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Quests, everything = too easy = boring


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To say that the "game" is easy, is to imply certain things e.g. that the entirety of the game is easy. And THAT is a false claim. It is a general statement used to exaggerate a point.


Fact: the "standard" challenge level of normal mobs is that each (when considered on their own) are "weak".
That is intentional


This comes back to my point that just saying the leveling is "easy" is not necessarily true. If you are given a task to kill 20 rats and you kill 1 at a time, when the con-system sets the difficulty of a mob as "weak" then yes, it WILL seem easy. But fighting just one mob is not what is intended. Now go and fight 8 at once and see if it's still "easy".


and again,


I cannot KILL 8 at once, because they don't all spawn together.


Stop with the lame ways to make the game more difficult.

Edited by djsmileey
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and again,


I cannot KILL 8 at once, because they don't all spawn together.


Really? I've seen plenty of places with multiple groups of mobs reasonably close together.




Belsavis is a prime location for not being able to walk 10 paces (off the usual track) without aggro'ing multiple groups.


Or are you perhaps not that high level enough? If so, then that kinda calls ones argument about how things are "easy" into question then doesn't it?

Edited by Tarka
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Really? I've seen plenty of places with multiple groups of mobs reasonably close together.


I would like you to Cite me specific location where you can complete the entire kill X mobs in one fell swoop.


I like what you did there.


"I see lots of groups of mobs, and that must mean that i can complete all quests with one fight on kill X mobs missions"


You have to see your absurdity.

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well just for questing im only level 20 but i stopped run with a companion a long time ago. just so i actually could use more than 2-3 abilities. maybe not hardmode but still it made the questing a little more interesting tho.
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I would like you to Cite me specific location where you can complete the entire kill X mobs in one fell swoop.


I like what you did there.


"I see lots of groups of mobs, and that must mean that i can complete all quests with one fight on kill X mobs missions"


You have to see your absurdity.


See my edit ;)

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well just for questing im only level 20 but i stopped run with a companion a long time ago. just so i actually could use more than 2-3 abilities. maybe not hardmode but still it made the questing a little more interesting tho.



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Everyone arguing with the OP and telling him to play the game by special rules are actually making his case.


Not really, because they are offering suggestions to relieve HIS issues with the game. And those issues may not be experienced by a lot of other players.


Making such suggestions are actually more logical than arbitrarily ramping up the challenge for everyone based on one persons observations.


Now, if Bioware offered instances where a solo'er could opt for a "harder" modes, I'd be all for that. Because it doesn't affect the experiences of others. It is therefore an additional gameplay feature, rather than a blanket change.


This comes down to providing choice to the player based on what THEY need. Providing additional choices is good for business. Having no choice and making things challenging for some, but too difficult to others is not so good for business.

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It's not the difficulty of how hard it is to kill a mob, it's that the mobs don't actually do anything. There's no sport in killing a mob that just hits you back.


What happened to the mobs that do things you don't expect, like stun you or summon some adds or have some kind of basic AI that was interesting to fight. The mobs in the game are DUMB.


Sure I can quest and kill stuff above my level, but it just takes longer, it's not any more challenging. Challenging would be if the mobs had some interesting mechanics, which they do not.


I remember mobs that ran away from you when they were almost dead and you had to kill 'em quick or stun them or they'd bring adds. Stuff like that is what I'm talking about. Interesting stuff. Stuff that's not boring.

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It's not the difficulty of how hard it is to kill a mob, it's that the mobs don't actually do anything. There's no sport in killing a mob that just hits you back.


What happened to the mobs that do things you don't expect, like stun you or summon some adds or have some kind of basic AI that was interesting to fight. The mobs in the game are DUMB.


funny you should say that, I just fought a group of mobs, and extras climbed out of the ground.


Sure I can quest and kill stuff above my level, but it just takes longer, it's not any more challenging. Challenging would be if the mobs had some interesting mechanics, which they do not.


I remember mobs that ran away from you when they were almost dead and you had to kill 'em quick or stun them or they'd bring adds. Stuff like that is what I'm talking about. Interesting stuff. Stuff that's not boring.


Having intricate AI mechanics is certainly a good point :)

Thing is, the devs have to be careful. What one person may consider to be "fun", another may not. And yet, BOTH are being expected to pay a subscription fee.


So, is it really wise to throw players "in at the deep end" right from the start of the leveling process and therefore make EVERYTHING really challenging?


Or instead, would it be better to have the leveling process reasonable in terms of challenge, and then put the REAL challenge in places like flashpoints, elite mobs, champions, operations and other places where the players have the choice of experiencing a greater degree of "challenge"?

