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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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In 3 years no one will care.


It ain't happening any time soon.


LoL we are down to 3 years now from never happening. We'll be down to couple of months by tomorrow i guess


My dear friend its all about money, nothing more nothing less........ no one cares whats been said and done in the past, if there is demand and couple of bucks to be made then they will make it happen.

Edited by Greywinter
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I say no.


Advance classes are intended to be your FINAL class. To change it IS to go from one different class to another. Going from Sith Sorcerer to Sith Assassin is just like going from Priest to Rogue in WoW. Sorcerers are ranged casters that can heal and Assassins are melee tanks that can stealth. They are different classes with different mechanics.


However, re-rolling and listening to the same story is frustrating. Maybe if Bio actually had different stories for you after you chose your advance class it wouldn't be as bad to re-roll. Just have to get past the first planet.

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LoL we are down to 3 years now from never happening. We'll be down to couple of months by tomorrow i guess


My dear friend its all about money, nothing more nothing less no one cares whats been said and done in the past, if there is demand and couple of bucks to be made then you they will make it happen.


I guarantee this would be an NGE-level decision at this point. They wont do it for years.

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No. And here's why: Many ACs are fundamentally different from one another.


Take the Sith Warrior for example. The Juggernaut for one uses a single blade. They also have access to other forms which augment abilities in different ways. Now, transition to the Marauder. Here's where you really see the differences.


The Marauder has its own unique resource system (Fury) in addition to rage. Unleashing this fury gives you bonuses in combat. Managing Fury, timing when to release it, etc, are all integral parts of the Marauder style.


They play in very different ways from one another down to their specific abilities. Juggernauts can "Sunder" armor, Marauders deal bleed damage, etc. They are very much different classes. It'd be akin to asking to change from your Warrior into a Rogue.

Ok, so...? Why is this an argument against swift switch instead of time-consuming rerolling? Yes we know that changing AC changes the gameplay - that's why we want to switch AC instead of making another alt playing same story once again.

Edited by dadamowsky
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You have no idea what you are talking about and its not like going from rogue to priest, its like going from Holy to Shadow, if you have played a priest in WoW then you know what I am talking about.


Going from Tank/Melee DPS to Heal/Ranged Caster DPS is, obviously, just about EXACTLY like going from Rogue to Priest.


Inquisitor: Assassin and Sorcerer. Entirely different classes. Not different specs- different classes. Respecs aren't for changing your entire class.... which is exactly what an Advanced Class respec would do.


EDIT: I'm obviously against AC respecs, however, I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to add a 1-shot chance for a very short time/level or two after you originally choose, because we're people, and people make mistakes and/or royally screw up a lot.

Edited by Shaz
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Ok, so...? Why is this an argument against swift switch instead of time-consuming rerolling? Yes we know that changing AC changes the gameplay - that's why we want to switch AC instead of making another alt playing same story once again.




It should be similar to the current reset of skill tree abilities. Let the user do it for free up until level 20 (allowing them to get a feel for the class, instead of "lol oh you're level 10 you should know what the class is like lololololol"). After you hit 20, the cost increases until you hit 50, where you are asked FINALLY to lock it in.

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I personally would like it. I don't like my class as much as I thought I would and would've preferred the other AC, but my class isn't as drastic as a change.


Going from a JG to a JS isn't as big of a leap as going from shadow to sage.

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It should be similar to the current reset of skill tree abilities. Let the user do it for free up until level 20 (allowing them to get a feel for the class, instead of "lol oh you're level 10 you should know what the class is like lololololol"). After you hit 20, the cost increases until you hit 50, where you are asked FINALLY to lock it in.


if this is the case why have ACs at all? why not just have 4 classes with 5 skill trees, then we wouldnt have to worry about changing ACs, i mean they share the same ship, story, and companions anyway. or maybe its because their not specs that should be changed at the drop of a hat. BW even stated that they want your choices to matter, picking your AC should/does matter and i hope it stays this way.


the ability to change your class at the press of a button is the first step on a long dark road that not even blizzard was stupid enough to make, and their adding pandas and pokemon to their game. if this does go live it will be all the proof i need that BW isnt ready to make an MMO.

