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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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So this is maybe a stupid question but im no programmer so dont hate:


Why didn't they put high-rez textures in the atlas? To my understanding it's just a really big picture and only pieces of which are shown on each gear item. Seems like it being a high-rez vs low-rez atlas would make no difference on the draw calls or whatever.


So basically how does this atlas thingy have anything to do with it all being low rez???

Edited by daMarek
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In my experience GFX cards today have usualy a pretty high amount of videoram leading to no performance decrease when you play with high resolution textures.

There is no reason to decrease the textures on machines with 1 gig or more videoram imho.


You could put an info in the tooltip of the texture settings like: if you have 512mb videoram use medium settings" and so on.

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I had to drop back into this thread to thank it for providing the best sig ever. The amusement it provides me is endless.


I've played countless MMORPGs over the past decade+ and seen a lot of amusing dev responses, but this just takes the throne. It tried to be soooo serious and fell soooo hard, flat on its face.

Edited by Cicatrize
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In my experience GFX cards today have usualy a pretty high amount of videoram leading to no performance decrease when you play with high resolution textures.

There is no reason to decrease the textures on machines with 1 gig or more videoram imho.


You could put an info in the tooltip of the texture settings like: if you have 512mb videoram use medium settings" and so on.


According to Mr. Reid there is no "medium" setting, that was a bug which is now fixed. Now the game looks like *** on high setting when you compare it to any of its competitors and we are just supposed to deal with it.

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personally i dont see a problem with the graphics.


mainly cause im not up my characters a** when playing, i like to actually see what im attacking and where im moving. im not standing point blank behind them.


literally majority of the pics iv seen of people complaining are right smack dab infront or beside the character. you dont play with the character taking up the whole screen. and its pretty much guarantee that when your playing, if your staring at your character that close then your playing wrong. and prolly the main reason why you act like idiots and stand in crap to die, cause your to busy staring at your characters ***** to notice around you.


but to each their own, im happy playing and not Roid Raging because i cant see a decal in the armor, or a fold in the jacket


Oh, Christ, I can't stand people like you.


Let me explain it in baby talk.


I don't care what you think, or what your opinion is. The facts are


1) The textures were in beta

2) The point of the thread is to clarify when or if they are coming back in to game

3) The current textures are unacceptable to many.


Dismissing people's issues is why this game is losing subscribers. People willing to wait for Bioware to fix issues and trying to be patient get trolled by people like you and say "You know what, why bother, I'll come back in six months". Then the game loses money and turns into Warhammer and dies.


Has anyone reported this troll yet?

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Oh, Christ, I can't stand people like you.


Let me explain it in baby talk.


I don't care what you think, or what your opinion is. The facts are


1) The textures were in beta

2) The point of the thread is to clarify when or if they are coming back in to game

3) The current textures are unacceptable to many.


Dismissing people's issues is why this game is losing subscribers. People willing to wait for Bioware to fix issues and trying to be patient get trolled by people like you and say "You know what, why bother, I'll come back in six months". Then the game loses money and turns into Warhammer and dies.


Has anyone reported this troll yet?


^ what he said


My 2 cents on the topic though, I noticed the change recently too. not right away till i saw a jawa in a cut scene that looked like he was wearing what was once dried out then soaked piece of leather made in the 70s by some hippy while intoxicated... that was begning to dry but still fairly damp.... yea that is a weird way to say it but that's how i saw it and you know what i hate hippies :D


i'm also running a gtx260 so i'm not using Real DX11 but just the renderings so I don't see what people w/ 400 or 500 series see but i defently notice a different in the world and i don't like it even "the game that shall not be named" has better textures atm which makes me a sad jawa.


Anyway I'm hoping Yall get this fixed up soon ish... though there are a lot of other things i would actually like fixed in-game first, I still hope this is on the list.

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i'm also running a gtx260 so i'm not using Real DX11 but just the renderings so I don't see what people w/ 400 or 500 series see but i defently notice a different in the world and i don't like it even "the game that shall not be named" has better textures atm which makes me a sad jawa.


Anyway I'm hoping Yall get this fixed up soon ish... though there are a lot of other things i would actually like fixed in-game first, I still hope this is on the list.


