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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LF1M... oh forget it


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I've been level 50 for over a week, have tried multiple times to get a group together for hardmodes but it's almost impossible to get a full group together. Getting sick of spamming "looking for 1 more tank/heal/DPS" in general for 15 minutes, it isn't fun at all.


Option 1) Community: start using the LFG flag, start participating in groups and put one of the 'M's back in MMORPG.


Option 2) Bioware please give us a better way of getting groups together for flashpoints.



I know there's a bunch of argument about dungeon finder or not, personally I don't think it would break anything to include it (they all start in the same place anyway!).


Whatever the solution, we really need one because the current state of flashpoints is really disappointing.

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Stop complaining and join a guild or make some friends within the game.

It's not Bioware's fault you can't find 4 people to get a group together. There's over 2 million people playing this game. Maybe if you spent 5 minutes trying to find others instead of making this thread you'd be in a group already.

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This is partially why i rolled a healer, that and i love healing. I feel like healers are always needed, so the wait shouldnt be long at all.


However, my 31 consular on a Heavy server cant find a group for Mandalorians / Althiss to save her life. Guildies are busy leveling in addition to have outleveled the content. Tried making friends from groups i made earlier, but things die off after the initial first day it seems.


Im very shy and often find it hard to take the initiative, so what in the world should i do when everyone else's suggestions have failed me? In b4 "stop being shy"

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I love how 95% of the posts here make it out to be OP's fault that the game design is flawed.


Bioware failed to include a proper LFG tool/finder/system, so automatically, it's the player's fault.


Failsauce community at its finest.

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Grouping with people you don't already know is one of the primary ways of "making friends" and "joining a guild".


And how do you group with people you don't already know?

I don't know, but I'm sure an LFG tool that doesn't suck *** goes a long way.

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happened to me tonight. Spent about 30 mins trying to find a healer for HM's, couldn't find one. No one was in the /lfg either.


Looked like there were 3-4 other groups trying to a find a healer as well. Disappointing, but what can ya do.

Well thing is, while people are quick to point out that wow in particular came along just fine for years and years without an LFD tool they're forgetting there where literally thousands of players online on every server, around the clock. It was only when the player base started dwindling that they added the LFD thing so as to maintain the illusion of there still being millions of players. SWTOR is not WOW, but all I know is there aren't enough players for group building to be as smooth as we'd like - so yes, we need an LFD tool imo.

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Right now a lot of people are still leveling there characters and enjoying the story, shamefully level 50s are the minority at this point. Give it 2-3 more weeks and you will find more people and plenty of it running hard modes.




It will be the same in 2-3 weeks, maybe even worse since the free month will be over. MMO players won't sub to this, sw fans on the other hand yes.

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It will be the same in 2-3 weeks, maybe even worse since the free month will be over. MMO players won't sub to this, sw fans on the other hand yes.


Thats what I have been hearing for the last 2 years on these boards, but nothing of those claims you make are true.

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OR Bioware could add dual talent specs.


I picked juggernaut over marauder for my sith warrior because I expected dual talents, thus I would be able to DPS or Tank.


But no.


And healers are especially hard to find because given the option of only one spec, how many people want to JUST heal?


BW needs to add dual specs. It would make finding healers and tanks a whole lot easier overnight.

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Come join my guild, if your seriously having that much problems.


We are just now putting together fielding 2 separate Operation Groups, 8 man on Tuesday & different people for 8 man on Fridays. What I am looking at right now, there will be 2 groups of 8s on Tuesday & potentially 3 groups of 8 on Fridays. Once we get mechanics down for that & did some hard of those, we'll merge up some & do 16s.




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This is partially why i rolled a healer, that and i love healing. I feel like healers are always needed, so the wait shouldnt be long at all.


However, my 31 consular on a Heavy server cant find a group for Mandalorians / Althiss to save her life. Guildies are busy leveling in addition to have outleveled the content. Tried making friends from groups i made earlier, but things die off after the initial first day it seems.


Im very shy and often find it hard to take the initiative, so what in the world should i do when everyone else's suggestions have failed me? In b4 "stop being shy"


Sad to say I just skip the group tasks while levelling if it takes too long to get a group, figure that as I am slow they will at least be there waiting when I hit 50.

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Sad to say I just skip the group tasks while levelling if it takes too long to get a group, figure that as I am slow they will at least be there waiting when I hit 50.


heh, when I hit 50 Im going to go back and solo (or duo when my bf hits my level / one of my guildies wants ot help me) the FPs Ive missed so far. I have no hope of ever doing any of them at level as heal specced.

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Despite what everyone on this board is saying, joining a guild does little good if your guildies arn't in your level range/offline/don't feel like doing it ect.


I would just ignore flashpoints for now until they introduce somekind of LFD tool. The hassle simply isn't worth it right now.


You could also try "making friends" whatever the crap that means. They will tell you to be more social but they won't tell you what that specifically looks like.

Edited by Moricthian
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Honestly, I've not had much trouble at all. Granted, I haven't been putting together many groups, but just today I got into a group who were looking for dps (lolwut?) for a couple of hardmodes without so much as lifting a finger.


Anecdotal evidence though, of course. But my server (Black Vulcars) doesn't seem to be struggling in the groups department at the moment.

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