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1 simple change and BH heals could be fixed.


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Not really an issue. Ok, it's not as great as other healers, but saving your 30 stacks for that 'oh ****' moment.... emergency scan, healing scan, rapid scan, healing scan, rapid scan, healing scan, rapid scan, emergency scan...... and thats if they took alot of damage AND continually taking damage.


Dont forget to use missile on cooldown for the +% to healing. As well as kolto shell.

Healing scan is also a HoT if talented with a +10% armor, dont forget missle adds a shield too.

Edited by Patchez
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Not really an issue. Ok, it's not as great as other healers, but saving your 30 stacks for that 'oh ****' moment.... emergency scan, healing scan, rapid scan, healing scan, rapid scan, healing scan, rapid scan, emergency scan...... and thats if they took alot of damage AND continually taking damage.


Dont forget to use missile on cooldown for the +% to healing. As well as kolto shell.

Healing scan is also a HoT if talented with a +10% armor, dont forget missle adds a shield too.



then we overheat half way through a boss. Emergency scan already has a long cd,,,increasing the heal will help balance us with other healers. Twice yestarday groups said something like LF healer HM BT,,,after i respond, they tell me something like they really are looking for a sorc. This is a problem.

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I don't see any problem with Merc healing at 50. I am every bit as effective as an operative or sorcerer healer and my guild knows it. I admit emergency scan could do with a bit of a buff... but its still instant cast and free. I can't count how many times I've saved a tank with it.


I'm not sure who these people are who are saying the BH heals are bad, but its certainly not a problem on my server... I've never been turned down from a group. These people are badly misinformed.

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then we overheat half way through a boss. Emergency scan already has a long cd,,,increasing the heal will help balance us with other healers. Twice yestarday groups said something like LF healer HM BT,,,after i respond, they tell me something like they really are looking for a sorc. This is a problem.


then hit supercharged gas again or vent heat.


keep in mind you also have a FREE cast which could also be a FREE and INSTANT cast of a healing scan. i use that for a high-heat cost abillity usually.

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then we overheat half way through a boss. Emergency scan already has a long cd,,,increasing the heal will help balance us with other healers. Twice yestarday groups said something like LF healer HM BT,,,after i respond, they tell me something like they really are looking for a sorc. This is a problem.


They may have already had a bh or 2 and didnt want another to compete with gear over.



@ OP.


I will disagree with you. We have the best burst healing in the game, imo. Sorc has the epic ae heal (though its still bugged) and the shield and ops have epic constant hots. Just using Healing scan > Rapid scan > emergency scan that is an easy ~7k (i assume one heal will crit) or more in 2 global cooldowns. and that is without the Kolto Missle healing received buff.


What can sorcs and ops do in <3 seconds? Sorc has the hella long 2.5~(adjusted for alacrity) cast time heal that might crit for that much if geared and relics going and ops would have to have 2 stacks of there hot up and critting every tick and then using there 1.5 cast and to crit with that to come close to to 7k in under 3seconds.



IF someone strongly disagrees i would gladly want to know why :)



Good hunting,



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I think BH's have the best healing utility, Kolto Shell is essentially our HoT, and it's not hard to keep up, although there are times when the GCD has screwed me on it. Sure there is not shield that fully mitigates damage, but I find that most fights with AoE damage are easily manageable when everyone avoids unnecessary damage. I will agree that Emergency Scan could use a buff or a shorter cooldown, though. We operate on CD management in my assessment, and our throughput is dependent on SCG(Supercharged Gas) and keeping Kolto Missle buff up, as well as Kolto Shell, as well as relics. I don't find too many situations when I overheat, perhaps that is a error in personal play. I am rarely in a situation when I need to cast rapid scan more than once before I can dissipate heat(which is the only way I see us overheating.)
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We are definitely not AoE healers, but give me a tank to keep up and there is no way that tank will die. I absolutely never have heat problems. And only go above 60 heat when I am preparing to use Vent Heat. Make sure you use rapid shots as a filler every once in a while to help keep you in the 5 hps range, if rapid scan is up always make sure to use it before healing scan so hs only costs 9 heat (godly). For heavy healing periods use supercharged gas followed by kolto missile for the shield + healing increase then continue with rapid and healing. Theres no heat cost on our shield so refresh it anytime you have a down period so it doesn't fall off in a heavy dmg period.
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I can't help but think you're using Emergency Scan wrong. The way this game works after someone gets a heavy hit they won't really get much damage afterwards. If you react to heavy hits by spamming Emergency Scan it won't really look like it does much. However if you react with just a normal Rapid Scan and then combo it with an Emergency Scan it does exactly what you need it to do, bring your target back up close to original health before the next hit comes.
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just so many baddie responses, impossible and useless to respond. Im not talking about what it takes to heal your companion. Compared to other classes its nuts to think we arent gimped. Try to join any operation and i promise they would rather have a sorc/inq. Emergency scan is a joke. Yes its instant and helps our overal heat,,,but its sooo weak and its the top of the bodyguard tree.
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just so many baddie responses, impossible and useless to respond. Im not talking about what it takes to heal your companion. Compared to other classes its nuts to think we arent gimped. Try to join any operation and i promise they would rather have a sorc/inq. Emergency scan is a joke. Yes its instant and helps our overal heat,,,but its sooo weak and its the top of the bodyguard tree.


You're calling people that have no issues with BH healing baddies? Seriously? I'll only agree with what already has been agreed with, emergency scan needs a buff. Other than that, the heals are great when they are all used together.


Use all of your abilities man and don't call people bad when they are trying to help you.


