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Forum Changes Coming!


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Still not understanding the reluctance to simply give each server it's own forum.


Asking players to format their posts with <server name> strikes me as a lazy decision.


Will the mods actively delete threads that do not adhere to this rule, or will we be expected to flag the posts ourselves?

Edited by Zannis
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What is with the reluctance to provide each server with their own forum?


Its seriously frustrating to try and understand the logic of grouping servers together. I don't care what is happening on any server but Jung Ma. I don't want to deal with some troll from another server, that I can't carve apart in ilum or huttball.


You are obviously listening but insisting you know better. Don't try to remake the wheel, give each server their own forum, and stop trying to be different for the sake of being different.

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I agree that individual server forums are the way to go. The whole [server tag] system simply won't work as people just won't adhere to it. That and I really don't care about what another server is talking about and they don't care about what my server is talking about. I also don't want to have to sift through their stuff just to read what pertains to me.


Individual forums will make all aspects of the game better: Community, guild recruitment, PvP/PvE bragging, scheduling events (RP/Non-RP), trading, etc.

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I'm like "Yikes!" yet again another forum subheading to navigate through.


I've been somewhat computer-savvy and a forum/chat server/boards admin for oh, 15 years or so, and I gotta say, the SWTOR forums suck for newbie navigation.


Y'all could really help your paying customers by adding a search function in the forums. It's kinda sad that SWTOR has so many in it's user community, but I feel that y'all are losing more revenue than you're keeping, with this overly-simplistic format y'all have going now.


Having a Gaming User Guide in a web format with no hyperlinks to sub-topics, is pretty useless.


Having a Gaming Forum with no Search function, is pretty fruitless.


Having no Glossary or Dictionary of basic MMORPG phraseology, drives much of your newbie customer base away from the game.


*jumping off my soapbox now*

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Pointless as it won't change much.

How am I supposed to look for posts about my server if I'm out for few days?


Go through 300 pages picking posts with server name on it? What if somebody doesn't add that name?


Stupid half assed something it's all it is.

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Having a Gaming Forum with no Search function, is pretty fruitless.

We already got one, jus look up the page. Even an advanced one. Even with threads\posts filter. Force bless the devs! :D


WoW has this. Therefore this must be bad.

I believe that's the Bioware/Fanboy of Bioware logic.


And I believe someone doesn't read golden posts.


If volume in the Server Group Forums dictates and it is still too difficult to locate information important to you that relates to your server, we will continue to consider additional changes.


It was pretty cler said that in case the community activity becomes THAT big, so that universal sub becomes hard to use - they'll split it even more. So, I suggest you being REALLY active in that subforum, if you REALLY need a separate one. :jawa_tongue:


Also I'd say - nice job, better now then later, better later then never.

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How am I supposed to look for posts about my server if I'm out for few days?

If your servermates are nice enough to use tags in a topic name that won't be a problem at all. Also you may subscribe to topics you already seen or posted, afair....

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We already got one, jus look up the page. Even an advanced one. Even with threads\posts filter. Force bless the devs! :D




And I believe someone doesn't read golden posts.




It was pretty cler said that in case the community activity becomes THAT big, so that universal sub becomes hard to use - they'll split it even more. So, I suggest you being REALLY active in that subforum, if you REALLY need a separate one. :jawa_tongue:


Also I'd say - nice job, better now then later, better later then never.


What's really active? How can you be active if Server posts will go to page 3 within seconds?

You will have gazillion posts with same subject and 1-2 replies.


I seen a lot but to me this is just crap. Nothing else. Just crap and people are buying it.

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What's really active? How can you be active if Server posts will go to page 3 within seconds?

You will have gazillion posts with same subject and 1-2 replies.

And what I may say as a long-term local forum moder\support - threads and subforums always are based on an activity. Not vice versa. If people need to communicate - they satrt topics. If there are too many topics that could be split logically - they are being split.


We now got search by topic name - so it will be REALLY easy to find ANY related to your server topic (in case, as I said, starters tag those right, and they will if they care any bit).


So if you need that communication - you'll get it, and, hopefully in that grade so you'll sooner or later get a server-forum also. And if you don't - why would you need any subforums at all?

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What's really active? How can you be active if Server posts will go to page 3 within seconds?

You will have gazillion posts with same subject and 1-2 replies.


I seen a lot but to me this is just crap. Nothing else. Just crap and people are buying it.


Look at how fast the pages are moving now with all servers sharing a single forum:


Community 1st page currently has a newest post over 7 hours old

Guild Hall 1st page currently has a newest post 12 hours old

In Server Events, the PVP forum is the largest and the 1st page there has a newest post over a week old.


The General Discussion page has posts going back 5 minutes.


