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Forum Changes Coming!


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I know this is not important at all, but could we get some more Zabrak avatars?


From a pure subjective experience the Zabrak avatar is one of the most popular ones, you can see threads with 3-4 identical Zabraks answering each other.


There are several humans, Twi'lek, Sith and Troopers/bounty hunters, but if you want to signify your favourite race - a Zabrak, you only have one choice, while the Zabrak can be nearly all classes in-game.


I'm not suggesting a heap of developers sit down and spend their time designing new avatars, but, gief more Zabraks! :p

Edited by PantheraMorag
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Can we get a search function? I mean really...


Seriously... we're currently using GOOGLE to find stuff on these forums. That's just too silly for words.


Even our guild forum, a free PHP forum, has a search function. And a so-called professional forum doesn't????

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Not full server forums, still a joke. Bioware: Doing the absolute minimum possible to keep subs.
After they merge or create battle groups or w/e they are going to call it you will have server/battle group forums... nothing else makes sense.


has a search function. And a so-called professional forum doesn't????

Bioware has always had pretty bad forums, it just doesn't matter very much for single player RPGs.

Edited by Yaur
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After they merge or create battle groups or w/e they are going to call it you will have server/battle group forums... nothing else makes sense.


Was thinking this myself that they have the forums in place for a server merge or for Cross server PvP'ing

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Seriously!??? Why in the hell won't you just do this right the first time!???? Someone at Bioware please explain to me why I have to waste my time posting a [server name] in front of the subject of my post so that everyone will know what server it's on!??? Split the damn things up, every server needs it's own forum! Plain and simple. I don't want to look at 500 posts about other servers, I don't want to have to search through 4 pages of other server stuff to find the one post i'm looking for for MY server. SPLIT THEM UP!!!! Why does this have to be so difficult with this company? It's minor little annoyances like this that are going to drive me to canceling my subscription. Not one major thing, but the 500 little tiny things.
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I don't understand why BioWare is being so stubborn about genuine server forums. It's the year 2012. If that's too big of a resource drain for them, then that's a truly disturbing portend as far as the future development of this game goes.
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The Server Group Forums will be divided by server type (PvE, PvP, RP, and RP-PvP)


*scratches head... err, helmet*

Since there are 3 RP-PvP servers, each in a different language (Engl., French, German), do you guys think that means those three will be in the same forum group?

Well... if it is so, at least we won't need to put tags to see which post is about what server: the language will explain it right away!

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*scratches head... err, helmet*

Since there are 3 RP-PvP servers, each in a different language (Engl., French, German), do you guys think that means those three will be in the same forum group?

Well... if it is so, at least we won't need to put tags to see which post is about what server: the language will explain it right away!


This is brilliant. I propose we title all Harbinger posts with [¿El Hárbinger?]

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You know what i cant stand? You people who will NEVER be happy with Anything Bioware does for you.....Bioware doing a great job....and the new changes sound quite ok.....i just love people who think their idea is the best.......(sigh)...idiots....keep doing what ur doing Bioware!!
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You know what i cant stand? You people who will NEVER be happy with Anything Bioware does for you.....Bioware doing a great job....and the new changes sound quite ok.....i just love people who think their idea is the best.......(sigh)...idiots....keep doing what ur doing Bioware!!


i'm gonna go out on a limb here, and guess that you don't believe in cookie cutter specs either.

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You know what i cant stand? You people who will NEVER be happy with Anything Bioware does for you.....Bioware doing a great job....and the new changes sound quite ok.....i just love people who think their idea is the best.......(sigh)...idiots....keep doing what ur doing Bioware!!


I'll repeat the user car salesman bit for you since you seem to have not read most of this thread.....



SWTOR customers are much like every-day use car shoppers. We've come to the used car lot of BIOWARE, where we're looking to buy a 2 door coupe. Bioware salesman walks up and tells you all about this 4x4 quad cab truck and how great it is. You simply responed with, I don't want a truck, I want that 2 door coupe over there. Bioware salesman comes back at you with, Well you see here, this truck would be better for you and you'll like it.


No matter what you say to the Bioware use car salesman, he is content with sticking to selling you the 4x4 quad cab truck, regardless that you've told him over and over that you want the 2 door coupe.


Eventually you leave the car lot with a 2WD, 2 door pickup because the Bioware used car salesman said the 2 door coupe wouldn't start and wasn't reliable.



Make sense now?




BTW, you guys who disagree with this thread and Bioware's decision should use the following link to RATE this thread as terrible. Don't let this thread have more then 1 star.



Edited by Vandrel-Blitz
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Great, so more sections of mess.


This really is a bad idea, not quite sure what you guys are thinking of.


If lack of moderators is the reason why you won't do individual server forums and you won't hire more, then please start up a community program that let's people elect other players to mod their respected server.


absolutely not, do not ever give *** kissing morons, the ability to power trip on people, no, never, hire more paid employees

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absolutely not, do not ever give *** kissing morons, the ability to power trip on people, no, never, hire more paid employees


exactly, there's a nice [flag] button.


the server forums are generally very good about policing their own forums.


if you see someone walking their dog, and the dog $h1ts in the park and they don't pick it up, most people won't say anything, but if that same person + dog took a dump in your yard, most people would pipe up.

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