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Should I resub?


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Resub month to month and give them a reasonable time-frame to fix the issues if you like the game well enough to play it. And No, the 20th is not a reasonable time-frame for all of them imo.


Voting with your wallet is an option. But if everyone who is mildly unhappy unsubs, I doubt the game will become what we want it to be.

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Are they adding high res textures before the 20th?

Are they adding combat logs before the 20th?

Are they adding dual spec before the 20th?

Are they fixing ability delay before the 20th?

Are they going to stop sharding before the 20th?


please let me know id like to resub because I love star wars.


Call Miss Cleo and ask her.

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If you love it resub then


There is no reason to ask people on the forums if you should continue to play or not. In fact why would people purchase a $60 play 30 day free and then cancel... makes no sense.. your losing money.



Are they adding high res textures before the 20th?

Are they adding combat logs before the 20th?

Are they adding dual spec before the 20th?

Are they fixing ability delay before the 20th?

Are they going to stop sharding before the 20th?


please let me know id like to resub because I love star wars.

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Are they adding high res textures before the 20th?

Are they adding combat logs before the 20th?

Are they adding dual spec before the 20th?

Are they fixing ability delay before the 20th?

Are they going to stop sharding before the 20th?


please let me know id like to resub because I love star wars.

Implying anyone here knows what they are planning to do.

Implying you need the opinion of someone else.


Op, do you not know how to make decisions?

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ability delay is not a minor issue. A game has to be responsive and competitive, otherwise its a broken movie with cutscenes.


Opinions, how do they work?

I think its a minor issue, yet you do not.


Why are the forums goes making up your mind for you.

If you want to be told what to do, then I suggest you "gift" me everything you own.

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Are they adding high res textures before the 20th?

Are they adding combat logs before the 20th?

Are they adding dual spec before the 20th?

Are they fixing ability delay before the 20th?

Are they going to stop sharding before the 20th?


please let me know id like to resub because I love star wars.


Aside from ability delay are these things really necessary for you to enjoy a game?

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Are they adding high res textures before the 20th?

Are they adding combat logs before the 20th?

Are they adding dual spec before the 20th?

Are they fixing ability delay before the 20th?

Are they going to stop sharding before the 20th?


please let me know id like to resub because I love star wars.


Why are you relying on THIS forum to answer that question for you?


Foolish questions beget foolish answers.

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Are they adding high res textures before the 20th?

Are they adding combat logs before the 20th?

Are they adding dual spec before the 20th?

Are they fixing ability delay before the 20th?

Are they going to stop sharding before the 20th?


please let me know id like to resub because I love star wars.



The self-entitlement generation is sucking the very life out of video games today.



Please do not re-sub. We have enough sewage on the forums.

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ability delay is not a minor issue. A game has to be responsive and competitive, otherwise its a broken movie with cutscenes.


Like your other posts you seem to need to justify to us, yourself, the forums, maybe even the planet that your quitting and you expect all the above you try and keep you here.


Not going to happen.

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Opinions, how do they work?

I think its a minor issue, yet you do not.


Why are the forums goes making up your mind for you.

If you want to be told what to do, then I suggest you "gift" me everything you own.


I think all of the bugs and such are minor issues.


I havnt noticed this ability delay thing nor those high textures until someone TOLD me about them. I havnt noticed any bugs and have gotten from level 1-42 with my wife without a hitch. People complaining just want to find somthing to complain about, IMHO.

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First off, want =/= need.


This is a decision easily made on your own, but you didn't really come here for advice. You came to vent and disguised it as a request for input from the community. The fact that you even bothered to post it on the forums probably means that you continue to play even tho you seem so deeply bothered by the items on your list (I don't understand why anyone would pay to play a game that bothers them that much but many of the complainers will continue to play anyway).


My advice is relax. Have fun with the game. If you are genuinely that bothered by anything on your list, the most powerful tool you have to get it fixed is to not pay. Vote with your wallet. Check back in a month or two and see if your concerns have been addressed and go do something that doesn't bother you until that time comes.

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Still. No. DungeonFinder

Still. No. Addons

Still. No. Armor Coloring

Still. Useless Companions at 50


Not even mentionned in incoming patch notes nor acknowledged as a top notch priority.


Not worth resubbing yet imo.

Edited by dargor-
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