Yes, it is currently the slow time of day, but on the Community page, I only need to go back 4 pages to see all new posts in the last 24 hours. With General Discussion, page 50 still has posts from Yesterday. There is a long way to go until the community forums reach the level of activity of General Discussion where things disappear "in seconds".


With numbers like this, I can see why Bioware would be reluctant to give every server its own forum. They'd look completely empty. How about first demonstrating that individual server forums are needed by creating such a large community that the grouped forums just can't handle the volume

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Why isn't every server getting their own forum again?


It seems stupid that you are making people preface their topics with the server name when you could completely bypass that just by categorizing all threads of a particular server into its own forum! It's not like I care what events are happening on Hedarr Soongh when all my characters are on Helm of Graush just because it is also a PVP server that begins with the letter 'H'.


Needlessly complicated.




I wish this company would stop 'doing things differently than other MMOs' simply for the sake of doing things differently from other MMOs.


Forum structure should always be logical and there are certain best practices that should be followed to make YOUR lives easier. It's needlessly complicated to do anything other than:


Top Level

--Server Forums

----Sort by Type of Server (PVP/PVE/RP/RP-PVE)

------Individual Server list


You shouldn't depend on the community to sort their posts...you should make it as easy as possible for them to figure out where their posts should go.

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For some reason you make customers have a 2000 page thread asking for things like server forums before going that way , and eventually will have to as piling them together is still not helpful.


Why are you making people continue to ask for individual server forums before doing them ? You are a triple AAA mmorpg budget and size wise .


This just smacks again of laziness or ineptitude.

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We now got search by topic name - so it will be REALLY easy to find ANY related to your server topic (in case, as I said, starters tag those right, and they will if they care any bit).


I repeat my earlier argument. Under this logic, why have sub-forums at all. If you are talking about pvp, just put a [PVP] tag in front of it, etc... I'll tell you why that's not a good solution, because it causes the server forums to look messy and puts the onus of organization on the user rather than on the client itself. If every post has to have a tag to categorize it, that should show you that there is some logical value to further sub-dividing the forum.


The whole "because it will look empty" excuse is garbage. The reason no one posts in the guild hall or the events forum is because it is useless to do so. Things are so disorganized in those threads that no one who you might want to read your thread is able to do so. Reducing the problem is not solving the problem.

Edited by mechintel
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With numbers like this, I can see why Bioware would be reluctant to give every server its own forum. They'd look completely empty. How about first demonstrating that individual server forums are needed by creating such a large community that the grouped forums just can't handle the volume


To put this simply,


There's a lack of posting due to poor forum layout.


I can say that the majority of my posts have all been in the low traffic section (Community) because I don't have to scroll through pages of threads to find stuff. The rest of the forum is worthless in it's current layout.


My earlier analogy in the (server forums?) thread said it best,


Taking 500 people and expecting them to stand inside a 30x30 room to communicate with eachother.


What we infact have is not far from that, with 53 forum sections where (over a million?) customers have to communicate? Of course I don't know the total sales/customer numbers but it's still quite clear and evident that there's too many people and not enough space here. Hence the need for individual server forums.


Additionally, as I laid out in my post/s on page 9, it would be a good thing for everyone to recognize the empty server, then they can be avoided and Bioware care get rid of them. Why horde 150 servers when only 90 are needed?

Edited by Vandrel-Blitz
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It seems like they've been listening to me. Some people around just don't understand that they can't make changes over night...


That's where you are wrong.


Noted several pages deep in http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=3500


I cleary listed the exact steps in vBulletin (the forum software here) just how easy it is to make forum sections.


2 interns at Bioware could accomplish this in a few hours or less. It's really not that hard.


To me, Bioware spent more time figuring out how to skirt around the community demand in ( http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=3500 ) then they actually did/will spend on creating the forum sections.


I would love to see their whiteboard of madness where they all put their "best thing since sliced bread" ideas down for telling all of us what we really want.

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I repeat my earlier argument. Under this logic, why have sub-forums at all.

Won't do. Some places have huge traffic. Some have none. Spliting places with huge traffic is wise. Creating a lot of places to write without understanding are they really needed - is not.


E.g. suggestion box was obviously needed and will be created.


And dont tell me no one will be posting just because they dont have a separate forum. Really, people, in FIDOnet and newsgroups times plenty of things were discussed just in ONE "thread". Soc. networks seem to hurt people's mind, now they're already sure, that to communicate with eachother they need some very special conditions and services. Imo, you either have something to say\willing to read or not. Especially since devs DID promise to divide forums in case of any reasonable traffic.


I'm not against improvements, don't get me wrong. Its just I can't really understand whats the big problem in proving by real posts that servers subs are needed asap.

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