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How are people bored already?


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I rotate between 3 classes leveling and pvp. Unless you're 50 and sitting around waiting for people to catch up i dont understand how people are getting bored. Maybe its the notorious new mmo grind but i find it to be necessary to change up your classes instead of sticking with one all the way to 50.


I'm left thinking that people must have forgotten the adage that you can make all people happy some of the time, but you can't make everyone happy all of the time.

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Well the depth of story in WoW is terrible. There is NO freedom in WoW quests. None. I don't know where you get your "freedom of quests" idea, but WoW was just as linear with it's questing and put it in such a dull format with text that I didn't really CARE to know what I have to kill 10 Molten Giants.


^^This. So much this.


In a WoW quest, you do what the quest giver wants HOW they want you to do it. Don't want to slaughter Blood Elves? Tough, you have to do it to advance the so-called plot. Don't want to kill someone in swtor? Guess what, you probably don't HAVE to! In fact, in many cases, you can do the exact opposite of what the quest giver wanted you to do! MUCH more immersive than "Hey, robot! Follow my every command! You have no choice!"


Also, I'd like to point out that I am nowhere near bored yet, and I onl have one, count em ONE character. How is being bored playing this ame possible? Are we really this self-entitled as gamers? Heck, BW is already coming out with new content for the game, and it's barely a month old!

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My first character was a sith inquisitor. I got him to about level 43 before I got bored. The game play was nice but the personal story was very weak. There was a part where you had to travel back and forth between DK and fleet and Korriban, if I remember correctly, and that annoyed me to no end. Run to spaceport, click the elevator button, load into the hangar, run to ship, load into the ship, run to navigation, listen to the stupid droid, pick your destination, run to door, listen to the stupid droid... Well, you get the rest.


So I decided to roll an operative healer, which is also a fun class to play. But while I was enjoying the gameplay for the most part (early level healing is a nightmare especially when no one uses CC) I realized that besides the personal story, I'm doing the same exact content I just did with my inquisitor a few days ago. So I got to Nar Shadda and couldn't take it anymore.


So am I bored? Yes. To be more precise, I'm not bored of the gameplay but I am bored of the content.


However the fanboys will tell you that this game offers 8 unique levelling experiences.

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Since this thread consists of the same content as several other similar threads on this forum and pretty much every other mmo forum out there, you can apply these terms interchangeably as you revisit them in your quest for mmovana.


"the quests are all the same"


I really don't know what some people want. If the quests are too long, don't have circles and tooltips guiding their every movement and have parts that, God forbid, require outside help then they're either too hard or force grouping (yes, apparently that's bad). If the objectives are woven into a purpose that has responsive visuals vs. the old "get me 10 bear rectums" then it's still considered too familiar. I think people are confusing questing and leveling with actually "beating" a game. Someone needs to tell them that it actually is part of the game and whizzing through it isn't actually an accomplishment so much as comparable to fast forwarding through a movie and complaining that it's over.


"not enough content" sometimes viewed as "not enough meaningful content"


Has the word "content" reached cliche status yet? Some people want to level forever, others want to finish it and get to the end of whatever it is they're progressing through and it's irrelevant how much there is, they're going to adjust their pace according to the distance to the "end". This is when the game is supposed to start all over again with "content" that isn't just raiding (because that makes modern mmo players sad) but also is challenging and "meaningful", but not too meaningful in the sense of wasting time on immersion or plot, but some other type, like gear, better gear, and eventually gear that gets better every valuable minute you're logged into the game. The flashpoints/instances/raids/ can be played if they always offer better gear than what they're wearing upon completion and can never be the same one twice or even be similar in appearance or objectives.


"there's nothing to do at *insert max level*"


No one really knows what they want to be doing, but that doesn't stop them from wanting to do it anyway. Whatever it is, it probably isn't more leveling and it can't be fluff content because that doesn't do anything to improve their character and further trivialize prior content. If it's raids/operations then they can't be too easy, too hard, or require too many people coordinating or have a chance at not providing constant gear upgrades. Other than that, they want more of "it" and they want "it" now. "It" better be good and keep them busy for at least a week or they'll go back to the other game they left last month that released more "content" that doesn't appeal to their progressive nature but have to be there to criticize it anyway.


I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but after countless mmos and forum haunting I've become cynical as to what the mass market deems as a successful product. Instead, I poke fun because I'm probably no better and could name a few niche games I think are great but admittedly are not playing and that nobody today will start playing anyway. Down the road when the dust settles, that's where the game stands with its remaining stalwart playerbase and the cycle continues.

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^^This. So much this.


