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Waiting NINE minutes to respawn is RIDCULOUS


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I'm curious to know, which version of WoW did you play that didn't have trash respawns? In my version, I knew that when I released upon death, there was a risk that I would have to fight my way back to where I was due to respawns..


Vanilla, back again at the end of wrath through to just last month when I cancelled.


The respawn was not the issue, it was having to fight all the way back through the respawn that I had an issue with. With wow, you ghost through all of that and pop up where you were.


You at least do not lose the progress made.


I would take the run back, just not fighting through everything I just fought through.



The game was trying to tell you that you didn't have the resources to complete the quest alone. It doesn't matter if you were overleveled. If you couldn't handle the content without dying repeatedly, then you were not meant to handle it by yourself..


Yeah, I get that.. it was telling me how to play by sitting me in the penalty box. It was saying, you should go do something else or I will make you sit here and wait until you get the hint.


I don't mind taking the repair bill cost, or beating my head against the wall.. bring it on.


Hell even a brief time out to consider the pull and how to do it right...but ten minutes? What is actually served there?


In the end I did wait it out and did complete the quest proving I actually was able to do it, albiet with difficulty. So again... what did the ten minute wait do but make me turn a critical eye at the game itself and not what I was doing?




Fun is subjective, so I have no right to tell you when and when not to have fun. But the game shouldn't just let you "brute force" content or win by attrition. In other words, no one should be able to wear down a group of elite mobs by killing one of them, then dying, then getting right back up and killing the next, and repeating the process until the entire group is dead. There is no challenge to that whatsoever.."


Why not allow it? Seriously? peel back a layer or two on the thought. If someone spends three hours killing one mob at a time... and they complete a quest... how does it actually hurt... anything or anyone? If they try and do that to something too high level they will get stomped before taking even one out thus there will most likely not be any level 1's killing level 50 champion mobs... and if they do not kill it.. it regains all of its health.....


Not what I did... I was taking out entire packs one at a time, it only went sideways for me when a patrol stumbled into the fight and it became too much... so really it was right at the cutting edge of what I should have been doing... and so I was benched when I was over powered. Four times. Not on the same pull. That is not trying to attrition it down.


When the challenge is too great for you to overcome, then it's time to look at alternatives, instead of saying, "Oh, I can't beat this content, so it must be the game's fault."


Really-really misrepresenting what I was saying. I hope I cleared it up a bit to remove confusion.


As an aside... following that train of thought you have there.. only do quests you know you can beat? Only do what you CAN NOT FAIL at? Doesn't that turn the game into easy mode?

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This man speaks the truth. Stop trying to brute force content and then complaining that the game isn't letting you do so when the developers *do not want* you to do so.


It's fine if you find attempting challenging content by yourself fun. I do too. I try to solo Heroic 2+'s and elites/champions all the time. I love doing so. But I'm not going to complain when I die so much in a short period of time that my timer goes up to 10 minutes. That means I'm faring poorly and I either need to:


A) Suck it up.

B) Ask for help.

C) Come back later or skip it entirely.


I don't need or want the game to enable me to brute force content I'm not meant to be able to take on solo. SWtOR is already straddling the line between MMO and MSO (massively single-player online), it doesn't need to enable people to solo everything and anything. No, not even if you're over leveled.


It's not about some form of "masochism" or superiority-complex. It's about not wanting to play a game that offers no challenge, and penalties for failing *are* part of providing a challenging experience. The death penalty is already *highly* lenient.


Yeah the thing about developers telling me what to do... as the customer.. I always have option D tell them I would prefer an alternative. Case in point... my response.


Otherwise there is also E walk away and take my money with me. I tend to try D first. Most companies prefer that as well.


So for me... 10 minutes in the penalty box is just not fun. Make me a force ghost and let me run back to my body and I am fine with that time out. Even if things spawn behind me, at least I can keep going.


Losing all progress by going back to the med droid, or waiting ten minutes is a penalty to my most precious resource. Time.


If I spend an hour fighting through a quest.. and then lose it all.. or have to sit in time out and run out of time to complete it.... the night is wasted.


That is a penalty I will not accept, and will move on quickly because I have better things to do as opposed to sit in time out by a piece of software.


The alternative of only fighting things I know I can stomp on takes out all risk.


Taking it down from ten minutes would be the sweet spot for me, not presuming it is for everyone! Just my opinion on it all after I had one hell of a splash of cold water from the game.



That being said, I am compelled to poke the bear on this topic...


The death penalty thing is absolutely masochism. If someone NEEDS a penalty in order to feel challenged.... my point kind of stands.


The ten minutes is something set up which can be changed, it is also different in different games. It is a variable that can be changed. If someone NEEDS a painful penalty... well not sure what else to call it.


