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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

POLL!! Help Bioware AND yourself!


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Looking forward to seeing the results. Interestingly assuming a ~2m pool of players the sample size required for 95% confidence level has been passed already, well done. The comment on forum viewers likely being those with extreme views probably has some merit but I would suggest they are likely the same issues that impact others just they care more about them Edited by GURTUS
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I took it. Some of the questions were a bit leading and some completely absent, so it was obviously slanted towards the poll creator (or the group/kind of folks the poll creator runs with), which is fine, I just felt it biased.


There could have been an entire section with answers ranging from 'strongly disagree' to 'strongly agree' pertaining to what types of things we feel 'entitled' to have a voice in (there's that word again, funny how it keeps showing up). Things like prioritizing existing bugs for existing mechanics or wanting more or less of a type of mechanic (I'd rather see more flashpoints than raids, as an example, not my opinion, just pulled it out of the air) are things we should poll on, in my opinion. Things like "completely change your entire game so it's the game i want from you, seeing as you have lots of money and it'd be cooler to have the game i want build with lots of money" - don't belong in polls. So, a question like "Design by Committee is a good idea" w/ 'strong agree' to 'strongly disagree' would be a 'great' question. :)


Also, the poll doesn't hit on 'finer' points. I don't need 'more' flashpoints, but I'd like to see all the existing flashpoints modified like BT so they 'really' take advantage of the social system. After BT, I was really excited to do flashpoints, the social point system and dialogs were going to suck me into being more of a PuG person and dungeon runner, and we know how that turned out after BT.


But A for effort, I just think the poll is a) leading at times and b) misses on a greater issue of whether design by committee is a good idea.

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Looking forward to seeing the results. Interestingly assuming a ~2m pool of players the sample size required for 95% confidence level has been passed already, well done. The comment on forum viewers likely being those with extreme views probably has some merit but I would suggest they are likely the same issues that impact others just they care more about them


HI I totally agree on that even if forum viewers views might be more extreme than the average players view most likely the issues experienced are very similair.

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I took it. Some of the questions were a bit leading and some completely absent, so it was obviously slanted towards the poll creator (or the group/kind of folks the poll creator runs with), which is fine, I just felt it biased.


There could have been an entire section with answers ranging from 'strongly disagree' to 'strongly agree' pertaining to what types of things we feel 'entitled' to have a voice in (there's that word again, funny how it keeps showing up). Things like prioritizing existing bugs for existing mechanics or wanting more or less of a type of mechanic (I'd rather see more flashpoints than raids, as an example, not my opinion, just pulled it out of the air) are things we should poll on, in my opinion. Things like "completely change your entire game so it's the game i want from you, seeing as you have lots of money and it'd be cooler to have the game i want build with lots of money" - don't belong in polls. So, a question like "Design by Committee is a good idea" w/ 'strong agree' to 'strongly disagree' would be a 'great' question. :)


Also, the poll doesn't hit on 'finer' points. I don't need 'more' flashpoints, but I'd like to see all the existing flashpoints modified like BT so they 'really' take advantage of the social system. After BT, I was really excited to do flashpoints, the social point system and dialogs were going to suck me into being more of a PuG person and dungeon runner, and we know how that turned out after BT.


But A for effort, I just think the poll is a) leading at times and b) misses on a greater issue of whether design by committee is a good idea.




I agree it could have been a lot better but im not a professional poll maker plus I only had limited "free time" at work when doing it so well its better than nothing I suppose :rolleyes:

Edited by Sorrowsongg
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Pretty good list of survey questions.


One of my biggest concerns that wasn't addressed in the survey is travel times. It takes too long to get just about anywhere.

At least this isn't vanilla WoW where we slow walked until level 40. That was brutal.


Nice job OP - great initiative on this.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Although I indeed do feel it misses some key bugs/features that miss (as someone on an RP server); chat bubbles/animations and environment interaction (aka chairs you can sit on). In general, I do feel it is indeed good to get at least some information on what's really important.


I spent 5 minutes of my time to do the survey.


chat bubbles, No thanks.

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There are many different opinions on what should be fixed or improved in this game. In order to help Bioware prioritize what to work on I have created a fairly large survey where you can vote on what you believe is important to fix first in this game.


We all want this game to get better so take 3 minutes and vote now!


Update Sunday 0:37PM CET. we now have 711 participants in this poll.


Top issues that needs to be adressed on a 1-5 scale where 1 = not important and 5 = very important so far are:


1. Abilities not fireing of when pressed = 4.6

2. Ability delay = 4.34

3. More rewarding end game crafting = 4.11


I will publice the full result as well as analyses of it tuesday the 17th of january on these forums.


Here is the link:







There will ofc be tons of different views on what should have been included in this survey and I do not claim it to be complete in any way. However its better to get structured feedback to Bioware from a survey even if its not including every aspect of the game than to just randomly complain or voice opinions on the forum.





A couple of things are missing in the survey. I'd like to see MORE of a Star Wars feel to the game and also better use of the Star Wars soundtrack. The game feels very generic with a Star Wars skin. And a reworking of armour designs needs to be included also.. just to make it a more complete survey.

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To the people worried about this poll not representing the majority ie; the people who dont come to the forums, it will tell Bioware that there are things that need sorting. Would you rather they know that Subscribers will leave if End game content isn't improved/expanded? Or would you rather just tell Bioware "Youz the best in the whole wide world and we love you whatever happens :smileyface: :Loveheart: :kiss:


Just because we complain doesn't mean we hate Bioware and the game, we are just asking for improvements, Improvements that will help them maintain a player-base big enough to remain on the market.

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A couple of things are missing in the survey. I'd like to see MORE of a Star Wars feel to the game and also better use of the Star Wars soundtrack. The game feels very generic with a Star Wars skin. And a reworking of armour designs needs to be included also.. just to make it a more complete survey.


It's a little bit too late to alter a poll, when almost 1k is hit. But it's a good topic for new poll concerning SW integrity, design and lore.

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A wonderful personal effort you have made and because of this I took the survey and answered the question which were very well thought out.


I unfortunately had to click very important on a lot of it but that is what feedback is meant for isn't it? Real answers across a majority.


It will be interesting if BW actually ask you for the totals data or link to that page so they can mine the feedback.


Wonderful effort, your a credit to this community.

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