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Can you get banned ...


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For Swearing and name calling in hutball cause the rules in that game that you can .... yet someone reported me for calling em nerf-herder and so on in hutball (Empore vs empire)


I love that you called them a nerf-herder...seriously, I don't know how someone could report you for that.

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Realistically, yeah you probably can if using real curse words.


No, you can't. There is a profanity filter in the game, so you cannot get in trouble for using profane language.



Also OP... no, you cannot get in trouble for calling them a "nerf-herder".

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I think it's a mistake to assume that just because there's a profanity filter, you won't get banned.


It's not a license to be vulgar. I bet those who abuse it deliberately, or try to circumvent it, will get banned.


I've seen it in other games. And of course, the "why did so & so get banned if there's a profanity filter???" question always shows up in the forums.


I bet we'll see it here, too.

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I think it's a mistake to assume that just because there's a profanity filter, you won't get banned.


It's not a license to be vulgar. I bet those who abuse it deliberately, or try to circumvent it, will get banned.


I've seen it in other games. And of course, the "why did so & so get banned if there's a profanity filter???" question always shows up in the forums.


I bet we'll see it here, too.


I'd like to you to meet pretty much every tool I ever encountered in an MMO who did just this. AFAIK they are still trucking.


All GM would do is tell you to just /ignore them unless its threats. Pretty much the only reason for a GM to get involved in a vulgar person.

Edited by Jaick
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I'd like to you to meet pretty much every tool I ever encountered in an MMO who did just this. AFAIK they are still trucking.


Yea, but who says there wasn't a forced 3 day or week vacation?


I guess it depends on the game and company.


I would hope that games aimed for adults would be more tolerable then lets say a game intended for a younger audience.

Edited by Skoobie
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For Swearing and name calling in hutball cause the rules in that game that you can .... yet someone reported me for calling em nerf-herder and so on in hutball (Empore vs empire)


If you are banned from the game how is it you are posting? This thread is problematic.

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- Disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, use of excessive shouting [all caps] in an attempt to disturb other users, "spamming" or flooding [posting repetitive text].


Link http://tos.ea.com/legalapp/WEBTERMS/US/en/PC/#section21


So yes it looks like a ban is possible.

Edited by Romiz
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Hey folks,


Similar to public discussion of moderation, we do not allow discussion of in-game actions taken against accounts on the forums. Because of this, we will be closing this thread. Please remember, that if you have inquiries regarding actions taken against your account in-game, please be sure to contact Customer Service. One way is by emailing them at support@swtor.com. Similarly, for inquiries regarding moderation on the forums, you may email us at communitysupport@swtor.com.


Thank you! We appreciate your understanding as to why we've closed this thread.

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