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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will there be people to even pvp with come Jan 20th


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All I see is quit threads on here, then I log onto the game and see people saying they have unsubbed and are just waiting their time out till the 20th.


All due to pvp and how bad it is.


I would think some major patches would be due within the first month to retain those players or at least some of them.


I am thinking WZ queue times are going to sky rocket come Jan 21st.

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Only time will tell. Most games live or die by the first 3 months. WoW, during and after the first 3 months, really took off. And it's still here and still king of the hill. Meanwhile AoC took a nose dive at the end of second month and never recovered and is now a F2P cesspool.


Personally I feel SWTOR surpassed my expectations. But they were pretty low to begin with. PvP indeed was an afterthought, but it's not exactly unexpected in a game based around PvE mostly-single-player story.

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Ok, here's the golden rule; the vast majority of the time, when people post on the forums that they're quitting because of X, Y or Z...they're not quitting. Really. I'm serious. They're just doing the Internet equivalent of wailing and rolling around in the aisle at Toys'R'Us to get mommy to buy them that new Tickle Me Elmo plushy. They want Bioware to give them what they want, and they're screaming for attention. Simple enough.


Despite all the crap you see on these forums, I get nonstop warzone pops when I play. The damn things pop so fast that I get one before I'm even finished loading after leaving the last one! So really...I dunno what timezone you're in, but I'm Eastern Standard, and almost 3/4 of the servers are either Heavy load or Very Heavy (with a few Fulls) at night.


Don't worry about these loudmouths.

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Only time will tell. Most games live or die by the first 3 months. WoW, during and after the first 3 months, really took off. And it's still here and still king of the hill. Meanwhile AoC took a nose dive at the end of second month and never recovered and is now a F2P cesspool.


Personally I feel SWTOR surpassed my expectations. But they were pretty low to begin with. PvP indeed was an afterthought, but it's not exactly unexpected in a game based around PvE mostly-single-player story.


See the thing that annoys me the most is all through development they talked about the importance of pvp and how they had a full team devoted to just pvp and then showed it off at conventions etc. So they knew how important it was and then we get this armature crap fest.


Don't get me wrong the pvp has some good points but the bad is quickly out weighing the good.

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Only time will tell. Most games live or die by the first 3 months. WoW, during and after the first 3 months, really took off. And it's still here and still king of the hill. Meanwhile AoC took a nose dive at the end of second month and never recovered and is now a F2P cesspool.


Personally I feel SWTOR surpassed my expectations. But they were pretty low to begin with. PvP indeed was an afterthought, but it's not exactly unexpected in a game based around PvE mostly-single-player story.


Wrong. Eve-Online is king of the hill as being the longest most successful MMO to date. 2003 and still going. Impressive...

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I'm quitting within the first 3 weeks of a MMOs release because it isn't done yet.


Lol when will people learn? MMOs are NEVER finished upon release. WoW was in much worse shape than SWTOR when it was released. /shrug

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Or PvPers who have an actual life and work full-time perhaps? Ever thing of this one smart guy? Not everyone can play 24-7....


Reading is hard yo, OP's point has nothing to do with amount of time played or anyone being on at certain times of the day.

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Wrong. Eve-Online is king of the hill as being the longest most successful MMO to date. 2003 and still going. Impressive...


Eve will continue to go because it holds a niche market that noone has really attempted to take on with the exception of STO, but that failed due to being extremely linear and suffering from a huge lack of content.

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Wrong. Eve-Online is king of the hill as being the longest most successful MMO to date. 2003 and still going. Impressive...


With peak subs being 350k? Half of those subs paid for with PLEX, the ISK from which was made by AFK bot farming? Oh, yeah. Really successful. I'm sure Blizzard with the BILLIONS they made from WoW are green with envy... :rolleyes:

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See the thing that annoys me the most is all through development they talked about the importance of pvp and how they had a full team devoted to just pvp and then showed it off at conventions etc. So they knew how important it was and then we get this armature crap fest.


Don't get me wrong the pvp has some good points but the bad is quickly out weighing the good.


If they had a whole team dedicated to PVP, then that team should be summarily fired. Instanced PVP should never be the PVP pinnicle at end game. You would have thought they BW would learn from the failures of their predesessors.

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Because people who love the game, see the flaws being worked on, and are staying don't make a thread entitled "EVERYTHING IS OK. I AM STAYING! THANKS!"


Forums are generally for the dissatisfied, not the satisfied.


Try going in game to see all the people who actually want to play the game.

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People still play Ultima Online, and that was released in '97.


People still play "The Realm" I guess that makes it the best MMO and longest living to date.


Even if half the kids on here won't even know what that is.

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Not another "The Sky Is Falling!" post.


Most of these people posting QQ I'm quitting posts never quit. You see these posts in every mmo in the last decade, especially at release.


It's 50 cents a day. The majority of reasonable people will give Bioware more then 3 weeks to iron things out.

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In an MMO, 80% of players NEVER visit the forms


Of the 20% that do, 80% only read (mostly dev post or there own class) and only 20% post.


So this board captures the option of about 5% of the players. Add into that mix the fact that most of the people who post here only post because they are upset (do a quick search for the "BW: READ THIS NOW - The quest I just did was very enjoyable" posts) and you learn what pretty much all of us, and Bioware, know.


These forums are meaningless drivel of a vocal minority. Take it for what it is, troll and have fun.

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Because people who love the game, see the flaws being worked on, and are staying don't make a thread entitled "EVERYTHING IS OK. I AM STAYING! THANKS!"


Forums are generally for the dissatisfied, not the satisfied.


Try going in game to see all the people who actually want to play the game.


I see more complaining in "general" than I do on the forums so you must be incorrect. Maybe it is the faction I play or the server I play on, who knows. Not near as much complaining here as on the server, especially about pvp.

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It's a valid concern. But, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I still see as many people or more on the server than when I started... and, as stated above, if you're really done with a game you just leave, you don't invest more time "waiting for the 20th and gearing up" or logging into the forums.


I spent a lot of time playing WoW, and the thing everyone seems to forget is that, WoW grew wildly while it was buggy as hell, had virtually no endgame, basically no organized pvp, and everyone was complaining about class imbalance. It has only really started to decline after it all got so polished and "user friendly." And all through that ride, there was never a time in that game when the forums suddenly filled with "Man, this game's perfect" threads or smiley face emoticons, and yet, 7 years later it's still here.


I for one, really like this game, I see more potential than I ever did in WoW at release, and I plan on sticking around to see what they can make of it.

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