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How have we NOT talked about this?


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So in all my my thread reading, and I admit, I do a lot, i have not come across this subject once. I mean once!


That is a thread saying that Luke Skywalker is the B E S T jedi EVER!



So this game has motivated me to watch the trilogy again. The trilogy is pure poetry. Lucas didn't even know what he had! I hated the prilogy when it came out but i will accept it as cannon. As for all the other stuff concerning star wars - if it isn't one of the six movies, I don't count it. It is in the same realm as fan fiction to me.


So, yeah, Luke is awesome. He gets like a month of training from Yoda about how to be a Jedi, is basically self taught, and still manages to all the awesome stuff he does! He could have killed the emperor in episode 6 if Vader would have allowed it. He most defiantly could have killed Vader multiple times if he chose to (but he couldn't because this would turn him to the dark side, and he knew it). In his final stand he throws down his weapon to prove to the emperor that he WILL NOT BE TURNED. Yeah, coolest fight scene in the whole series in the final fight between Vader and luke.


Luke Skywalker is awesome! The best Jedi in the history of the star wars universe.

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Hey I love Han Solo. Be he isn't a Jedi :) He does at least as much for the rebellion against the empire as Luke does. But this is a thread about how Luke is the best Jedi EVER! (Plus Han would NEVER be a Jedi - he doesn't even believe in the force) :)
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Hey I love Han Solo. Be he isn't a Jedi :) He does at least as much for the rebellion against the empire as Luke does. But this is a thread about how Luke is the best Jedi EVER! (Plus Han would NEVER be a Jedi - he doesn't even believe in the force) :)


Doesnt matter, Harrison Ford > Mark Hamill. Always has been, always will be.



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Wow Star Wars Lore is really all over the place isn't it... and Luke defeated Vader and his emporer. Sure, vader pushed the emperor over the cliff - but those are details. Vader would have never done that without the influence of his son.

Ergo, Luke wins!

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So this game has motivated me to watch the trilogy again. The trilogy is pure poetry. Lucas didn't even know what he had! I hated the prilogy when it came out but i will accept it as cannon. As for all the other stuff concerning star wars - if it isn't one of the six movies, I don't count it. It is in the same realm as fan fiction to me.


I'm sure Jania is completely wonderful, but she isn't part of the six movies so i don't consider it lore. :) There has to be a cut-off when it comes to star wars lore... there are so many authors that is has become one big fan fiction fest. So that is why i stick with the movies.

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but she isn't part of the six movies so i don't consider it lore.


Please relieze this game is part of the EU. As such trying to limit any topic to only the movies is going to run into issues.

Edited by Saice
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But Anakin killed the emperor and brought balance to the force. That's gotta count for something. Sure he was a whiny little ***** in his early years, but he was a righteous bad *** later on.


It was pointed out to me several years ago that if you look at all six movies, Star Wars is a story about the rise, fall, and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. Luke Skywalker is merely a supporting character.

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Jeez, this thread is in the wrong forum, yanno? And all this tossing about on Jaina being better, or HK is best, or Love Luke and all that... wow!



Thrawn is the best, bar none.


General discussion.... i thought this was, yanno, general discussion...


I could talk about wow, and rift, and how something about the graphics is messed up. or about a LFD, recount, macros, interface, addons... but i thought we had enough of those.

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General discussion.... i thought this was, yanno, general discussion...


There's a 'Star Wars' forum that's intended for discussion on the SW universe; this forum is supposed to be for discussing SWTOR in general. Honestly, though who cares...

Edited by baconflavored
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General discussion.... i thought this was, yanno, general discussion...


I could talk about wow, and rift, and how something about the graphics is messed up. or about a LFD, recount, macros, interface, addons... but i thought we had enough of those.


Yeah but look to the right and you'll find a forum for discussion of Star Wars. ALL Star Wars. This general discussion is generally related to the game and related topics.

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In my youth, when I had only seen Star Wars 20-25 times, I wanted to be Luke and learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father...


As I grew older, and had watched Star Wars 50-100 times, I realized it would be better to be a Scoundrel like Han, Dashing and irresistible to the ladies...


But, In the fullness of time, when watching the movies became meaningless (as I could see them inside my eyelids whenever I shut my eyes), I knew that true wisdom was to be Vader, who could be Evil and Powerful. And Yet, at the end of it all, emerge as a Hero. At one with the Force.

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