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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Bioware Devs,


I am posting this with the best of intentions. If you are going to develop high resolution textures please do so at 100% (advertisement quality) textures. If you are going to do it, do it right.


On a side note please fix your shadows. Shadows appear blocky and also flicker on buildings, ships, trees, ect.


I also recommend improving your Anti-Aliasing. Up close AA looks decent but the effect begins to decline at a certain distance.


I know these are not the most pressing issues in the game but they are the things people notice right from the start.


Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this post.




Edited by tumpai
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I'm sorry you've never heard of AoC, Aion, LOTRO, FFXIV or a slew of other games where no one quit because they couldn't handle the graphics at max settings in 10% of the gameplay. Having options never hurt anyone playing a game. You cannot jump around this point or make the assumption that people are going to try and play on maximum sliders so long as they are warned that the game setting may not run well on PCs that do not substantially exceed the recommended requirements.


u can even check for RAM or GPU in order to let players activate the HIGH options


i remember in eq2 (or was another game) that wont let u put high settings w/o 2GB ram or more....

Edited by Warlyx
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I'm sorry you've never heard of AoC, Aion, LOTRO, FFXIV or a slew of other games where no one quit because they couldn't handle the graphics at max settings in 10% of the gameplay. Having options never hurt anyone playing a game. You cannot jump around this point or make the assumption that people are going to try and play on maximum sliders so long as they are warned that the game setting may not run well on PCs that do not substantially exceed the recommended requirements.


Completely different games in different situations. Performance in this game does not seem to scale well in general, hence the people already complaining about it. If you can somehow refute that the number of people complaining about performance issues in certain places will skyrocket if they offer these options, I will gladly join your side.

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Bioware Devs,


I am posting this with the best of intentions. If you are going to develop high resolution textures please do so at 100% (advertisement quality) textures. If you are going to do it, do it right.


On a side note please fix your shadows. Shadows appear blocky and also flicker on buildings, ships, trees, ect.


I also recommend improving your Anti-Aliasing. Up close AA looks decent but the effect begins to decline at a certain distance.


I know these are not the most pressing issues in the game but they are the things people notice right from the start.


Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this post.





Full agreement.

Edited by Urko
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Completely different games in different situations. Performance in this game does not seem to scale well in general, hence the people already complaining about it. If you can somehow refute that the number of people complaining about performance issues in certain places will skyrocket if they offer these options, I will gladly join your side.


Your insistence on discarding reality because it doesn't sync up with your own personal view is sad. We can compare this to other MMOs because graphically comparing SWTOR to other MMORPGs at their start is the best comparison. Aion for example was much worse when it came to outdoor PvP. It crashed PCs and in some cases crashed servers when too many people came into the open fights but they didn't dumb down the graphics, they figured out ways to code, added more infrastructure and make it work better. The problems with Illum will be stored out in time. However, if the graphics issue isn't addressed soon then the other prettier games will use it against SWTOR. Aion for instance had 2 million subs once, but you will be quite hard pressed to imagine that after logging to a server now.

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Bioware Devs,


I am posting this with the best of intentions. If you are going to develop high resolution textures please do so at 100% (advertisement quality) textures. If you are going to do it, do it right.


On a side note please fix your shadows. Shadows appear blocky and also flicker on buildings, ships, trees, ect.


I also recommend improving your Anti-Aliasing. Up close AA looks decent but the effect begins to decline at a certain distance.


I know these are not the most pressing issues in the game but they are the things people notice right from the start.


Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this post.






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I'm not sure you can say there's been "no news". I haven't read this wrong have I? (It is late :))




A Note on General Performance Issues | 01.30.2012 , 03:25 PM






Our texture options are High / Low. We are planning an additional setting for character textures, closer to the quality seen in cinematic scenes, which is under development right now.



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Ok, this is it, I can shout FALSE ADVERTISEMENT:








My game DOESN'T look like that. That video, even pixelated, shows better texture quality than my Quadcore 3100mhz, 12Gb RAM, 1Gb VRAM, Windows 7 64 Bits at maximum settings.




I'm quite pissed now, even if the game is STILL great.


Old news, but thanks for posting, I'm sure plenty of people weren't aware of this.

Iirc, ALL the videos they made showed gameplay with HIGH RES textures.


I can believe that it was not intentionally false advertisement, but I feel they could have at least told us they're working on a smoother-running high res pack from the get-go... and leave the beta one in there for those that *can* run it.


I do believe they simply messed up.. they're new at this.. pretty sure other companies didn't do much better with their first MMO (From that perspective, BioWare is doing a great job, right?).


I do want the High Res textures enabled during gameplay, but in the end, I bought this game for one reason, and one reason only: VO Storytelling (which pans out great and with good graphics) so I'm not about to quit the game over them *possibly* intentionally lying about this... I used to listen to politicians and watch the news too.. if you don't like lying, stop watching TV :)


I will, however, keep posting in this thread and all further incarnations, untill we have a definite answer on whether or not they will re-activate the High-Res textures for the sake of those that *can* run it.. or they can promise the ''close to high res'' textures they spoke of in a short while.

