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Waiting NINE minutes to respawn is RIDCULOUS


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EQ was much worse you had to run back naked to get your stuff. god help you if you forgot to "bind" close to where you were adventuring.


EQ had it right in so many ways. Death was something you avoided like the plague in EQ. In this game I use it as a fast travel feature.



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Or pay a necro to retrieve it. =)


And pray they weren't just going to loot your dead body after you payed them.... GOOD-BYE EPIC GEAR Death was sooo much avoided like the plague in EQ... Those were the days. I miss my Elvaan Ranger... I actually used the Random name generator to get the MMO name I still use to this day... AHH the memories



But yeah, avoid dying so much and the timer won't keep going up like that. BW specifically stated it was a luxury, and dying a lot would cause that timer to skyrocket. Their response (and I quote): Don't die so much or stop dying and the timer will go down!!!

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EQ had it right in so many ways. Death was something you avoided like the plague in EQ. In this game I use it as a fast travel feature.




Or EVE Online- death means you lose your ship, your implants, your modules and your cargo and either wake up halfway across the universe and potentially hours to get back, or you respawn in the same system with people camping the undock for hours.


Oh, AND you gotta pay for a new clone, lol.

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9 minutes? you must have died like 8 times......something should have told you that you weren't ready for that particular fight besides the death timer....




The timer goes: 10 secs, 30 secs, 2 minutes, 10 minutes.


Especially when I have to solo an elite mob and it's just taking me a bit to get the timing of whatever correct so I'm dying a couple times.

It's a waste of my time to have to kill everything back to that point, AFTER running all the way back.


On no other game is it like this.

You usually just run back to your corpse and continue.

This game lets you come back to your corpse a couple times, then you get to walk.

Edited by Paralassa
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The timer goes: 10 secs, 30 secs, 2 minutes, 10 minutes.


That's retarded.



No, no it's not. After the third time, you should have gotten a clue. The ten minute timer is there to provide that extra oomph to the cluebat.



Especially when I have to solo an elite mob and it's just taking me a bit to get the timing of whatever correct so I'm dying a couple times.



Maybe it's intended to be more difficult to take out? Just a thought. That might be why it's called an "Elite" mob.




It's a waste of my time to have to kill everything back to that point, AFTER running all the way back.



Then maybe you should have thought of that before dying to that one mob over and over instead of calling for help or coming back when you can take it solo.




On no other game is it like this.



That's no argument. "No other game does it this way, therefore it must be wrong."


The real answer is this:


Adapt or die.

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I had one place where I died a bunch (Sidonie Garen fight as a Shadow). Dying should suck, especially if you do it a number of times in a short period of time.


I had no problem with the timer skyrocketing like that. Not sure why people have the idea that being dead should be non-intrusive.

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I agree, but surely the biodrones will defend this amazing innovation of MMO and video games alike, surely who would think having to wait 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute 30 seconds then 9 minutes would be a bad thing?? Game innovation at its best.


There's only one reason for someone to be complaining about dying times and that's if they are credit farmers camping areas where they can't easily get back to with their low level alt for exploiting.

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I have done the MUD "junk corpse" version of a death penalty, as well as many between what is in swtor and that.


So I have walked to mmorpg school uphill both ways in the snow. Luckily unlike many in this thread I managed to get over my stockholm syndrome when it comes to bad game design or requiring masochism in my play to make me feel... anything.


I think this timer is out of whack.


I was absolutely giving myself a challenge by trying to complete a Heroic 2+ on Taris by myself while over levelled for the quest. I expected death and repair costs. I was taking risks.


I could do each pull well enough, but if something went sideways, I had another pack on me and death would follow.


I accepted the brief time out and then tried peeling off some patrols and pulled from different directions.


I was playing the game and having fun. I was also learning.


Going back to the medical center would have undone all of my work and that time would have been wasted... in wow I can skip past my previous stuff to my corpse.


Without that option the medical probe is my next choice to keep going.


There is no option like that here, I would have to kill everything that spawned.. and let me tell you.. a lot spawned.


Was slowly grinding my way through the quest (Which no doubt is the sort of thing that sets those who prefer a strong death penalty off).


But... I was having fun.


My fun was slapped in the face with a ten minute wait to respawn.


I alt-tabbed... I started looking for something else to do. I was not having fun.


So for me that is the most important point.. waiting ten minutes is not fun. If it is not fun.. I will not continue to do it. So the lesson the game taught me was to not take risks, try and challenge the game because I will be put in time out or have everything I accomplished wiped out. I was told by design that it is not a valid way to play the game.


