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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Game was pushed WAY too soon...


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Here is how it works. You either like the game or you do not. If you do not then chalk it up to lesson learned and cancel. If you do then continue to play. All the rest is simply drama. Noone ever said this game would please everyone. If you dont like it then leave. If you do then play. Why are you guys sitting here arguing semantics and comparing it to other games you like? I go into a movie and watch it. I spend $40 by the time I am done I get 2 hours out of it. If I dont like the movie they wont refund my tickets, popcorn and soda.


Just do not understand why people continue to go on and on about it. Like I said if its not for you thats ok move on.


the people that actually quit do just quit. you never hear a word. wow is losing 6300 people PER DAY and you aren't seeing 6300 threads by them every day about how they're quitting.


if you keep an eye out, you'll see the same people threatening to quit for months or even years.


they're like the girl who tells everyone she's gonna kill herself about once a year. they want attention, nothing more.

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I'm going to respond to you without quoting the entirety of what you said; although I do think your entire reply is definitely worth reading and has quite a bit of merit.


The problem I have is this is supposedly one of the most expensive games ever made (and yeah those investors are going to want to see some money coming in even sooner because of that), but it feels like the spent all kinds of money on things that are secondary to making a QUALITY game in the long term.


The launch has been pretty solid like you've said, and while abundant, the bugs have not been game-breaking. It feels like the end product is lacking on a massive scale however.


I don't feel like it's anywhere near 150+ hours to 50. Right now I just hit lvl 40 and I'm at 86 hours /played. Additionally this is the fastest I've leveled on the first toon of any mmo I've played, and not because I was enjoying it. I took the time to explore quite a bit of balmora, but besides that it just hasn't been intriguing. I'll likely max level with 4.5-5 days /played, which will be nowhere near what it took me in Rift / WoW on any of my initial toons. I don't feel like I'm rushing through it at all either.



So you've been playing for 86 hrs, exploring and taking your time and from your first post, you mention the PVP feels good. Anyone would have thought that even after all the negatives you mentioned at the end, you're still enjoying the game in some form or other.


I'm not sure why you feel the story of the class you're playing isn't fun though. I think the choice of light side/dark side dialogue does add some consequence and rewards. I remember not helping this woman on Alderaan against the Jedi and got hell for it. And I pressed F9 to reload but Oh damn, this is an MMO, my bad.


You mention Jedi Bob giving you a quest and recognizing him from an earlier quest. Well, in the Sith Inquisitor quest line, there's something like that going on.


Well... sure this game has its bugs and gripes but it doesn't stop the basic functionality of it, which is to play and enjoy it. Some people expect everything to be available at launch but I think that's too high of an expectation.


I've learnt not to expect too much after I followed CnC:Tiberian Sun for 4 years until its launch to play it and found how abysmal it was.

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Here is how it works. You either like the game or you do not. If you do not then chalk it up to lesson learned and cancel. If you do then continue to play. All the rest is simply drama. Noone ever said this game would please everyone. If you dont like it then leave. If you do then play. Why are you guys sitting here arguing semantics and comparing it to other games you like? I go into a movie and watch it. I spend $40 by the time I am done I get 2 hours out of it. If I dont like the movie they wont refund my tickets, popcorn and soda.


Just do not understand why people continue to go on and on about it. Like I said if its not for you thats ok move on.


You can hate a game and wish it to get better. You can like a game and wish it to get better. Either way, those that paid for the game has the right to spend time on the forums. A forum they probably spent quite a bit of time on already. Hearing what others think of the game is kinda fun to many people.


And if I go to a movie expecting to see a nice film... and instead they show something I feel is crap... I will rant and want my money back. Nobody wants to be fisted by someone they trusted.

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You can hate a game and wish it to get better. You can like a game and wish it to get better. Either way, those that paid for the game has the right to spend time on the forums. A forum they probably spent quite a bit of time on already. Hearing what others think of the game is kinda fun to many people.


And if I go to a movie expecting to see a nice film... and instead they show something I feel is crap... I will rant and want my money back. Nobody wants to be fisted by someone they trusted.


Well you can rant all you want but they arent going to refund your money on a movie. At least not around here. Also I wouldnt embarrass myself tossing a fit over a movie. So I didnt like it big deal. Not like I spent a ton of money on it. Same holds true with video games. If you got 10 hrs enjoyment out of it you got your monies worth already. Hearing what others think is great. If you dont like the game why would you post every few minutes about how much you hate it? Makes no sense. Everyone knows you cant just buy something like a video game, music cd or dvd decide you just dont like it and return it. You could bring stuff home copy it take it back all day. This game you can grab the code register your acct then go back to the retailer demind money back. Then you get the game free how is that fair?

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good dinner with your wife would cost 60 bucks and last what ? 1 hour ? geez


Most games i buy i don't even play for a month but a week.


Hell McDonalds wants $7 for a "value" meal now lol. Last time I took my wife someplace nice it cost me about $150 with the drinks and tip. Honestly I wasnt super happy about the service but I didnt throw a fit demanding money back. I just wont go back there next time.

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I don't know why people complain so much. I have not played one mmo that is totally complete from launch including WOW which was totally devoid of anything at all to do once you hit the level cap initially. Its a bit embarrassing to see all the moaners on this forum. If you don't like the game leave rather than trying to poison the rest of the community with your continual whining...
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I really tried to like this game, but I don't think this is the game for me.