The game is 32bit/DX9, there is no DX11 renderer, so you are seeing the same as everyone else. (maybe some effect differences? but I doubt it)

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Here are some pictures I took of AoC and STO last night. I have a fresh install of TOR so ill snap some shots of it for comparisons.


TOR has better textures in beta that worked fine but I guess we are "too stupid" to be able to adjust settings according to our hardware setup.


AoC, a F2P game.







Taken yesterday, in game. Textures and game world look great to me, better then what you linked from AoC, IMO. I'm running max settings, 1920, no AA, low shadows.




While I do run across a character texture here and there in game that needs some rework, for the most part I see very little difference in game from the same textures in cutscenes.



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Just to contribute somehow, this is how my chars look in game :





Everything on high setting, and no AA.

I played the beta, and high texture was here of course.


Usually I don't bother looking at graphics, I mean if it look good enough, it is fine...

but it is the first time I see something that bad, for a recent game. It look like...a blurry puke.

And I paid for this, like many other. I just don't understand.

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Just to contribute somehow, this is how my chars look in game :





Everything on high setting, and no AA.

I played the beta, and high texture was here of course.


Usually I don't bother looking at graphics, I mean if it look good enough, it is fine...

but it is the first time I see something that bad, for a recent game. It look like...a blurry puke.

And I paid for this, like many other. I just don't understand.


Totally agree, im hopefully and believe they are working on the issue (an issue that shouldnt have been an issue)

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Oh, Christ, I can't stand people like you.


Let me explain it in baby talk.


I don't care what you think, or what your opinion is. The facts are


1) The textures were in beta

2) The point of the thread is to clarify when or if they are coming back in to game

3) The current textures are unacceptable to many.


Dismissing people's issues is why this game is losing subscribers. People willing to wait for Bioware to fix issues and trying to be patient get trolled by people like you and say "You know what, why bother, I'll come back in six months". Then the game loses money and turns into Warhammer and dies.


Has anyone reported this troll yet?


here it is for you in baby talk then






either alot of people complained about lag, the point of BE TA, is to fix issues like that. BE TA s change, and is not final, it even says that when you sign up for the BE TA


or the game was crashing for a lot of people, i didn't say crashing for you, or others in this thread. but who knows it prolly was crashing for alot of people in the thread because their computer couldn't handle a 2GB file in memory. thinking they got a top of the line computer running a GTX280 C2D.


there is no fathomable reason on then disabling it " just because ", there was an issue with Cinimatic quality textures in the BE TA that is not fixable at the moment. thats the whole point of BETA

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I swear if somebody brings up the "BETAs can change" argument i'm gonna...


BETAs can change either for content, gameplay, or improvements, but not never for WORSE QUALITY.



And if somebody brings up the argument "maybe it didn't run well for some people" i'm gonna....


THATS WHY YOU HAVE MULTIPLE OPTIONS. Why then bother with even the current Low High options? If your toaster can't run it get a real computer or play on low settings but don't ruin the game for me with your qq making BioWare resign to the lowest denominator.[/color]


The best games back in the day could not be run on high until hardware caught up two years later.

Edited by daMarek
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If the character armour textures dont get better i cant see myself staying (thousands of others agree, im sure im not exagerrating) for the long haul.


All the gear looks like its been finger painted on, and thats on the "HIGH" setting as far as im concerned.

Edited by Urko
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I had to come back to this thread after having another revelation. I recently purchased the new Dawn of War II expansion, after having not played the game in literally years. I loaded it up and first thing that popped into my head was, "hmm, this game looks kinda dated."


It was fun but it didn't feel as awesome as when I first played it. I shrugged it off as just being a bit older of a game.


Then I noticed that out of the game, you can crank the graphics settings... So I did, and wow.


I'm playing again with more gusto than I ever had, and honestly I didn't even relate that to this until literally just now, after having played the game for several days.


This just dawned on me, how much of an impact the differences between graphics can make on us, even when we don't realize it.


We think we can compare older games, but we can't. You can't compare Super Mario Bros. for the NES with newer games. What you would have to do is compare Super Mario Bros. for the NES, with Super Mario Bros. for the NES with higher quality graphics, and that isn't possible.


