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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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I take it you couldn't find any posts to support your claim?


I get that its difficult being called out for general obnoxiousness on the internet, but you'd actually come off looking less douchey if you slowly backed away from the assertions you were making about addon advocates and automation.


No, I use critical thinking. You claim, "no one credible..." - I simply asked what makes you classify someone as "not credible" on a gaming forum where none of us can prove anything more than we pay a subscription for the game.


To claim that "no one credible" has made a claim is a logical fallacy too when you or I can neither prove that anyone is "credible" at all, nor can we prove that every single poster to these threads believe automation should not exist.


You may claim that I'm obnoxious in these threads, which I do not believe that I am. I understand that you can't just push me over in a debate with words on a game forum. I'm apparently not some large troll or "douche" though because I've been sent PMs on these very forums telling me their appreciation for my beliefs on raiding/addons and other issues and asking me to come raid with them or join their guild.


I've been on gaming forums for years. Throw all the "strawman" threats at me that you want - I'm still going to occupy a point in the middle of the argument. I'm not against addons that allow you to rearrange the UI.


I am against addons that process data through logic algorithms and communicate with each other using client channels. I'll make an exception for a DPS meter in hardmode content as long as it's restricted to only work in hardmode content.


^ I've held this stance in several threads. Go look them up but stop accusing me of things which I am not, at least intentionally, guilty of.

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Macros and addons are needed. If you say they are unfair, you just played games with them being poor designed. If you think WoW macroses\addons are unfair you're either noob or very lazy.


BindPad Addon I like to bind my abilities, not action bar slots. Why the heck am I forced to use current binding system? Nothing unfair here.


Bartender Addon. I want to place my action bars where I like it and how I like it. Nothing unfair here.


Simple Macroses. Like /targetnearestenemy /cast spell. Nothing unfair here.

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What this game really needs is ToT (Target of Target). It is DESPERATELY needed. As a tank I like to know when taking 4+ things if everything is aggro'd onto me and not a melee, or some ranged standing too close so it isn't noticeable and I have no idea which one is on a player to taunt off of.


As far as people complaining about wanting a recount-esque addon, please for the love of all that is good and holy DO NOT BEND TO THIS. Some people genuinely use this addon as a way for self improvement, and as a way to monitor if everyone is doing their part, HOWEVER, we ALL know a VAST majority of people who use this are what I call "Meter Maids". They post numbers every chance they get and try to be-smudge people for doing something less than they have. Despite the fact they post "overall" and not "last fight" to prove how amazing they are at AoE for trash and how badly they suck for bosses. You all kow what I'm talking about too... Or maybe you don't, and if that's the case you probably fall under the Meter Maid label. Just sayin'. And before someone goes spouting off about how people against the idea of Recount are just crappy players, I can assure you I was consistently top 3 DPS AND heals in end-game raiding guilds BC-Cata. I am just tired of seeing people spit on one another because of this addon.


Another thing I'd like to see is Bartender, or a variation of. I hate that I can't move my bars or adjust the sizes, or add more slots. While I can deal with the default if we're all throwing out what we'd like to see implemented this is a big one I agree on.


Something that should NEVER be implemented is Auctioneer. My god. Can you people get ANY more lazy with this?? You don't need this at all for SWTOR. Stop it. You put your item in the sell window and the price is PREDETERMINED FOR YOU. How much more hand-holding can you get? Please note this is PURELY for selling, not trying to look things up... Don't get me started on the 10 step process it takes to look for a specific item and how frustrating it can be.


The only other option I'd like to see in game would be the ability to determine what chat channels are stickied and which are not. Yes, I realized it has 0 impact on the game and is pretty much worthless, but it would be a nice QOL addition.


As far as macros go... Well that's a sticky situation. I'm all for being able to use my fancy gaming mouse and keyboard for keybinds and macros, but the thing is if they allow it then people will find ways for the 1-2 button wonders. You cannot escape it; With enabling one, you can't combat the other. Yin and Yang.


All in all, macro's and addons are a spoiled child's dream that we've all grown accustomed to thanks to WoW, Rift, and other MMO's I can't think of to mention. Do we need them? No. Are they nice to have? Sure. Will BioWare break and release the ability to make addons? Maybe.


I'd hate to see it go to the dogs like it did in WoW, but I really would like the ability to move my UI around.

Edited by Paralassa
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Macros and addons are needed. If you say they are unfair, you just played games with them being poor designed. If you think WoW macroses\addons are unfair you're either noob or very lazy.


B] Simple Macroses. [/b] Like /targetnearestenemy /cast spell. Nothing unfair here.


