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If you claim to not experience ability delay....


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I really don't understand what's the deal with ability delay. Even if the animation is not over the ability is still cast. For example if I start casting dark infusion and start moving right when the cast bar is filled the animation continues while I'm moving but the ability has been used. Same thing if I just keep spamming dark infusion. The next one starts immediately after the first one finishes even though the animation hasn't finished. Can anyone give me an example with a sorcerer so I can test it?


The only problem (or rather annoyance) I have with abilities is that you can't use another ability while channeling. You either have to move or press esc.

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i played wow for around 4-5 years and i have zero ability delay.



it felt strange and how people described their "ability delay" until i set the queue lower. Tried explaining this to several people and got raged at.


enjoy raging while i am casting my abilities with 0 delay :3

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If someone after this vid claims there is no ability delay he is either blind, doesn't know what ability delay is or i dunno, maybe plays other game?


another one


this is how it should be



Very compelling evidence and everyone I game with regularly is experiencing it. They can keep the high rez textures. We need proper game mechanics and fluidity.

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I think melee has more ability delay than range. I know in beta my sentinel's attack chain isnt' as smooth as it should be (There is like half sec clipping and I couldn't figure out why.), while I don't really feel it on sage. (It only happen when I have procs and try to use proc skill.)
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Please tell me which other MMOs you have played, and how far you progressed through them.


Have you played WoW?


I just want to know if those people claiming to not have ability delay actually know what real character responsiveness feels like.


Dont claim that nobody here knows how a game should "feel". Youre just trolling everyone, you know that right..?

Edited by Insideman
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Same as others have said. I dont have an ability delay at all. Only if I lag in PVP will I get a delay which is very rare.


I have played...In no particular order:


Ultima Online, EQ1, EQ2, Final Fantasy 11, Warhammer, Age of Conan, Aion, Rift, DAOC, DCU:O, Champions, LOTRO and probably quite a few more that arent worth mentioning.


I didnt play WOW any more than a month as I found the game to be really really horrible.

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my dad is 47 and he's played more mmorpgs than me (bout 10 years of playin em) and i know he would for sure not notice the delay. he's the kinda guy that i would dance around in duels jumpin behind him right when his spell was about to go off.


there are tons of guys like my dad - slow paced, clickers, etc

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Ive played WoW and WAR.


The ability delay in this game is a lot less then it was in WAR on release, nevertheless it IS here, and can be very annoying in pvp.


Stuff I can make my toon do which should simply be impossible:

- Activate two ability cooldowns at the same time (happens quite often to me, kinda sucky as you have no idea which one went off.. sometimes i'm not even sure if either of them went off)

- Casting my channeled spell without having the cast bar ( this is np to me, as you still do the animation, and the dmg)

- Having the cast bar for my channeled spell but not actually casting it ( This one I don't like cause you don't actually do dmg)


Especially point one should be plain impossible, and it really isn't. All nice and dany for the people who keep saying "there is no ability lag" but please just rephrase yourself to : "I have not noticed any ability lag" (yet).


I mean, even the Devs agreed it is there. It'll be a complicated issue, and will take time to solve but it'll get better in time, and everybody has it so it's not upsetting balance.

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If someone after this vid claims there is no ability delay he is either blind, doesn't know what ability delay is or i dunno, maybe plays other game?


another one


this is how it should be





this is the best proof i have seen so far.

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I beta tested WOW but found it to be the biggest steaming pile of Bantha poo that I REFUSED to play retail WOW (and quite honestly get a very good laugh when someone tries to pass it off as some great MMO that build market knowledge or experience. It was MMOs version of McDonalds, nothing but. Lowest quality you can get by on but hugely popular because of marketing)


^ this.

Wow is a huge smelly pile of crap and only getting worse, if you can put up with every other thing they did wrong to spam abilities, great. WoW is not in any way an mmo standard, if anything, its a standard of what they should not be.

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2100 rated 3v3 2000 rated 2v2 and im not suffering from the ability delay, played as rogue.


lol bringing irrelevant ratings into this now are we


alright, 2500+ 3v3, 2100 5v5, 2200 in 2v2


i'm experiencing the ability delay and its game breaking for me, i'm used to "twitch" combat with pure fluidity where everything you do could make or break a match.

