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Was SWTOR worth the $60?


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As much as I may critisise the game in terms of it being an mmo, as far as the box price goes I feel I've easily had good value just going from 1-50 with 1 character despite the odd frustration with bugs.


I'm not gonna continue to sub to play a poorer version of a game I quit a year ago, but I may sub for the odd month now and again to go through another story and see if it's improved.


Agreed. If I want to beta test I will and not spend money to play a game still in the beta phase. BW get your act together. I will not sub until you get this game fixed.

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Not worth the money

If you want a mmorpg buy wow

If younwant a mmo buy skyrm


Swtor is a mix of both and dosent do either very well and it sure as hell isnt worth 15 a month sub.


You didn't buy it so how could you know? Also you need a new keyboard, your single quote is broken.

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No, I don't think it was a waste considering how many classes and stories there are. Even if the majority of the classes have to retake the same quests you still have totally different gameplay, ships, companions, and so on along the way. So if you consider this game from a single-player perspective (because I tend to with how this game is so far kinda non-mmo feel) its definitely worth it.


I really wish it was an MMO, though...

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These are the same people who bought Skyrim. Praise it as the best game EVER!..


and don't mind the hundreds/thousands of bugs that game had on release.. and continues to have and will never be fixed now.. and are completely happy about it..


These are the people that refuse to re-sub for some minor bugs in SWTOR? (which I haven note experienced at all other than the LAZORS!)


Really people?




Its my conclusion.. People are looking for every single reason to hate this game because they realize they have spent 1500$ on WoW and can never leave. That my friends I am sorry about, that WoW has entrapped you, and you feel you need to keep dumping money in the trash can and experience anything new in the world of MMO's


Once you release yourself from the tyranny that is WoW you will be free my sons! Free to play MMO's and not have illusions that WoW is the best MMO ever, no longer will WoW set the bar.. (which is incredibly low). No longer will you have to stare at sub-par cartoon graphics that haven't been updated in 7 years and think they are the best ever.


No longer will you have to have pandas.


Free yourselves from your own prison.. heed my words dear friends..

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It was for me. As was Age of Conan (I played 2 months originally, and came back for an 8 month stint), and even some MMOs I played 'less' than that. I think I played SWG for 3 months before quitting.


Those were all worth $60 to me, even if they weren't all that great or were ok, but didn't manage to keep my attention. Mainly because I 'love' the genre, among many reasons, other than a few Asian ones, the combat in MMOs is still largely die-based, which I love. Playing some DnD or Baldur's Gate (in space, in this case) is great, right up my alley.


Other than Skyrim for the PC, I probably wouldn't have played any of the other games on your list, or if I had, maybe out of peer pressure or something (only reason I can think of), I would have walked away feeling let down, largely because those titles and games like that don't interest me much any more.


So I'm getting my $60/originally and whatever I'll pay monthly out of this for sure. Until I'm not having much fun anymore (if that ever happens), then I will stop, and maybe come back for a short while, and then stop again.




That's, a movie and a half at the theater. I easily save that compared to how much I used to go to movies and stopped because they're filled with cell phones and chatty Cathys and what have you. Now that we have surround sound systems at our finger tips and 52" TVs, not really any reason to go there and listen to Skipper VonRichington is such a jerk for going out with Veronica.


And that frees up lots of money for my favorite genre, and I don't feel I have to play 12 hours a day to 'get my moneys worth'. If I played a few hours twice a week, that'd be worth my $15.

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These are the same people who bought Skyrim. Praise it as the best game EVER!..


and don't mind the hundreds/thousands of bugs that game had on release.. and continues to have and will never be fixed now.. and are completely happy about it..


These are the people that refuse to re-sub for some minor bugs in SWTOR? (which I haven note experienced at all other than the LAZORS!)


Really people?




