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How can I keep my friends from ruining the story for my character?


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I have a group of friends that I normally game with, but I have a very specific vision for my character and in grouping up last night and running through the beginning quests I noticed that their views and mine are not even close. And it is royally screwing up the cinematic adventure I'm trying to have with own character. At one point they made a decision that ended up cutting me off from a future quest line. And I had no way to go back and repeat the encounter to choose my own ending for it.


I really don't want to solo through the game, but I also don't want other people to be able to make decisions that affect my character.


So, is there a way to each get an individual cinematic during flashpoint encounters, or to opt out of the group cinematic and do you own? Is there a way to do your class area quests with friends but not have them screw up your choices?

Edited by Pwny_Express
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If you insist on grouping with your friends, your ONLY option would be to ask them to not vote during the dialog choices. You could start the dialog without them. You could also just quest with them until you reach an NPC, leave the group, engage in dialog, and then rejoin the group. Edited by ElektronJohn
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I can kind've see a work around where you just start the quest without them. However that would me you'll miss social points, and potentially be put on a different quest depending on circumstance. For the flashpoint you're pretty much screwed, however they're repeatable at least.
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No, you are stuck with seeing the choices that your friends are making in the cinematics.


What you are suggesting defeats the purpose of the interactive group questing.


But, you are not being punished if they choose a different light/dark side than you. If you choose a light option, and they choose a dark one, you still get your light side points.

Edited by iain_b
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Its just like in lie, if your friends are their they could possibly change the situation. The best you can do is ask them not to contribute and hope for the best. It is what happens when everyone has free will in a story line. Sorry to hear that it happened to you btw.
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I have a group of friends that I normally game with, but I have a very specific vision for my character and in grouping up last night and running through the beginning quests I noticed that their views and mine are not even close. And it is royally screwing up the cinematic adventure I'm trying to have with own character. At one point they made a decision that ended up cutting me off from a future quest line. And I had no way to go back and repeat the encounter to choose my own ending for it.


I really don't want to solo through the game, but I also don't want other people to be able to make decisions that affect my character.


So, is there a way to each get an individual cinematic during flashpoint encounters, or to opt out of the group cinematic and do you own? Is there a way to do your class area quests with friends but not have them screw up your choices?


Any class quests you have your friends CANNOT take part in, they can only watch. So any dialog they were a part of were world quests, not class quests.


You are asking for your cake and trying to eat it too. You can't have full control over every decision and have your friends follow you around like monkeys. If you want to play with them, they will take part in the dialog for the world stories.

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I don't see how this is ruining the story. You're just seeing a different side of the story. Having other options will add for replay value.


Having different cinematics and your own conversation wheel won't work, especially in flashpoints when your choice will change the direction of the FP.

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I have a group of friends that I normally game with, but I have a very specific vision for my character and in grouping up last night and running through the beginning quests I noticed that their views and mine are not even close. And it is royally screwing up the cinematic adventure I'm trying to have with own character. At one point they made a decision that ended up cutting me off from a future quest line. And I had no way to go back and repeat the encounter to choose my own ending for it.


I really don't want to solo through the game, but I also don't want other people to be able to make decisions that affect my character.


So, is there a way to each get an individual cinematic during flashpoint encounters, or to opt out of the group cinematic and do you own? Is there a way to do your class area quests with friends but not have them screw up your choices?


Ok.. first off.. if your problem is Lightside/Darkside choices, .. when you choose your dialog, Live/Die/Nuke him, no matter who wins the roll to decide, your own Light/Dark decision adds/subtracts to your own character, not the groups decision. If they kill a guy off, and you said let him live, you get Lightside, (if letting him live was the Light decision.)


On the other side of the coin.. seriously? Your friends are screwing up the your own cinematic adventure? Well.. your choices are screwing up theirs.. and the devs are going to screw it up by making you choose stuff you dont want to.. and you are loosing the respect of your companions by making the "wrong" choices for them. Welcome to MMOs in general, where the Multi player means that not everything is under your control.

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You still get your choice but who ever rolls the highest is what happens. So if your at the end of the instance such as the first one If you leave the lady you'll gain dark side points but if you let her come then you get light side, although the cinematic might play the opposite of what you choose it will not effect you beside the fact that your seeing something different.
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I have a group of friends that I normally game with, but I have a very specific vision for my character and in grouping up last night and running through the beginning quests I noticed that their views and mine are not even close. And it is royally screwing up the cinematic adventure I'm trying to have with own character. At one point they made a decision that ended up cutting me off from a future quest line. And I had no way to go back and repeat the encounter to choose my own ending for it.


I really don't want to solo through the game, but I also don't want other people to be able to make decisions that affect my character.


So, is there a way to each get an individual cinematic during flashpoint encounters, or to opt out of the group cinematic and do you own? Is there a way to do your class area quests with friends but not have them screw up your choices?


