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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Give Force Lightning to dark alignment Jedi Consulars


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Topic title says it actually so i want to hear your thought on the matter.


I believe this is how it should have been in the first place, lore wise even.


It could also be used as a cool incentive for the class and for the Republic faction which suffers from imbalance problem.

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Topic title says it actually so i want to hear your thought on the matter.


I believe this is how it should have been in the first place, lore wise even.


It could also be used as a cool incentive for the class and for the Republic faction which suffers from imbalance problem.


The implementation issues with this makes it not worth it, IMO. Changing color of attacks, maybe. Maybe some animation changes, but to completely change the style of the attack wouldn't work.



Maybe instead of projecting rocks and pebbles, the dark aligned could project puppies and kittens?

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The implementation issues with this makes it not worth it, IMO. Changing color of attacks, maybe. Maybe some animation changes, but to completely change the style of the attack wouldn't work.


Well that is the idea generally, seeing as how these 2 are mirror classes, changing the animation of one attack wouldn't be too difficult i assume.

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I'd also like to see the projectile timings on attacks made more consistent between the Sorcerer and the Sage, but it's different for every other mirror class (except maybe Warrior/Knight) so that's probably way too much to ask for.


Really, IMO the consular shouldn't be a mirror to the Inquisitor at all. There is no canonical jedi equivalent to the Sith that the Inquisitor advanced classes were based on.

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Well that is the idea generally, seeing as how these 2 are mirror classes, changing the animation of one attack wouldn't be too difficult i assume.


But the names and bonuses in the spec trees wouldn't match up, causing the extra work there.



And really, no comments on the puppies and kittens?!? I play lightside, but the idea of Telekenetic throw shooting a stream of kittens at people is just a very interesting visual.....

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But the names and bonuses in the spec trees wouldn't match up, causing the extra work there.



And really, no comments on the puppies and kittens?!? I play lightside, but the idea of Telekenetic throw shooting a stream of kittens at people is just a very interesting visual.....


Well that idea made me laugh for sure :D

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Really, IMO the consular shouldn't be a mirror to the Inquisitor at all. There is no canonical jedi equivalent to the Sith that the Inquisitor advanced classes were based on.


Right so we'll just stand here and cast our canonical defensive powers while you cast your offensive powers. Because that would somehow be balanced.


At best we force a stalement, at worst you kill us, because we have no way of taking the offensive. That's why lore gets trumped by gameplay every time they clash. Lore should be followed within reason, but if you create a game that's canonically perfect but no one wants to play it, then you just lost yourself a lot of money.


So what if no one is running around doing force hadoukens after this point in the Star Wars IP? Maybe the art is lost after this time period, regardless it's fun and provides balance without wrecking the IP.

Edited by Khadroth
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Right so we'll just stand here and cast our canonical defensive powers while you cast your offensive powers. Because that would somehow be balanced.


At best we force a stalement, at worst you kill us, because we have no way of taking the offensive. That's why lore gets trumped by gameplay every time they clash. Lore should be followed within reason, but if you create a game that's canonically perfect but no one wants to play it, then you just lost yourself a lot of money.


So what if no one is running around doing force hadoukens after this point in the Star Wars IP? Maybe the art is lost after this time period, regardless it's fun and provides balance without wrecking the IP.


Um, no. It would be like the Paladin/Shaman dichotomy. It's okay for one faction to have a class that doesn't exist on the other side. They don't have to be mirrors of one another.


The consular should've been a melee/force hybrid even as a sage. Still lightly armored. Healing is fine, they can mirror that to an extent. The TK and Balance trees are stupid. And if anything the casters should get the saber staves rather than the melees.


I've also heard rumored that they plan to institute new abilities for each AC that are alignment based, although take that with a rather hefty grain of salt.

Edited by Onager
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So as soon as you slip to the darkside you INSTANTLY learn a new power, which although it's actually the same power with the same stat line and damage it would then have a different visual effect the availability of which would need to be checked each and every time you make a light/dark conversation choice? Sounds like a completely common sense idea which they should have implemented form launch.


<sarcasm off>


Really, you really care that much that changing the visual effect of a single power will make more people want to play sages instead of sorc's? Not sure I share your confidence or even your idea there my friend.

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The consular should've been a melee/force hybrid even as a sage. Still lightly armored. Healing is fine, they can mirror that to an extent. The TK and Balance trees are stupid. And if anything the casters should get the saber staves rather than the melees.


I agree with you on this.


Now i love the very idea of Jedi Consular, but i think this class should have been handled differently.

Throwing rocks and vases, seriously?

The very least they could have done is not make Consular look ridiculous at higher levels.

Consular is on par with the Inquisitor regarding knowledge of the force and use of it's powers so they should have treated them as such.

The idea of a corrupt dark Consular still throwing vases, dishes and rocks at his opponents for example is ridiculous to say the least.

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The idea of a corrupt dark Consular still throwing vases, dishes and rocks at his opponents for example is ridiculous to say the least.


And the idea of a reformed or "saved" Sith giving up his lightening to throw projectiles isn't?

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And the idea of a reformed or "saved" Sith giving up his lightening to throw projectiles isn't?


I could go for that, too. My sorcerer is light sided.


The act of channeling the force into lightning is corruptive in and of itself. Most of Palpatine's visual corruption was from having his own force lightning directed back at him.

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Um, no. It would be like the Paladin/Shaman dichotomy. It's okay for one faction to have a class that doesn't exist on the other side. They don't have to be mirrors of one another.


The consular should've been a melee/force hybrid even as a sage. Still lightly armored. Healing is fine, they can mirror that to an extent. The TK and Balance trees are stupid. And if anything the casters should get the saber staves rather than the melees.


