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Sad to see some people quiting already....


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I am one of those who have already unsubbed and have been waiting the forums in a chance to see some type of communication from Bioware other than "Herp Derp Thread Closed".


Some of the issues I had are the same as others yet since I am a late night player on a East coast server I hardly ever see anyone on the planet I am on. I am a level 43 empire player and all the planets past Balmora have maybe 10-12 people empire side at most.


Not only this, but gg trying to get anything going other than Huttball late night. From what I have seen is Empire out weighs Republic on my server by a huge amount and when the highest number of players on a planet is maybe 40-60 well that is just sad..


Not only do we have long warzone ques, but my Sith Assassin does what I call the ability fake.. It is when my character pretty much does the shuffle while trying to use one instant cast ability. That or the person I am chasing is lagging/i am lagging to the point where they are flying across the map.


I do not mind the gear system as of yet, I am not 50, but I do have a champion bag plenty of merc/warzone comms those do not seem to be the issue if assassin just put on Dark Charge throw a bubble on someone get 3+ protector medals then switch back to surging charge and go kill some people. That alone I end of with 8+ medals a warzone.


Another thing this should be renamed to "Star Wars: The old load screen".. Load screens plus instanced everything, makes immersion very hard. Not only that I haven't done a FP since Black Talon due to the fact no one ever A. wants to do them or B. Is not high enough.


There are plenty of other issues, including UI bugs/guild page bugs. My game freezing. Huge fps drop rate(30 fps+) in Warzones.


Also no I am not re rolling republic the whole point of having your own character is to play what you want. No I am not switching servers don't want to level another character this soon (I hate alts).


The one huge factor many people saying "LOLOLOLOLOL Leave I don't care" is that. 1. Bioware has made no money off this game as of yet and 2. many people myself included who got the game for Christmas as a gift or bought it and are unsubbing is that we talk to other people.. Marketing not only counts on your ability to sell your product, but also on your Good Name. I love ME and other Bioware games, but this has been a let down and when asked by people what I think I tell them. Many of my friends did not purchase it due to people including myself saying they don't like it. Not everyone reads IGN or meta-critic reviews.


I will continue to check back and when they update/fix maybe I will come back maybe not. To all the fan boys I am glad you don't care as I don't care about you. I will continue to give my opinion to people I know which as of now it is a bad opinion and I will continue to not-recommend this to anyone that ask me. Maybe you don't care and no I am not a expert, yet the people who ask me care.

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It's pathetic and hilarious how complaints about lack of content are flying everywhere when the game was literally just released. I advise Bioware to completely ignore this thread, as taking any advice from all the whiners here will only rush and hurt the game. SWtOR is amazing with it's current status and rate. It should stay that way.
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They should add some gear loss on death, like Asheron's Call, you drop a random item from your inventory. Always made PVP a lot more interesting


I agree, the death penalty for this like wow is stupid at its current state, if I am in a area and I need to go back to turn a quest in and don't feel like traveling. /dismiss companion, /find big mob, /dance, death and respawn at med center..

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its funny how you star war nerds defend this game like its your life.. this game brings nothing new to MMo's besides better looking graphics, its all old / copied pvp that has failed in the past.


keep paying this company so they can release more crap games for you in the future...

cause obviously you enjoy these WoW kiddie games coming out more and more in the past decade.


as a bioware employee once said "people are well.... idiots"


And your entire post fails because you claim this game has "better looking graphics". Means no MMO experience whatsoever.

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It's pathetic and hilarious how complaints about lack of content are flying everywhere when the game was literally just released. I advise Bioware to completely ignore this thread, as taking any advice from all the whiners here will only rush and hurt the game. SWtOR is amazing with it's current status and rate. It should stay that way.


Let me guess? An all time Star Wars fan?


To call this amazing, makes me wonder what kind of games you played before. If you gave a 486 based computer to a neandrathol I am sure he would find that machine amazing as well. Would it be amazing to anyone else in the modern world? I don't think so.

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Dont forget the WoW syndrome people, alot of WoW players cant stay away from their shot longer then a few weeks before they go mentaly ill.


Also dont forget that WoW players are used to some easy mode stuff.


LFD - Looking for Dungeon - queu up from anywhere wait till you get a popup messege join group and get rewarded.


LFR - Looking for Raid - Latest bosses and end game contend nerfed to oblivion and can be cleared with handicappedwar veterans with down syndrome.


Battlegrounds - Get Valor points and get those epics mailed in a box right at ya.

You can even afk for it and watch youtube.


DOnt leave any city but just slack somewhere preferbly at the vendors that sell gear for valor or honor points, no need to leave that position as World of Instacraft makes sure you get geared in 1 day.



