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The choice I do not have is the choice to give my non-related alts different last names.


Luke Skywalker

Han Solo

Leia Organa

Boba Fett

Lando Calrissian

Wedge Antilles

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Bib Fortuna

Mace Windu


My question would be, who said you would be able to do that? I mean you can ask, but the answer would be no. Besides, I bet on your server you wouldn't even get one of those names anyways. But that was a point I get it. I just don't look at things given to me, and say I wish it was another form. I do think about it and how cool it would be, but I don't get angry because it isn't what I thought it could be. There are limitations to all of this stuff, what you see as a feature takes people weeks to figure out how to do it.

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Can't you just have a common legacy and name the characters anything you want? Oh, yea you can...


You mean like...


Luke Binks

Han Binks

Leia Binks

Obi-Wan Binks

Boba Binks (rather like that one)

Mace Binks

Wedge Binks


Jar Jar

<The Binks Legacy>


Oops, forget that last one. Can't do a name like 'Jar Jar'. That crazy Gungan, always gotta be the rebel. :o

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"In terms of game systems we're releasing the full Legacy system. It's a system that really benefits players who like to play alts - instead of having characters who have no relation to each other you can create a family, and when you're playing any member of that family you earn experience points for your Legacy tree."


So disappointing. I am all about playing alts, but this does not 'benefit' me at all. Quite the opposite, as I *DO NOT WANT* my alts to be members of a 'family'. I want them to be altogether different and individual characters. With different names. Damn it.


Boo, Bioware. Boo.


It also says in the interview they can just be friends.... so must be some option there too.

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I did. Still you don't think it's hilarious that their major content is almost finished but have to wait 1 year to get the voice overs in? lol I am not impressed with what they did in the 5 years except for the story and it feels like they are doing the same thing again: Emphasis on voice overs. And before people get on their periods, this is just my opinion.


So here's the thing you're missing. The first content update rolls out in 4 days. January 17. Rise of the Rakghouls. The second part of that story rolls out in March. They have a new planet ready for March. They have content already planned. What the person in the interview was saying is that they have their content and story mapped out to 2013. And are just working out the map and getting the voice content added in.


In other words, they have this stuff ready to meet their schedule consistently between now and next year.


You missed that. You absolutely missed that. Content is coming. On time. Between now and next year.


But don't let us stop you from complaining.


/carry on

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That number after the 20th will be DRAMATICALLY less, I ASSURE you.


Nah. That's not how it's going to work. You see, those 1 million subs have been joined by another million since launch day. So that 2 million will go down by thousands on the 20th. But those thousands have already been replaced.


This game is continuing to grow right now. And keeps picking up subs.


You have already been replaced.

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That number after the 20th will be DRAMATICALLY less, I ASSURE you.


Also post above me, you have to choose a Legacy name unless you want to be pesetered by the "CHOOSE YOUR LEGACY NOW!!!1!!!" pop-up like some kind of Free MMO trying to entice you into their cash shop on login.


This is just, well I'm glad there is a generation between you and my children so we can try to flush this entitlement syndrome.

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Nah. That's not how it's going to work. You see, those 1 million subs have been joined by another million since launch day. So that 2 million will go down by thousands on the 20th. But those thousands have already been replaced.


This game is continuing to grow right now. And keeps picking up subs.

You have already been replaced.


^More win for you sir, nicely put.




Can't wait for the content and fixes. Keep them coming.

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You mean like...


Luke Binks

Han Binks

Leia Binks

Obi-Wan Binks

Boba Binks (rather like that one)

Mace Binks

Wedge Binks


Jar Jar

<The Binks Legacy>


Oops, forget that last one. Can't do a name like 'Jar Jar'. That crazy Gungan, always gotta be the rebel. :o


Im pretty sure you can have a space in your name but don't quote me on that. I know for a fact you could have:


Luke'Skywalker The Binks Legacy

Han'Solo The Binks Legacy



Further, as some one pointed out most MMO's don't have a surname at all so while this might not be your 100% perfect idea of how a legacy system should work it def moves MMO's towards your desired goal.

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You obviously didn't read the part where they stated that they want to release new content more often than Blizzard...


Wanting to and actually being able to are two different things. Even if you assume Bioware has a bigger development team tasked to creating and implementing new content then Blizzard, you have to acknowledge what they already confirmed which is that their content takes a bit more time due to cinamatcics (Sp?) and voice overs and all that.


its interesting to see how it will all play out.

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"Our content is more complex than your typical MMO content. It requires voiceovers, cinematics and all that..." Good job so I thought blizzard was slow on content(every six months) haha.... 2013 for this game's content? Wow..... Pretty much we have to wait a year because they are no VOs in yet. Fail.


