra heal on shielding/12% with 3/3 survival training), not sure what to do.


Goin hybrid gives you more offense with better energy gains but drops survivability...I guess it all depends on if you run with a geared premade or not. Hybrid is probably the better way to go if pugging which is all I do, maybe.....

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Currently spec'd 3/31/7.


Until the 50 bracket hits and more folks in my guild start doing WZ premades, I'm interested in trying something like this:




On paper it looks kind of feasible. Concealment w/ a bit more survivability and overall utility. You lose the alpha-stun, but might have the tools to stay toe-to-toe a little better.

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I use RN, I was Hybrid for a while (Med/Leth) but on my server everyone seems to clump up especially at the doors in Voidstar, turrets in Civil War and Huttball is no different, so taking RN seemed like a good idea, However I do miss the stim boost from Leth.



** My current spec is Med/Conc but I'm looking at changing over to 31/3/7.


RN is God-Tier in Voidstar, usually awful in huttball, and ok in civil war in my experience.

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I myself was curious about this too. Im full conceal right now and was thinking of switching to medic or medic/leath.


Im guessing i would be more interested in the med/leath for the CC ability cause imo CC wins.


But was also curious about the 31/3/7. RN really worth it? Does if give you that little extra padding for heals?

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I did a whole discussion about RN, the AoE HoT we get. I think its vastly UP compared to even the merc AOE heal and the Sorc aoe heal due to the constraints placed on it from the limit and activation radius.


While I still spec in it for Ops because it is very useful in situations like the platform jumping during soa or the knock backs from Gharj, even with 5 pieces of Rakata gear and the bonus that gives, I find that the risks do not out weight the rewards. when doing a HM FP it can come in handy for those times when you need to kite and have to rely mostly on Instant abilities, but other than that I don't see any reason to use it when you can essentially get higher energy regeneration from the lethality tree. I use the full healer spec only for Ops and certain fps and use a Mixture of Healing with Lethality for Pvp and other FPS. either way you look at it, the way our trees are set up you almost always waste 3 skill points because there are no really good tier 2 talents for healing outside the healing tree.


Heres hoping for Dual spec soon or at least a buff to the skill to make it more viable. In the beta, it refreshed the stacks of Kolto Probes on targets making it very easy to keep 2 stacks on 4 members of a party each which made it completely OP, however i think that if they were to increase the number of people who benefit from it in a similar manner to the sorc AoE the utility would go up quite a bit with out making it Op. Imagine it allowing you to heal infinite people in a 10 m radius around you, You could use the points in raids when people are collapsing around you to activate it and give everyone the heal.


Another skill that definitely needs to be reworked is Kolto Infusion. there is no justifiable reason to use energy and a TA point for such a weak channeled ability. If it however was a single target heal that refreshed the kolto probes on the target, that would change things quiet a bit.

Edited by metalblaster
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You must tailor your spec to your playstyle. I PUG a lot, making survival skills just as important as healing ability. 24/10/7 fits the bill, as it gives you Infiltrator and Slip Away. Example:




The increased movement speed and crowd control more than make up for the lack of an energy-hungry, mediocre HoT. This is especially true if you cannot depend on having a guard.

Edited by Oghier
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Im running a med/leth hybrid too....


The question I have is which PVP set to get? The Field medic or Field Tech/Enforcer set?


The big difference is Accuracy on the field tech set....any ideas??


I think a good way to go is either, but replace the some of the slots with power/surge or whatever you prefer. Alacrity doesn't seem as useful as power or surge, in my opinion.

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You must tailor your spec to your playstyle. I PUG a lot, making survival skills just as important as healing ability. 24/10/7 fits the bill, as it gives you Infiltrator and Slip Away. Example:




The increased movement speed and crowd control more than make up for the lack of an energy-hungry, mediocre HoT. This is especially true if you cannot depend on having a guard.


I like this build. The increased stealth is a bonus, but what about the med/leath build that is more so the aoe snare and stim

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Currently spec'd 3/31/7.


Until the 50 bracket hits and more folks in my guild start doing WZ premades, I'm interested in trying something like this:




On paper it looks kind of feasible. Concealment w/ a bit more survivability and overall utility. You lose the alpha-stun, but might have the tools to stay toe-to-toe a little better.


Very similar to my current build, but I focused more on increasing damage and healing than defense and regen. That way I'm able to switch between some burst dps or heals, depending on what would be the best way to help out in a fight. It's particularly amusing when someone at half health decides to go for the "healer" and you burst them to dead.



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Very similar to my current build, but I focused more on increasing damage and healing than defense and regen. That way I'm able to switch between some burst dps or heals, depending on what would be the best way to help out in a fight. It's particularly amusing when someone at half health decides to go for the "healer" and you burst them to dead.






