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Game was pushed WAY too soon...


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Sad ur leaving at 40 cuz the game really gets good at 40, especially the story.......maybe this style isn't for u. I for one find the leveling very refreshing and each story, even if its kill ten droids, entertaining. I will gladly give them my 15 a month
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I do agree that they could have done a better job with quest variety. They're on par with where WoW was in BC, miles off from Cata in terms of quest mechanics.


That said, I still find questing in this game far more enjoyable and less grindy than WoW has been most of its life. The best cata areas are worlds better than the worst areas here, but the best areas here are a good bit better than the best Cata areas.


I'd say revamping all of the quest should be high on the priority for expansions, to bring the gameplay parts of it up to WoW's level.

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TLDR; It's said this is one of the most expensive games, and pieces of entertainment media in general, ever made in history. I can only imagine due to licensing, because it definitely doesn't show in the gameplay.


Whoever's saying this obviously hasn't seen the budget of any summer movie made in the last, what, 20 years?

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Sad ur leaving at 40 cuz the game really gets good at 40, especially the story.......maybe this style isn't for u. I for one find the leveling very refreshing and each story, even if its kill ten droids, entertaining. I will gladly give them my 15 a month


Why couldn't they have made the game 'good' at level 1?

I couldn't make it past 25. Just too boring.


The Endless Hallway Planet of Nar Shadda was just too boring for me.

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They needed more than a "few months". In fact, the entire direction of the game is wrong to its very core.

More depth and innovation, less WoW.


Amen to that. If you need to copy, copy something that works, not the worst features of WoW.

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I'm a fairly small-time developer myself, but I just write maintenance apps for business systems, and I know full well that every program that it is possible to write is inherently bugged. Even if the program works perfectly how the designer wants it to, the users will disagree with the way things work, and that is also a bug. The larger a program is, and the more different hardware a big graphical program like an MMO is expected to work on, the more bugs it will have even with years and years of polishing. SWTOR - just like any other MMO - will always be bugged in some ways, it will never be perfect, at least not for the users.




That's not a bug. A bug is an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result, or causes it to behave in unintended ways.


If it's working as the developer intended, but not how the users want - it's not a bug. It's working as intended. It may be an issue with the design, but that's not what a bug is.

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So many people in this thread that make me sad because they enjoy the mindless grind, like drones on a industrial workline just mindlessly assembling little packets of XP every kill they make and calling it a form of entertainment, jesus people at least pretend you don't like being treated like mindless slaves for the green in your pockets /facepalm
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Why couldn't they have made the game 'good' at level 1?

I couldn't make it past 25. Just too boring.


The Endless Hallway Planet of Nar Shadda was just too boring for me.


I am level 49 Sith Assassin level as Darkness (tank.) I loved all 49 levels and can't wait to finish the story.

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I bought the CE, so I feel obligated to stay. When I really like a game, I always feel this urge to play, and I don't feel that at all with SWTOR. I have the urge to play Skyrim WHILE I am playing SWTOR.


Most planets are too cramped, there are too many instanced zones and all that VO was truly a waste of time and money.

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Sad story OP.


Can't say that I agree with your assessments however.


I'm having a blast and the game is not boring for me.


Im sorry you don't know the difference. Watched a lot of disney movies as a kid i bet.

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I bought the CE, so I feel obligated to stay. When I really like a game, I always feel this urge to play, and I don't feel that at all with SWTOR. I have the urge to play Skyrim WHILE I am playing SWTOR.


Most planets are too cramped, there are too many instanced zones and all that VO was truly a waste of time and money.


Same here. Really wished I hadn't bought the CE...

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So you feel like you're playing a game that is complete on release?


This content patch coming out is all stuff that should have been in the game already, and even after it's still lacking. Granted most players are not 50 yet, so while not all that relevant, but lack of operation content is pretty surprising.


Yep I do.

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So many people in this thread that make me sad because they enjoy the mindless grind, like drones on a industrial workline just mindlessly assembling little packets of XP every kill they make and calling it a form of entertainment, jesus people at least pretend you don't like being treated like mindless slaves for the green in your pockets /facepalm


Oh no, another "you don't agree with me so you must be mindless" post! Haters gonna hate it appears.

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So you feel like you're playing a game that is complete on release?


This content patch coming out is all stuff that should have been in the game already, and even after it's still lacking. Granted most players are not 50 yet, so while not all that relevant, but lack of operation content is pretty surprising.


So you would rather be not playing for another year so they can do all the things you think they need.