You want a macro to automatically target the nearest enemy and use a specific Ability for you... and are calling others very lazy :eek::rolleyes:

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Macros are already available through other software and hardware options (http://store.razerzone.com/store/razerusa/en_US/pd/productID.241168100) adding them into the base game would only balance out the people with better hardware/software that are using them already.


Would also love UI addons, as Bioware probably isn't going to offer all of the UI customization I want (they definitely don't at the moment)


Would like Damage Meters as I do run PuG raids pretty often, and would like to kick out scrubs that aren't pulling their weight.


Could care less about things like DBM/Threat Meters

Edited by Raji
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What this game really needs is ToT (Target of Target). It is DESPERATELY needed. As a tank I like to know when taking 4+ things if everything is aggro'd onto me and not a melee, or some ranged standing too close so it isn't noticeable and I have no idea which one is on a player to taunt off of...


Another thing I'd like to see is Bartender


It looks like Moveable Bars are coming, and hopefully ToT is coming with the UI Enhancements.


As far as people complaining about wanting a recount-esque addon, please for the love of all that is good and holy DO NOT BEND TO THIS. Some people genuinely use this addon as a way for self improvement...


Something that should NEVER be implemented is Auctioneer...


(and the rest of your post...)


Didn't want to copy your whole post, but yes I agree with you completely!


SWTOR needs some UI/functionality improvements. It does not need Addons or Macros :jawa_tongue:


(...and if they do put them in I hope they are heavily limited and monitored in their functionality)

Edited by Paralassa
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What this game really needs is ToT (Target of Target). It is DESPERATELY needed. As a tank I like to know when taking 4+ things if everything is aggro'd onto me and not a melee, or some ranged standing too close so it isn't noticeable and I have no idea which one is on a player to taunt off of.


The game does have a systems for acquiring your target's target in key bindings. I swear I've seen it there, but I could be wrong.


As far as people complaining about wanting a recount-esque addon, please for the love of all that is good and holy DO NOT BEND TO THIS. Some people genuinely use this addon as a way for self improvement, and as a way to monitor if everyone is doing their part, HOWEVER, we ALL know a VAST majority of people who use this are what I call "Meter Maids". They post numbers every chance they get and try to be-smudge people for doing something less than they have. Despite the fact they post "overall" and not "last fight" to prove how amazing they are at AoE for trash and how badly they suck for bosses. You all kow what I'm talking about too... Or maybe you don't, and if that's the case you probably fall under the Meter Maid label. Just sayin'. And before someone goes spouting off about how people against the idea of Recount are just crappy players, I can assure you I was consistently top 3 DPS AND heals in end-game raiding guilds BC-Cata. I am just tired of seeing people spit on one another because of this addon.


If only the game had some feature where you could stop receiving messages from them... like it were something you could put in a command line in your chat window. Something that would make sense, like if you want to ignore <person-name> you could do /ignore <person-name>.... or maybe right-click on that person's name in the chat box and have a menu that has Ignore as an option.


That would be awesome.


You could even use it in cases where people do things like say "Anal [itemLink]", tell "Yo Mama" jokes, regurgitate /b/tard memes, insult people, or something like that.


What you are asking for is one less excuse for people to be ****** to each other. The problem with that is: people don't need an excuse to be ****** to each other. DPS metres don't magically turn people into douchebags, they were that way since middle school. The best you can do is /ignore and be blissfully ignorant of any cerebral diarrhea they emit via their keyboard.


Another thing I'd like to see is Bartender, or a variation of. I hate that I can't move my bars or adjust the sizes, or add more slots. While I can deal with the default if we're all throwing out what we'd like to see implemented this is a big one I agree on.


I would like Bartender4, as well. (Link to Suggest AddOns, yes, I know not those *specific* AddOns, but making an API to have the *functionality*)


I'd hate to see it go to the dogs like it did in WoW, but I really would like the ability to move my UI around.


WoW went to the dogs for an amalgam of reasons - some reasons are guilty by association. Which doesn't mean (to me) the concept of AddOns, more so the implementation. After all, even without altering a single thing, SWToR gets 12 million subscribers and it will plummet from enjoyable to trying.

Edited by Paralassa
Incomplete thought redacted
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You want a macro to automatically target the nearest enemy and use a specific Ability for you... and are calling others very lazy :eek::rolleyes:


Considering tab-targetting is broken in it's current form...that type of macro would be a good thing.


A lot of macros would just fill the void of unintuitive commands already...


such as unstealth/mount.

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And we don't want to use them...it spoils the experience. If you don't like, then don't use argument, is silly because once its out....and allowed u r at a disadvantage if u do not use them. Its better and more fun to not have them, so game actually requires some thinking to play.


