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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1 PVP outrage, Bioware Rewarding AFKers with Huge PVP edge


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The most hilarious and sad thing about this is this "legitimate" playerbase will have to gear up in the most painful way possible, through getting brutally roflstomped from morning till night in the 50 only WZ bracket by completely decked out premades that benefitted from the current system.


Face it, SWTOR is a surprisingly decent game. But Bioware completely dropped the ball when it comes to PvP, in more than just a couple ways.


This is where their lack of experience truly shows.


Perhaps you should read my sig.

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The stat difference between champion gear and BM gear is very small.


This is a pretty dumb thing to quit the game over I can easily pick many other PvP problems to quit over before this one.


Broken resolve system being the first :\

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LOL, a month into the game's life they change something and it's the end of the world....wow dude, cya later



Oh, and make sure you tell nobody else to buy the game because of how unfair it will be that people were able to kill X boss and get X gear before he was tweaked, etc, etc, and new players will be soooo far behind, what's the point of playing? tear

Edited by MrIrrelevant
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If you were serious pvpers, you would be world pvping, not botting/account sharing an afking your way to shinys every day. BG reqs zero skill just follow the horde round an spam as many keys as possible to gain points, or sit in corner afk an watch tv.


World pvp you have to actually fight an are responsible for own actions. Obviously because bioware dont want pvp to happen outside their controlled area's you get nothing for those kills. Hence why you all farm BG's. Its usually quite obvious when someone farmed BG's. when I get attacked by a botter in world they always attack my pet.

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what edge are we talking about? I dont really care to read this thread but I played every warzone i que for im valor rank 64, and have 4 centurion pieces still. Were is my edge at? The 3 battlemaster pieces I have are the 200/200 earpiece implant/implant



I also got my 67th champion commendation today and bought a new piece of champion gear if that tells you how many battlemaster bags I have opened and how long Ive been valor rank 60

Edited by Shizzaster
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If you're here to just collect virtual items and play dress-up doll with your avatar, and are shedding salty tears over gear that maybe 1% of the game's population has, then I have ZERO sympathy for you.


Please send me your stuff, unsub, and uninstall. Game is too hard for you.


Some people play PvP because it's fun, the reward is the killing.

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This change is pretty bad tbh, instead they should have changed the Battlemaster bags so you can't get any dupes from them, but leave the droprate the same... this way you would have ALOT more chance to get an item, rather than waiting till you can pile up the needed commendations.


I mean, just look at the commendation incrase from Centurion to Champion gear... e.g. the Centurion boots costs 39 commendations, the Champion boots 67, that's roughly a 72% increase, same formular with Battlemaster? That would mean, and now better sit down, 115!!!!!!!!!! commendations for the "big" pieces.


Assuming you do all dailys and weeklys as they come up (and 3 commendations per bag) you get 48 commendations, that means you need to play 2,4 weeks for 1 piece of gear...

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I currently do not have any level 50 characters (I have been levelling 3 characters & just logging which ever one I felt like playing that day) so do not know much about the difference between the champion gear & the battlemaster gear, is there a huge difference in stats? Not blowing my own trumpet but I would consider myself an above average pvp'er, but for argument sake if I was kitted out in all champ gear & I had a 1v1 against a mirror class in battlemaster gear would it be totally one sided? Or could due to skills, rotation etc could I win comftably?


the stats are pretty minor going from champ to bm.

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FYI, battlemaster and centurion comms work differently. 1 Battlemaster comm gets you the lesser battlemaster pieces like relic, bracers, belt. 2 gets you the legs, boots, gloves, chest, 3 gets you the helm, weapon, and offhand.


They drop in a similar manner to the current Battlemaster tokens- ~10 chance in every bag to get one. However, you get to choose what piece you want. It's a great system compared to what it is now.

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I'd rather they just gave the gear away to everyone upon reaching level 50, let player ability and group composition be the deciding factors between winning and losing.


Pvp gear as a reward in general is a lazy way to do things, I'd suggest ranks and titles to be the rewards instead so the average player can just ignore them and the hardcore can feel like he accomplished something all at the same time.

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Somebody compare this new system to WoW's current system, and tell me the difference? Sounds like with both systems you can get some pretty good gear from hard work. What's past is past with AFKers. Bioware can't reverse somebody's tokens unless it was documented by a video, or seen by a GM. As much as we would like the AFKers to suffer for their greed, little can be done.
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Oh let me say this first before the elitists show up too.


If you were TRULY a SERIOUS PvP'er, you'd have it all already.




Some serious PVPers have jobs, family, and other RL responsibilities before we can settle in and PVP as much as we can.


"If you were TRULY a SERIOUS PvP'er with no job or RL attachments, you'd have it all already."



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At level 50 you can open Champion Bags which either contain Commendations for the average level 50 PvP gear or a token (with a low drop rate) for the better stuff. At Valor rank 50 you can start opening battlemaster bags with the same stupid system to reward players.


The upcoming change will greatly slow down the ownership of Battlemaster stuff - but people who jipped the system already have all that stuff anyways so the only people getting punished are legitmate playerbase who didnt exploit to get their top tier gear asap.


I assume that's the case.




now why are the people who are getting "gipped" the "legitimate" player base? what makes the other people different than you? other than the fact that they already pvp'd more than you.

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Nobody in the world is battlemaster through afking right now... As a battlemaster I can tell you that with absolute certainty...


75% of the valor you get is from medals... to afk in warzones would be much slower...


Yes, current battlemasters have a slight advantage if they got lots of gear drops (I did not, only got a relic and mainhand after over 30 bags...


