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In all honesty , what is there to do ?


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The choices DO matter because the STORY matters, and I have an interest in how it turns out.


But those aren't choices, just illusions of choices.


Yes, you can pick light or dark version in some quests and you get a different response/reaction but in the end both lead to the same outcome.


You can decide about fate of some characters, but in all cases so far - you are deciding the fate of characters that you won't face again, so the different choices have no meaning.



The class quest line should be branching out based on your choices but instead it's linear. So, what those choices exactly did do, only gave you more light/dark points for your character?





and to the main topic, i think that the OP wants to do in the "end game" something that he hasn't done in any MMO yet, something fresh


i can't blame him for wanting that

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In no way , i actualy rushed to be 50 , i never skipped a dialog , i did all the side quest i can find and i did some PVP in between


So basically you say you completed all the content and you already hit Valor 60 and on the other hand you say you didn´t rush.


I´ve been playing quite a bit and am only at Valor 33 so you´re playing like crazy, certainly you´re one of the first (among the millions playing) to hit that mark and you dare say you didn´t rush?


Sorry this is pretty much explanatory, play less cause you DID rush your content.

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Just for fun, I'm going to say it again.


If you're 50 already, then you consume content faster than any dev team can create it. Bioware knows this, so they're going to focus on people they can actually satisfy. You're not the target demographic - I recommend you accept that.

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Dear community,


TLDR = down the buttom


Lets be honest for a moment , i have been 50 for quite a while ( i hade early access )

In no way , i actualy rushed to be 50 , i never skipped a dialog , i did all the side quest i can find and i did some PVP in between.


I am a PVP'R who occasionaly does his HM FP'S , i achieved my goal of being a battlemaster in valor rank ( 60 )

I'm full champion and i'm to be honest completely bored with the 3 warzones.


I have considered each element in a MMORPG , to kill time , while they clean up the mess they made with the game.

I'm talking about bugs , flaws and numerous other things.


1) I considered PVE ( HM flashpoints ) but why ? by champion gear is better


2) I considered Raiding ( Operations ) but why ? content is already cleared and that wont Satisfy me for long...


3) PVP , lets not go there , i'm bored with it


4)I considered farming / grinding but... the current market is overflown with everything , due the ability of companions being able to grind mats


( they kinda forced people to do this to , and i dont see why , cause everybody knows , people tend to take atleast 2 crafting proffesions for the "bonus" they get , they buy mats from GTM / AH , which in this game isnt the case )


5) I have over 1 mill credits and this isnt even allot in the community i heard , but outside stims , i dont even know what to use it for....




So here i am , wondering : what do you guys do to keep enjoying the game and wait till they add more content ?


I just now reached 50, i´ve been playing consistently since the pre-access, 2/3 hours a day, more on weekends and doing every single empire quest i can find... and i only reach 50 last night on Hoth while doing the bonus series.


That leaves me:


1. Hoth bonus series to finish.

2. Belsavis Bonus series to finish

3. Entire Corelia planet to do

4. Entire Illum planet to do

5. Class quest to finish from corelia onward

6. False Emperor and directive 7 normal mode flashpoints that i havent done

7. Every hard mode flashpoint

8. PvP

9. Space combat

10. Operations


As a level 50... do i lack content? Hell no... and bioware is adding even more next week, and even more on patch 1.2.

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Just for fun, I'm going to say it again.


If you're 50 already, then you consume content faster than any dev team can create it. Bioware knows this, so they're going to focus on people they can actually satisfy. You're not the target demographic - I recommend you accept that.


Still wrong buddy.


Ultra casuals are hitting 50. Ultra casuals are hitting 50. Ultra casuals are hitting 50. Ultra casuals are hitting 50. Ultra casuals are hitting 50. Ultra casuals are hitting 50. Ultra casuals are hitting 50.


Rolling another character to keep entertained will bury this game, but if thats what you want DONT WORRY, because thats all there is to do and will be to do if everyone that wants to actually play their level 50 character they worked hard on leaves this game.

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1. Hoth bonus series to finish.


pointless at 50


2. Belsavis Bonus series to finish


pointless at 50


3. Entire Corelia planet to do


pointless at 50


4. Entire Illum planet to do


Do you have any idea how unfinished Illum is? Enjoy your 2 hours of content.


5. Class quest to finish from corelia onward


Corelia is the end. 2 hours.


6. False Emperor and directive 7 normal mode flashpoints that i havent done


Ill give you these, but again, absolutely pointless at 50.


7. Every hard mode flashpoint


Good luck zoning into the instance with your whole group, if you can find one.