If you guys are grouping while doing normal quests you can opt out no biggie. However, during flashpoints ALL group members must be on-board the conversation. Do you guys talk in Vent or anything like that? If they're good friends and they are more open to future possibilities for their characters (I'm not trying to say you're being rigid ; you just have a clear goal for your character and that's totally understandable, I just don't know how else to word it) perhaps you could ask them to vote for the same chat option(s) as you when it comes down to those decisions? It may not be practical in the scheme of things but that's the only thing I could think of to guarantee it... that or some real lucky dice, lol.

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Let me rephrase the initial question (because I don't even know the lingo anyway). I'm not sure I used "flashpoint" correctly either (which I assumed meant any cinematic conversation during questing, but maybe these are just the epic storyline thing).


Is there a way to repeat cinematics with the same character so that I can see the options I initially would have liked and not ruin relationships to certain NPCs so that different lines of the story stay open to me?


I already know I am probably going to turn off the "allow access to class area quests" option.

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Class quests are not repeatable and your friends do not impact those decisions anyway. the only repeatable quests that i am aware of are flashpoints or dungeons/instances that require a group. these are repeatable. ie Black Talon or Essele (SP?)
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what quest was cut off by their choice?


I don't recall having party choices affect future quest ines for any of my toons during beta.


I think he is talking about the flash points. in the first flash point on the republic side there is one point where a side quest can come out of the dialog if the right choices are picked. but that is the only place i've ever seen it.

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Let me rephrase the initial question (because I don't even know the lingo anyway). I'm not sure I used "flashpoint" correctly either (which I assumed meant any cinematic conversation during questing, but maybe these are just the epic storyline thing).


Is there a way to repeat cinematics with the same character so that I can see the options I initially would have liked and not ruin relationships to certain NPCs so that different lines of the story stay open to me?


I already know I am probably going to turn off the "allow access to class area quests" option.


The only reason you would turn off "allow access to SAME class area quests" is so that if you are questing with a Smuggler and you are a Smuggler, you guys won't have to take turns in the class story phase, rather you just both run into your own phase, complete the dialog, then join back up in the real world.


You cannot keep your friends out of your class quest phase if you are grouped with them. But they CANNOT participate or affect your class story in ANY WAY.


The only repeatable content are heroics and flashpoints. World quests stories you cannot go back and redo. However, world quests are very linear and without multiple branching questlines. Your friends answering aren't going to "screw up" the world story because it doesn't really divert that much depending on how you answer.

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The only reason you would turn off "allow access to SAME class area quests" is so that if you are questing with a Smuggler and you are a Smuggler, you guys won't have to take turns in the class story phase, rather you just both run into your own phase, complete the dialog, then join back up in the real world.


You cannot keep your friends out of your class quest phase if you are grouped with them. But they CANNOT participate or affect your class story in ANY WAY.


The only repeatable content are heroics and flashpoints. World quests stories you cannot go back and redo. However, world quests are very linear and without multiple branching questlines. Your friends answering aren't going to "screw up" the world story because it doesn't really divert that much depending on how you answer.



Ah, but if I want it to play out like a movie can I "ignore" the conversation bubble and start my own? Or would we have to break group each time we pick up / turn in a quest and have a conversation, then reform again?

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My attempt at explaining.


Let's first distinguish between different types of quests:


1) Class Story:

You can opt not to let your friends in, but even if you do let them in, only you get to make choices.


2) Flashpoints:

Flashpoints are group instances for which you should have a team. Everyone has to participate in discussions and different choices can significantly alter the outcome. Flashpoints are repeatable and you can redo them as many times as you like to see all possible story outcomes. If you have played other MMOs a few examples to compare them to: Deadmines in WoW, Task Forces in City of Heroes etc.


3) Normal World Quests:

The various side quests npcs give you as you travel through the world. Sometimes you are faced with choices of which NPC to aid or whether to let someone live or die. Here team mates' decissions could affect you, but you can, as people mentioned choose not to join the conversation with them but do yours sepparatly. It is what I plan to do unless I am on teamspeak with friends and we have similar views.

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Ah, but if I want it to play out like a movie can I "ignore" the conversation bubble and start my own? Or would we have to break group each time we pick up / turn in a quest and have a conversation, then reform again?


You do not need to break group.

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Ah, but if I want it to play out like a movie can I "ignore" the conversation bubble and start my own? Or would we have to break group each time we pick up / turn in a quest and have a conversation, then reform again?


You can "ignore" the conversation bubble and then start your own, or start yours first and start the conversation before any of them accept the auto-invitation to join in. This will allow you to quest together but not partake in the dialog with each other. This might take longer and you won't gain any social points, but this will allow you full control in the dialog cutscenes.

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But, you are not being punished if they choose a different light/dark side than you. If you choose a light option, and they choose a dark one, you still get your light side points.


Wait...is this true? I thought the group choice determined the points and that was that. Awesome if the above is correct!

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What if both people are of the same class and are going into the same class quest encounter? Would you have to run it twice (once for each person to get credit)?


What do social points do? Why do I care about getting them? Can I just do repeatable dungeons to earn them?

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