I don't know if it was because the game was pushed out too soon. I think the game just needed to be designed differently.


I'm just not feeling that brand new MMO magic like I usually do.

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I don't know why people complain so much. I have not played one mmo that is totally complete from launch including WOW which was totally devoid of anything at all to do once you hit the level cap initially. Its a bit embarrassing to see all the moaners on this forum. If you don't like the game leave rather than trying to poison the rest of the community with your continual whining...


LOTRO launched with no raids at all. Not just that but also no skills above 30 even though the level cap was 50. Everyone wore the same exact armor same exact weps. There was only one way to progress from level 1 to 50 so everyone kept calling it linear. Now after 4 years its one of the best MMOs out there with tons of end game and ways to progress.


After Jan 20th thank god things will be a little better.

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LOTRO launched with no raids at all. Not just that but also no skills above 30 even though the level cap was 50. Everyone wore the same exact armor same exact weps. There was only one way to progress from level 1 to 50 so everyone kept calling it linear. Now after 4 years its one of the best MMOs out there with tons of end game and ways to progress.


After Jan 20th thank god things will be a little better.


No offense but LoTRO is F2P pile of trash now.


Hell the last xpac launched with 0 end game instances.

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Has anyone ever played an MMO thats perfect ..clet alone from start ? All games suffer from it, WOW did, Start Trek did. and this game does.


Or for that matter, have you ever bought a game that has not had a patch within some days/months.


Live with it or leave..nothing else for you to do.

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lol these people.... this is their first mmo launch experience clearly shows you know it even takes WoW about 6 months to come out with a new raid when they release a expansion? it happen in cataclysm and wotlk.


MMO games cannot be rushed or bad thing will happen rushed patches will be bad a MMO always takes time to get things right and add new content but honestly to be fair the way bioware is going with this game it is already better than WoW right now since they take forever to release content and the raids like suck t11 was ok t12 was meh except rag and dragon soul is a PoS and the most boring raid ever and death wing is by far the worst end game boss encounter in the whole game.


but this has been stated name a MMO that has SOOOOOOO much content at launch i dare you.

Edited by genmyke
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This game is lacking several features and customization options found in most MMOs.


There are a ton of bugs and glitches in the game still.


Regardless of the lack of variety to quests I personally still find questing amazingly fun and this is coming from an "MMO veteran who has played 10+ mmos"


I'm going to keep throwing Bioware my money so they can get the rest of this game caught up and developed, because I'm just that cool of a nerf herder. :cool:

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nearly all MMOs i've played, there had been a group of players in the "OMG we're still playing beta" camp. Sometimes they are correct (earthrise) and other times they seem to simply be rediculously sensitive to minor thing (SWTOR)


I just dont get how soooooo many people can be havin such a good time but yet there is this subset of players, mainly here on the forums, that just cant seem to catch on and have a good time.

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PvP / Space Combat:

-I'll definitely say that as far as PvP goes, it feels like they got it down really well. Huttball is a TON of fun, and the other two more traditional warzones are still entertaining. The PvP balance feels pretty good and that fact that you can play with your friends whether they are level 11 or level 37 is great. Now that more people are reaching 50 having a 50's only bracket is a good call, but hopefully it doesn't lengthen que times too much.

-The way crowd control works with resolve is really good and intuitive once you understand it (however there's no explanation of it within the game itself from what I could tell so I'd imagine that few know what it is).

-The importance of positioning and knockbacks etc in huttball is really amazing, think it's just worth stressing.

-Space combat is fun, it's something different to do. Sure it's just a rail shooter, but at least it's pretty, and a nice diversion from the ugly grind of leveling.


Sorry, no offense to you, as your entitled to an opinion, but I don't agree with your impression on PvP. For several reasons I am not going to bother repeating for a 100th time, just so people can then just ignore other players concerns. Anyway no, I don't agree.

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nearly all MMOs i've played, there had been a group of players in the "OMG we're still playing beta" camp. Sometimes they are correct (earthrise) and other times they seem to simply be rediculously sensitive to minor thing (SWTOR)


I just dont get how soooooo many people can be havin such a good time but yet there is this subset of players, mainly here on the forums, that just cant seem to catch on and have a good time.


because in real life, they are afraid to say anything. when that guy pushes them out of the way and gets the last loaf of bread, they're afraid to react


it ALL comes out on the forums though. like that RP girl who thinks chat bubbles are VITAL


that's like saying eyeliner is vital.


people are stupid. most stupid people think they like MMOs, they don't.

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Breaking news:


PC Game has Bugs on Release. Stay tuned for more on this shocking disclosure.




If you're looking for a game with 6 + years of progression and polish, you won't find it in a release title. Content patches every month sound pretty nice to me. BW seems to be listening to the community.


Even for what it is now, it's still a lot of fun. The engine issues aren't gamebreaking, just annoying.. and if experience is a guide they'll be addressed and resolved slowly as the code is optimized over time. I personally enjoy the dialogue and story, and don't feel it was wasted time or cash at all.


I do, however, wish the planets were bigger and less instanced. Hopefully in 1.1 we start to see things headed in that direction.


The fact is, WoW has achieved a level of polish over the years that is tough to match. The slick UI and character responsiveness are two shining examples to me. I can only imagine BW would be looking at how to improve these areas if they are interested in competing.


Anyway, thats my 2c, back to the game! :D

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