8. PvP


same 3 warzones make you want to blow your brains out by valor rank 40....framerate issues, etc...


9. Space combat


Pointless @ 50. Hot Shot Pilot title is easy to achieve.


10. Operations


See Hard Mode Flashpoints.

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1. Hoth bonus series to finish.


pointless at 50


2. Belsavis Bonus series to finish


pointless at 50


3. Entire Corelia planet to do


pointless at 50


4. Entire Illum planet to do


Do you have any idea how unfinished Illum is? Enjoy your 2 hours of content.


5. Class quest to finish from corelia onward


Corelia is the end. 2 hours.


6. False Emperor and directive 7 normal mode flashpoints that i havent done


Ill give you these, but again, absolutely pointless at 50.


7. Every hard mode flashpoint


Good luck zoning into the instance with your whole group, if you can find one.


8. PvP


same 3 warzones make you want to blow your brains out by valor rank 40....framerate issues, etc...


9. Space combat


Pointless @ 50. Hot Shot Pilot title is easy to achieve.


10. Operations


See Hard Mode Flashpoints.


Pointless why? Can´t i enjoy the content without some kind of min-max reason? Is it right to limit myself to only the content that is certifiable as giving me "upgrades"?


I WANT to do that content, it has story which i enjoy, it gives me legacy exp which i will be able to use later, it gives me credits to use on upgrading my character and companions and its a blast to quest without having an exp bar to fill up. :)

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And they've all felt like a drag to me. Every time I stop and see a stupid cut scene for someone telling me to go kill 10 of X, I stop and think to myself "So, that's where they spent all their time and effort?" Between every five to ten of these, I get a little bit of content that is actually unique which choices that still don't matter.


I dont get this argument.


The "Go kill 10 of X" quests are few and far between here. Most of the quests are tied into story or plot objectives some how. Like sabotaging places or killing bosses.


In fact, most of the arguments on the front page against this game are issues that plague every other MMO. I dont blame Bioware for not releasing enough end game content on release, in fact they have more than most MMOs. I blame myself for dedicating far too much time to this game and clearing the content faster than they can release it.

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single player story is not a MMO, do you pay a monthy sub for dragon age or skyrim. Whats that you awnsered no, than i guess that means your opinion is invalid.



Well i'm not cheap. I'd probably pay a monthly sub for Skyrim or Dragon Age if they released content on the same scale as an MMO. I'm not paying a monthly sub for multiplayer, I'm paying a monthly sub for a set number of content updates per year.


Your argument isnt really valid if you're a cheap teenager or college kid.

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blah blah blah, op is so bored because he/she rushed through content. Go outside and get some fresh air. This type of post is getting so old. Start an alt, if you are so bored go play another game. Quit QQing on this forum. Sounds like a 2 year old crying for a new toy. :mad:
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Pointless why? Can´t i enjoy the content without some kind of min-max reason? Is it right to limit myself to only the content that is certifiable as giving me "upgrades"?


I WANT to do that content, it has story which i enjoy, it gives me legacy exp which i will be able to use later, it gives me credits to use on upgrading my character and companions and its a blast to quest without having an exp bar to fill up. :)


I like character building i guess.


When i played D&D back in the day, i wasn't the guy that was like 'He he, hehe, im gonna try to pick up this chick in the bar, "I grab her *****, lol!"'. I just liked rolling dice and progressing.


If i wanted to just 'kill time' for no reason and have no gameplay, id play a pointless barbie doll game like Second Life which does everything you seem to like MUCH MUCH better and its FREE.

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World Bosses, Raiding, Helping lowbies, pvping and i mean actual pvping, not warzones, but going out and hunting people. If you're not on a PvP server with Champ gear you've made a huge mistake... Sorry, but there is nothing like the hunt in hostile enemy territory. Hell, you can even take over a Republic base with some of your lvl 50 buddies...



Everyone wants a Sandbox MMO, but guess what? Those things require creativity, so be creative. You are a lvl 50 ******. Champ gear is amazing. I hacked away at a lvl 50 in champ gear and it was insane!!! we could barely do anything to him... You'll have a lot of fun with this.

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I have considered each element in a MMORPG , to kill time , while they clean up the mess they made with the game.

I'm talking about bugs , flaws and numerous other things.


1) I considered PVE ( HM flashpoints ) but why ? by champion gear is better


2) I considered Raiding ( Operations ) but why ? content is already cleared and that wont Satisfy me for long...


