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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why no combat gathering?


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I still don't understand why we are not allowed to interact with the environment while in combat. The companion system lends itself to multi-tasking such as gathering and fighting at the same time. It would also be nice to be able to compete quests while in combat.


The UI has a built in option to send the companion to gather a resource. This feature seems totally worthless if a player cannot gather while in combat.


One of the advantages of allowing this would be to stop other players from "stealing" a resource node or quest location that a player intended to interact with after clearing the mobs around the node. As the current system stands, I am forced to steal nodes if I want to be competitive in resource gathering.


I am also not impressed with the function/bugginess of companion gathering. My companion Khem Val first attempts to scan a node while out of its range when I click on it and then moves up to perform the scan. At this point I will not use this feature because I can't stand to watch him do this.

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Yes, "Forced".


I can not tell what crew skills another player has, and I have no reason to wait to see if they are going to use the gathering node or not.


This would be completely avoidable if a player was allowed to spend the 3 seconds to interact with a resource while in combat. First-come first-served should be the policy.

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Yes, "Forced".


I can not tell what crew skills another player has, and I have no reason to wait to see if they are going to use the gathering node or not.


This would be completely avoidable if a player was allowed to spend the 3 seconds to interact with a resource while in combat. First-come first-served should be the policy.



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Yes, "Forced".


I can not tell what crew skills another player has, and I have no reason to wait to see if they are going to use the gathering node or not.


This would be completely avoidable if a player was allowed to spend the 3 seconds to interact with a resource while in combat. First-come first-served should be the policy.


I see...rationalization to justify being a jerk. Got it.


You see someone fighting next to a node, you move along. You don't need to see what their crew skills are to show some common courtesy. You really don't need to get every last node you see you know, there will be more...I promise.


Or...just be a jerk



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I see...rationalization to justify being a jerk. Got it.


You see someone fighting next to a node, you move along. You don't need to see what their crew skills are to show some common courtesy. You really don't need to get every last node you see you know, there will be more...I promise.


Or...just be a jerk




Its the perception of being a jerk that could be avoided.


If I'm fighting and I want to get a node that gets stolen by another player - they are a jerk.

If I want a node and another player is fighting the mobs by it - I'm the jerk.


But Why?

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Its the perception of being a jerk that could be avoided.


If I'm fighting and I want to get a node that gets stolen by another player - they are a jerk.

If I want a node and another player is fighting the mobs by it - I'm the jerk.


But Why?


This scenario you present...if Player 1 comes along and takes a node (I don't say steal, because no one owns that node until they tap it) that Player 2 is fighting on top of is a jerk, then yes, if you are the one taking it you are a jerk. Wanting it does not make you so, but taking it does.


It's just common courtesy to wait to see if that player is actually trying to defend the node or not. Yes, I know courtesy is not that common in most MMOs. It doesn't hurt to try it. Maybe more people should try it these days.


If you can't wait 15-30 seconds to find out, or...help that person fight off the mobs, then move on. The item(s) you get from that node isn't worth it. Honest. Just move along. I bet my ship you'll come across more nodes that are not attended by others.

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This scenario you present...if Player 1 comes along and takes a node (I don't say steal, because no one owns that node until they tap it) that Player 2 is fighting on top of is a jerk, then yes, if you are the one taking it you are a jerk. Wanting it does not make you so, but taking it does.


It's just common courtesy to wait to see if that player is actually trying to defend the node or not. Yes, I know courtesy is not that common in most MMOs. It doesn't hurt to try it. Maybe more people should try it these days.


If you can't wait 15-30 seconds to find out, or...help that person fight off the mobs, then move on. The item(s) you get from that node isn't worth it. Honest. Just move along. I bet my ship you'll come across more nodes that are not attended by others.


Exactly this. There is no excuse for taking a node that someone is actively fighting next to other than rudeness. Nothing is "forcing" anyone to do so, they simply want to.