Its my conclusion.. People are looking for every single reason to hate this game because they realize they have spent 1500$ on WoW and can never leave. That my friends I am sorry about, that WoW has entrapped you, and you feel you need to keep dumping money in the trash can and experience anything new in the world of MMO's


Once you release yourself from the tyranny that is WoW you will be free my sons! Free to play MMO's and not have illusions that WoW is the best MMO ever, no longer will WoW set the bar.. (which is incredibly low). No longer will you have to stare at sub-par cartoon graphics that haven't been updated in 7 years and think they are the best ever.


No longer will you have to have pandas.


Free yourselves from your own prison.. heed my words dear friends..


Why would I leave wow for swtor? Because it has voice acting lol?

Because instanced empty worlds are better than crowded cities?

No thanks this isnt the game .

As far as pandas go , there are alot more features in the expansion than just pandas and pokemon , like world bosses ect ect.

Enjoy your loading screens.

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Just another example of how this game will improve the 19th of this month. :)


Bye. :D


And why should I throw my money in the garbage when this company uses a cheap piece of garbage called Hero Engline. They know full well what they were doing when they decided not to do anything in-house. I blame the "Kiss of Death" more for this. But since you're obviously a 12 yr old who doesn't know the difference between a working game and something still in beta, I won't hold it against you.

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Well I'm thoroughly enjoying the game, and will continue to until GW2 comes out. Then I'll be playing two game. While some of the deficiencies people speak of are annoying, and certain things should have been in the game at launch, chat bubble I'm looking at you, the overall game is fun, and if they continue with regular updates, I can see this game have a long life.
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Why would I leave wow for swtor? Because it has voice acting lol?

Because instanced empty worlds are better than crowded cities?

No thanks this isnt the game .

As far as pandas go , there are alot more features in the expansion than just pandas and pokemon , like world bosses ect ect.

Enjoy your loading screens.


I am no longer angry at you WoWers. But rather sad. I really feel sorry for you, that you will never experience enjoyment of another game because WoW.. they have poisoned your mind. Warped your perception, and you truly have lost the since of what is good.


WoW not only ruined the gaming industry for ever, it ruined people's lives.


People no longer want.. story/gameplay/graphics.. they want to do the same thing..over and over and over again... that my friends in insanity.


and I finally realize this: the WoWers have been driven to the point of insanity.. and no longer knows the true path.. no longer knows what a real game is.. only the blinders of WoW.. and doing the same thing.. over and over and over again.. claiming its new content..


Now I see why these people are easily fooled.. they are insane.

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Simply, no. This game likely won't receive my sub after the first month either.


These are the same people who bought Skyrim. Praise it as the best game EVER!..


and don't mind the hundreds/thousands of bugs that game had on release.. and continues to have and will never be fixed now.. and are completely happy about it..


These are the people that refuse to re-sub for some minor bugs in SWTOR?


Skyrim didn't need a sub to continue playing it, SWTOR does. That is the difference, as a customer I was satisfied that the ratio of buggy annoyances and entertainment was satisfactory but with SWTOR it was the reverse, and it even demands me to continue paying $15 a month to enjoy the same copy pasted content with the same amount of bugs.

Edited by Faxxon
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I am no longer angry at you WoWers. But rather sad. I really feel sorry for you, that you will never experience enjoyment of another game because WoW.. they have poisoned your mind. Warped your perception, and you truly have lost the since of what is good.


WoW not only ruined the gaming industry for ever, it ruined people's lives.


People no longer want.. story/gameplay/graphics.. they want to do the same thing..over and over and over again... that my friends in insanity.


and I finally realize this: the WoWers have been driven to the point of insanity.. and no longer knows the true path.. no longer knows what a real game is.. only the blinders of WoW.. and doing the same thing.. over and over and over again.. claiming its new content..


Now I see why these people are easily fooled.. they are insane.


Better to be insane and spending money on a game that works with CS that ACTUALLY helps you and knows the game than spending money playing something still in Beta ;)

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