This is very similar to the build I have in mind once I hit 50.


I remember during beta, quite a few people will go for a med/laceration hybrid build. Nowadays not many med are bothered with laceration any more.

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Very similar to my current build, but I focused more on increasing damage and healing than defense and regen. That way I'm able to switch between some burst dps or heals, depending on what would be the best way to help out in a fight. It's particularly amusing when someone at half health decides to go for the "healer" and you burst them to dead.




Do you really even need Tactical Opportunity with that spec? I'd imagine 4% crit or 1 Tox 1 Acc Doc would be way more beneficial since you have tons of talents that preserve and generate TA already.

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Do you really even need Tactical Opportunity with that spec? I'd imagine 4% crit or 1 Tox 1 Acc Doc would be way more beneficial since you have tons of talents that preserve and generate TA already.


I had originally planned to put 1 Tox/Acc Doc, but the extra burst through a second Laceration due to Tac Opp proccing has been quite noticeable. Also find I don't use any of the abilities that Acc Doc enhances much. RN isn't even in the build, Infusion came off my hotbars when I got SP and Injection is just to prebuff Stim or in pressure heal situations. It's used much less than Laceration for me. Comes down to personal playstyle, if I was healbotting more I'd take out those points, plus probably the points in Collateral Strike and Waylay even and put them in Med or Leth.

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You must tailor your spec to your playstyle. I PUG a lot, making survival skills just as important as healing ability. 24/10/7 fits the bill, as it gives you Infiltrator and Slip Away. Example:




The increased movement speed and crowd control more than make up for the lack of an energy-hungry, mediocre HoT. This is especially true if you cannot depend on having a guard.


It's not just about the HOT however. We're a high crit class and you give up +30% crit bonus as well. The medics MKB ability. Although why don't we get an energy tick benefit. pet peeve.


Agree on the about playstyle but once you decide to hybridize you decide between taking away the Hot as well as a nice bonus heal from added crit value.

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This is my current hybrid build:


Yes its a hybrid build so it doesnt suit dungeon running particularly well and armor set bonuses are of no use since it doesnt go high enough into the talent trees for the bonuses to be of any use.

However it is excellent at providing both healing and damage for PVP. You can pull 200K healing AND do 100K damage in a WZ with this setup.

It does run like a Lotro RK in that you have to pre-heal friendlies and does not deal well with burst damage but with the ticks from the probes do provide alot of TA so you dont often run out of energy.

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I went to 50 pure heals, then respecced to Hybrid for PvP. Here is my current build:



I decided to stop after SP+Precision, since anymore points would not have allowed me to get HoT/DoT crit, energy regen on DoT crits (too bad not HoT...) and the slow on Corrosive Grenade. In PvP (pugs so far) I try to follow behind the main group or stay out of immediate danger and use mostly long range attacks (frag grenade, corrosive grenade, OS), but I'm never afraid to run in for quick backstab/shiv/carbine burst on targets low on HP (how else do we get 7+ medals?). I don't have nearly the crit on heals I used to due to lack of Accomplished Doctor, but overall my healing numbers are about the same or better at the end (~150k-200k 2 piece PvP at 84 expertise). Damagewise I pull the same as heals about 125k-175k, I haven't broke 200k damage yet. I have plenty of energy from eating Stims every 20 seconds with Combat Stims and 2 energy per DoT crit, aside from the 30s CD reduce on AP. Making sure to Poison Dart everyone I see and throw corrosive grenades at groups of 2 or 3, while keeping HoTs up on myself and any teammates nearby means I usually am never hurting for TA or energy.


For pure PvP I love this build. But I'm not just pure PvP so the next build I'm making..




As you can see I rid myself of Tier 4 talents in Lethality for access to Tier 6 in Medicine. Less energy return and a 2min CD on AP has me slightly concerned on DPS in PvP since I won't be able to spam poison dart as liberally as before. However I can still eat Stims, so I see myself relying more on popping that every 20 seconds.


But the shiner here is Accomplished Doctor. With the previous setup there would have been no way I could heal in HM FP, let alone Nightmare or Operations. None at all. Medics NEED that percentage added to crit heals to be viable healers in groups, no if-and-or-buts about it. With over 1/3 of my heals (36% crit) I'd be severely gimping my HPS by ignoring this talent. I'm not entirely convinced with RN yet, as I've talked with people who were able to heal HM with little difficulty. In Operations I can see it being used more, but with Merc and Sorc AoE healing being MUCH better I can't see much of a reason for it there. That and hey, I like eating stims.


Feel free to critique/comment/troll.


Edit: Question for everyone. Does anyone know how AD is factored in with Surge? Does it occur AFTER the Surge calculation? IE the more Surge, the bigger the AD bonus?

Edited by Epocha
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