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Is there any reason to play as Republic?


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60/40? On my server Republic are outnumbered 3:1 easily, probably more like 4:1 if I could actually search for more than 100 people.


Unfortunately there is 0 incentive to roll on the non-zerg side unless you just want to or you really, really hate huttball.


I don't know if I wasn't clear enough in the intial post but the 60/40 is game samples.


Ratios are sitting at around 3.6:1 on EU The Red Eclipse if you want to talk about population imbalances.


Oh and before anyone asks how I got the ratio it's because when you aren't able to do anything at 50 without other players, collecting /who data becomes fun.

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Heh, I remember when SWG came out. Empire was majorly the under dog because everyone went Rebels...everyone wanted to be Luke Skywalker.


Faction imbalance didn't really matter too much in a game like SWG, it was nice to be on the popular faction but it didn't have such as massive impact like it does on modern MMOs that are focused on tight grouping and competitiveness.

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I've played one from each side up to level 30 now and it seems pretty much the same so far, I can understand there's going to be small numbers of people at each level because until you have the majority of the population having level 50's it's always like this.


If I didn't have statistics to back up my claims I would agree with you but with nothing to do with my character I have had enough time while looking for groups to gather data :)


I'm not talking about population at level 50, I am talking about general population.

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Population at 50 is so bad on my server that I am starting to remember 50s by name and class (don't tell me that people are still leveling, it is incredibly easy to hit level cap while holding down a job and being a university student).



I have a full time job, and I've not hit level 20 yet. So no, most of us aren't 50.

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I have a full time job, and I've not hit level 20 yet. So no, most of us aren't 50.


With the time I put in to work/education I'll be doing less hours when I go full time, it's not hard unless you are pulling ridiculous hours in your job.


Can't tell if serious.


This thread might be out of your depth.

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If you like PVP--Republic is going to have the faster queues. I've sat in queues for over two hours on the Empire side. (only to have the Republic players drop from the match. :( )


The thing is though it isn't fun when the games that you do get to join are so obviously stacked, I know 40% is still a high number and don't get me wrong, I am grateful I don't have to sit for hours to get a game but there has to be a compromise that can be found.

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1. British accents

2.British accents

3. British accents


Thank god, i've had enough of everyone in popular media being American.


I swear to god there will be an American James Bond next... us Brits are just waiting to get into space so we can try at an Empire out there seeing as nobody here will let us have one any more.

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1. British accents

2.British accents

3. British accents


Don't know whether you are referring to this as a negative but as a Brit myself I would prefer to sit through my own accent for once, it's a nice change to most other games and it sounds like they haven't hired that many Americans and asked them to try to do a British accent (they sound pretty legit).


So really that is a positive for me not enough to make me play them and contribute to the imbalance though :)

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The trooper story is great and the female trooper voice is fantastic....smuggler story was fun....lots of reasons....Sith Inq is still my favorite...but they are good.




Playing as

has to be the #1 reason to play republic!


At least, it is for me. :D


P.S. The name "Femshep" was already taken on my server. :(

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Few points, from my experience:


Republic starter worlds are not as fun or efficient to start out a character.


Jedi wearing Depends Undergarments under their robes is so incredibly foul to look at I have deleted two, plus I've played their mirror.


Storylines for Republic are all fairly weak and (IMO) quite cheesy..too goody goody.


Republic armor in general doesn't look as good.


I just find the whole experience on the Guardian, I mean Alliance, I mean Republic to be less fun.

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Kinda scary that the "evil" side seems to get more members in most mmo's, a hint on human nature perhaps? :cool:


Yep - evil is on the rise in the world...and many people I've noticed are without morals..decency and generally aren't very nice. When they get into a game they pick evil characters...makes sense.


A large majority of players on my server went Imp and blew past all of the story content to 50 just so they could dominate in PVP. There's hardly ANY Imp players on my server below 50 that PVP and many have Battlemaster titles and are geared up already.


These same people probably also love the show Dexter - about a serial killer who only kills bad people and hides it from everyone - people think he's this great guy. But he kills bad people so it's cool huh? Sick.


I personally can't play an evil character....just don't have that "evil" streak inside of me.

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Few points, from my experience:


Republic starter worlds are not as fun or efficient to start out a character.


Jedi wearing Depends Undergarments under their robes is so incredibly foul to look at I have deleted two, plus I've played their mirror.


Storylines for Republic are all fairly weak and (IMO) quite cheesy..too goody goody.


Republic armor in general doesn't look as good.


I just find the whole experience on the Guardian, I mean Alliance, I mean Republic to be less fun.


Yeah....not cool to be good...better to be evil. Better bring some Sunblock 10mil where you're going :)

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Kinda scary that the "evil" side seems to get more members in most mmo's, a hint on human nature perhaps? :cool:


Seems like it's a PvP issue. And it makes sense to me that people who like PvP would be more "aggressive" in nature, and therefore like the "evil" side.


I'm a PvEer and I love my republic storyline and my robes.


I doubt many players on the Republic side feel they need to be pitied, but thanks anyway. :D

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