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chose the wrong advance class


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Is it possible to be able to copy the look of my character atleast? cause i got everything down except complexion and skin tone which is impossible to pinpoint exactly. Also why did they get rid of advance class changing? i heard they had it in at some point.
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Is it possible to be able to copy the look of my character atleast? cause i got everything down except complexion and skin tone which is impossible to pinpoint exactly. Also why did they get rid of advance class changing? i heard they had it in at some point.


Didn't play beta, but in retail it was never there.

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You cancelled your subscription because you chose the wrong advanced class. A bit extreme but if that works for you.


Why not roll another character and skip the cut scenes until you get to the same point again? It would only take you 2-3 hours maybe even less to get to the same point again, especially if you were enjoying the game.

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"The beginning is a very delicate time." - Princess Irulan :)


Why not start a new toon with all the experience you had with the old one? It should be more fun with more knowledge about the game. I guess you will be leveling faster than the before, better control of the game, better looting and making money etc. Consider the old toon as an experiencer :) Also you can transfer your money and all the gears to the new one with no sweat.

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Wow. That is stunning to me.


I've run Korriban alone over 6 times. Ord Mantell over 5. Tython about 3 times and Hutta roughly 4.


He can't run one starter planet twice? >.> SMH. It's the easiest planet, it doesn't take that long and you can send the money from the one you don't want anymore over to your new one to boost them credits wise.

Edited by blindxsecrets
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If you're THAT impatient an MMO might not be the best game for you anyway. It would only take a few hours to get back to lvl10, I did it in two leisurly evenings.


If you read the post more carefully, it is not the time investment but the fact he cannot remember what face type, complection, hair, etc. He wiil not reroll since the character will look subtley different.

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Is it possible to be able to copy the look of my character atleast? cause i got everything down except complexion and skin tone which is impossible to pinpoint exactly. Also why did they get rid of advance class changing? i heard they had it in at some point.



You heard wrong. They never had it and never will. They will however allow dual spec within your chosen class soon. That said, if you want a new class you have to reroll.


What many do not understand is that the 8 classes are well defined and separate from the base class. Its like choosing Cleric, Warrior, Ranger, Bard, etc. On that rational, no MMO allows you to switch classes and the fact that many are asking for SWTOR to do so is ludicrous.

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If you read the post more carefully, it is not the time investment but the fact he cannot remember what face type, complection, hair, etc. He wiil not reroll since the character will look subtley different.


True, but it isn't like there is no way to determine what you picked...the OP simply wasn't paying attention.


each slider in the character selection window has a number associated with the position it's in. I know my favorite combinations because I looked to the right as I was tinkering around...


Nobody's perfect of course...I tried a few, didn't like the combos, went back and tried again. As stated previously, if someone isn't willing to put a few extra hours into trying a different look/build/whatever, then perhaps an MMO isn't their style. It's not like the starting zones are boring...

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Anyone trying to defend bioware in the fact that there is NO WAY TO GET A FEEL FOR THE ADVANCED CLASS YOU'RE ABOUT TO PICK, is plain stupid.


It's a seriously flawed design choice, they should implement something like a experimentation phase while picking your advanced class, meaning - you get some mobs, some dummies, etc, and all the spells from that class are available to you for that moment, so you can get a feel of the mechanics, rotation, etc.


And watching youtube videos, reading stuff, it's worthless - it will never, EVER, give you a feel for what you're about to jump into.



And at first, it was supposed to be possible to repick it at lvl 50, but ofcourse they scrapped it (yadda yadda lore ********, i'd take comfortable gameplay over nitpick consistency any day).



It's not like you bought the wrong items, deleted something, etc. which is a fully conscious choice (99,99% of the time), and none of these things even require getting "used to".



Right now, it's a guessing game.



Hell, it's like buying a TV in a market without even being able to see if the picture is nice, sound satisfactory etc. You're basically picking up a cat in a bag.

Edited by KevyB
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Anyone trying to defend bioware in the fact that there is NO WAY TO GET A FEEL FOR THE ADVANCED CLASS YOU'RE ABOUT TO PICK, is plain stupid.



No game that I've yet encountered allows a "trial run" of a class. I played Warrior for quite a while in WoW before deciding that it wasn't for me. Same with Runekeeper in LOTRO.


Personally though...I do plan to play all 8 base classes and probably most of the ACs as well. Why? Well, because its my game. I bought it and I plan to play the hell out of it.


As for having the character look right. Its kinda right there on the creation screen. You get it pretty close to what you think it should be. Mark down the numbers and then right when you start...there's a cut scene and you can see how you look in the cinematics.

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wow did not expect that many replies >_> sorry i was just venting cause i get attached to characters and i only had a couple more days of the subcription so it didnt matter. but no i was not trolling just really frustrated cause i like how everything was turning out and he was my first character. guess ill just keep him around but make another character.


EDIT: also its not the same as picking a class in wow because you chose it at the beginning i was actually like level 12 because i did all of the side quests on hutta before i did the advance class. so thats why i got attached to him. If i was able to copy the look exactly i would be a little less bummed but still it wasnt the character i first started out as.

Edited by yutterh
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And at first, it was supposed to be possible to repick it at lvl 50, but ofcourse they scrapped it (yadda yadda lore ********, i'd take comfortable gameplay over nitpick consistency any day).


This is simply not true.


At first, it was meant to be permanent and never possible to change.


Due to some player feedback during beta, they internally experimented with allowing some form of limited changing mechanic. But ultimately decided it was not worth it and went back to the ORIGINAL design choice.


It has nothing to do with lore or anything else you'd like to make up for it to be about. It is simply a matter of class choice and permanence in a game -- like just about every other game out there. Playing 1-10 IS the test drive. If you play 5 or 10 more levels beyond that and realize you don't like it, just reroll. Just like any other game where you get 20 levels in and realize you've chosen the wrong class for your style.

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Just a friendly tip about the look of ur toon:

On the sliders where u edit ur toon in creation, there is number. When i manage to create a toon that i like very mutch, i normaly take notes of thise numers. That way i know i will be able to create the same look again if something comes up and if i would need this later on.

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One last thing to me it isnt like choosing a paladin or warrior its like choosing holy prot or ret and being stuck with the the one you chose without realizing it wasnt your style. but still it is my fault for not realizing it wasnt permanent and doing mroe research but still wish there was some kind of level trial like be able to change tell level 15 or soemthing.
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but still wish there was some kind of level trial like be able to change tell level 15 or soemthing.


May of us who are against AC switching wouldn't get that upset about a one time AC respec that expired somewhere between 15 and 20.

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