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well just for questing im only level 20 but i stopped run with a companion a long time ago. just so i actually could use more than 2-3 abilities. maybe not hardmode but still it made the questing a little more interesting tho.


Please try that at level 30 or 35.

I found that the game gets considerably harder everytime I reach a new planet. I'm not a hardcore gamer, but not what you'd call a n00b, either. I consider myself an average gamer who likes a challenge from time to time but prefers a win to outweigh a failure. No, I don't want it handed to me, but more than 3 tries already frustrate me. That's just the way I am. :)


As for the idea to implement a difficulty slider for solo content. I ask: How? A lot of the solo content is open world. Now how do you want to change the mob difficulty without affecting those who like it "normal" or in "carebear-mode" ? More instancing? Then we'd have the whining about too many instances (which we have quite a bit of already).


Personally, and again, I must stress that this is my own opinion, I find the balance between challenge and easy just ok the way it is.

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Please try that at level 30 or 35.

I found that the game gets considerably harder everytime I reach a new planet. I'm not a hardcore gamer, but not what you'd call a n00b, either. I consider myself an average gamer who likes a challenge from time to time but prefers a win to outweigh a failure. No, I don't want it handed to me, but more than 3 tries already frustrate me. That's just the way I am. :)


As for the idea to implement a difficulty slider for solo content. I ask: How? A lot of the solo content is open world. Now how do you want to change the mob difficulty without affecting those who like it "normal" or in "carebear-mode" ? More instancing? Then we'd have the whining about too many instances (which we have quite a bit of already).


Personally, and again, I must stress that this is my own opinion, I find the balance between challenge and easy just ok the way it is.


Well, one way could be more instances like the "class missions". The class story instances are often not easy. They could be examples of how bioware could offer solo'able content with a difficulty setting attached to it.


Rift did something similar when they provided solo'able instances based on individual bosses found in the raids (with scaled back difficulty and appropriate rewards ofc).


I do understand your point about complaints regarding instancing though.

However, often I find that such complaints are about the copies of the entire outside world with players split between them, rather than the amount of class story / flashpoint type instances.

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I've found I have to play very well (using all my abilities at the proper times) to get through some of the class quests for both my Guardian and Scoundrel. Perhaps it's because they're not damage, but I remember having to do the same for my Marauder in beta on occasion.


Can't really think of how they could make content more challenging than having to squeeze the most out of a character's abilities...


Then again, I didn't spend a lot of time doing group content so my gear isn't incredible. However, the only real fixes for that is to make group content rewards on par with solo rewards or somehow make them different enough that it only works for one or the other. Neither of those ideas would be very popular with your average MMO gamer.

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Didn't die once in a class story quest as a marauder up through 50... all the battles were pretty easy with the healer companion. A couple of the bosses were somewhat challenging (like the ones where they keep coming back to life over and over like a Friday the 13th episode)..


On this sniper playthrough it's even easier.. snipers are NASTY. I solo'd a heroic 2 quest with my sniper.. no way my marauder could've done that.

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Well, one way could be more instances like the "class missions". The class story instances are often not easy. They could be examples of how bioware could offer solo'able content with a difficulty setting attached to it.


I do take your point about complaints regarding instancing, but often such complaints are about the "sharding" (i.e. entire copies of the outside world) rather than the amount of class story / flashpoint type instances.


I agree with you in that this would probably the only way to cater to really everyone, when it comes to difficulty.

But the downside would be said instancing. Servers, worlds would appear even more empty than they already do, which would bring out the "the game feels dead" crowd.


It's a fine line, the devs have to walk on. Everyone pays, everyone wants to be pleased. I do not envy them.

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Didn't die once in a class story quest as a marauder up through 50... all the battles were pretty easy with the healer companion. A couple of the bosses were somewhat challenging (like the ones where they keep coming back to life over and over like a Friday the 13th episode)..


On this sniper playthrough it's even easier.. snipers are NASTY. I solo'd a heroic 2 quest with my sniper.. no way my marauder could've done that.


What level is your sniper? And what level was the heroic 2 quest?


Bear in mind that there can be some difference between one Heroic 2 mission, and another.

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Oh and about easy:


I just did the Esseles FP solo with my 33 Guardian. THAT was easy, they didn't even scratch me. OK, not really fun, but easy...and I finally felt like a jedi with slicing through bosses and stuff.

Quite epic. ;)

(thought I'd share this moment with the world. ;) )

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