SWTOR is diffrent in this regards and sometimes you need a lot of runs to get a particular item and you need to spam /1 between 5 / 30 min to get a group to even enter a flash.

PvP in SWTOR consists of join queue leave queue rinse and repeat untill the instand queue falls off or you get d/c.


THis game will make it trough, but how big it becomes depends on the developers holding on to the current playerbase and fix all the major stuff before the free month is gone and a mass exodus begins.

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SWTOR is diffrent in this regards and sometimes you need a lot of runs to get a particular item and you need to spam /1 between 5 / 30 min to get a group to even enter a flash.

PvP in SWTOR consists of join queue leave queue rinse and repeat untill the instand queue falls off or you get d/c..


I like the fact their is no LFD/LFR in this game and would love to try more content. Yet when your one of 10 level 40s to 50 on at the moment it is hard. Level 50s don't want to do anything other than max level FPs and Ops. A good bit of the 40s only want to do pvp and the rest is a mix match of dps. It has so far been impossible to get a group at night unless you want to do Hammer Station.


Half the time I am kicked from warzones back to the character select screen the other half I lagg so bad less than 14 fps that I can barely move. This is sad when I can run Max settings 50+ fps every where else.

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Bioware understood this for PvE. There's gobs of PvE content. Intern Bob probably spend 20 hours making some quest that you blow through in 15 minutes and poor Bob had to make hundreds of quests like that.


And here we are in PvP with 3 tiny warzone maps and 1 really awful open world map that Intern Bob clearly spent one lazy Friday evening throwing together.


And that's our whole endgame. 3 tiny maps and one awful open world disaster.




Bioware knew about content for PvE but apparently thought PvP didn't need any.


Nothing in 1.1 is going to fix that. I doubt we'll see any big new content in 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 or 1.5 either. In fact, I bet by the end of July, we will see 1 new Warfront, a few superficial fixes to Ilum and that's it for PvP.

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I like the fact their is no LFD/LFR in this game and would love to try more content. Yet when your one of 10 level 40s to 50 on at the moment it is hard. Level 50s don't want to do anything other than max level FPs and Ops. A good bit of the 40s only want to do pvp and the rest is a mix match of dps. It has so far been impossible to get a group at night unless you want to do Hammer Station.


Half the time I am kicked from warzones back to the character select screen the other half I lagg so bad less than 14 fps that I can barely move. This is sad when I can run Max settings 50+ fps every where else.


Single threaded Hero engine for the lose. Open up your task manager when SWTOR is running and notice 2 swtor.exe running. That's because the fail engine can't do multi-threading so they cheated around it by spawning separate game instance to mimic multi-threading. I loled when I found this out.

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Single threaded Hero engine for the lose. Open up your task manager when SWTOR is running and notice 2 swtor.exe running. That's because the fail engine can't do multi-threading so they cheated around it by spawning separate game instance to mimic multi-threading. I loled when I found this out.


I had to check this myself... +1 Internets sir...

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Guys, everything is not as grim as it seems.


Check this out:



At least they are trying albeit they are introducing features that should have been there in the first place (e.g. Guild bank), but at least they are trying.


The thing that saddens me is that they have not said anything about UI customization and the MOD support. At least let us customize this ugly UI, please.



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Im now 40. I got a gamecard for 30 more days, my subscription ends at the end of january, im not sure if i subscribe..


my problems are:


i chose medium population server, now its low population, it is impossible to get groups.


empire is completely dominating in warzones. i played in empire and there were about 2 to 3 times more players than on republic. to win one warzone i have to play 5-7 times.


not really a lot of content ;X


a lot of bugs! i have several quests now that i can't cancel lol.

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I had to check this myself... +1 Internets sir...


Yup, lol.


Which is source of many many problems. No task can be executed asynchronously and tasks wait in line, so if for example you have animation task going, the task that registers the damage to the enemy cannot run until animation has completed. You put 3 second animation on there and guess what? You hit the button and damage registers 3 seconds later.


I can only imagine the kinds of problems this will present as the game expands and grows. More simulatnious things happening meaning more tasks waiting in queue, etc.


The engine was built to run on a single core CPU while most people these days are sporting quad cores with hyperthreading.


A true and epic fail for a game development company. Even I as just a curious individual about game development would opt for something of higher quality and even consider rolling my own game engine instead of using something as half-assed as Hero engine.


Hell, I've seen some indie games that sport their own engine and do a better job.

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Fair enough mate, though I wouldn't mention your beta if I was you, some lads will report you for the giggles of it.