That's why so many people are against them.


The majority of addons don't reduce thinking; they reduce frusturation. Addons like Grid and Clique take just as much thinking but what they do is reduce the number of unecessary clicks and ease the input in a manner that allows a healer to be able respond more efficiently.


This is the same for UI addons. Not everyone may like the way the default UI is setup. Why not give people freedom to hide what they don't want to see and perhaps have the ability to focus on what they do want to see? It's just freedom and makes sense based on the fact not everybody takes in information the same way.


Addons like Recount are only scary for those who wish to be carried and hide their skill level. Most people do not like having their time wasted and if that means you may not get to play some content because you do not play to a certain level; that is okay. If I'm healing a hardmode please don't blame me if I don't want to have a dps that is just hitting one button and not contributing.


Finally, a company can limit what addons/macros are capable of doing. In this day and age lessons should have been learned on what is acceptable. Since most classes use skill priority systems, a one button "I WIN" macro just isn't plausible and fear of that type of scenario is just not logical.

Edited by Speephish
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What this game really needs is ToT (Target of Target). It is DESPERATELY needed. As a tank I like to know when taking 4+ things if everything is aggro'd onto me and not a melee, or some ranged standing too close so it isn't noticeable and I have no idea which one is on a player to taunt off of.


As far as people complaining about wanting a recount-esque addon, please for the love of all that is good and holy DO NOT BEND TO THIS. Some people genuinely use this addon as a way for self improvement, and as a way to monitor if everyone is doing their part, HOWEVER, we ALL know a VAST majority of people who use this are what I call "Meter Maids". They post numbers every chance they get and try to be-smudge people for doing something less than they have. Despite the fact they post "overall" and not "last fight" to prove how amazing they are at AoE for trash and how badly they suck for bosses. You all kow what I'm talking about too... Or maybe you don't, and if that's the case you probably fall under the Meter Maid label. Just sayin'. And before someone goes spouting off about how people against the idea of Recount are just crappy players, I can assure you I was consistently top 3 DPS AND heals in end-game raiding guilds BC-Cata. I am just tired of seeing people spit on one another because of this addon.


Another thing I'd like to see is Bartender, or a variation of. I hate that I can't move my bars or adjust the sizes, or add more slots. While I can deal with the default if we're all throwing out what we'd like to see implemented this is a big one I agree on.


Something that should NEVER be implemented is Auctioneer. My god. Can you people get ANY more lazy with this?? You don't need this at all for SWTOR. Stop it. You put your item in the sell window and the price is PREDETERMINED FOR YOU. How much more hand-holding can you get? Please note this is PURELY for selling, not trying to look things up... Don't get me started on the 10 step process it takes to look for a specific item and how frustrating it can be.


The only other option I'd like to see in game would be the ability to determine what chat channels are stickied and which are not. Yes, I realized it has 0 impact on the game and is pretty much worthless, but it would be a nice QOL addition.


As far as macros go... Well that's a sticky situation. I'm all for being able to use my fancy gaming mouse and keyboard for keybinds and macros, but the thing is if they allow it then people will find ways for the 1-2 button wonders. You cannot escape it; With enabling one, you can't combat the other. Yin and Yang.


All in all, macro's and addons are a spoiled child's dream that we've all grown accustomed to thanks to WoW, Rift, and other MMO's I can't think of to mention. Do we need them? No. Are they nice to have? Sure. Will BioWare break and release the ability to make addons? Maybe.


I'd hate to see it go to the dogs like it did in WoW, but I really would like the ability to move my UI around.


i thought there a target of target optoin in the pref menu, i ahve to go recheck to make sure.

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No, I use critical thinking. You claim, "no one credible..." - I simply asked what makes you classify someone as "not credible" on a gaming forum where none of us can prove anything more than we pay a subscription for the game.


Easy, no credible person would actually ask for automation.


To claim that "no one credible" has made a claim is a logical fallacy too when you or I can neither prove that anyone is "credible" at all, nor can we prove that every single poster to these threads believe automation should not exist.


You're right, I'll amend - not one single person has actually asked for automation. What they pine for in the privacy of their own homes is their business.


You may claim that I'm obnoxious in these threads, which I do not believe that I am. I understand that you can't just push me over in a debate with words on a game forum. I'm apparently not some large troll or "douche" though because I've been sent PMs on these very forums telling me their appreciation for my beliefs on raiding/addons and other issues and asking me to come raid with them or join their guild.


No, you're a guy who tried to paint addon advocates as people who might also like automation. You did so knowing that no one has asked for automation in this thread or any other. That's a strawman.