3) PVP , lets not go there , i'm bored with it


4)I considered farming / grinding but... the current market is overflown with everything , due the ability of companions being able to grind mats


( they kinda forced people to do this to , and i dont see why , cause everybody knows , people tend to take atleast 2 crafting proffesions for the "bonus" they get , they buy mats from GTM / AH , which in this game isnt the case )


5) I have over 1 mill credits and this isnt even allot in the community i heard , but outside stims , i dont even know what to use it for....




So here i am , wondering : what do you guys do to keep enjoying the game and wait till they add more content ?



Points 1-5 are pretty much describing what one usually does in an MMO. If you don't like this, then why do you play an MMO first place?


I keep wondering about people's expectations anyway. Some folks seem to believe that this game should be able to keep them occupied, the next few years, for at least 12 hours / day.

Flash news: This is not a substitute for your life, it's only a game. If you play too much then you'll be fed up after a while. Happens with every game.

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why are there so many judgemental people in an environment like this.


Long time gamers / mmo players are used to others judging the choice of recreation, you would think they wouldn't be so eager to judge how others chose to enjoy the way they devour this past time.


But apparently people can't take things how they want without others looking down on them while they play the same game the way they themselves want.


Pretty disappointing trait I am seeing way to much.

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Dear community,


TLDR = down the buttom


Lets be honest for a moment , i have been 50 for quite a while ( i hade early access )

In no way , i actualy rushed to be 50 , i never skipped a dialog , i did all the side quest i can find and i did some PVP in between.


I am a PVP'R who occasionaly does his HM FP'S , i achieved my goal of being a battlemaster in valor rank ( 60 )

I'm full champion and i'm to be honest completely bored with the 3 warzones.


I have considered each element in a MMORPG , to kill time , while they clean up the mess they made with the game.

I'm talking about bugs , flaws and numerous other things.


1) I considered PVE ( HM flashpoints ) but why ? by champion gear is better


2) I considered Raiding ( Operations ) but why ? content is already cleared and that wont Satisfy me for long...


3) PVP , lets not go there , i'm bored with it


4)I considered farming / grinding but... the current market is overflown with everything , due the ability of companions being able to grind mats


( they kinda forced people to do this to , and i dont see why , cause everybody knows , people tend to take atleast 2 crafting proffesions for the "bonus" they get , they buy mats from GTM / AH , which in this game isnt the case )


5) I have over 1 mill credits and this isnt even allot in the community i heard , but outside stims , i dont even know what to use it for....




So here i am , wondering : what do you guys do to keep enjoying the game and wait till they add more content ?


Mow the lawn, do the dishes, get a job. Like the rest of us adults.

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Still wrong buddy.


Ultra casuals are hitting 50. Ultra casuals are hitting 50. Ultra casuals are hitting 50. Ultra casuals are hitting 50. Ultra casuals are hitting 50. Ultra casuals are hitting 50. Ultra casuals are hitting 50.


Seems you have a different definition of ulta casual than most. What actual numbers does it take to have a 50 by now? 15+ hours per week? That's really not so casual.

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with another 90 miles of walking through empty maps. most players dont have the stamina for this


I love how people take their personal preferences and arbitrarily make them what "most players" feel about an issue. "Most players", in my experience, roll several alts.

Edited by MegaBubble
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Skipping dialogue isn't what causes you to rush through a game, playing for 20 hours a day is.


I too had early game access, but between work, my spouse and just life in general I hardly log 10 hours a week. I am currently level 27 on my first character, and I don't even know where I will begin once I'm level 50.


I am not saying you're doing something wrong, all I am saying is that it is impossible for the developers to cater for players like you, since they can spend a month creating a brand new flashpoint, and people will finish it within 30 minutes and start asking for more.


This! If someone has been at level 50 for a while now, you cannot honestly say that you did not rush through the game. Between work, social events, other hobbies and so forth, I've managed to get to level 23 on my first and only character. I am in no way saying that this is the norm. I'm pretty darn sure that I am below the average, but the road to 50 is going to be a long and exciting one for me. Hopefully when I get there, there would be more content released by Bioware.

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I play 1-2 hours a night with my wife after work. We don't have a TV or anything.




We are levelling our third character.


We don't skip any dialogue.



But I am sure there will be someone with the audacity to tell me exactly how casual or non casual I am based on there perceptions of how much they think someone should play or not play. Or how hardcore they view someone else. Srsly, stop judging each other because even if you thought you where hardcore there is always someone who will blow you out of the water. So why make assumptions that can't be proven or referred against a base standard.



No srsly go %@%$ yourselves. To me 2 hours a night is casual, and I'm on my third character I don't care what you want to call that based how stupidly slow you are.

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