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IGN new patch interview.


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its also been posted at least 4 times already today :p


But yeah Great news.. I wonder if they are pushing for the 17th so they can get this implemented before everyone's free time expires though (AND if that will not effect the quality of the patch/update)

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its also been posted at least 4 times already today :p


But yeah Great news.. I wonder if they are pushing for the 17th so they can get this implemented before everyone's free time expires though (AND if that will not effect the quality of the patch/update)


I'm sure it has been posted, lol. But the forums moves so fast I'm sure not everyone seen it.

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Ability to chose warzone, ranked warzones, "survival horror" like operation, puzzle boss flashpoint, Ilum fixes (player kills and crates around middle of map of both factions to pick up become new objectives), etc..

Patch coming Jan 17.




Well... that's it.


Bioware wanted this news to get out before the free month expired. And many people will resubscribe based on this information.


SWTOR will be around for a long time with a healthy population.

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Well... that's it.


Bioware wanted this news to get out before the free month expired. And many people will resubscribe based on this information.


SWTOR will be around for a long time with a healthy population.


I sure hope so, this game has amazing potential. And so far I'm loving it.

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Very nice. Bioware knows what they are doing. If people would just use some common sense and have a little patience, they would realize that, they are gonna implement many things into the game coming up. There are a few very hot topics right now that Bioware knows and are addressing, like the UI, combat logs, high rez textures and other things. People just need to relax and understand that even though this game launched pretty damn polished, there's of course a lot of room for improvement. Every MMO has it's very good systems and other systems that need more flushing out, it's just the way these games work. That's why, MMORPG's are always and will continue to be works in progress.
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Very nice. Bioware knows what they are doing. If people would just use some common sense and have a little patience, they would realize that, they are gonna implement many things into the game coming up. There are a few very hot topics right now that Bioware knows and are addressing, like the UI, combat logs, high rez textures and other things. People just need to relax and understand that even though this game launched pretty damn polished, there's of course a lot of room for improvement. Every MMO has it's very good systems and other systems that need more flushing out, it's just the way these games work. That's why, MMORPG's are always and will continue to be works in progress.


The obvious is always the hardest to see it would seem. When I started playing this game I immediately thought this game had tons of potential. As with any MMO for good or for worse, it grows with patches and expansions. SWTOR seems with this first content patch to be heading towards the good.

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Nice to see they're putting story into the new flashpoints.


I thought that was a major "huh?" decision on Bioware's part.


I was pretty disappointed with flashpoints after doing black talon and then moving on to Hammer Sation and Athis. I seriously questioned if they just weren't finished or what. And then wondered if Black Talon would be the only one. It's nice to see this will not be the case.


I find it actually really surprising that they are releasing a major content addition not even 30 days into release. This is rather unprecedented for me considering most mmo's do triage on everything that is broken for the first six months.

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I was pretty disappointed with flashpoints after doing black talon and then moving on to Hammer Sation and Athis. I seriously questioned if they just weren't finished or what. And then wondered if Black Talon would be the only one. It's nice to see this will not be the case.


I find it actually really surprising that they are releasing a major content addition not even 30 days into release. This is rather unprecedented for me considering most mmo's do triage on everything that is broken for the first six months.


They're still doing triage on everything as they have said. Bug fixes, UI overhaul, combat log, combat, etc are still being looked at and worked on.

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This is why Bioware is top notch. They didn't exaggerate when they said they created tools to be able to add content and such into the game on the fly. It's refreshing to know that they can squish bugs and implement the kind of content that they have coming in a very fast manner.
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This is why Bioware is top notch. They didn't exaggerate when they said they created tools to be able to add content and such into the game on the fly. It's refreshing to know that they can squish bugs and implement the kind of content that they have coming in a very fast manner.


It is, but I will temper my enthusiasm a bit until the results of this style become apparent.

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Very nice. Bioware knows what they are doing. If people would just use some common sense and have a little patience, they would realize that, they are gonna implement many things into the game coming up. There are a few very hot topics right now that Bioware knows and are addressing, like the UI, combat logs, high rez textures and other things. People just need to relax and understand that even though this game launched pretty damn polished, there's of course a lot of room for improvement. Every MMO has it's very good systems and other systems that need more flushing out, it's just the way these games work. That's why, MMORPG's are always and will continue to be works in progress.


Yeah people forget that even WOW started off as merely a shell of what it is today. Classic WOW had what 13 major patches. Stuff got added in, stuff got taken out, later stuff added was removed, etc. There was no honor, no dishonor, no diminishing returns, no battlegrounds, no token gear etc etc. Remember how bad Summoning Stones sucked for a LFG system?

Edited by RocNessMonster
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This is why Bioware is top notch. They didn't exaggerate when they said they created tools to be able to add content and such into the game on the fly. It's refreshing to know that they can squish bugs and implement the kind of content that they have coming in a very fast manner.


I agree with this patch,.


I remember seeing some vid about how they can track players and playstyles and then use that data to influence patches and content mapping,..


whoever wrote that get's +1 rep

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Let's just hope the legacy system does something for MAINS too and not just ALTS since I usually only create one character. I like knowing I made a choice and cannot do everything.

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