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How are people bored already?


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Bioware created a game that is very easy to level. People level as the game allows them, some consider it "rushing" but it's really just how people play. If Bioware hasn't provided content at the end game to keep those players happy, they will be bored and complain. It's not their fault, it's the games.


When people come here and complain about being bored, hopefully Bioware will take notice so that they know where they need to work. And hopefully, when people come here to complain they keep it constructive.


IMO, the folks that really serve no purpose, are those that complain about players not being happy with the game.

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Funny i could say the exact same things in your reply that i said about wow and promptly quit playing it.



The funny thing is some people always asume that when someone is dissapointed and criticise some game elements he have to be for sure former WoW player... well i dissapoint you here im former Ragnarok Online player, thou i never played WoW [except the 3 weeks after it was released, never liked what they did with overall Warcraft lore so i stoped after 3 weeks of testing, thou i still have as a collectors edition pre-ordered premium edition from the day game was released so many years ago]


Ergo - how relevant is the fact you could say the same thing about this or that mmo [in this case wow] that i asumed about TOR ?

What do i care, or anybody else ? Its completly out of the main topic here...

Edited by Duaragon
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Bioware created a game that is very easy to level. People level as the game allows them, some consider it "rushing" but it's really just how people play. If Bioware hasn't provided content at the end game to keep those players happy, they will be bored and complain. It's not their fault, it's the games.


When people come here and complain about being bored, hopefully Bioware will take notice so that they know where they need to work. And hopefully, when people come here to complain they keep it constructive.


IMO, the folks that really serve no purpose, are those that complain about players not being happy with the game.


QFT. Everyone plays these games at different rates. Only the devs are in a position to judge whether any one rate of progression is "standard" or not.


And given that previous studies have shown that MMO players often play about 23 hours per week, and EA's estimation of 200 hours worth of content per class, it's really not surprising that the number of level 50's are increasing already. I expect that a fair substantial portion of the playerbase will hit level 50 mid-Feb.

Edited by Tarka
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If you are tired of the WoW mold of mmorpgs. Everyone should check out these games that are coming out. Darkfall 2.0(Honestly who knows the release date), Planetside 2, and Archeage.


Honestly if big changes don't come along this game will probably be f2p within 6 months. Dcuo all over again and they actually did something somewhat unique.

Edited by Tehroth
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To the OP - It's because you are rotating through 3 classes. ;)


If you concentrated on just 1 character - you'd probably be at 50 right now. My main is at level 46 and I will admit that I've "skipped" certain dialogues. If it's a side quest - and if it's not english - I will quickly read the subititles and space bar to the next line of dialogue [habit from leveling alts in other text based MMO's].


Logging out in cantinas and running space missions = huge xp gains.


Some people play MMO's to get to the end game - they have no desire about the story or content - just what happens at the end game. Since this MMO currently doesn't offer the same type of end game that other MMO's offer - they are bored.


I rotate classes because im trying to filter out what class i want at 50. I dont want to level one up only to find out @50 they're terrible.

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For anyone at 50 who doesn't find the stories to be entertaining any longer, it's quite easy to see how easily one can become bored. While you can always farm Warzones and Hard Modes after doing the same dailies you've been doing forever the draw for getting the elite level 50 gear in this game is somewhat lessened by how generic it's appearance is and how easily obtained it is - ignoring PvP gear's luck-factor.


The game's trophy items right now seem to be saber crystals, which are few, far between, and require Artificing. Otherwise... you're really just in it to socialize with people. Yes, there's the progression grind for those servers that have enough level 50s to run operations, but they're still buggy and poorly tuned. Leaving...

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Phantasy Star Universe was indeed a PC game. I know this, because I own it. It was quite fun.


You're talking about a game that wasn't even technically an MMO. It was 4 player. And the world was non-persistent. Even Gauntlet gave us that.

Edited by Apax
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Of course you are going to be bored at the end game. It's the end of the game!


I didn't raid constantly on Everquest 1 because it was fun. I did it because there was nothing else to do. I was at the end of the game. All these games that supposedly have this grand end game only exist in a figment of someones imagination

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I rotate classes because im trying to filter out what class i want at 50. I dont want to level one up only to find out @50 they're terrible.