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I'm pretty sure, high-rez textures are available in the game client BUT they hide them and don't let us to use them because of horrible FPS issue. You would be playing a powerpoint presentation in Ilum if you would enable high-rez textures atm. HeroEngine is not suitable for them. Maybe WZ's will become terrible as Ilum. They know it. Topics about perfomance issues would grow like topsy.
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Heres a quote from '' A note on general performance issue ''



  • Our texture options are High / Low. We are planning an additional setting for character textures, closer to the quality seen in cinematic scenes, which is under development right now.

Edited by boobaffet
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Not very reassuring. Am I the only one who can't really see the difference between conversations and the game? They're both way inferior to the graphics you can see in the videos.


It might depend on the armor you're wearing. I believe some of the models don't even have high quality textures for convos in the first place.

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Yep, this is very noticeable FerrusPA.


Again it seems these are mostly cloth-style armors. There are dozens of armor parts with not only a high res texture, but also high res models with modelled details and gadgets on the armor while others are just plain flat textures with painted gadgets.


Imho the later are sufficient from a distance, but look ugly when zoomed on and in conversations alike.


I take a wild guess that like the removed "Unifiy to chest color" option all this at least partly due to not all armor textures and models being really finished by now. Let's hope the artists are hard at work at "fixing" this ...



It happens that cutscene quality is still crappy, compared to the videos.


This game has bad character textures, un low, on mid (current high) or on cutscenes.


So, at least, I wont to play the lesser evil...


As I'm seeing it this also doesn't affect all characters.


All my characters body textures are crisp clear (at least in cut scenes), but that may differ depending on the model and skin chosen (body type might be a real factor, especially for males).

Then there are a good number of NPCs with low res textures and models or just bad textures.


As stated above I think they just hadn't finished those by launch and the only hope is that they are working on it.

Edited by Dextral
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Yep, this is very noticeable FerrusPA.


Again it seems these are mostly cloth-style armors. There are dozens of armor parts with not only a high res texture, but also high res models with modelled details and gadgets on the armor while others are just plain flat textures with painted gadgets.


Imho the later are sufficient from a distance, but look ugly when zoomed on and in conversations alike.


I take a wild guess that like the removed "Unifiy to chest color" option all this at least partly due to not all armor textures and models being really finished by now. Let's hope the artists are hard at work at "fixing" this ...





As I'm seeing it this also doesn't affect all characters.


All my characters body textures are crisp clear (at least in cut scenes), but that may differ depending on the model and skin chosen (body type might be a real factor, especially for males).

Then there are a good number of NPCs with low res textures and models or just bad textures.


As stated above I think they just hadn't finished those by launch and the only hope is that they are working on it.


This is not only cloth armor, I see it on gauntlets and boots which have "painted" stuff on their hard parts, jsut blurry. Also I see a difference in different parts of the same gear. My chestpiece, for example, shoulders and back are really clear, while chest is washed out and blurry. Weird.




I also can't believe it's "unfinished" from the artists. It's not like they make a low-rez graphic first and then improve it to be high-rez... It usually works the other way.

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It might depend on the armor you're wearing. I believe some of the models don't even have high quality textures for convos in the first place.


Yeah my trooper's helmets look incredibly bad both in and out of conversations...that's my biggest concern and I'm hoping they fix it.

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Poor excuse as to why they are not allowing ANYONE to use high rez texture, we don't all have crappy PCs and they seemed to run ok in beta for most people. Some armor/characters look terrible with the current textures which are quite blurry. It's not just textures that's reduced either, it's the lighting and other shading effects (like bump mapping) making the game look very dated.


Every screenshot on the site is taken in max detail which we do not have access to. This is false advertising....


They removed other features during beta as well (like armour colour matching and ALL gear being fully moddable), stating that it was confusing for players. I don't like the way Bioware thinks we all to retarded to figure out a pretty generic MMO UI.

Edited by NasherUK
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This is not only cloth armor, I see it on gauntlets and boots which have "painted" stuff on their hard parts, jsut blurry. Also I see a difference in different parts of the same gear. My chestpiece, for example, shoulders and back are really clear, while chest is washed out and blurry. Weird.

That's why I said mostly cloth. Yes, there are plenty of non-cloth armors affected, but I've encountered this noticeable more often on cloth.


I also can't believe it's "unfinished" from the artists. It's not like they make a low-rez graphic first and then improve it to be high-rez... It usually works the other way.


This is not necessarily the case. Usually you'll create drafts first, when this gets approved you'll make it into the real texture/model.

One case where it is very likely that they just used a draft texture is a body part my wife got lately. It is of dark cloth and got a second layer of cloth bound together by rings. Those rings and both layers are just plain painted on that armor. A final version of that armor would have the rings (and maybe also the second cloth layer) actually modelled. The draft just looks like painted on the body, not like an actual armor.

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It is of dark cloth and got a second layer of cloth bound together by rings. Those rings and both layers are just plain painted on that armor. A final version of that armor would have the rings (and maybe also the second cloth layer) actually modelled. The draft just looks like painted on the body, not like an actual armor.


I have a similar one I guess and I noticed the same thing. Really sad

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