I've also heard rumored that they plan to institute new abilities for each AC that are alignment based, although take that with a rather hefty grain of salt.


Yes just like paladins and shamans. One inherently had advantages over the other in certain gameplay aspects. The whole reason class mirrors exist is because it makes it possible to balance.


So it's fine for them to mirror light side healing but not dark side offensive powers? Also no, if anything we shouldn't have gotten a weapon at all, but then people would have cried even more.


I've heard they scrapped that idea because of the pidgeon-holing it would cause.

Edited by Khadroth
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But the names and bonuses in the spec trees wouldn't match up, causing the extra work there.



And really, no comments on the puppies and kittens?!? I play lightside, but the idea of Telekenetic throw shooting a stream of kittens at people is just a very interesting visual.....


It would definitely be dark, not because it was throwing kittens, but can you imagine what a half a dozen panicked kittens clawing at you would do to a person? Shudder.

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Yes just like paladins and shamans. One inherently had advantages over the other in certain gameplay aspects. The whole reason class mirrors exist is because it makes it possible to balance.


So it's fine for them to mirror light side healing but not dark side offensive powers? Also no, if anything we shouldn't have gotten a weapon at all, but then people would have cried even more.


I've heard they scrapped that idea because of the pidgeon-holing it would cause.


I agree with this. I find it a little odd that my sage has her lightsaber activated even though she is not being attacked and is not using it to attack.


It should be made so that it is only active when defending melee attacks or when using it to attack.

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I wouldn't really use lightning. TBH I agree that animation bugs need to be fixed, and the delays on activating my Clairvoyant strike. in WZ yesterday it took 2-4 seconds before I could use it just even once. I am not talking about cued abilities here. Force Wave can be seriously horrendous with lag, between you hitting that button, and it activating, syncing with the server, then some times goes off way too late, or just passes right through targets doing completely nothing to them.


I'd say they are pretty much making life harder to get my attack routines polished. Of course it doesn't help when lightning and choke seem to be endless and activate almost right away. From the Sorcerer skill tree it has a CD of 6 seconds I saw. Thats my thoughts anyway.

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Um, no. It would be like the Paladin/Shaman dichotomy. It's okay for one faction to have a class that doesn't exist on the other side. They don't have to be mirrors of one another.


The consular should've been a melee/force hybrid even as a sage. Still lightly armored. Healing is fine, they can mirror that to an extent. The TK and Balance trees are stupid. And if anything the casters should get the saber staves rather than the melees.


I've also heard rumored that they plan to institute new abilities for each AC that are alignment based, although take that with a rather hefty grain of salt.


Umm no. That created a serious imbalance in WoW, which is why it was changed in TBC.

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I agree with you on this.


Now i love the very idea of Jedi Consular, but i think this class should have been handled differently.

Throwing rocks and vases, seriously?

The very least they could have done is not make Consular look ridiculous at higher levels.

Consular is on par with the Inquisitor regarding knowledge of the force and use of it's powers so they should have treated them as such.

The idea of a corrupt dark Consular still throwing vases, dishes and rocks at his opponents for example is ridiculous to say the least.


Here's the problem I have with your argument. You seem to feel that the look and feel of the Jedi Consular sux compared to the opposition. But rather than make that argument, you want an exemption if you get enough dark side points. Why not simply ask why the devs had to make the 'coolness gap' so ridiculously wide?


My own problem with it is that the lightning was not something granted to newbie darksiders. It was something only the Emperor whipped out in the first trilogy. Even Vader couldn't do it. Later, the Emperor's apprentice could do it, but it was *still* a very high-level skill. On the light side, though, what happened? High level jedi could absorb the lightning with their lightsaber. And higher level jedi could throw it right back at you. It's ridiculous in huttball to see this incredible nonstop lightning storm going every which-way. One side's fx are over-the-top and fill the screen, and the other's are essentially invisible.

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This makes zero sense to me. Being able to use lightning is not a matter of instinct or light/dark side choices, but training. No matter whether your choices are light or dark side, your training comes from Jedi , and they're the ones who you to throw projectile items and debris... not channel force lightning. Force lightning is usable by Sith because they were *trained* to use it from the time they first became apprentices.
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They talked in beta about wanting your light/dark side alignment influencing what your abilities looked like, but I don't know if that's actually something they're really working on.


Even if they did, they wouldn't just swap the animations from the other faction, as right now they're not completely balanced. I guess if they were to actually balance that (call me skeptical) they could, but right now it would lead to one alignment being the 'preferred' way to play given the animation advantages.


We already see the complaints that the Empire has the animation advantage in a number of abilities, we don't need to further cloud the issue by giving those animations to the Republic via gameplay choices.

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I think the idea is dumb. The abilities you are taught are not directly related to your alignment for good reason. As a force user on the Republic Side, you were not taught Force Lightning because the Jedi Trainers do not practice Force Lightning, you have no where to learn from. Plus I disagree that lightning is really a dark ability. I believe in the school of thought that how and why you use a force ability determine if its light or dark, not the ability itself. I honestly believe Force Lightning could be used as a Jedi defibrillator if needed.


Honestly I don't feel alignment should have any effects on abilities or even what items you can use. It is against cannon to say dark side users can't use a blue saber. Look at Ep 3. Also there were LS jedi would use red crystals in the EU.


I honestly don't mind the Jedi Consulars animation style.

Edited by Xanhorn
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The implementation issues with this makes it not worth it, IMO. Changing color of attacks, maybe. Maybe some animation changes, but to completely change the style of the attack wouldn't work.



Maybe instead of projecting rocks and pebbles, the dark aligned could project puppies and kittens?


My imagination commends you! :D

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