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Gunnery vs. Assualt Spec?


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How do these two trees compare?


- is one more AOE and the other burst?

- is one easier to level than the other?

- does one do more damage than the other?

- Good builds anyone can recommend?


I should have probably went with vanguard if i were going down assualt spec for the armor and CC, but too late now.

Edited by TeddyBearSniper
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both seem to do comparable damage IMO maybe slightly more on gunnery side. AS seems alot more mobile and yes its a dot spec which triggers your high impact bolt more often. Gunnery uses cast timers so your stationary seems to revolve around grav round and full auto. Gunnery is physical damage it hits harder but mitagated by armor thats why some of the skills include armor pen, while AS is elemental which bypasses armor and does smaller amounts of damage but more frequently.


these are just my observations so sorry if im incorrect on anything


seems like if you want to synnergize trees i would follow this:

if you want to heal put most of your points into combat medic and extra points into gunnery. the reason being when you heal your going to be casting and stationary most of the time and the gunnery skill points increase your stationary attack damage and AS early talents all increase damage on plasma cell which is useless since as a healer you should be using combat support cell.


if u want to go into gunnery i would go either way put points into support or AS depending on wether or not i wanted to effectivly heal myself or just have more damage. If you go into AS you should probably not take points in gunnery that boosts your armor piercing cell since you would spend most your time in plasma cell, and this will also make your high impact bolt pop up more often. One of my favorite things about going AS with Gunnery main is the passive slow on plasma cell procs. My main problem with turret style combat is people easily running out of my range before i get a chance to kill them so the slow is super sweet.


as AS spec i would rather dabble in both get the crit from combat medic and damage increase from gunnery and just put the extra points into what ever suits my play style


TLDR; AS-Mobile spec elemental damage, Gunnery- turret spec physical damage pick your poison


hope that helps

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both seem to do comparable damage IMO maybe slightly more on gunnery side. AS seems alot more mobile and yes its a dot spec which triggers your high impact bolt more often. Gunnery uses cast timers so your stationary seems to revolve around grav round and full auto. Gunnery is physical damage it hits harder but mitagated by armor thats why some of the skills include armor pen, while AS is elemental which bypasses armor and does smaller amounts of damage but more frequently.


these are just my observations so sorry if im incorrect on anything


seems like if you want to synnergize trees i would follow this:

if you want to heal put most of your points into combat medic and extra points into gunnery. the reason being when you heal your going to be casting and stationary most of the time and the gunnery skill points increase your stationary attack damage and AS early talents all increase damage on plasma cell which is useless since as a healer you should be using combat support cell.


if u want to go into gunnery i would go either way put points into support or AS depending on wether or not i wanted to effectivly heal myself or just have more damage. If you go into AS you should probably not take points in gunnery that boosts your armor piercing cell since you would spend most your time in plasma cell, and this will also make your high impact bolt pop up more often. One of my favorite things about going AS with Gunnery main is the passive slow on plasma cell procs. My main problem with turret style combat is people easily running out of my range before i get a chance to kill them so the slow is super sweet.


as AS spec i would rather dabble in both get the crit from combat medic and damage increase from gunnery and just put the extra points into what ever suits my play style


TLDR; AS-Mobile spec elemental damage, Gunnery- turret spec physical damage pick your poison


hope that helps


That really does help. Thanks.


My pre-specialization playstyle was all turret. I don't like to move around. I just pick a spot where I can reach all enemies and dropped mortars and grenades on them.


Since gunnery is the turret spec, I was thinking about something like this. However, you brought up a good point about speccing with increased armor-piercing. How would that change my setup?


I haven't decided if I want to go into AS or CM though. It depends which one compliments gunnery better. I think I'm good with gunnery as my main though. Just needs some minor tweaks.


No problem considering hybrids either though.

Edited by TeddyBearSniper
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You'll want to only put 3 points in CM to get the crit. Parallactic Combat Stims is a far better talent than Cell Capacitor.



Yeug, that's a bad build. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMIkbRrdRkczZcM.1


Do not hybridize. Gunnery benefits greatly from APCell and Assault from Plasma cell. Hybridizing just weakens both specs. You can play turret with Assault just fine, you spam full auto and charged bolts to get as many HIB off as you can. Gunnery, you spam full auto, grav rounds and HIB/Demo whenever they're up.


Choose your flavour.

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Assault does more dot and aoe damage (higher output) but its very slow damage, so you will get much less kills with it. you will be able to kite and shoot which is fun.


i highly recommend gunnery though. it has by far the better specs in the skill tree (both for pve and pvp), kills extremely fast, has better ammo management, better survivability and has good debuffs from whom also your team benefits.


i've tried pretty much every combination and i'm fully geared champ, valor rank 55. so you can trust me :p

Edited by Secured
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Assault does more dot and aoe damage (higher output) but its very slow damage, so you will get much less kills with it. you will be able to kite and shoot which is fun.


i highly recommend gunnery though. it has by far the better specs in the skill tree (both for pve and pvp), kills extremely fast, has better ammo management, better survivability and has good debuffs from whom also your team benefits.


i've tried pretty much every combination and i'm fully geared champ, valor rank 55. so you can trust me :p


As Assault @ 40 I am able to get 40-50 kills with no issue, top damage, compelte objectives, and have very few deaths (below 5).


I switched from Gunnery (which is also very good). The biggest issue with Assault is it is a completely different play style and if you do not adapt you will fail.

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That build has points in cell charger and super heated plasma, which are mutually exclusive in their benefit unless you intend to switch cells mid combat.

just stay in AP cell, only going through super heated to get high friction bolt (extra 30% AP). skills just synergize for HIB, mostly... at least thats the intent.