Lesson learned and it is added to my list of concerns about the game and if it persists I will eventually simply move on to something else fun.


...but you know.. making sure people can not corpse hop is very important!

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It should never be longer than 1 minute

You can rez immediately at the medical droid. The ability to rez right where you died is a perk that is only available as long as you don't fail repeatedly, meaning the better you get at the game, the nicer the game is to you when you make a mistake, but if you continually suck donkey at the game, it 'punishes' you so-to-speak, which is how it should be.

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I think a ten minute wait for a medical probe is a very lenient penalty (for having multiple) death(s) (in a short period of time). Aside from that a med centre is never far away.


There you go. Updated it.



Edited by Kazmtyh
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So I have walked to mmorpg school uphill both ways in the snow. Luckily unlike many in this thread I managed to get over my stockholm syndrome when it comes to bad game design or requiring masochism in my play to make me feel... anything.


Funny, one of my most memorable experiences in an MMO involved an EQ2 corpse run that resulted in the deaths of many other players and nearly a full level of XP penalty. By asking for help, I made a lot of friends that day that I wouldn't have made if all I had to do was get right back up in the same spot and continue doing what I was doing. I don't agree that makes me a masochist.


Going back to the medical center would have undone all of my work and that time would have been wasted... in wow I can skip past my previous stuff to my corpse.


I'm curious to know, which version of WoW did you play that didn't have trash respawns? In my version, I knew that when I released upon death, there was a risk that I would have to fight my way back to where I was due to respawns.


My fun was slapped in the face with a ten minute wait to respawn.


The game was trying to tell you that you didn't have the resources to complete the quest alone. It doesn't matter if you were overleveled. If you couldn't handle the content without dying repeatedly, then you were not meant to handle it by yourself.


So for me that is the most important point.. waiting ten minutes is not fun. If it is not fun.. I will not continue to do it. So the lesson the game taught me was to not take risks, try and challenge the game because I will be put in time out or have everything I accomplished wiped out. I was told by design that it is not a valid way to play the game.


Fun is subjective, so I have no right to tell you when and when not to have fun. But the game shouldn't just let you "brute force" content or win by attrition. In other words, no one should be able to wear down a group of elite mobs by killing one of them, then dying, then getting right back up and killing the next, and repeating the process until the entire group is dead. There is no challenge to that whatsoever.


When the challenge is too great for you to overcome, then it's time to look at alternatives, instead of saying, "Oh, I can't beat this content, so it must be the game's fault."

Edited by profaneascension
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[...] If you couldn't handle the content without dying repeatedly, then you were not meant to handle it by yourself.




Fun is subjective, so I have no right to tell you when and when not to have fun. But the game shouldn't just let you "brute force" content or win by attrition. In other words, no one should be able to wear down a group of elite mobs by killing one of them, then dying, then getting right back up and killing the next, and repeating the process until the entire group is dead. There is no challenge to that whatsoever.


When the challenge is too great for you to overcome, then it's time to look at alternatives, instead of saying, "Oh, I can't beat this content, so it must be the game's fault."

This man speaks the truth. Stop trying to brute force content and then complaining that the game isn't letting you do so when the developers *do not want* you to do so.


It's fine if you find attempting challenging content by yourself fun. I do too. I try to solo Heroic 2+'s and elites/champions all the time. I love doing so. But I'm not going to complain when I die so much in a short period of time that my timer goes up to 10 minutes. That means I'm faring poorly and I either need to:


A) Suck it up.

B) Ask for help.

C) Come back later or skip it entirely.


I don't need or want the game to enable me to brute force content I'm not meant to be able to take on solo. SWtOR is already straddling the line between MMO and MSO (massively single-player online), it doesn't need to enable people to solo everything and anything. No, not even if you're over leveled.


It's not about some form of "masochism" or superiority-complex. It's about not wanting to play a game that offers no challenge, and penalties for failing *are* part of providing a challenging experience. The death penalty is already *highly* lenient.

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lol typical response .... I don't agree,therefore it must be a troll post.


God you crybaby whiners make me sick... it is a troll post. This guy wants infinite on point respawns that never take more than one minute...


First of all I would say that while soloing (aside from world Pvp of course), I have probably died a total of maybe 5 times while questing. I have never, ever, ever seen the med probe respawn be more than like 29 seconds.


If you are dying so much that you have a 10 minute respawn you either are very very bad, or very stubborn and won't leave an area that you clearly can't handle.


The fact that you can even respawn on your body is ridiculous. Even WoW doesn't let you do that. People should be thankful that you never have to do corpse runs in this game.

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