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Waiting NINE minutes to respawn is RIDCULOUS


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Dying should be enough of a hassle to ensure you never want it to happen.


Do you know what makes combat exciting in your average sandbox PvP game? The fact that when you die, you can lose everything on you.


This simple fact makes combat more enjoyable and more action, because the game can actually create a sense of fear in you.


That "omg I'm going to lose my best weapon" feeling. That pit in your stomach.


Now, obviously SWTOR doesn't have full loot, so we can't get that kind of excitement out of it, but a harsh death penalty can help bring that actual emotional aspect into the game.


There is nothing harsh about biowares death penalties. The OP and others like him make me smile when they whine. I can remember playing pvp games, having my weapon disarmed, stolen, me killed and my corspe looted of all gear. That's a death penalty. The other MMO I play which isn't wow doesn't allow you to raise in place at all, period. If a healer isn't around to raise you, tough luck. Respawn back to your bind point and fight your fight way back to your area. What is with these kids these days? Instant gratification attitudes, lack of any fortitude at all and always wanting the easy button. Toughen up kiddies and stop crying like 12 year old spoiled girls when daddy finally says no.

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These 9 minutes are possible and are crazy.

I had to wait 9 minutes for my second death in flashpoint Athiss

despite having chosen to respawn in front of the flashpoint entry on the fleet after my first death.


Waiting is crazy; even for 1 second.

If you want such time sinks and penalties for your death, then please punish yourself.


For many people this waiting after death is just as annoying as waiting in a queue in the super market or on the road.

No even more so because there is a good reason to wait in real life.

Edited by genpion
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These 9 minutes are possible and are crazy.

I had to wait 9 minutes for my second death in flashpoint Athiss

despite having chosen to respawn before the flashpoint entry on the fleet after my first death.


Waiting is crazy; even for 1 second.

If you want such time sinks and penalties for your death, then please punish yourself.


For many people this waiting after death is just as annoying as waiting in a queue in the super market or on the road.


You should stop being bad then. Until then enjoy your 9 minute wait.

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It has nothing to do with actual gameplay.


It exists solely to lengthen your play time so you pay your monthly fee. The first priority of a sub based MMO is ALWAYS money. Why are people still fooled by this?


If you don't die, then it doesn't increase your game time. Easy.

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These 9 minutes are possible and are crazy.

I had to wait 9 minutes for my second death in flashpoint Athiss

despite having chosen to respawn before the flashpoint entry on the fleet after my first death.


Waiting is crazy; even for 1 second.

If you want such time sinks and penalties for your death, then please punish yourself.


For many people this waiting after death is just as annoying as waiting in a queue in the super market or on the road.

No even more so because there is a good reason to wait in real life.


And you're a damned liar, too. You only get a 9 minute probe after your fourth death. I know this, because I've gotten that probe before.

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You should stop being bad then. Until then enjoy your 9 minute wait.


I start to give up on this game and the forum.


Probably there are people like you designing the game:

- who love to wait.

- who love to run.

- who love the grind.

- who love to repeat most of the content for their alt char.

- who love to repeat skill rotations thousands of times fighting the same enemies.

I guess a happy trance state sets in for some people when playing the game; I am serious.

- who do not mind to start a new char instead of server transfer or joining "evil" strangers on another server because your current server is empty.

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I'll take the timer over corpse recoveries and experience penalties any day of the week and twice on sundays.


Yeah, in WoW you got an automatic 10 minute "rez sickness" unless you ran all the way back to your corpse (which wasn't always recoverable, depending on how you died), or got a rez from a healer. Either way, you still had to choose between running back and a flat 10 minute timer.

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And you're a damned liar, too. You only get a 9 minute probe after your fourth death. I know this, because I've gotten that probe before.


This NOT a lie. I swear.

Maybe this was a bug.


But I am happy that you consider this crazy too.

Edited by genpion
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I start to give up on this game and the forum.


Probably there are people like you designing the game:

- who love to wait.

- who love to run.

- who love the grind.

- who love to repeat most of the content for their alt char.

- who love to repeat skill rotations thousands of times fighting the same enemies.

I guess a happy trance state sets in for some people when playing the game; I am serious.

- who do not mind to start a new char instead of server transfer or joining "evil" strangers on another server because your current server is empty.


The problem is, the people who are complaining about this are obviously the people who have never played an MMO in their life. It's like they've never heard of a "death penalty."


If you die in a single player game, you're set back and have to play through a section over again. If you die in an MMO, you lose progression (or time) as your death penalty.


This game has some of the least demanding death penalties I've ever seen. The fact that people are still crying about them is almost sickening.

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These 9 minutes are possible and are crazy.

I had to wait 9 minutes for my second death in flashpoint Athiss

despite having chosen to respawn in front of the flashpoint entry on the fleet after my first death.


Waiting is crazy; even for 1 second.

If you want such time sinks and penalties for your death, then please punish yourself.


For many people this waiting after death is just as annoying as waiting in a queue in the super market or on the road.

No even more so because there is a good reason to wait in real life.


Maybe the reason was that a team mate "reanimated" me before I chose to respawn in front of the flashpoint entry anyhow.

Edited by genpion
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I just had a shiver run down my spine. For some reason I was reminded of corpse runs where you could loose half a level of more and it would take an extended playing session (I can't go to bed in case my corpse decays) trying to run back (naked of course) to where you died. Of course you might well die in the process and then have another corpse to tag.


Ah yes, the bad, old EQ corpse runs and the legendary Freeport to Quenos run...



For those who think SW:TOR graphics are bad -


And for the WoW fans - WoW Cataclysm - Bolink takes on EQ


SW:TOR is pretty darn good...

Edited by Ujest
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I miss corpse runs, EXP debts, and losing items on death..


You kids today have it too easy.

Great advice, concerning a game where your performance and success is ultimately based on a random number generator...:rolleyes:


and skill...and talent...and not sucking...Something most people these days don't have any of..

Edited by acheros
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Great advice, concerning a game where your performance and success is ultimately based on a random number generator...:rolleyes:


The last time I died and had to wait on the med probe was last week when I tried to solo a champion mob that was in front of a datacron. If the evil and infamous RNG is causing you to die often enough that you constantly have to wait on 9 minute med probes, I would have to argue that you're far worse at this game than you think you are.

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So many pro gamers reminiscing about walking 5 miles up hill in the snow. :p


I'm hardly a pro, I just have the common sense that..If you die enough to get a 9 minute respawn. Odds are YOU'RE doing something wrong. Sometimes the mobs are over-tuned for certain classes/advance classes. But thats very rare. Its normally your fault.


Heres a hint, if you die..Its a clue to think "what did i do wrong? maybe i should interrupt this time, or use med packs, or use stims, or use a different companion."


Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

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I have no reason to lie.


But it seems to be fun to make wrong accusations and calling someone a liar.


Show me where he said the penalty was even slightly unreasonable. You can't, because he never did. You were clearly making that up.


So, plainly, you do have a reason to lie. I don't know what it was, but the proof's there.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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