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Running out of Hotkeys.


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So, I've been playing MMOs since 1999, and my hotkey builds have evolved over time, but I have never been in a position where I have had to go outside of my Shift+ set up. My setup is as follows, Q, E, R, C, X, Z, M5, M4, M3, S-Q, S-E, S-R, S-F, S-C, S-X, S-Z, S-M5, S-M4, S-M3. With Swtor I have added 1, 2, 3, 4 and S+Space. But I am only level 30 and I have about 4 more abilities that I will need to Hotkey. I haven't been able to Hotkey my relics, and have taken to clicking them, which largely leaves them unused. Does anyone else have any ideas, advice, additional hotkeys, or news on possible macro additions. A class with this many abilities pretty much needs macros.
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it is a big pain, there are just way too many abilities too use and that you have to use.

I'd imagine they wanted a high skillcap on the classes, but its not correct at all.

It makes it less fun to play personally.


Also that | and < are not usable for bindings are not fun, as im left handed i usually have important abilities on them, on games like WoW.

Edited by Ezzem
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There's a handful of keys I use practically every fight. The ones that aren't as common I usually click with the mouse. I will agree though, Marauders get a ton of abilities and it's the first char I've actually filled 3 full bars with (not including the fourth for items).


Fortunately some abilities can be replaced, such as Vicious Slash with Massacre.

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Do you mean you use a gameboard (like a Nostromo) or do you you use a controller (like a xbox 360 controller)? If the latter, how do you deal with all the different powers?


Map your triggers to modifiers. I have 36 keybinds right now. Couldn't imagine trying to play with a KB+M, would take some super long fingers.

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They just need to merge some stuff, or get rid of some abilities. Like does pommel strike really need to exist?


Im pretty sure they can easily scrape away some of the excess. The class is complicated enough without needing 50 keybinds.

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1 2 3 4 5 Q E R T F G Z X C V


Ctrl + 1 2 3 4 5 Q E R T F G Z X C V


Alt + 1 2 3 4 5 Q E R T F G Z X C V


There's 45 easy to reach keybind options right there. I know a lot of people are fans of gamepads and the Naga, but if you're strictly using a keyboard and mouse, I've found that's generally the best way to go. I personally don't like using the alt + anything keybinds though, except 1-5, because I'm melee and it feels relatively awkward while also moving.

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Most recent setup I have:





shift 7 is now my Rakata Medpac, Shift-T is my Might Stim and Mouse 5(Next to my relic) is now my Adrenal. 7 8 9 0 - and = are all reached through my Naga. `-5 are all my left hand.



I've always put similar abilities on the same keys on all of my characters. Shift-D is a defense, V is a vanish, ` is an execute, etc.


Complete muscle memory = win.

Edited by Kibaken
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I use 1 to 5, QERFC +the shift modified variants. That's 20 keys right there. And then I have a Naga in which I bind my main DPSing abilities to buttons 1-6 and non-combat stuff to the rest. I'm very comfortable with this setup and have developed full muscle memory so all I have to keep track of are the cooldowns on my bars. The Naga helped me a great deal, really because I can rotate the camera with the same hand and have full WASD control when I use most of my main abilities (when normally I'd, say for example, be limited from strafing to the right with the D key at the same moment I'm pressing R. Edited by Swarna
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Use a Logitech G13 gamepad in combination with a G500 mouse personally.


Thumbstick for movement, side buttons on the mouse are alt and shift. Scroll wheel is ctrl for companion.



alt + 1-12

shift + 1-12


+ 2 buttons for jump and tab target on the gamepad.


So I really only use 14 buttons plus the modifiers, anything else can be clicked!

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I common use 1-0, Ctrl+1-0 and Alt+1-0 in another MMO we shan't mention, but that has a Star Trek theme.


Only reason I haven't used that here is that the Ctrl ones are pre-taken by the companion abilities and I've been too lazy to remap them. So I've been using Shift+1-0 and keeping noncritical stuff in the right bar with no mapped keys... not working out so well. I'm out of the 20 "mapped" slots and have a few things I NEED in my right bar.


Time to remap nearly everything. *sigh*

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In addition to all the stated above using the keyboard, I would suggest investing in a mouse with a lot of buttons. Particularly the Razer Naga or the Logitech G700. Quite pricey, but they are gaming mouses made to last a long time. I just recently bought the Naga but I'm already used to it and it was definitely worth my money.
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There is way to many abilitys, the rotation is huge and you have to keep a close eye on everything. They need to cut some of the abilitys and add them onto others.


Complexity does not equate to impossibility. BW has already stated we have one of if not the most complex rotations (even though it really isn't, but the point stands) in the game. While it has a steep learning curve to excel at it's by no means impossible. Becoming creative with key-binds and committing them to muscle memory make it easy.

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shift 12345QERTGVFCY



oh and i use Alt+Q as my drink/food or in this game channeled self heal.


This game does make use of just about all my keybinds which is around 35. I'm actually enjoying it after playing rift where you only really used like 5 keybinds in a typical rotation.

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ESDF for movement


Shift - 1234 for centering/fury abilities

123456 various abilities

QWRTAGZXCVB various abilities

alt QWRTAG various abilities

Mousebutton 4 interrupt

Shift Scrollwheel up, down, third mousebutton are defensive abilities.

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Have a 14 button mouse now so I can bind EVERYTHING to it but before I used


AD for strafe (no turns)

and abilities were

QE1234, shift+QE1234 (small hands)

Mouse3(click the wheel), Mouse4, Mouse4, Wheelup, Wheeldown

Shift+ Mouse3, Mouse4, Mouse4, Wheelup, Wheeldown

out of combat stuff I just bound to the numpad.

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