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In all honesty , what is there to do ?


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Dear community,


TLDR = down the buttom


Lets be honest for a moment , i have been 50 for quite a while ( i hade early access )

In no way , i actualy rushed to be 50 , i never skipped a dialog , i did all the side quest i can find and i did some PVP in between.


I am a PVP'R who occasionaly does his HM FP'S , i achieved my goal of being a battlemaster in valor rank ( 60 )

I'm full champion and i'm to be honest completely bored with the 3 warzones.


I have considered each element in a MMORPG , to kill time , while they clean up the mess they made with the game.

I'm talking about bugs , flaws and numerous other things.


1) I considered PVE ( HM flashpoints ) but why ? by champion gear is better


2) I considered Raiding ( Operations ) but why ? content is already cleared and that wont Satisfy me for long...


3) PVP , lets not go there , i'm bored with it


4)I considered farming / grinding but... the current market is overflown with everything , due the ability of companions being able to grind mats


( they kinda forced people to do this to , and i dont see why , cause everybody knows , people tend to take atleast 2 crafting proffesions for the "bonus" they get , they buy mats from GTM / AH , which in this game isnt the case )


5) I have over 1 mill credits and this isnt even allot in the community i heard , but outside stims , i dont even know what to use it for....




So here i am , wondering : what do you guys do to keep enjoying the game and wait till they add more content ?

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Skipping dialogue isn't what causes you to rush through a game, playing for 20 hours a day is.


I too had early game access, but between work, my spouse and just life in general I hardly log 10 hours a week. I am currently level 27 on my first character, and I don't even know where I will begin once I'm level 50.


I am not saying you're doing something wrong, all I am saying is that it is impossible for the developers to cater for players like you, since they can spend a month creating a brand new flashpoint, and people will finish it within 30 minutes and start asking for more.

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Well there are 8 different storylines to play through.


And they've all felt like a drag to me. Every time I stop and see a stupid cut scene for someone telling me to go kill 10 of X, I stop and think to myself "So, that's where they spent all their time and effort?" Between every five to ten of these, I get a little bit of content that is actually unique which choices that still don't matter.

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Heh just figured out what TL DR meant... *facepalm*


So yeah, this is a really new MMO (obviously), and because of that the "yay I hit 50 now what?" is a bit weak.




If that has any truth to it then yes you are about to get some content at 50.


Right now so far here's what I've found to do:


1. Do the ilium dailies

2. Get my reputation with my companions maxed

3. Get my crafting maxed and my epic schematics done

4. Help my guild members with those hard to solo quests

5. Go back and finish quests I missed to get titles and fun stuff, and bonus missions

6. PVP at 50 and start to get my gear sets

7. Visit in general chat, meet new people, make friends, form groups, run Flashpoints

8. Drop my crafting profession for another now that I've gotten bored with it

9. Find all the holocroms

10. Start exploring other talent specs of my class



I HATE my list, mostly because a lot of is is very grindy. I know my expectations are so high that no one can reach them, and I'm very much the... "It's all about me, give it to me now, I want it before I thought of it to keep my entertained" sort of person. Even so, I've managed to find a few ways to enjoy the game at 50.


Yes, 8 separate story lines. Very cool. Not everyone enjoys that, I don't. I only ran 4 of them and said "I'm done" with the leveling.


I hope you find something to enjoy, the last thing I can recommend is this:


Cancel the account, find another game, come back in 3 months.


I'm not trying to come off as a jerk by saying that. In Rift, I started with open early release. It was fun, I got to 50 there and went "zomg I'm so bored!!!" quit, came back 4 months later played for a few weeks had a blast, quit came back a few months after that... another blast... quit... etc...etc...etc...


Good luck!


May the schwartz be with yooouuuuuuuuuuu

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Skipping dialogue isn't what causes you to rush through a game, playing for 20 hours a day is.


I too had early game access, but between work, my spouse and just life in general I hardly log 10 hours a week. I am currently level 27 on my first character, and I don't even know where I will begin once I'm level 50.


I am not saying you're doing something wrong, all I am saying is that it is impossible for the developers to cater for players like you, since they can spend a month creating a brand new flashpoint, and people will finish it within 30 minutes and start asking for more.


Well said, when cata came out there was a Level 85 in a few hours after it was launched. Most of the main content, raiding, etc was completed in a just 2 days. NO, MMO can satisfy a power player, cant be done Sir.

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Well said, when cata came out there was a Level 85 in a few hours after it was launched. Most of the main content, raiding, etc was completed in a just 2 days. NO, MMO can satisfy a power player, cant be done Sir.


what do you guys have to say towards those who are just bored in general?

Game loses its "awesome" after like 25 levels.

Theres 4 quest types and they are all just hidden by some Sith who essentially cries when he talks.

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This is a tough topic. I think if you are bored in general then this just may not be the game for you. Why not break away from MMO's, try something totally new. Why not Anno 2070, something that is totally different from the 3rd person style game?


This is what I do, even though Ive been playing mostly TOR I also go through a mix of MW3, Skyrim(wtb CK), and Shogun 2. MMOs will burn you out because theyre not really meant to be played for 8+ hours a day.

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what do you guys have to say towards those who are just bored in general?

Game loses its "awesome" after like 25 levels.

Theres 4 quest types and they are all just hidden by some Sith who essentially cries when he talks.


Yeah I am not even sure why this question has to be asked. If you aren't having fun then stop playing.


Although I will have to say the game has had highs and lows for me. 1-10 Good - 10-20 Meh - 20-End of Act 1 Good again! - 30ish-40 Ugh! - 40-now Good again!