A comparison between two different games in this regard just isn't going to show you the truth that better graphics will result in a better experience. Period.


Even those of you who say you don't care. Those of you who like the graphics resolutions. Fine. So be it. I understand. But I know that you would enjoy the game MORE if you had higher resolutions.


I believe strongly from this that a large group of current subscribers who enjoy the game would come to a sudden realization of how much MORE they could enjoy it if they could get better resolutions.


It happened to me.

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Ya know something? While I do enjoy some aspects of this game, the story lines most of all (really enjoying bounty hunter) I don't see myself really sticking with game this for more than another month maybe two. Sure there are other factors but the one that really settles the decision for me is how they handled the graphics in this game. The finished product sure as hell doesn't look like something that was slated for release in 2011, rather it looks like something something that should have been shipped 3 to 5 years prior.


What pisses me off the most is I have really no control to improve my visual experience, I've done the ini tweaks and forced AA through drivers yet no amount of tweaks is going to do much if the base textures are crap to begin with. Colors are muddled, little to no use of normal maps, reflections that reflect things not even present (fleet banners with no banners present, trees in dromund kaas when there isn't a tree on the horizon). All this screams of either a hurried product or just shoddiness.


To make matters worse the company gives explanations as to why as either a glitch (medium textures? hah! it was a bug) to a rather ambiguous solution such as looking into a higher fidelity solution in a future patch. The hell does that mean? Honestly they could make the textures look slightly less compressed and honestly call it an improvement and how far into the future are we talking? I want to see the grooves and indentations on a shoulder piece or my gun, the nuances of light and shadow on a gouge on my breastplate. Not have the metal on my siths crafted armor look like it a decal rather than separate materials, a circle indentation on my BH's armor should, you know, actually be round rather than an attempt to make said circles out of large squares ala minecraft.


I purposely built my computer to have the resources available to give me the best visual experience possible and I'm not getting it with this game. Then there's people that go the game currently looks great and they sadden me greatly due to the fact they're willing to except mediocre graphics at this point in the genre and ability of current computer technology. I understand that some people are not going to have the funds to constantly keep their rigs super up to date but you don't need to spend several thousand to have a computer capable of getting you a great looking experience, you just wont have screaming fast frame rates but this is one field where you truly get what you pay for and gosh darn it I have the rig that can handle truly high resolutions textures and willing to tweak things so i have the balance between looks and performance.


All in all, don't accept mediocrity when it comes to something as simple as textures as acceptance will open the flood gates that will let game developers scrimp on even more important game features.

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I may be a bit confused, but I don't see a problem with the graphics. Someone posted 3 pics of how bad their graphics are. Maybe upgrade your graphics card? Because your character didn't look good at all but mine looks no where like that.




Also, I get great FPS in PvP and on Fleet, latency at 48ms (for that thats worth) and all settings on high.


The graphics card I'm using is a Radeon 6670 HD 1Gb, a card many said would only run the game on "low-mid settings". Goes to show you what random online people know.

Edited by Blitzinger
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I may be a bit confused, but I don't see a problem with the graphics. Someone posted 3 pics of how bad their graphics are. Maybe upgrade your graphics card? Because your character didn't look good at all but mine looks no where like that.




Also, I get great FPS in PvP and on Fleet, latency at 48ms (for that thats worth) and all settings on high.


The graphics card I'm using is a Radeon 6670 HD 1Gb, a card many said would only run the game on "low-mid settings". Goes to show you what random online people know.


I'm glad you like it but it's not what you would call High-Rez. Look at your boots, gauntlets, ammobelt and zoom in on helmet.


BioWare already admitted that better textures are in the game but just disabled, and that is a shame. Also shame is they didn't give a real good reason and only a vague ETA for a vague fix and no promises

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I'm glad you like it but it's not what you would call High-Rez. Look at your boots, gauntlets, ammobelt and zoom in on helmet.


BioWare already admitted that better textures are in the game but just disabled, and that is a shame. Also shame is they didn't give a real good reason and only a vague ETA for a vague fix and no promises


Would you mind posting links of pics of high rez textures so I get a better sense of what everyones talking about?

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