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Forum Changes Coming!


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This doesn't reduce how many threads are going to appear. If anything this "solution" is going to cause more work for moderators who now have to enforce some asinine rule about prefacing your threads with a category tag instead of just allowing you to click on that sub-category and be presented with ALL the threads that would need that tag in front of it.


I didn't see anything about a rule for that. Just a request to make it easier to manage for us- I doubt the admins will even care.


I don't necessarily agree that it'll be the best solution, but I will agree that it's a damn sight better than what we have now, which is a complete and utter horror show. If you disagree, well- good on you, but I'm happy to see that there's changes being made in response to feedback. If those changes aren't everything we want/need, then there's always the next iteration.


They even said in the OP that they're going to monitoring volumes and if it's too much will make more changes, which says to me they're more concerned with ghost town forums than overloaded ones.


Actually, with search enabled it'll be pretty simple to find every thread that starts with [sERVERNAME]

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I didn't see anything about a rule for that. Just a request to make it easier to manage for us- I doubt the admins will even care.


If that rule isn't followed than this doesn't solve a gosh darn thing.

Edited by mechintel
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Thanks, I really appreciate this step in the right direction.


I have to wonder though... why are the servers being "clustered?" Since it is alphabetical, I have to assume it's not a "battlegroup" type thing like on the WoW forums, so what exactly do the servers have in common aside from being the same type?


It seems simpler to me to have a Forum section called "Server Forums" which can be expanded by those who care to see it to a list of forums for each server.


Still, this is much better than nothing. Not ideal, but a definite improvement.

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I'll be happy when the clusters are of size 1. Anything bigger is retarded. I absolutely do not care what other servers are talking about and I doubt people from those servers care what my server is talking about. Why needlessly group them together based on something as arbitrary as name?
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Thanks, I really appreciate this step in the right direction.


I have to wonder though... why are the servers being "clustered?" Since it is alphabetical, I have to assume it's not a "battlegroup" type thing like on the WoW forums, so what exactly do the servers have in common aside from being the same type?


It seems simpler to me to have a Forum section called "Server Forums" which can be expanded by those who care to see it to a list of forums for each server.


Still, this is much better than nothing. Not ideal, but a definite improvement.


We understand that some players would still prefer individual server forums. If volume in the Server Group Forums dictates and it is still too difficult to locate information important to you that relates to your server, we will continue to consider additional changes. We believe this organization will allow us to have a thriving area for per-server discussion, and we’ll remain flexible and receptive to feedback from these changes. As always, if you have any other suggestions for the forums (new forums you’d like to see, changes that would be helpful), we’re glad to hear them. Thank you for providing your constructive feedback!


i take that as a personal challenge to make The Harbinger server so trafficked, that we'll need our own forum.. :cool:

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Thank you for this.


I have a suggestion. When I'm looking at a specific thread and I want to go back to the forum I get directed to the 1st page of the forum even though I might be reading through a thread on the 6th page. When I exit a thread I should be sent back to the same forum page so I can read through the forum more efficiently.




Edited by Sandtrooper
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Can't have separate server forums because of the HeroForumEngine limitations, sorry guys. Also it would become apparent how dead the servers are about to be and would introduce more work during server merges.


The whole point of categorizing the forums is so that you don't have to sift through all the threads that DON'T apply to what you are looking for. While this reduces the problem, it in no way solves it.

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How is this any different than what we have now?



Community forums for discussing community issues (not server specific unless you tag it ['your server name'].


Guild hall forums for discussing guild topics (not server specific unless you tag it ['your server name'].


RP forums for discussing RP topics (not server specific unless you tag it ['your server name'].


PvP forums for discussing PvP topics (not server specific unless you tag it ['your server name'].


PvE forums for discussing PvE topics (not server specific unless you tag it ['your server name'].


Event forums for discussing events (not server specific unless you tag it ['your server name'].




New forum:

PvP server group for general discussion on PvP servers (not server specific unless you tag it ['your server name'].


PvE server group for general discussion on PvE servers (not server specific unless you tag it ['your server name'].


RP-PvP .................... (not server specific unless you tag it ['your server name'].


RP-PvE ..................... (not server specific unless you tag it ['your server name'].


EU and US........... blah blah.



In other words, this is a 50/50 chance of simply watering it down even more, or making a bunch of spam threads to hyper inflate the need for BW to give us what we asked for in the first place.


Simply put, what is BioWare thinking?

Edited by Yhor
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How is this any different than what we have now?


Simply put, what is BioWare thinking?

I totally get what you're saying, but i'm just personally glad for the baby steps.


with it being a smaller set of users in each group forum, it'll be easier to develop relationships, and, maybe even open up opportunity for other players from other servers to joining our server based upon what they see in our shared forum.

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