The bottom line is that the new system is better, it isn't RNG and RNG is what most of us are sick of, so yes, current battlemasters who got lots of gear have an advantage, but overall this is better for everyone so stop complaining.




A response that should have ended the matter entirely. Wishful thinking though.

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The battlemaster will have a CHANCE to recieve a battle master commedation which can be exchanged for ANY peice of gear and will still contain champ coms IT IS 1 COM FOR 1 PEICE IDIOT THIS IS ACTUALLY HELPING YOU NOT GET THE SAME ITEM OVER AND OVER IY WILL NOT BE HARDER TO GET IT ACTUALLY MAKES IT EASIER.......YOU FAIL L2 READ BEFORE YOU RAGE THREAD AND LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT....
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The battlemaster will have a CHANCE to recieve a battle master commedation which can be exchanged for ANY peice of gear and will still contain champ coms IT IS 1 COM FOR 1 PEICE IDIOT THIS IS ACTUALLY HELPING YOU NOT GET THE SAME ITEM OVER AND OVER IY WILL NOT BE HARDER TO GET IT ACTUALLY MAKES IT EASIER.......YOU FAIL L2 READ BEFORE YOU RAGE THREAD AND LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT....




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The battlemaster will have a CHANCE to recieve a battle master commedation which can be exchanged for ANY peice of gear and will still contain champ coms IT IS 1 COM FOR 1 PEICE IDIOT THIS IS ACTUALLY HELPING YOU NOT GET THE SAME ITEM OVER AND OVER IY WILL NOT BE HARDER TO GET IT ACTUALLY MAKES IT EASIER.......YOU FAIL L2 READ BEFORE YOU RAGE THREAD AND LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT....


You're shouting while calling him an idiot, but you are also incorrect. Some pieces cost 1 BM token, some cost 2, some cost 3. :cool:

-Someone who still has characters on the test server.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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I first started reading this post and thought to myself "wow, the person that started this thread is going to get wrecked on this forum". But as I read the responses, I was amazed at the number of people that actually agreed with him. I know a large portion of us have made the shift from a "polished", years in the making, billion dollar MMO that many of you crybabies keep comparing this game to (you know who you are and what game I'm talking about). If that game is so great why would you have even wanted to try something new?


This game was released with some issues. However I wouldn't consider ANY of them worthy of the constant complaining, crying, and threats of quitting or unsubscribing. If this game were in its 4th year and some of these "problems" hadn't been addressed, then you may have an argument. It's been out for ONE MONTH. for those of you who have a hard time wrapping your brain around that; that's 4 weeks, 30 days. If you expected a perfect, more polished game that you wouldn't change anything about upon the initial release, you are probably impossible to please and I'm guessing will never be happy no matter what changes are made.


Do us all a favor and either make good on your threat and leave the rest of us to enjoy this great game, or deal with the game as it is like EVERYONE else is and learn to enjoy the good things about it. Be patient and the changes will come.


I'm obliged to repost and repost everything that should be read and re-read again by the crying little girls on these pitiful forums.

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1.1 notes:


"Battlemaster Gear Tokens have been converted into Battlemaster Commendations, which can be used to purchase any Battlemaster gear. This allows players to purchase any piece of gear instead of requiring them to purchase the piece indicated by the token.


Battlemaster Bags now contain Battlemaster Commendations instead of Battlemaster Gear Tokens. They still also contain Champion Commendations."


So, those who got Battlemaster the first couple weeks by afking in warzones 24/7 should have nearly full sets due to random drops from bags. As of the next patch, legitimate new and future battlemasters will get 1 item every couple weeks by getting 6 comms per day. This assumes the commendation prices are consistent with centurion/champion gear.


I won't be renewing my account if this is as it appears to be. I know some others in my guild feel the same, and any serious pvper who hasn't got battlemaster yet is going to be mad when they learn of this.


BW is damned if they do, damned if they don't. This forum has been filled with endless QQ for weeks now about how it is silly to have bags drop gear based on an RNG. BW agreed and changed it. Now people are quitting because they want the old RNG system to remain in place. LOL


BW devs have to have nerves of steel to put up with this nonsense.

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1.1 notes:


"Battlemaster Gear Tokens have been converted into Battlemaster Commendations, which can be used to purchase any Battlemaster gear. This allows players to purchase any piece of gear instead of requiring them to purchase the piece indicated by the token.


Battlemaster Bags now contain Battlemaster Commendations instead of Battlemaster Gear Tokens. They still also contain Champion Commendations."


So, those who got Battlemaster the first couple weeks by afking in warzones 24/7 should have nearly full sets due to random drops from bags. As of the next patch, legitimate new and future battlemasters will get 1 item every couple weeks by getting 6 comms per day. This assumes the commendation prices are consistent with centurion/champion gear.


I won't be renewing my account if this is as it appears to be. I know some others in my guild feel the same, and any serious pvper who hasn't got battlemaster yet is going to be mad when they learn of this.


I'm guessing you've never actually PVP'ed in WoW or any other major MMO for that matter, so your opinion is pretty much useless. If you HAD you would have realized that in other MMO's (like WoW). There was a hard cap on how many conquest points you could earn in a week to purposefully slow the amount of gear you could get. 1/2 items per week is all you could ever get, thus making OMG 4-6 WEEKS FOR A WHOLE SET the actual industry standard.

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I'd rather they just gave the gear away to everyone upon reaching level 50, let player ability and group composition be the deciding factors between winning and losing.


Pvp gear as a reward in general is a lazy way to do things, I'd suggest ranks and titles to be the rewards instead so the average player can just ignore them and the hardcore can feel like he accomplished something all at the same time.


I bet you're a Guild Wars fan aren't you? Haha =)

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