I understand..and agree. :)


We have a few guildies who aren't level 50 because they rotate through multiple characters to keep it interesting. I just hit level 46 last night simply because I'm taking my time to explore, find datacrons, etc [though I do skip through any dialogue which isn't in english].


It's interesting to see the chatter from level 50's - nothing new I haven't seen in other MMO's - repetitive daily tasks.


"Anyone for hard mode?"

"Anyone for PVP?"

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Of course you are going to be bored at the end game. It's the end of the game!


I didn't raid constantly on Everquest 1 because it was fun. I did it because there was nothing else to do. I was at the end of the game. All these games that supposedly have this grand end game only exist in a figment of someones imagination


Its like driving to the store then being mad you're at the store and not driving anymore.

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Who says you can't have both? Why must a game that has a ton of story not have a competitive endgame for the 'hardcore' raiding elite? If I am running an MMO I would want to attract the widest possible audience. I imagine BW want to also have a competitive raiding environment as well or they probably wouldn't have introduced difficulty modes.


That's actually the only way an MMO can seperate itself from WoW and current mmos out till this date. It's sommething that mmos released have failed to do.






PVE and PVP can both be fun if devs put their focus on all elements at least try it wouldn't hurt.


Story and Gameplay should and can be to were you say they are both very fun overall no [delays] and much more refreshing in style different.


So far not one MMO has done that.


I think far as style SWTOR is about the last one that can be claimed a EQ like mmorpg.


If correct upcoming MMOs aren't going to play or feel like WoW, least when I played em in their alpha stage. It's a true big step IMO.

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You're talking about a game that wasn't even technically an MMO. It was 4 player. And the world was non-persistent. Even Gauntlet gave us that.


what does not technically an mmo mean , it is an mmo. Swtor is mostly 4 player. I admit the non-persistant gameplay made for a harder grind , but the areas still moved onto the next , unless you repeated missions over and over , hence the grind. You'll tell us phantasy star online was not an mmo next. Anyways not sure what your point is.


Hang on its 6 player mate , troll ? The reason why we liked psu and pso was because it was an mmo version of gauntlet and the world does indeed carry on from one place to the next , have you even played it ? pso was 4 player.



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Games been out for a month for most people so this "rush to 50" argument is a joke now..


People are bored because this game is extremely casual and endgame is laughably easy to get full epics.


"Games been out for a month" ... wow


Honestly 1 month is barely enough time to do anything productive as a developer there's so much testing, testing and retesting going on that its insanely ridiculous to say "BIOWARE its been a month!!! Where's my stuffs??!!" I am going out on a limb and saying BioWare has only laid the foundation of the game they want to have represent the Genre they've ventured into and right now it feels like they are ironing out the kinks. People tend to forget that every MMO went through this development stage where in most cases there was little end game content, PVP was questionable or iffy, Quest system was tedious and there was no life in the game. SWTOR I can say adds a bit of life with the stories and as an avid RPG player I like them. I honestly am still enjoying the game from beta through Early Access up until now ... Do I have a lvl 50 toon? Nope ... don't ask why... BUT I know that with a foundation like this the potential of this game can go so far. The only problem is the support from the players, our feedback is needed elsewhere other than to complain about this and that or to make comparisons to other MMO's. Be creative with your feedback, be innovative, be constructive. Offer something beneficial to both the game and the playerbase and let's see what happens. The only secret BioWare kept from us during developement of this game was a release date. If I recall correctly warfronts were talked about and the level 10-50 announcement was made... videos were posted ...beta was being run ... etc and we all waited. If you made it through a WoW, AION, Guild Wars ... or any other MMO launch then this one should be a walk in the park. If not go to Aion and try to level a toon to Max and still enjoy the path to endgame or go to WoW and get mudstomped by all the twinks in Heirloom gear OR you can try Rift and run their Warfronts ... (No thanks...I'd rather play SWTOR... )

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Of course you are going to be bored at the end game. It's the end of the game!


I didn't raid constantly on Everquest 1 because it was fun. I did it because there was nothing else to do. I was at the end of the game. All these games that supposedly have this grand end game only exist in a figment of someones imagination


Wow will leave you with PLENTY of content at max level.

