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People resubscribing at a very high rate


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Where could he possibly be pulling these numbers from?


Probably has a lot to do with the game continuing to sell copies and grow after its release. And that growth not at all being affected one iota by the hundreds of people on the forums claiming they canceled. In short, those dour sour folks have already been replaced.

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I stop reading when he said TOR was more innovative then FPSs.


FPS have not really changed since the early days of Doom. You have different maps but really games evole slowly. Innovation is also very subjective and only years later can you truly see what occured.

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FPS have not really changed since the early days of Doom. You have different maps but really games evole slowly. Innovation is also very subjective and only years later can you truly see what occured.



Not to bash James or TOR, but the only inovating thing TOR did was take an RPG and slap an MMO infront of it.

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FPS have not really changed since the early days of Doom. You have different maps but really games evole slowly. Innovation is also very subjective and only years later can you truly see what occured.


This might actually be the dumbest thing I've read today.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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There is no way to say for certain how many will quit the game before the free month is up. It is all guesswork at this point.


I have already quit but if I were still deciding I would probably cancel on the last day. Since you needed a card to start the game I would expect you still need a card to play the full free month, which isn't the case. I logged in once after I stopped my subscription to check if I could login. That was 10 days ago.


So those thinking that I troll these forums and will still resub are wrong. If I haven't logged into the game in the last 10 days, why would I suddenly start doing that again? I am on these forums to see what others think of this game. That interests me since the game let me down bigtime.


As to whether the game will tank or not... hmm... personally I think it will fail. Not because I see less people playing, but because I never saw anything in the game that actually appealed to me. And a lot of stuff that I thought were horrible. People like different stuff, but I was not even close to liking this game so I have a hard time to see many others will.


But then again, I was never a fanboi, maybe that makes all the difference?

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Just to reiterate ... the game continues to sell copies and grow after its release. And that growth not at all being affected one iota by the hundreds of people on the forums claiming they canceled. In short, those dour sour folks have already been replaced.


There's more and more fanboys already willing to join this game and play it and replace the handful of unhappy players who were already burned out on MMORPGs before they even clicked on the launcher.

Edited by SnoggyMack
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That may be false, but name one innovative thing about SWToR and for the love of god don't you dare say awesome voice acting and story.


....Or maybe he should because that IS innovative about it...name another mmo that did that...


So...you basically told him not to say the right answer. "But the answer is A. Thats it. I've done the math"




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I canceled and resubscribed.


That is because I gave up on my high level character. Just sick of seeing her look like everyone else around her so rolled an operative.


My operative is in her 30s and looks cool. So I enjoy playing her. Once she gets to a high level I'll stop playing her as well.


I may do this once or twice, but if they don't fix the mod system or just give us an appearance tab, the next time I unsubscribe will be my final time.

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Pay very close attention to his wordage:




People want to, but are they?


I'm not, but I really, really wish I could. I love many things about the game. I so want this game to improve and succeed, as I've really enjoyed my time in it in spite of the issues I've been having with it. But those issues, topped off by BW's (mis)handling of them...it just leaves an incredibly bitter taste in my mouth. What can I say? I've been burned far too many times by SOE; I can no longer tolerate such shenanigans. I've unsubscribed and will wait to see what direction BW takes with 1.2. I'll reassess, then, if I'll resubscribe, or if I should wait a little longer to see what BW brings after that. I really hope BW cleans up its act sooner and not later. At this point, they have been their own worst enemies, imho.

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From this article with James Ohlen:







So....is he referring to all of the people who didn't immediately cancel their subscription once they gave bioware their payment information?


Wasn't that part of setting up your account? Where could he possibly be pulling these numbers from?


I would guess that in the industry they have figures that tell them what percentage of people cancel with just one week of their included 30 days left.

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I'll only address this, since I crushed that other dude before. Just scroll back up and apply it to whatever nonsense you put down.



The game does not play well. If you think it does, that's only because you don't know what's good.


and WoW is... well ok..! i guess im a tasteless bastard...



and no you didn't crush him you basicly said: NOPE YOUR STUPID AND YOU DON"T KNOW ANY BETTER!


srry caps got stuck on there for a sec :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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This thread alone kinda proves that. BW has the numbers, and they say resubscribers are very high.


He very clearly says the players have a high "desire" to resubscribe, but that doesn't actually say anything about whether or not they are resubbing.

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MMOs begin for me, when I roll up my first character. Don't tell me what I did or did not experience. What are you, a genie in a bottle?


I played World of Warcraft for years. My experiences in the solo leveling field are valid, because that is what I am comparing. In WOW I never had to CC a mob, Stun a mob, Interrupt a mobs insane abilities. Leveling in WOW was turn on Auto attack and hit my most damaging ability and tab over to read the internet.


How is SWTOR any different? Leveling in both games is insanely easy. And boring.

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Mr. Ohlen I'm noticing has got Peter Molyneux syndrome. In that he hypes and says things sometimes, I feel, without stopping for a moment to actively think before he speaks.


He's been doing a lot of interviews and in more than a couple I have shook my head a few times.


Not saying people are not continuing with their second month subscription payments. Yet, I think it is too early to actually talk about people continuing until at least the 20th or later as that is when the majority of people, I'm guessing, actually started their free month and thus going into later days of January before payments are processed. Still plenty of time for the cancellations and what not, who knows what could happen between now and the payment date.


Spot on.


Since the success of the game, he became annoyingly arrogant and full of himself :/ .


For the worst, since there are tons of problems he's now ignoring (FPS problem ? Low ends PC ? Even though 90% of the people with the problem have much better PC than the average player that has no trouble ? Textures looking like vomit was intended ? Let's not talk about the cosmetics issues for Jedi that makes them all bald with face hidden for the whole game, with a bonus fat butt) and I'm just hoping it will get back on him.


Cause he's starting to be absolutely terrible, he really sounds like he should be put in his right place.

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How is SWTOR any different? Leveling in both games is insanely easy. And boring.


Didn't you read what you quoted from me? Using crowd control, stuns, and interrupt abilities is something you never had to do while leveling in WOW. It adds another dynamic, not calling it hard at all. It's more difficult than auto attack.


End game is important I will agree.

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