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Sage vs Juggernaut?


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I'm a level 30 Sage.


Out questing on Alderaan, a 32 Juggernaut attacks me. I do everything I know how to keep my distance and toss DOTs and stop briefly to TK force. I interrupt, I stun, I throw projectiles.


Nothing works. He just keeps coming. He knocks me down, attacks, eventually, I die.


Is it even possible for a Sage to win against a warrior class? Or is juggernaut the counter to a sage?


Cause I am not that bad. But he has heavy armor and I just couldn't get his health down.


It's frustrating.

Edited by Laserstrike
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Good and geared Juggernauts should win a 1v1 against an equally geared and skilled Sage, UNLESS! the sage abuses the terrain. With Pillars and things to hide and brake LOS the Sage should win pretty easily. Edited by Teabaker
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I'm a level 30 Sage.


Out questing on Alderaan, a 32 Juggernaut attacks me. I do everything I know how to keep my distance and toss DOTs and stop briefly to TK force. I interrupt, I stun, I throw projectiles.


Nothing works. He just keeps coming. He knocks me down, attacks, eventually, I die.


Is it even possible for a Sage to win against a warrior class? Or is juggernaut the counter to a sage?


Cause I am not that bad. But he has heavy armor and I just couldn't get his health down.


It's frustrating.


Maybe kill his healer companion first? After that there should be no problem killing him.

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Good and geared Juggernauts should win a 1v1 against an equally geared and skilled Sage, UNLESS! the sage abuses the terrain. With Pillars and things to hide and brake LOS the Sage should win pretty easily.



From the feel of the fight I figured that the warrior tank must be the Sage counter, because it was taking a LONG time to get his health down, and he kept catching me and slicing my health down quickly when he did. A sage has a lot of tricks, but if you screw up your kiting even once and they catch you, you are pretty much done.

Edited by Laserstrike
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From the feel of the fight I figured that the warrior tank must be the Sage counter, because it was taking a LONG time to get his health down, and he kept catching me and slicing my health down quickly when he did. A sage has a lot of tricks, but if you screw up your kiting even once and they catch you, you are pretty much done.


Well, are you Balance? Also you don't have your root. You need the Root to survive against Melees in this Game

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Well, are you Balance? Also you don't have your root. You need the Root to survive against Melees in this Game



Yes, balance sage. I just could not kite the guy. One slip up, miss a slow or a stun, and he's right on me, and I die pretty quick in my paper armor after the force shield expires. :(

Edited by Laserstrike
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Not my experience with an even-level fight. Well... this guy was 2 levels above me.


At 50, as a madness sorc, I generally don't have a problem with juggs, the problem is that you're lvl 30.


by 50 you should have creeping terror, the general strategy is to use your bubble up on cooldown and keep affliction on the target, then use creeping terror in conjunction with force lightning to keep it from being interrupted. this should proc madness often enough, so you should be able to use crushing darkness on cooldown. with death field this should be plenty of damage to kill a juggernaut in no time.


Not to mention if this was world pvp he probably had a healing companion up, which was the main reason you couldn't kill him.

Edited by Aidank
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Yes, balance sage. I just could not kite the guy. One slip up, miss a slow or a stun, and he's right on me, and I die pretty quick in my paper armor after the force shield expires. :(


Yeh, you really need that top tier Root ability, then it becomes funny vs any melee class because every 9 seconds you can root them... also you want to make sure that you lower the cast time on your CC ability to zero via talent so that you have a 2nd stun...

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Unless the sage is just standing there casting like a moron, the Jug stands no chance. Just kite and win.


I guess you have never played a sage against a melee who can intercept (leap), stun, etc.


It's not just a matter of running around stunning the melee. He has his own stuns.

Edited by Laserstrike
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