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"Games been out for a month" ... wow


Honestly 1 month is barely enough time to do anything productive as a developer there's so much testing, testing and retesting going on that its insanely ridiculous to say "BIOWARE its been a month!!! Where's my stuffs??!!" I am going out on a limb and saying BioWare has only laid the foundation of the game they want to have represent the Genre they've ventured into and right now it feels like they are ironing out the kinks. People tend to forget that every MMO went through this development stage where in most cases there was little end game content, PVP was questionable or iffy, Quest system was tedious and there was no life in the game. SWTOR I can say adds a bit of life with the stories and as an avid RPG player I like them. I honestly am still enjoying the game from beta through Early Access up until now ... Do I have a lvl 50 toon? Nope ... don't ask why... BUT I know that with a foundation like this the potential of this game can go so far. The only problem is the support from the players, our feedback is needed elsewhere other than to complain about this and that or to make comparisons to other MMO's. Be creative with your feedback, be innovative, be constructive. Offer something beneficial to both the game and the playerbase and let's see what happens. The only secret BioWare kept from us during developement of this game was a release date. If I recall correctly warfronts were talked about and the level 10-50 announcement was made... videos were posted ...beta was being run ... etc and we all waited. If you made it through a WoW, AION, Guild Wars ... or any other MMO launch then this one should be a walk in the park. If not go to Aion and try to level a toon to Max and still enjoy the path to endgame or go to WoW and get mudstomped by all the twinks in Heirloom gear OR you can try Rift and run their Warfronts ... (No thanks...I'd rather play SWTOR... )


It's been a month since release. They had 5 years to make it.

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1) Rush to 50.

2) Wait for others to catch up.

3) Complain on forums.




1)Play 1 character to 50

2)Realize the end game means I can never leave the fleet station again because all the end game is linked off of the fleet station terminals



Game has been out a month now with prerelease. If you make just 1 level a day, that would be L30 for everybody... but, come on now... most everyone made L20 on the first 2 days. If people stuck to their main toon... they'd have been 50 this week if they only averaged 2 hours played per day.

Edited by Laeris
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I think its just premature to quit after playing for 1 month. That just boggles my mind, but hey its your choice. As they say on the wow forums whenever there's a quit post "you'll be back".


why the hell would we want wow again, we left wow as it was pants, why would we want swtor to be like it? Unfortunatly it turns out it is.



I MAY be back, it depends on what BW does, I just cant justify a sub to this game right now. I'll wait and see if its improved and if it is, I may come back.

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Play a different class, level on different planets, do different quests. I've got 2 characters on each faction I've been leveling, alternating between, and there's hardly any overlap of content.


If you bum rushed to 50 and did every quest on one character in the first month the game was out are you gonna be bored? Yea probably.


Make an alt, play a different story...I wouldn't go as far to say that playing through 8 times would be completely different, but you can easily do 2 of each faction while doing mostly missions you haven't done before.

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1. All NPcs say the same thing. All twilek use the same meaning...for everything


2. Enemies just "stand around" in groups of 3 or 4 in each corner of the area, with 2 weak and one little bit stronger guy. You do the same pull over and over.


3. There is noone around! everything is instanced and you see maybe 2-3 other players the whole time your leveling in one zone, unles you have 3 friends to play with


4. Only the ones that only play a couple hours on weekends ae not 50 yet, and maybe some that stand around watching the view for 3-4 hours a day.


5. The questchoices are pretty much the same and has the same outcome. Choose a different answear and the NPC will say something like "No i dont think so, lets do it like this instead!" which was the other choice you didnt take.


6. Extremly easy to get gear at endgame


7. Except a different main quest, the planets are the same and every sidequest is the same, even if you change class.


8. The PvP is a boring skirmish grind

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1. All NPcs say the same thing. All twilek use the same meaning...for everything


2. Enemies just "stand around" in groups of 3 or 4 in each corner of the area, with 2 weak and one little bit stronger guy. You do the same pull over and over.


3. There is noone around! everything is instanced and you see maybe 2-3 other players the whole time your leveling in one zone, unles you have 3 friends to play with


4. Only the ones that only play a couple hours on weekends ae not 50 yet, and maybe some that stand around watching the view for 3-4 hours a day.


5. The questchoices are pretty much the same and has the same outcome. Choose a different answear and the NPC will say something like "No i dont think so, lets do it like this instead!" which was the other choice you didnt take.


6. Extremly easy to get gear at endgame


7. Except a different main quest, the planets are the same and every sidequest is the same, even if you change class.


8. The PvP is a boring skirmish grind


This right here.

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