So it gets more interesting when it is not about a penalty to ones self but making sure OTHER people are penalized for playing "wrong".


Someone wanting or not wanting to brute force is kind of irrelevant. Has no impact on the game when there is only a small window it works in (level 1's simply can not brute force 50's).


Someone never has to respawn in place so why would they need to make sure others can not?


Such a person could constantly feel challenged by never using the probe. But..again.. probably about OTHER people not being able to brute force because it derides the victory of those who did not brute force?


Hrm.. that sounds like a superiority complex after all. Wait... you said it was not about masochism or superiority.


I retract the poking.

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I remember back in the day I use to hate dying because of Item loss as well as up to 40% skill/vital loss which could only be recovered by gaining XP. There were days I had corpses lined up from town to my original death point. And then if you died in PvP chances are your opponent just ran off with your gear you spent weeks on. Also PvP took pure skill back then... You kids have it easy these days. It's almost boring.



Props to whom ever knows what game I'm referencing.

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1) Don't die 3-4 times inside a few minutes

2) Stop trying to solo the Champion mob.

3) Stop trying to solo Heroics

4) Stop trying to fight things that are significantly higher level than you

5) Return to the Med center for free and instantly



TOR already has the least punishing death penalty of all MMOs. If you remove it, you may as well not have one at all. The increasing timer is precisely to prevent Zerging content and attempting things you shouldn't. It's working as intended.

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I'm curious to know, which version of WoW did you play that didn't have trash respawns? In my version, I knew that when I released upon death, there was a risk that I would have to fight my way back to where I was due to respawns.



I've never seen any mob in WoW that respawns as fast as anything in TOR.

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As a person who has never died more than twice on anything after getting to 50 and beating my class quest, I do think that that res times of 10+ minutes are getting a bit ridiculous. People play a game so that they can play, not so that they can sit there watching a timer run.


Well then how about they hit the other button?


Are people so spoiled by the probe that they don't even see it? What's up with that?


Maybe this is harsh, but anybody threatening to quit over the easy-mode probe having a cooldown when there's another option right in front of his face that's probably instant will get absolutely no sympathy from me. He's lazy, and he's in for a shock when he realizes that there isn't a single MMO out there with a more lax death penalty.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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It's amazing to me how bad the players are in this game. You should be thankful that you can res in place at all considering in pretty much every other game unless someone was there to res you then you had to run back anyway. If you don't want to wait out the droid timer then go to the med center it's instant. If bioware caters to these goddamn ******* anymore they will have to put a button in that nukes every mob is 100 meters with no cooldown so these mouth breathers can complete a simple quest.
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This has to be a troll post surely, but anyway what Aurinax said pretty much sums it up. Be thankfull you havent got to corpse run and suffer res sickness.


it's either corpse run OR rez sickness. Not both.


anyway, I'd take that mechanic over having to wait several minutes or choose to fight my way through a crap ton of mobs again.

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Man I miss the days when people could disagree simply because they disagree not because they're trolls.


On to the topic at hand yes it can be frustrating in areas that is just ridiculously thick with trash but a med center is usually not very far away so it does not bother me that much at all.

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Umm what is with all these negative responses?


"Other mmo's do this or that"


Who cares



9 min is crazy.


and with peopel saying "your not supposed to solo champion mobs"


people should be able to what they like on their toon


and if you dont die often at then this does not affect you.


No need to be negative about it

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9 minutes would be crazy if it were your only option. It's not, you can go to the med station anytime. They don't need to dumb this game down anymore.


And slog your way all the way back to where you are, which was probably in an instance which may or may not have reset by the time you get back to it (I don't know what the reset timeout is).

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And slog your way all the way back to where you are, which was probably in an instance which may or may not have reset by the time you get back to it (I don't know what the reset timeout is).


I have never seen an instance respawn in this game yet. If you are dying that many times that quickly though then tough ****.

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Umm what is with all these negative responses?


"Other mmo's do this or that"


Who cares



9 min is crazy.


and with peopel saying "your not supposed to solo champion mobs"


people should be able to what they like on their toon


and if you dont die often at then this does not affect you.


No need to be negative about it


There's already almost zero detriment to dying as it is. Gear can take a hell of a beating before you actually have to repair it, and the repair costs are easily paid for with the credits gained through questing.


This system is the least punishing of any other MMO I've ever played. Take your casual, "I shouldn't be punished for my mistakes," bullcrap somewhere else.

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The thing about this game is that there are no corpse runs, if you die and you dont want to wait 10 min then you have to port back to the med center...


however if you died near the end the mobs have probably already respawn and you will have to kill them again...


now if you died the first time you may die the second because its the same exact pulls.



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