Edited by LilTikiBoy
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No need for advanced class respec. AC's are two different things. You don't respec from a warrior to a DK, so why would you a juggernaut to a marauder? It's even worse if it's the SI, b/c you're asking for a ranged switch to something akin to a rogue. It doesn't make sense. I've leveled characters in wow and when I didn't like the gameplay, I didn't demand that I be able to change the class, I went back and played another class.


Now, I am all for a tree dual spec b/c I would like to tank on occasion but I mainly like to DPS. Sometimes I want to join up with a group looking for tank but can't really. I don't want to be full time.

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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?





If you want to say "NO" or "Bioware will never do this!"...




Thanks to Salzwasser for the link.


...and to finally put matters to rest, read: http://torwars.com/2011/12/01/stephen-reid-on-advanced-class-switching/


Never hopefully!

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Really what this all boils down to is the level of enjoyment players are getting from the game and the actual practicality of making a change like this.


Enjoyment level will cause people to renew or cancel subscriptions and this will be a large factor in the implementation of this feature or a dual spec feature. If enough people quit the game and this is one reason, it will probably change at some point.


There are a few things I don't understand. If you don't want this feature because it somehow destroys the integrity of making choices in the game, why would you care if it is implemented or not. A feature like this will in no way alter your experience of the game if you don't use it. What you are asserting is that somehow the knowledge that other players can change the nature of their gameplay in a profound way whenever they want ruins YOUR game. This assertion is ridiculous. If you are so obsessed with in-game choices being meaningful then you should be clamoring for an end to re-specs, and you should be demanding that a person needs to re-roll a new character every time their character dies in-game, otherwise the bad choices you made in the fight are meaningless.


No. The real truth here is that all choices in a game are meaningless inherently because of the fact that it is a game. There is no point in a company spending a massive amount of money developing a game like this if they cater it to appeal to a small group of hard-core types who think punishing players for not knowing ahead of time how enjoyable an advanced class is to play long term.


OF course, this may be a very difficult type of thing to program, and I can't really speak to that. This feature isn't like changing the dynamic of how a particular class plays, it doesn't force itself on anyone. You don't have to use it if you think it spoils the meaning of the choices you make for your character, the fact that I use the feature in no way affects you. There is no good reason not to have it.

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I do not support respeccing your Advance class.


Players need to take the time to read the descriptions they are given when choosing their AC. That little window that pops up gives you a brief description of what each AC does for that class, and lets your preview the talent trees.

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I do not support respeccing your Advance class.


Players need to take the time to read the descriptions they are given when choosing their AC. That little window that pops up gives you a brief description of what each AC does for that class, and lets your preview the talent trees.


yeah, like reading those descriptions will prepare you for 40 more levels of that AC.

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The amount of wannabe elitists in this thread is hilarious. Its the exact same arguments used before World of Warcraft had dual spec. I pushed hard for dual spec in World of Warcraft. I made a few threads and tried to post in pro dual talent threads. The arguments here are the same ones used in those threads. Hilarious really.


Oh if you've never played WoW they implemented dual specs, and 99.9% of everyone is happy they did. Bioware isnt dumb. This will be implemented as it makes sense. Think of this from their point of view. Would you quit if this were implemented? Probably not. I imagine you fanbois would need so much to change before you did. Now, will this be a useful feature that 99% of their subscribers will use? Yes.


Mark my words it will be implemented and it will cost credits (not rl money like some guy said earlier, srsly lol dude you're out there).

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I hope they never allow changing your AC. You make choices and you live with them. If you regret them make another character. It would only lead to people rolling need on everything incase they change their AC. It is bad enough with people rolling need on items for companions. That notwithstanding, I dont want to join a group as a healer and have to heal some dork tank who just changed his AC and has no experience with the class.
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Really what this all boils down to is the level of enjoyment players are getting from the game and the actual practicality of making a change like this.


Enjoyment level will cause people to renew or cancel subscriptions and this will be a large factor in the implementation of this feature or a dual spec feature. If enough people quit the game and this is one reason, it will probably change at some point.