None here mentioned shinys by the way other than its fun to explore the world an kill random mobs for fun an enjoyment of maybe finding something cool.Along with making money. Tor for some reason doesn't have that, an they deliberately stop you from doing it.


Yeah it's really silly not being able to dictate wheteher or not to spend your time grinding loot. It was apparently stealth patch that happened about at the beginning of the second week after release. It's so bad that on some of the kill 25 XX missions, the NPC's stop dropping loot long before you complete the objective.


Prior to that, i farmed loot just fine. Grinding loot is one of the many conventions of an MMO that TOR's developers have discarded, along with a few others i'm sure we can think of, *Ahem*, chat bubbles. These things can be corrected, but it is time sensitive. Can be too little too late. Personally, once i am done with a title, I never look back.

Edited by RaulTheConquerer
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Yup, lol.


Which is source of many many problems. No task can be executed asynchronously and tasks wait in line, so if for example you have animation task going, the task that registers the damage to the enemy cannot run until animation has completed. You put 3 second animation on there and guess what? You hit the button and damage registers 3 seconds later.


I can only imagine the kinds of problems this will present as the game expands and grows. More simulatnious things happening meaning more tasks waiting in queue, etc.


The engine was built to run on a single core CPU while most people these days are sporting quad cores with hyperthreading.


A true and epic fail for a game development company. Even I as just a curious individual about game development would opt for something of higher quality and even consider rolling my own game engine instead of using something as half-assed as Hero engine.


Hell, I've seen some indie games that sport their own engine and do a better job.


Wow...just...wow. This answers a lot of bug threads right here. Maybe post this in customer service, as well. So disappointed.

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this is why I l;ike a matching Flashpoint tool for groups. I think alot of ppl would stick around if this sort of thing was in. I am bored at 50 and trying to do another charcter. I am not going to spam general or bother guildies doing other things to go run flashpoints with me. I would love to do flashpoints while out questing like we could do warzones.


No server forums

No UI scaling or Mods

No LFG system

Stupid time sinks and excessive load screens.


It is Biowares fault ppl are leaving.

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i dont understand that no end game content thingy?

you have at least 5 flashpoints (hm) at level 50 and you have 2 raids..

3 warzones and 1 open world pvp zone (ye that last one does indeed ****)

every day i can spend around 4 hours playing this game with a lot to do... (that can turn out into even more time... but better not to spend it all online... there is a RL world out there!)

my guild has now lot of level 50s and we have lot of fun in every possible way...

lets add to this that you have spacemissions with are good break from normal game also


and we have new updates coming, and every week we have bug fixes... so...

sorry but i dont understand why people are quitting game that only came out... and witch already has more content then any other MMO when it came out...

it can only get better!

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and we have new updates coming, and every week we have bug fixes... so...

sorry but i dont understand why people are quitting game that only came out... and witch already has more content then any other MMO when it came out...

it can only get better!

Why should i give my money on a *chance* that they will fix something when they even wont acknowledge a problem is even there, when they have proven them selfs to be incompetent in all fields of MMO, PvE is to put it bluntly boring as f..k, PvP is Warhammer replica and pretty much is horrible in all aspects.

If it was F2P game then this complaining wouldnt make sense but for a game that was in production sooooooooooo long and costed so much and suck so much, well its just sad.

When i hear people saying WoW is 7 years old, that only means that BioWare (dont forget EA, the destroyer of games) had that time to make an even better game (which TOR is not).

By your logic every new car industry should start with a car like Fords T-model in age of hybrid and electric cars, the fact they didnt use WoW's mistake and any other MMOs only suggests that they are here for a quick cash and Warhammers destiny....

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i dont understand that no end game content thingy?

you have at least 5 flashpoints (hm) at level 50 and you have 2 raids..

3 warzones and 1 open world pvp zone (ye that last one does indeed ****)

every day i can spend around 4 hours playing this game with a lot to do... (that can turn out into even more time... but better not to spend it all online... there is a RL world out there!)

my guild has now lot of level 50s and we have lot of fun in every possible way...

lets add to this that you have spacemissions with are good break from normal game also


and we have new updates coming, and every week we have bug fixes... so...

sorry but i dont understand why people are quitting game that only came out... and witch already has more content then any other MMO when it came out...

it can only get better!


I have to agree, the game isnt that bad, even the flaws I enjoy the END GAME alot with my L50 assassin, and yeah i get ganked alot when i face guild groups etc, but I also get to fight alot of equals with me so its pretty balanced, everybody gets ganked on their way up the ladder, the game was just released, there are coming alot of pvp improvments, they know the issues with ilum and are working on it, just have patience people.

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