If you didn't know that no one had asked for automation, you probably should have read the thread to avoid looking like a moron when you made the assertion that I originally quoted.


I've been on gaming forums for years. Throw all the "strawman" threats at me that you want - I'm still going to occupy a point in the middle of the argument. I'm not against addons that allow you to rearrange the UI.


You can occupy any point you'd like. Just don't be surprised and/or butthurt when someone calls you on the more idiotic ones.


I am against addons that process data through logic algorithms and communicate with each other using client channels. I'll make an exception for a DPS meter in hardmode content as long as it's restricted to only work in hardmode content.


^ I've held this stance in several threads. Go look them up but stop accusing me of things which I am not, at least intentionally, guilty of.


At this point in the debate, I have no interest at all in your position on any specific mods. Why should I care what one guy, who's only interest is in being disingenuous to score some internet points, has to say about anything?

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The game does have a systems for acquiring your target's target in key bindings. I swear I've seen it there, but I could be wrong.



Alt+T with someone selected auto targets their target. Howver this does NOT allow you to "keep tabs" on the target, which is the whole freaking point of it.

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Considering tab-targetting is broken in it's current form...that type of macro would be a good thing.


And amazingly, there's already a Command/Keybind for (Target Nearest Enemy) so if you're only using Tab to cycle targets.... you kinda fail at playing the game :rolleyes:

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Nope he deliberately took quoted me out of context


NO to add-ons and macro crutches for the weak and feeble players who cant even play this p*%% easy game without them


Wait, weak and feeble players?


Show of hands how many people posting here wanting addons are still level 1 because they can't play the game without them?


Yeah, that's what I thought.

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If you don't want addons don't use em plain and simple. Most of the addons people are wanting are cosmetic to begin with.


Just because there are some people that dont like addons, doesn't mean they're bad for the rest of the population.


I wonder if you that are against addons are against cars having GPS navigation. Clearly it makes you less skilled of a driver. Gives you an unfair advantage of getting from place to place.

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I support the need for mods and macros. The reasons are obvious.


I also choose not to argue with those against it, because if they are genuinely against it, they lack the social and mental skills to put up a fair argument in the first place. :cool:

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Alt+T with someone selected auto targets their target. Howver this does NOT allow you to "keep tabs" on the target, which is the whole freaking point of it.


It does not, you are correct. I have PgUp set for switching between focuses (I heal), and could Alt+T to target whoever I switched the focus from to heal or CC. It's a convoluted mess to work with, very counter-intuitive.

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Wait, weak and feeble players?


Show of hands how many people posting here wanting addons are still level 1 because they can't play the game without them?


Yeah, that's what I thought.


I want AddOns. My main is at 49 1/3rd. I actually leveled faster in this game than WoW/CoH/EQ1. Still doesn't mean I get the most optimal performance out of the UI, just means that I can function with it.

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Losing a handful of "Omgz I needz my crutches" subscribers while keeping a large population of subscribers who can and do enjoy playing the game as it is will be quite acceptable to them...


After all, if they really felt Addons were important, they'd have already included the API or announced that support was coming soon.


I wonder how many of the posters in these threads are just really bitter Curse Employees who can't stand that they can't cash in on SWTOR like they did on WoW?


*cough* They have, there's a good reason for me including it in my signature, that way I don't have to go digging for a link every few days.

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First, i have Not read all the post here!


As far as i know you couldnt use macro or addons to "time" abilities and skills in WoW, i think you could at one time but they removed it.

So one would think that just because Bioware adds add-on and macro support that thay can make a system that doesnt alow abusing it and using macro to do all the work.


What i want add-ons for is costumizing my UI the exact way i want it, remove grafic, move around slotbars were i want them, resize som of them, change the layout of them (2 rows, three rows etc), use a different "targetframe" with no grafic, move them around, see what items i have in my storage unit.


And a 100 more things i used in WoW just to make it more attractive and userfriendly.

I never realy used macros for anything other then rpg.


So i say the faster they implement addons the better.... and more slotbars, the 4 i have is long gone.

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Making a roster for my guild is a nightmare, we have no idea which classes are doing the most damage or the least. we dont bring juggernauts to dps because were pretty not but not 100% that they dont do enough, same with ops. no way of figuring out what our damage is has basically forced us to bring nothing but mercs and sorcs, how in the f*** does having some form of parsing hurt a game worse then this.


And dont give me the crap about ooo ooo its you who's not bringing them, not the fact that you can't confirm nor deny they are strong. we are a proggression guild, we bring the best comp we possibly can.

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