There are a few things I don't understand. If you don't want this feature because it somehow destroys the integrity of making choices in the game, why would you care if it is implemented or not. A feature like this will in no way alter your experience of the game if you don't use it. What you are asserting is that somehow the knowledge that other players can change the nature of their gameplay in a profound way whenever they want ruins YOUR game. This assertion is ridiculous. If you are so obsessed with in-game choices being meaningful then you should be clamoring for an end to re-specs, and you should be demanding that a person needs to re-roll a new character every time their character dies in-game, otherwise the bad choices you made in the fight are meaningless.


No. The real truth here is that all choices in a game are meaningless inherently because of the fact that it is a game. There is no point in a company spending a massive amount of money developing a game like this if they cater it to appeal to a small group of hard-core types who think punishing players for not knowing ahead of time how enjoyable an advanced class is to play long term.


OF course, this may be a very difficult type of thing to program, and I can't really speak to that. This feature isn't like changing the dynamic of how a particular class plays, it doesn't force itself on anyone. You don't have to use it if you think it spoils the meaning of the choices you make for your character, the fact that I use the feature in no way affects you. There is no good reason not to have it.


your wrong if you dont think this will affect everyones gameplay. lets say for example you level a jugg so you can tank, then you run a FP with a maurader who rolls need on tank gear simply because he can go change his AC to jugg and tank too if he so desires. this mechanic has just cost you gear for no better reason then greed.


your laziness to reroll if you wanna play another AC has turned to others greed by adding to an already bad problem with ninja rolling, which will turn into my anger, because i shouldnt have to compete with classes that cant even use the gear their taking from me, which does not equal enjoyment.


or you could simply not be invited to a group because they already have a tank since joe nobody just swapped to jugg and threw on a shield gen and called it good. now your sitting in fleet spamming LFG again and the rest of your group is now getting their asses kicked because joe doesnt have the gear to tank or even the first clue of how to play a jugg.


now your laziness to reroll has now led to your own inability to find a group and is causing people to die instead of kill bosses, causing huge repair bills and wasting hours time, theirs, yours, and mine. this does affect me, it affects everyone and it is a terrible idea.

Edited by LilTikiBoy
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No need for advanced class respec. AC's are two different things. You don't respec from a warrior to a DK, so why would you a juggernaut to a marauder?


It's not though.


Warrior -> DK = JK -> Consular. Those the are base clases/archetypes.


Now Bioware does call AC classes in game but they also call them specializations on the holonet. Somewhat confusing?


Also as far as the actually gameplay aspects go:


Jugg = Prot/Arms.

Mara = Fury.


It's even worse if it's the SI, b/c you're asking for a ranged switch to something akin to a rogue. It doesn't make sense. I've leveled characters in wow and when I didn't like the gameplay, I didn't demand that I be able to change the class, I went back and played another class.


SI/Consular are a near copy of druids in design.


Sage = Tree/Boomkin.

Shadow = Cat/Bear.


While in vanilla there was no dual spec you could change between trees and have with druids radically different resource usage/playstyle.


I think people get too hung up on the label "class" and not what it is functionally representing.


Either they exist to give the illusion of more variety then there really is or Bioware wanted to have a bit of a throwback to older MMOs while copying WoW in overall class functionality (aka Inqs = druid)

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your wrong if you dont think this will affect everyones gameplay. lets say for example you level a jugg so you can tank, then you run a FP with a maurader who rolls need on tank gear simply because he can go change his AC to jugg and tank too if he so desires. this mechanic has just cost you gear for no better reason then greed.


your laziness to reroll if you wanna play another AC has turned to others greed by adding to an already bad problem with ninja rolling, which will turn into my anger, because i shouldnt have to compete with classes that cant even use the gear their taking from me, which does not equal enjoyment.


or you could simply not be invited to a group because they already have a tank since joe nobody just swapped to jugg and threw on a shield gen and called it good. now your sitting in fleet spamming LFG again and the rest of your group is now getting their asses kicked by because joe doesnt have the gear to tank or even the first clue of how to play a jugg.


now your laziness to reroll has now led to your own inability to find a group and is causing people to die instead of kill bosses, causing huge repair bills and wasting hours time, theirs, yours, and mine. this does affect me, it affects everyone and it is a terrible idea.


Sigh. If i'm playing wow and some dps needs on a tanking piece, he will most likely get removed from the group. However I avoid this by simply grouping with people that I know. MS>OS

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