In a WoW quest, you do what the quest giver wants HOW they want you to do it. Don't want to slaughter Blood Elves? Tough, you have to do it to advance the so-called plot. Don't want to kill someone in swtor? Guess what, you probably don't HAVE to! In fact, in many cases, you can do the exact opposite of what the quest giver wanted you to do! MUCH more immersive than "Hey, robot! Follow my every command! You have no choice!"


Also, I'd like to point out that I am nowhere near bored yet, and I onl have one, count em ONE character. How is being bored playing this ame possible? Are we really this self-entitled as gamers? Heck, BW is already coming out with new content for the game, and it's barely a month old!


And you think there is choice in SWTOR? Apart for dark side light side there is nothing significant that happens. The only thing that changes is the in game mail you will receive! If you do not kill X guy you will receive an email from him saying thanks. If you do kill him you will receive an email with a reward or something from the "bad" guy.

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I have just come to the conclusion that this thread is nothing more than a WoWtard **********.


Peace out, im gong back to playing SWTOR.




That's probably the best way to describe it.


Come to think of it, my Sith Inquisitor misses me. You guys have fun whining on the forums. Or, better yet, go back and play that "better game" WoW! I got crafting to do!


(Game is so awesome, for the first time I'm having fun even if I'm just making stuff. lol)

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As much as I agree with this, sadly WoW does some things MUCH better. Specifically for me: alts.


I have a TON of options in how I can quest/where I can quest/etc. Yes, the questing part isn't on the same level as SWTOR (terrible "bring X to Y", "kill X number of Y", etc), yet it gives you FREEDOM to go where you want. SWTOR is MUCH more on rails: "go to X planet", do these quests, THEN your class quest, THEN go to your ship to get told which planet to go to next. There is NO choice in the matter.


I'll be honest: all I really care about while leveling in SWTOR is the class story. As such, I feel like I'm being held back by the sidequests (which are pretty poor to begin with). With WoW, I didn't care about the story; yet I had the option to quest where I wanted, which didn't bore me so much with leveling alts.


Sure I could say "no thanks. I'll PvP instead and only do my class quests"...but that gets old fast (given the state of PvP).



To personally remedy this, I'd love to see them do either of two things:


A) expand the class quests. Make them SUBSTANTIAL, HUGE chains, AWESOME quests (lets face it, each class gets maybe 2-3 REALLY good class quests, the rest are filler), that REALLY reward the user. Make subquests optional (in case you want to overlevel, etc). Keep FP's, heroics, PvP the same.




B) expand the number of planets/number of sidequests per planet. Give us more freedom in where we can choose to go level/advance our class quest (lets face it: leveling 2 chars of the same faction gets old REAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY fast).


I definitely agree.


WoW is a far less restrictive and offers far more variety of 'how to play', which imo, helps offset the boredom of the simplistic game play.


Had TOR copied a lot of WoW's freeform themepark design, as well as some of aspects say from EQ2, I think people would find it far more entertaining.


BW should have seeded Class Story in a way that you could go to different planets, so that playing a Trooper Vanguard and then playing a Trooper Commando, would allow for two different content progression paths -- much like how WoW allows.



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I meant, freedom in WHERE you can quest. SWTOR is VERY defined in how you advance through the "game". You go from planet X to planet Y. In WoW you have a choice (limited of course by level), but still a choice in where you want to quest.


For ex: if I was level X in WoW, I could go to STV or whatever other area to quest. If I'm level X in SWTOR, I go to planet Y, no iffs and or buts. No options. :\


Which is why I said they need to do either of those two things above (increase the class story or give more options in how you can do sidequests)


Why do you even bother explaining. Can you not see he is trolling. He wants to believe this game offers him choices and 8 levelling experiences? Let him. You can only do so much.

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And the haters will tell you "there's no content at end game" when the game is 1 month old.


Just the contrary [im no hater by all means i do enjoyed the game and mostly the solo pve part like bloddy hell and im now rising my republic character to 50 having sith assasin already farmed up with end game mods for dailies - in the simple words i quite tried everything whats TOR offers including raids] - the game have quite mediocore end-game, but the problem is it is all quite boring.


Lets face it - gathering pve and pvp gear is a mindless boring grind and i doubt this is the way to make the gameplay longer just to say "our game offer so long content".

The solo part is great, flashpoints and ops are nice, pvp sux a little due to the fact we have 3wz only and they kinda boring when you do them all the time.