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Forced? No, you are most certainly not. However, if you are just looking for an excuse to be a jerk I guess this one is as good as any other.


pretty much what I was thinking. Forced? Competitive?


but in reality if someone is not harvesting a node then its fair game. I wouldnt call it stealing. I personally wouldnt harvest a node where some guy is practically standing on it while fighting. It would be logical to assume he wanted to harvest it.

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So wait, if that node is worth 800 credits, current street value of about $1, you mean to tell me that Chinese Farmer behind me is going to not take it while I am trying to clear it? You know because her boss, that feeds and houses her at the sweatshop/factory will totally understand her sense of honor.
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So wait, if that node is worth 800 credits, current street value of about $1, you mean to tell me that Chinese Farmer behind me is going to not take it while I am trying to clear it? You know because her boss, that feeds and houses her at the sweatshop/factory will totally understand her sense of honor.


Well in that case none of us should do the right thing, amiright?



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It would certainly be nice if they had some system to allow you to at least tag a node when you attack the mobs defending it.


They seem to intentionally put mob spawns near resources and chests, yet if you put the effort into defeating the defenders, your likely not going to be the one to get the rewards if your in an area with any sort of other players in it. I don't see it happening, but tying those mobs to the node would be ideal. I beat the mobs, that becomes my node / chest.. at least for X seconds after the mobs have been defeated.

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This is one of the reasons I suggested having a way to "step out" of combat. In other words a way for players to sheathe their weapon and stop their combat actions. It doesn't allow players to escape PvP flags, or PvP timers, or anything else; it just means they can stop doing kung fu moves so they can access their non-combat skills. This is not just a stance, it's an actual mechanic to exit combat; instead of a timer.
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It takes 10 seconds to help the person fighting. Or you could whisper them. Or you could just wait and stand next to the node.


I know if i was clearing to a node and someone started harvesting I would at least do a /rude


I think that gets the point across that you are a jerk.


Honestly the whole "Well what about the people that steal from me?" argument is dumb. You are just furthering the downfall. Guess I should just run red lights since I saw that other guy do it.

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just an side note , its not the player that takes the node but their companion.

if someone just steals the node it could be seen as he is roleplaying evil ? maybe give them a

point down the tube ? hahaha


ohh nevermind this would def become an exploid, so uncool some human behavior.

oh wel that how the coockie crumbles :D

Edited by Eliminate
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It takes 10 seconds to help the person fighting. Or you could whisper them. Or you could just wait and stand next to the node.


I know if i was clearing to a node and someone started harvesting I would at least do a /rude


I think that gets the point across that you are a jerk.


Honestly the whole "Well what about the people that steal from me?" argument is dumb. You are just furthering the downfall. Guess I should just run red lights since I saw that other guy do it.


The problem with this is then the person calls you out in General for being a crybaby QQ'er.


"Hey LawnKnome, you gonna cry some more about me taking your precious little flower? U mad bro? HAHA Loser"


It happens. Trust me. I have wanted to step through the pc into another players house and literally piss in their face for some the the stupid, juvenile bullsheet they will say in general chat because they just want to be stupid trolls.


I have played MMO's long enough that I have just gotten over being nice because nobody else is regardless of how many people say they are on the forums.

Edited by DarthHovak
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I see...rationalization to justify being a jerk. Got it.


You see someone fighting next to a node, you move along. You don't need to see what their crew skills are to show some common courtesy. You really don't need to get every last node you see you know, there will be more...I promise.


Or...just be a jerk




1000x this.


I'm already starting to see the idiots appearing on my server. Those who cannot seem to get their heads around the fact that if they see a node / mission item and someone is fighting beside it then perhaps, just perhaps, THAT person ALSO needs it too.


Those people use the "it will respawn in minutes, what's your problem?" excuse.

Common courtesy seems to be lost on some people.



Its a case of first come, first served. If you see someone there, wait, and see if they take it. You may be surprised by the result. If you can't wait, go find another node / mission item.


The community really needs to start acting more mature, civilised and courteous, before it becomes a copy of the stereotypical stories you hear about the WoW community.

Edited by Tarka
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