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Having the ability to do mobile damage in pvp is almost a must, seems like every three seconds someone is grappling me in or knocking me back.


I have tried all three for PVE leveling and I think I prefer AS. Dots are great on strong+ but the majority of the crap im killing doesn't live through my first salvo.

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good stuff guys. this is really helping me learn about my class.


Hey Teddy i would try this spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMIkrRMzRkfzZcMM.1 and run in plasma cell. It will make it so u can reduce their armor and with plasma cell active will keep who ever your focus firing on from running out of your range before you kill them. The main attacks u should use in this build are grav round, full auto, high impact bolt when ever it is up and mix in hammer shot between each shot to keep your ammo above 60 percent so you never run out of ammo. If you never have trouble with people running away from u then try this spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMIzrRbdRkfzZcc.1 and run armor piercing cell. it will give u more endurance and increase your armor piercing.


Me personally i like to run http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bfRoRdcdzZMIorR0z.1 because i like to heal and do damage based on the situation. with this build i run combat support cell and grav round the crap out of people and keep down kolto grenade and trauma probe i dont do as much damage but I survive alot longer and can beat almost all 1v1 situations.

Edited by Loklamone
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Hey Teddy i would try this spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMIkrRMzRkfzZcMM.1 and run in plasma cell. It will make it so u can reduce their armor and with plasma cell active will keep who ever your focus firing on from running out of your range before you kill them. The main attacks u should use in this build are grav round, full auto, high impact bolt when ever it is up and mix in hammer shot between each shot to keep your ammo above 60 percent so you never run out of ammo. If you never have trouble with people running away from u then try this spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZMIzrRbdRkfzZcc.1 and run armor piercing cell. it will give u more endurance and increase your armor piercing.


Me personally i like to run http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bfRoRdcdzZMIorR0z.1 because i like to heal and do damage based on the situation. with this build i run combat support cell and grav round the crap out of people and keep down kolto grenade and trauma probe i dont do as much damage but I survive alot longer and can beat almost all 1v1 situations.


the problem with running plasma cell with a gunnery spec is ammo management. dont underestimate cell charger!

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Me personally i like to run http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bfRoRdcdzZMIorR0z.1 because i like to heal and do damage based on the situation. with this build i run combat support cell and grav round the crap out of people and keep down kolto grenade and trauma probe i dont do as much damage but I survive alot longer and can beat almost all 1v1 situations.


I might go with this build, or a full gunnery build.


I want to do HIGH dps, and my preferred playstyle is turret, but at the same time i'm reminded of all the times i've died against bosses and large groups when soloing as an inquisitor. I'm thinking I should go hybrid for the sake survivability.


I also think I should stick with armor-piercing, since I won't be chasing after targets most likely.


My only concerns with this build is ammo-conservation, regeneration, and will my DPS suffer a lot because of hybridization.


the problem with running plasma cell with a gunnery spec is ammo management. dont underestimate cell charger!


Ya, I'm also thinking I should sacrifice a little in CM for cell charger.

Edited by TeddyBearSniper
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Why on earth are there 2 points in soldier's endurance instead of heavy trooper?



That's my intended build and the reason you do that is to get the points in the assault tree needed for Parallactic Combat stims so you regen an ammo cell every time you get knocked down, knocked back, incapacitated in any way. Its another way to keep ammo up and considering our only other ammo regen ability is Cell Charger, I'll definitely take it. Plus once you're 31 in gunnery, have the 6% crit from CM, and the 3% accuracy from Assault, what are you supposed to do with those last 5 skills?

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Why on earth are there 2 points in soldier's endurance instead of heavy trooper?


Because I forgot to put the 2 points into Parallactic Combat Stims. You want 7 in assault specialist for the ammo regen. Notice that the build doesn't have all points allocated because I rushed through it like a baddie :(


Also, you don't hybridize because you can only have 1 ammo cell active at a time. If you put points into one but aren't using it, then those points aren't doing anything and are just a waste.


And where is this notion that AS does more aoe damage? You do less than gunnery because APlastique is single target and sticky nade is AoE. If you mean more AoE because you can spam incediary round on multiple targets, I'm going to smack you upside the head for being terrible at math.


If you take the 4 piece PvE set over the PvP bonus, then your HIB is free when you're in Armour Pierceing Cell and Grav Rounds crits 15% more, so cell charger on top of a free HIB makes it hard to run yourself out of ammo. It's incredibly ammo efficient and is worth wearing 4 pieces of PvE gear in PvP.

Edited by LordKivlov
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I'm considering a more DPS-heavy G/CM hybrid:




It nearly goes to the top of gunnery, but it goes just far enough into CM to get kolto bomb. Thoughts?


I just want SOME survivability against elite level enemies, but I still want to do high DPS.


sry, but wont work AT ALL.


why would you want to get kolto bomb? its a very, very bad skill (even with scc).


i tried a hybrid spec and i'd say for every hp you heal, you sacrifice 3 hp in damage. you have to be fully specced into healing to be a mediocre healer and you have to be fully specced into damage to be a superior dd.


Also, dont skip demo round. never, ever skip demo round.

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sry, but wont work AT ALL.


why would you want to get kolto bomb? its a very, very bad skill (even with scc).


i tried a hybrid spec and i'd say for every hp you heal, you sacrifice 3 hp in damage. you have to be fully specced into healing to be a mediocre healer and you have to be fully specced into damage to be a superior dd.


Also, dont skip demo round. never, ever skip demo round.


why is demo round so good?

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