Another fine example of our public schools. I'm so sad for my daughter.


Volks.....here's an idea. Go click on that link again.....and actually attempt to read more than the first 8 words. You know, where they explain that our first content update is coming in 4 days....not in 2013. Then they go on to explain how they have content planned throughout the entirety of this year. All the way through 2013. Then feel like a moron for failing this badly.

Edited by Jxspyder
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Wanting to and actually being able to are two different things. Even if you assume Bioware has a bigger development team tasked to creating and implementing new content then Blizzard, you have to acknowledge what they already confirmed which is that their content takes a bit more time due to cinamatcics (Sp?) and voice overs and all that.


its interesting to see how it will all play out.


They have also already announced that they have tons of pre-recorded voice work for tons of future content already in the can. But, I see no need to bring that bit of information up when you're building your logic.

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That number after the 20th will be DRAMATICALLY less, I ASSURE you.


Also post above me, you have to choose a Legacy name unless you want to be pesetered by the "CHOOSE YOUR LEGACY NOW!!!1!!!" pop-up like some kind of Free MMO trying to entice you into their cash shop on login.


Another fine example of reading comprehension and our public school system.


You saw "legacy" and stopped reading...didn't you? He said you can turn off the name, so that your two characters don't have the same last name displayed on your name tab. You can have a surname, a legacy title, or not display anything at all.

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They have also already announced that they have tons of pre-recorded voice work for tons of future content already in the can. But, I see no need to bring that bit of information up when you're building your logic.


That "tons" of pre-recorded voice over work for future content isn't going to last forever. At some point, they are going to need to record new voice-overs and develop new cinematics for their content on a scale that far exceeds their direct competitors. Sure, its one of the things that makes ToR so great, but it also puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to releasing new content.


I don't know why you're being snippy. The fact of the matter is that if they have more things required in a typical patch then Blizzard, then they are already playing catch up just to release content at a similar rate. They can want to release content at a faster pace, but the reality of the situation implies that it will be difficult at best.

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Im pretty sure you can have a space in your name but don't quote me on that. I know for a fact you could have:


Luke'Skywalker The Binks Legacy

Han'Solo The Binks Legacy



Further, as some one pointed out most MMO's don't have a surname at all so while this might not be your 100% perfect idea of how a legacy system should work it def moves MMO's towards your desired goal.


If we could have a space in our names, problem solved! Unfortunately...


And most of the MMOs with which I am familiar DO allow first and last names: Guild Wars (where I believe it was actually a requirement), LOTRO, City of Heroes, Champions Online, Star Trek Online. The only other one I know of that doesn't is Age of Conan. I played Rift, but I can't remember how it was there... ah, looking at my screenshots, evidently not.


Anyway, I don't understand why Bioware chose to do naming like this in a Star Wars game - how many Star Wars characters don't have first and last names? - but I guess we're stuck with it. Like it or lump it, as they saying goes. I will never like it, so...


Unleash the Lumps of Boo! We ride!

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I did. Still you don't think it's hilarious that their major content is almost finished but have to wait 1 year to get the voice overs in? lol I am not impressed with what they did in the 5 years except for the story and it feels like they are doing the same thing again: Emphasis on voice overs. And before people get on their periods, this is just my opinion.


You clearly did not read it properly, they have content coming out this month, they have more in march and more in the months following, they have content that is created up until next year, the stuff for next year does not have voice work put in yet.


Try again.

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I find it amazing how people who hate on this game will find any little thing and just ride that into the ground. As soon as people see 2013 content, they flip and say "we have to wait an entire year! well f that by then no one will even be playing this game." It is proof that people don't read the entire article and only pick and read what supports their side of the hate/love war on this game.


I for one really like this game but I never played any MMOs before this and it doesn't take much to entertain me. Just throw in some KoTOR and enough single player content and I'm good to go.

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Half of any sizable population has an IQ of one hundred or less. True story. SW:TOR has about 2 million players, a sizable population.


Good reason to let the game designers and development team decide the course for the game, rather than the most vocal haters in the forum.


The amazing thing is that the dev team still reads these forums.


On the plus side, those who rage-quit will no longer be able to post here when their time is up. They will just have to waste whatever time they have elsewhere until GW2 is released and they get the chance to rage-quit GW2 (because the devs over there also have their own plans and design ideas, too).


Just think: these are the people you will have to deal with should you did decide to try GW2.


Ah well. While the disgruntled are venting their rage here they aren't making any messes in-game.

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