The point is - instead of enjoying the game and some challenges it could offer we ended up doing hardcore boring grind, doing pvp dailies and weekly quests, and grinding in wz all the time [at least thats how end-game is for me since i do want to get champion and centurion set due to the fact those sets are nice designed and will become fully moodable in the future - but im forced to do boring grind just because devs didnt gived us the fair and easy customisation options, not like i want the champion gear to be mega pvp player, when i get it i will prbably abbandon pvp for a long long time due to the fact im bored with it like hell...]

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Because he is allowed too?


Maybe he hopes to see the game improve?


Maybe he just wants to talk with other like minded customers?


He doesnt want to see the game improve he already hates it. At this point in time he's just openly trashing the game because he has extra subscription time left over.

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I rotate between 3 classes leveling and pvp. Unless you're 50 and sitting around waiting for people to catch up i dont understand how people are getting bored. Maybe its the notorious new mmo grind but i find it to be necessary to change up your classes instead of sticking with one all the way to 50.


Same planets, same quests same guy every class wants to kill to get there title...


Same small bgs... same slow *** walking then slow *** speeder at 25..



O and u can only do the fp's so many time b4 ur space barring everything.

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I'm not even 50 and I'm bored. Questing has become a grind and mobs are getting stupidly strong. It's a pain in the *** to get a group together to run flashpoints. PvP is pointless until they separate out the 50s. And there's not even anything to do on the AH because the market sucks so bad.
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I really don't know what some people want.

I think you answered you own question right here -- as well as some others.


If you are enjoying the game, and/or feel the game could not have been better, doesn't mean others must feel the same way.


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Just the contrary [im no hater by all means i do enjoyed the game and mostly the solo pve part like bloddy hell and im now rising my republic character to 50 having sith assasin already farmed up with end game mods for dailies - in the simple words i quite tried everything whats TOR offers including raids] - the game have quite mediocore end-game, but the problem is it is all quite boring.


Lets face it - gathering pve and pvp gear is a mindless boring grind and i doubt this is the way to make the gameplay longer just to say "our game offer so long content".

The solo part is great, flashpoints and ops are nice, pvp sux a little due to the fact we have 3wz only and they kinda boring when you do them all the time.


The point is - instead of enjoying the game and some challenges it could offer we ended up doing hardcore boring grind, doing pvp dailies and weekly quests, and grinding in wz all the time [at least thats how end-game is for me since i do want to get champion and centurion set due to the fact those sets are nice designed and will become fully moodable in the future - but im forced to do boring grind just because devs didnt gived us the fair and easy customisation options, not like i want the champion gear to be mega pvp player, when i get it i will prbably abbandon pvp for a long long time due to the fact im bored with it like hell...]


Funny i could say the exact same things in your reply that i said about wow and promptly quit playing it.

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I like to play games, in that i mean i like do actually use my hands and fingers, push buttons and use my wit to outsmart things. If i would play SWTOR as Bioware wants us to play it i would be watching it like a bad movie for atleast 50% of the time. Cause if you really check conversations, the choices that are made most of them are really really bad. Regular RPG games have better conversations then this, which is understandable.


What people seems to think is that the more voiceover the better, which i clearly am against.


Ive played a Smuggler/Gunslinger til 50 and a Tropper/Commando til 38. And all other characters till 10/11(leaving starter planets). And the story is far from great, i wouldnt even call it good. I would call it "ok".


Perhaps this game is not for me then? Perhaps thats true, i dont know. All i know is that the storyline conversations are extremely badly written, and it seems like its done by gamers not by real novelists. As a gamer since the late 1980's, a lover of many books and storys this game when i comes to story is sub par(in my humble opinion).


This is why alot of people are bored i think, we skipped the story like you say. But not cause we are impatient, but beacuse it wasnt worth listening too.

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Since boredom is a state of mind, and exists only within your mind, yeah, it is your own responsibility.


Note I said responsibility, not fault (blame and faultfinding is a mind trick you play on yourself to maintain the status quo as a victim).


You must take responsibility because you are the person whose mind is bored.


Change what you give yourself for experience, or change your mind about what you are doing. Or, do nothing and remain bored. The choice is yours, and yours alone. You have complete and total autonomy to address an issue that is within you.


Blaming anyone or anything for your boredom is simply ignoring what you need to do for yourself. It's a ploy your mind uses to trick you into feeling powerless and unable to control your experience.


I'm sorry, but the way you keep reeeeeeeaching for some kind of logical foundation for a purely subjective opinion is making me not even want to bother responding to you.


Your argument can be used to justify any form of bad entertainment or faulty product. It's all "in the mind of consumer" and it's the "responsibility of the consumer to adjust his mindset to make the product more acceptable."