Edited by Kamiosoup
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^ this.

Wow is a huge smelly pile of crap and only getting worse, if you can put up with every other thing they did wrong to spam abilities, great. WoW is not in any way an mmo standard, if anything, its a standard of what they should not be.

I didn't know this thread was about what's the best MMO.


But since we're talking about WoW, you can't deny it has the best character responsiveness out there in an MMO even if you dislike other parts of the game.

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my dad is 47 and he's played more mmorpgs than me (bout 10 years of playin em) and i know he would for sure not notice the delay. he's the kinda guy that i would dance around in duels jumpin behind him right when his spell was about to go off.


there are tons of guys like my dad - slow paced, clickers, etc


I just thought it was working as intended.

I don’t press any keys very fast so I never get any delay.

Must be the first game where being quick is a disadvantage.



From a slow paced clicker

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Please tell me which other MMOs you have played, and how far you progressed through them.


Have you played WoW?


I just want to know if those people claiming to not have ability delay actually know what real character responsiveness feels like.


First of all, it is you who does not know what ability delay is. For example, you press an ability and nothing happens then Without pressing the same button, it goes of a bit after you press it. This is also known as lag.

What you are describing is ability interupt.

You press an ability and starts to go off but doesn't fish is because its getting interupted. Which is why you have to press the ability again and again to go off.


Sorry but you do not have ability delay as you describe it and no one else does either. You

just gave a term or a name to something you and others do not understand yet- interupt.


I play an assassin and by what you are saying, if i press an ability and it stars to cast but doesnt finish and i have to press ability again then the first time i pressed it got interupted, not delayes.


I am sorry to say but it is you that does not know what ability delay is and are just confusing it with an intended game mechanic called ability interupt.

Edited by bboudreaux
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this is how it should be




I just did exactly the same thing with crushing darkness and shock. Started casting crushing darkness on one target switched to the other and the moment crushing darkness finished casting I used shock and hit both targets at the same time.

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Ok all you fanbois out there. Bioware themselves have admitted this problem exists and it's not lag but a problem within the game, so why are you sucking up to them even when they disagree with you?


I play an assassin and by what you are saying, if i press an ability and it stars to cast but doesnt finish and i have to press ability again then the first time i pressed it got interupted, not delayes.


I am sorry to say but it is you that does not know what ability delay is and are just confusing it with an intended game mechanic called ability interupt.

Sigh.... why do we even bother to try to explain this to people like you?

Edited by byteresistor
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Some people are acting like true americans here - "It doesn't happen to me, so it doesn't exist". Good job.

I'd honestly would like to visit you with few cans of beer, sit in front of your PCs and play ToR on them. And I'd be really surprised if there was no ability delay.


Reducing the queue to 0 does not chance a single thing. Riposte is still buggy, double animation is still there, Master Strike very often just does the animation but does no damage. The list goes on.


But good for you, people!

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First of all, it is you who does not know what ability delay is. For example, you press an ability and nothing happens then Without pressing the same button, it goes of a bit after you press it. This is also known as lag.

What you are describing is ability interupt.

You press an ability and starts to go off but doesn't fish is because its getting interupted. Which is why you have to press the ability again and again to go off.



Sorry but you do not have ability delay as you describe it and no one else does either. You just gave a term or a name to something you and others do not understand yet- interupt.


Not sure how anyone can be so thick.


It doesn't matter what it's called.. you do know that, right? Ability delay, ability interrupt, ability lag, ability I'm-going-to-quit-the-game-because-of-this. It does not matter. It's there and that's what matters.


Let's use your terminology. Why does using another ability interrupt my original one? How is this not a problem for you? Do you have your primary abilities on either side of your screen and while your mouse travels there the precious seconds you need for the system to behave properly have been spent?


Why do non-gcd attacks use a gcd? Why do channeled skills randomly not work? Why can you not use an ability directly after another without any problems at all? These are the questions people are asking, not for the correct terminology on this issue.

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