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Yeah I am not even sure why this question has to be asked. If you aren't having fun then stop playing.



Because it's not always as simple as that. Especially with MMO's. When you play an MMO you have a certain feeling of, for lack of a better word, pride. You have pride that you're part of it, and because of that you want it to succeed. You feel like your 14.99 is the biggest contribution per month, and that they need to listen and work with the community.


So when an MMO goes sour for you... you post on the forums. You get a feel to see if you are the only one. Sometimes you will find out, yes, you are alone. Other times you're not. Rarer yet you will get some amazing suggestions that will rekindle that spark you've been craving. That little push to make something epic once more.


So yeah... that's why it has to be asked.


OMG Totally separate note, TL:DR totally fits here lol.

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I saw some pretty good suggestions there , like the datacrons.

I'm not going to bother relvling proff's i'm not the type of guy who does FOTM.


Already made a char on republic side , but all the starting planets are the same.

Dont want to everything over again , just yet...


Any more suggestions?

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Fanboyism asside I am not familur with any other mmo's where people have to say.


REROLL!!!! for new content this soon after release.




Wow kept me busy farming out gear in scholomance, strat, upbrs, lbrs for months before I even started raiding. Plus attunement. Then there was tarren mill world pvp oh man was that awesome!!


Can't say I played much rift, maybe someone else can say how much there is to endgame there? I know they got achievments at launch at least.






The codex is so uninspiring.

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I saw some pretty good suggestions there , like the datacrons.

I'm not going to bother relvling proff's i'm not the type of guy who does FOTM.


Already made a char on republic side , but all the starting planets are the same.

Dont want to everything over again , just yet...


Any more suggestions?


Honestly thats the point though. No one can create content fast enough to keep you content. You will likely have to roll alts to do the same content over again. You dismissed PVE raid content because others had finished it. That's almost ALWAYS the case unless your in a bleeding edge raiding guild. Have you finished it? What does it matter if Irae Aod did. YOU HAVENT.

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Honestly thats the point though. No one can create content fast enough to keep you content. You will likely have to roll alts to do the same content over again. You dismissed PVE raid content because others had finished it. That's almost ALWAYS the case unless your in a bleeding edge raiding guild. Have you finished it? What does it matter if Irae Aod did. YOU HAVENT.


It does matter to me , as represents the time i can do it before it gets boring.


Like the guy above me said : i farmed scholomance , ubrs , strat in vanilla wow to get a set together.

However i'm already full champion and it didnt take me long...

There is no real grind , everything is for free

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It does matter to me , as represents the time i can do it before it gets boring.


Like the guy above me said : i farmed scholomance , ubrs , strat in vanilla wow to get a set together.

However i'm already full champion and it didnt take me long...

There is no real grind , everything is for free


But you haven't even attempted it yet and your already here whining about what's left to do at 50. Stop putting the cart before the horse....

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But you haven't even attempted it yet and your already here whining about what's left to do at 50. Stop putting the cart before the horse....


Ive casually level 2 50's now doing a 3rd with my wife.


You start to notice a lot of the class quests are the same. For example when leveled my Sage and now Smuggler on Coruscant, I have to rescue a guy from the same people in the same area but with a different "situation" tacked on.


Both being part of main class quest.



This is a little sad.

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Ive casually level 2 50's now doing a 3rd with my wife.


You start to notice a lot of the class quests are the same. For example when leveled my Sage and now Smuggler on Coruscant, I have to rescue a guy from the same people in the same area but with a different "situation" tacked on.


Both being part of main class quest.



This is a little sad.



That's nice but the OP was whining about raiding being finished when he personally hasn't even attempted it.

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Its like I tell my kids. You want to enjoy something you have to savor it and you have to pace yourself.


I know you said you "didn't rush", but in order to get to level 50 you HAVE to play at least 40-50 hours which I guarantee you that you have. Now breaking that down, lets say you reached level 50 after 21 days (2 weeks) your average play time was 2.1 hours per day assuming you played every single day.


Now I'm no expert but 2 hours a night, for a gamer, while it may sound like a lot really isn't much. I have a full time job, a wife, 2 kids and a dozen other hobbies and I manage easily to put in 2 hours a day, however after about 8 days of playing the game Im at level 12.


So the question is what are you doing differently from me? I mean we are both likely playing about the same amount of hours on average, so after 9 days shouldn't I be further along?


You see where Im going with this. Its not about "how long it takes you", but what you do in the game.. how you play.


See when I play (or any person that is "not rushing it") is the same way I play a single player game. I'm not trying to "level up"... Im simply exploring the game and I do what I fancy to do. Some nights I don't even leave a Cantina because I get in a conversation with someone, like last night. I spent about an hour of my game time chatting with a chap from England. Some nights I log in and run some scenarios, other days I might do the main quest and on other nights I might look for some group quests. The point is I don't worry about what level I am, what gear I have.. I just play the game. When I come to a new city a spend time walking around, checking it out. Stuff like that.


Im not saying thats the right way to play or anything, but if your at level 50 at this point, you have had some pretty focused game sessions. Focused on advancing as quickly as you can. Which is fine and I agree that if you can play an MMO focused as you have for 3 weeks and reach level 50 there may be an issue with how the game is designed, but I think that SWOTR was probobly designed more with players like me in mind... mellow, not terribly focused rather than the hardened veteran. I can understand WOW players for example breeze through this game because in WOW you have to be very focused to get to the higher levels.. I mean I played WOW for 2 years and my character was level 48 using the same approach I use in this game.


So you might not have "rushed" through the game, but you are running a very focused regiment of gaming else you would definitly not be level 50 at this point.

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