What you are saying is that it's the responsibility of the consumer who feels buyer's remorse to remedy his congitive dissonance by constructing an internal paradigm that rationalizes away the things that are causing the remorse. It doesn't work that way. Something either bores you or it doesn't. TOR doesn't bore you because playing 8 alts at once and running through the same content over and over and over and over again doesn't bore you. Congratulations. No amount of rationalization is going to make your playstyle anything less than excrucitating to me. And rationalization is exactly what you apparently expect "reasonable" people to do.


You are basically asserting that it's my job or resonsibility to deceive myself into enjoying the game.


Oh, and you left off one option for how to deal with boredom. Your options are, essentially;


1. Self-deception (I actually like this game way more than I think I do and the things that I don't like about it are my own fault.)


2. Do nothing and remain bored.


The third option of course is the most rational of all.


3. Find something else to do with your time other than that which is boring you.


And it's option 3 that Bioware wants to avoid. Because, sorry, if this game continues to bore me, I'm not going to "adjust my own attitude" to make it less boring. I'll leave and do something that doesn't bore me, or at least doesn't cost me money to be boring.

Edited by Mannic
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Same planets, same quests same guy every class wants to kill to get there title...


Same small bgs... same slow *** walking then slow *** speeder at 25..



O and u can only do the fp's so many time b4 ur space barring everything.


While overly simplistic, I do think this is a rather accurate summary.



There is not enough diversity among things, to help mask the simplicity of the game progression.


A successful way to address the 'grind' of leveling, is to disguise it enough that players do not immediately see it. Imo, BW failed to do this.


The story and VO's are interesting, but only to a point. Without other stronger ways to mask the grind, the VO/Story become a grind as well --- ergo why so many are 'spacebaring' so soon, imo.

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Because people had very high expectations. Never have high expectations of a newly launched MMO ;)


The people who bought the game to play through the storylines and/or have less time to play and/or take their time levelling are still meandering their way through the levelling. They are mostly enjoying themselves because so far they have been given the game they wanted.


The people who bought the game for the MMO experience and/or who are competitive, efficient levellers and/or are not interested in the story are disappointed because the game did not meet their expectations and they do not have the game they wanted.


This is the first MMO I have played where I am both working and going to school. This means that this is the first MMO where I did not rush to the max level to do high level content. I am absolutely enjoying myself in game anytime I play and I am only level 40. There are a lot of bugs in the game, which I do find very frustrating (I am being effected by more bugs in this MMO then any other I have played).


That said, I think if I had done my usual routine of level very fast to 50 and trying to complete high level content/pvp I would be bored at the moment. I am really hoping for some additions to open world PVP, as those can be very exciting and fun for a very long time. I'm thinking DAoC Frontier.

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I like to play games, in that i mean i like do actually use my hands and fingers, push buttons and use my wit to outsmart things. If i would play SWTOR as Bioware wants us to play it i would be watching it like a bad movie for atleast 50% of the time. Cause if you really check conversations, the choices that are made most of them are really really bad. Regular RPG games have better conversations then this, which is understandable.


What people seems to think is that the more voiceover the better, which i clearly am against.


Ive played a Smuggler/Gunslinger til 50 and a Tropper/Commando til 38. And all other characters till 10/11(leaving starter planets). And the story is far from great, i wouldnt even call it good. I would call it "ok".


Perhaps this game is not for me then? Perhaps thats true, i dont know. All i know is that the storyline conversations are extremely badly written, and it seems like its done by gamers not by real novelists. As a gamer since the late 1980's, a lover of many books and storys this game when i comes to story is sub par(in my humble opinion).


This is why alot of people are bored i think, we skipped the story like you say. But not cause we are impatient, but beacuse it wasnt worth listening too.


Slightly OT, but have you checked out the Empire side of things? I was deadset on playing Republic from the getgo, but beta quickly changed that for me. Seriously, Empire side is WAY better written (still corny, but on the whole a better designed story, with more obvious effort put into it)

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This argument is now moot. The game has been out long enough that anyone who has played during normal "TV-time" after work can be level 50. At some point you guys are going to have to stop falling back on this. It made sense a week after launch. The game is a month old for most players and it no longer carries any weight. Pretty sure next month at this time we're still going to be hearing defenders using this increasingly irrelevant argument.




Well disagree here. I only have 1toon, play casually 4 nights a week, maybe 3 hours a sitting and still am not 50. Close at 42 though. I think 6-8 Weeks is about an average time to take an average player to get to 50. Unless of course you play 4 or 5 hours every single night...but that's hardly a definition of average casual....


There are other games to play as well, sometimes that's easy to forget...not like this is the only game a person might play all the time...

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