I like mmogs and part of that is experiencing the development and evolution of the game. By the logic given the game could never be released as there is an unlimitless number of things to be added. It is ridiculous to complain about a major content patch in the first month.

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I have to say that I am surprised... I almost never agree with these types of posts, but I find that I completely agree with almost all of your points! My main is level 44 and I am getting extremely bored with the questing and getting fed up with the inexcusable issues!


The questing / leveling experience:

There's no variety. The dialogue has no consequence, all the characters that I'm talking to look almost exactly the same. You never have that moment where Jedi Bob asks you to do a quest and you actually recognize him from earlier or feel like you've developed some sort of ongoing story with him.

What's worse, is the variety in flora and fauna. At level 40, I'm still fighting mobs that look EXACTLY like the ones I was fighting at level 1 (and the entire journey so far to level 40). Additionally, I want to try the other classes a bit more than I have so far, and even though I know their class quests will be different, the zones I get to choose from while leveling will be identical.


Agreed. The dialog choices mean absolutely nothing (other than the occasional LS/DS gain). The three dialog options are nothing more than three paths to the exact same conclusion! Bioware made every indication that there would be long-term ramifications from choices, but there really isn't... it is all just fluff and filler.


I am also getting tired of every quest NPC looking exactly like the NPC from my last quest. There is apparently on 5 or 6 character models in the game and each quest NPC just gets a new random hairdo!


Bugs / oversights:

-I understand the decision to not be able to switch between AC's (though I do think that each AC needs to be a bit deeper and more interesting, especially from it's counterpart) but not having a multi-spec system seems like a huge oversight.

-There are so many quests that despite being level appropriate still only reward 5xp. When you spend 30 minutes killing npc's (that all look the same) in order to complete a quest and then you don't even get any sort of reward whatsoever for said quest, it's pretty depressing.

-The number of just simple bugs that feel like they should have been caught is laughable, and makes me believe even more that this game was pushed months early and that right now we're paying to play the beta still.


Agreed. While some bugs and certain issues can be expected and understood with a new game release, the number of bugs is extreme and the game play issues are inexcusable! Some of the issues are mind-boggling that they could exist in a five year 300 million dollar game! It is as if there was zero “in house” play testing and quality control. These are obvious issues that should never have made it to release!


-The auction house functionally is non-existent, and I would imagine that it scares away many players that would otherwise use it quite a bit. It's not user friendly whatsoever.


I have been using this as an example of the state-of-release of this game... not because it is buggy or unstable, but because it is laughably dumb in design and reeks of zero oversight or testing! There is no way that such an idiotic and pathetic system as the GTN UI should have made it to release! Who signed off on that piece of garbage and declared it suitable for release? I honestly think the GTN UI was sub contracted out and nobody at Bioware even looked at it before release... how can anyone who have ever played an MMO or any company developing an MMO consider it acceptable and give it a pass?


PvP / Space Combat:

-I'll definitely say that as far as PvP goes, it feels like they got it down really well. Huttball is a TON of fun, and the other two more traditional warzones are still entertaining. The PvP balance feels pretty good and that fact that you can play with your friends whether they are level 11 or level 37 is great. Now that more people are reaching 50 having a 50's only bracket is a good call, but hopefully it doesn't lengthen que times too much.

-The way crowd control works with resolve is really good and intuitive once you understand it (however there's no explanation of it within the game itself from what I could tell so I'd imagine that few know what it is).

-The importance of positioning and knockbacks etc in huttball is really amazing, think it's just worth stressing.

-Space combat is fun, it's something different to do. Sure it's just a rail shooter, but at least it's pretty, and a nice diversion from the ugly grind of leveling.


Agreed on all points.


-Not making ui addons / mods available from the get go seems like either a bad call or an oversight.


Ok, I guess there had to be something I would disagree on...


I agree that the stock UI sucks and that it does not have built-in customizable options is a poor oversight; I would welcome a main UI mod and a mod to replace the stupid GTN UI, but for the most part I believe most add-ons and mods are a bad idea and should not be allowed.

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So you would rather be not playing for another year so they can do all the things you think they need.


I like mmogs and part of that is experiencing the development and evolution of the game. By the logic given the game could never be released as there is an unlimitless number of things to be added. It is ridiculous to complain about a major content patch in the first month.


You complete took what I was saying out of context in regards to the content patch. However, regarding your first sentence, I don't plan on playing this game for another month at this point much less another year. There's a ton of games out there that feel like they've had much more design effort and polish put into them, it's just unfortunate that I already payed for this one, can't even trade it in like you could a console game.

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