More often than not, people have issues with a class due to user error. It's only when everyone agrees that it's a game issue.

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just so many baddie responses, impossible and useless to respond. Im not talking about what it takes to heal your companion. Compared to other classes its nuts to think we arent gimped. Try to join any operation and i promise they would rather have a sorc/inq. Emergency scan is a joke. Yes its instant and helps our overal heat,,,but its sooo weak and its the top of the bodyguard tree.


I can heal all hard mode flashpoints and normal/hard eternity vault. Mercenary healing is fine, we're the best tank healers in the game. If you're really struggling maybe its something to do with your strategy? You might want to be a little less judgmental when you assume all the responses are from lowbies who only heal their companions.

Edited by Eternum
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the more im healing the better i get at it. defintly a tank healer type though. we are pallys tbh


this, the best tank healers right now, the abilities are very geared to healing 1 person....over and over.


Sorcs are probably the best for heroics, as they're a bit of everything, but things become more specialised in 8 man (with a little more generic in 16 man)

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just so many baddie responses, impossible and useless to respond. Im not talking about what it takes to heal your companion. Compared to other classes its nuts to think we arent gimped. Try to join any operation and i promise they would rather have a sorc/inq. Emergency scan is a joke. Yes its instant and helps our overal heat,,,but its sooo weak and its the top of the bodyguard tree.


Just wow.


You say you over heat in the middle of a boss fight?


I absolutely HATE this saying but learn to play?


Never, had a problem with heat. Its all about weaving in rapid shots with your abilities, using vent heat at appropiate time, let alone using SCG every time its at 30 stacks (dont forget it vents heat too). If **** hits the fan, and your SCG is off cooldown, a rapid scan with an emergency scan usually brings them to half health if not alot more.


Before calling people 'baddies' who disagree with you, how about taking their advice on board and becoming a better player.


If it is that much of an issue and you're not putting out big enough heals, is your gear a little low? Just trying to eliminate the easily fixed problems.

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You're calling people that have no issues with BH healing baddies? Seriously? I'll only agree with what already has been agreed with, emergency scan needs a buff. Other than that, the heals are great when they are all used together.


Use all of your abilities man and don't call people bad when they are trying to help you.


More often than not, people have issues with a class due to user error. It's only when everyone agrees that it's a game issue.


I see his point. It is frustrating when you make a legit post and all you get is LTP (in a nut shell). He obviously has a point. It has been an issue and known fact since Beta, Bodyguard is least desired healer of 3. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.


Boost Emergenct Scan. Nuff said.

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Basically what these threads boil down to is BH's who havent tried any of the hard content yet, and people who have, sure in low level stuff and even easy hard modes a bh can be OK , but still no where near as usefull as a shield spaming/aoe healing sorc, but when it comes down to it at max level the BH healer is just plain gimped compared to the huge arsenal of healing tricks a sorc can put out


Basically this class needs 3-5 more abilities and big buffs to heat consumption to be on par with the sorc, right now my healing spec is only for pvp and normal modes and will only dps in operations and let the superior sorcs heal our raids


If you say otherwise, you are a lowbie or havent done any of the hardest content

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Basically what these threads boil down to is BH's who havent tried any of the hard content yet, and people who have, sure in low level stuff and even easy hard modes a bh can be OK , but still no where near as usefull as a shield spaming/aoe healing sorc, but when it comes down to it at max level the BH healer is just plain gimped compared to the huge arsenal of healing tricks a sorc can put out


Basically this class needs 3-5 more abilities and big buffs to heat consumption to be on par with the sorc, right now my healing spec is only for pvp and normal modes and will only dps in operations and let the superior sorcs heal our raids


If you say otherwise, you are a lowbie or havent done any of the hardest content


Really? Because I heal Hard Mode Flashpoints just fine, and average 150k Healing in most Warzones.


Sure our basic heals could use a small buff, but a 4-5k Emergency Scan (An ability that generates no heat) is ridiculously OP.


Be smart with your abilities, keep Kolto Shell, Reactive Armor and the Supercharged Koto Missile Shield up , and it's easy.


Otherwise, either you need more practice, or your tank sucks.

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I feel like a tl;dr without the tl;dr.


1. Tanks don't need dedicated healers. Competent tanks will be just fine with basic heals and a little attention. I haven't done nightmare. Maybe burst healing on the tank is necessary there? Otherwise tanks are very stable creatures, unlike everyone else in your raiding party.


2. Raid healing is more about shepherding a group. People forget to move, they take unnecessary damage, they die. Sorcs can literally pull those people out of the fire, and even battle rez them in the worst case scenario. In general cases, they have unlimited target AoE healing for them--which when fixed will also include a burst heal better than kolto bomb with the current HoT that is better than kolto bomb.


3. Our Emergency scan DOES crit for 4k. In the midst of raiding with buffs, rakata stims, the layering of relics and adrenals, applying heal increases through abilities+class talents, you'll find many of your abilities heal for much more than if you're just alone or in a small group. Healing isn't what's keeping us from PvE groups, it's the utility (battle rezzes, pulls, de agros, shields, aoe healing) that other classes bring.


4. PvE damage is very stable. Things happen at set times. If somebody takes a HUGE amount of damage, they're not going to take it again right away. Periodic damage + scripted behaviors make burst healing largely unnecessary in a PvE setting. This makes burst healing more applicable to PvP, where incoming damage is chaotic. We are great at PvP healing because of this, but Sorcs are also very competitive here as well--but often very reliant on bubbles for personal health reasons.


5. One class type of the healer role shouldn't be massively better at an entirely different playstyle than another--to the point where they exclude the other types from that role.

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