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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sad to see some people quiting already....


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your so clueless.


Daoc is like 12 year old , it was on an era that online gaming was in a stone age. Not much hype , not good internet providers etc etc.


Still it had like 250k subs which for that time was far better than what couple of millions for swtor at best when War had 1.2 m and consider a big failure.


WAR was so bad I bought and sold my copy launch day.

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Aion has open world pvp and a massive korean following. they had various issues keeping a western following.


i guess you dont pvp outside warzones.


Thats one exeption, althoguh dunno if its the world PvP side or that its most polished MMO for asian taste, its very popular in Asia but not in western world that much. Its actually gonna go free to play here at february to attract european players.

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your so clueless.


Daoc is like 12 year old , it was on an era that online gaming was in a stone age. Not much hype , not good internet providers etc etc.


Still it had like 250k subs which for that time was far better than what couple of millions for swtor at best when War had 1.2 m and consider a big failure.


And WoW won many awards and is 11th on top 200 game of all times and got killer ratings on almost every review when it came out, ToR wouldnt even be here without WoW, neither would be RiFT guild wars and failed AoC and warhammer. I just hate when some people are saying that WoW is terrible game and worst crap ever, when many players, subs and reviews and awards say otherwise.



Like it or not, WoW is only MMORPG ever that has reviews and subsrictions go hand in hand. Niche MMOs are like artistic french movies which critics praises but movie theaters are empty.

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You youngsters, really need to learn the difference between young teens complaining an "adults" who actually know a little more than you do. Being 44 myself, I have been round a little while an played a damn site more MMO's than you. So I will ask one more time, please keep your angst an hate to yourself, we don't want it. This thread is meant to be about constructive conversation between mature adults....


You old timers need to stop acting like know-it-alls. Just because you've played a few more MMO's means nothing. You're complaining about a game that has been out for 3 weeks, and you're comparing it to games that have been out for years.


I'm level 50 and loving it. I can do 6 HM FP's and 2 Operations if I wanted to as well as do my dailys for PvP gear.


The PvP isn't top notch, they're addressing that issue. Everyone complains when a company doesn't give any feedback at all. Bioware is keeping us up to date constantly and you're still complaining.


Take your elitist whiny attitude somewhere else. We don't want it here.

Edited by Rehsals
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Here is where you sir are mistaken. You misinterpret your chance to get a drop as your right to get a drop. When I PVE I get the same chance as you do to get a drop, so why should you get a SURE thing. They are already giving you a SURE thing to get gear ... its called Centurian Commendations. Grind towards collecting those or grind towards 60 Valor that is your sure thing. Why do u take a EXTRA that BW has given us and DEMAND that be given to you because you are entitled to it without working for it? Get lvl 60 Valor and u get your sure way to get Champion gear. SIMPLE as that. Im tired of the QQ all these WOW kinds bring to this game.


And I'm tired of people like you assuming everyone who criticizes the game is a kiddie wow fanboy. If i were a wow fanboy I'd be playing WOW. No, I do not misinterpret it as my right to get a drop. And when you PVE it's completely different. I gear up in PVP to be on par with other players who have gear. You gear up so that you can start the next tier of content because if you are getting this tiers gear than you can already down those bosses. Champion gear needs to not be RNG or it needs to be deleted, it fails in PVP. Try thinking for once and not falling back on the lololol wowtard lololol pve game pvp added on lololol

Edited by Dystopic
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I broke up with my GF on launch day for this game. Now I'm regretting it. Tired of the bugged WZ queue, victories not counting towards my daily challenge, severe ability lag, stun breaker that's pretty useless since it provides no temporary immunity to the countless stuns flying at you, and these are things that should have been found and fixed during Beta.


There's no end game content worth keeping me around and leveling a different class character isn't my idea of replay value.


Bioware dumped too much time and money for the full voice acting story that they were overly proud of and neglected adding anything fun to the game for those who hit level 50.

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We don't care and stream of new players more then makes up for loosing of few crybabies who thought its going to be WoW with glowsticks.


Bingo. What's really screwing over these whiners is that as soon as they "quit" (and as I've said many times, they're *not* quitting...they're just stamping their feet to get what they want), two new players replace them.


I was the only at work playing SWTOR when it first launched...since then, we've had a total of 17 people- all in their mid-30s and up age-wise -all join up. Many of them are getting the game for their kids.


Hey, quitters; we don't care, and you're being replaced faster than you quit. Sayonara. :)

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And WoW won many awards and is 11th on top 200 game of all times and got killer ratings on almost every review when it came out, ToR wouldnt even be here without WoW, neither would be RiFT guild wars and failed AoC and warhammer.


...and WoW wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the incredible commercial success of Everquest.


So...basically...you're wrong.

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aparently none of you ever heard of the outlaws den on tatoine. open world pvp area, free for all, same faction can kill same faction or opposite faction, ohh and special vendors and lots of diffrent high end gathering nodes. seems preety open world pvp to me, and all you have to do is go north from mos altha in jundland.


Yeah I know that place, no one is ever there...

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Bingo. What's really screwing over these whiners is that as soon as they "quit" (and as I've said many times, they're *not* quitting...they're just stamping their feet to get what they want), two new players replace them.


I was the only at work playing SWTOR when it first launched...since then, we've had a total of 17 people- all in their mid-30s and up age-wise -all join up. Many of them are getting the game for their kids.


Hey, quitters; we don't care, and you're being replaced faster than you quit. Sayonara. :)


I use to think this back in the Conan days ( wich is sadly better than star wars ). i use to think " good all the whiners are leaving and going back to wow ". then one day i stopped and looked around and thought to myself....damn the population is really low, hard to find a group why did everybody quit?


its because the game was to easy to level up in, and max level players get bored when pvp is broken ( just like star wars ). that game promised alot of pvp for end game ( kind of like this one ) and what do we get? 3 buggy warzones, and no world pvp.


to those having fun, good for you im glad you found a game you like. and the great part is all of you will be on the same server in less than a year.

Edited by Drunkwolf
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...and WoW wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the incredible commercial success of Everquest.


So...basically...you're wrong.


IMO, these games all build upon each other. Some things work well, others don't. The all have positive merits that can and should be considered/discussed.

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Bingo. What's really screwing over these whiners is that as soon as they "quit" (and as I've said many times, they're *not* quitting...they're just stamping their feet to get what they want), two new players replace them.


I was the only at work playing SWTOR when it first launched...since then, we've had a total of 17 people- all in their mid-30s and up age-wise -all join up. Many of them are getting the game for their kids.


Hey, quitters; we don't care, and you're being replaced faster than you quit. Sayonara. :)


Nice baseless hype you got going there.

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The MMO market is completely different now then when WoW came out.... MMOs that are released with buggy/non exsistent content fail. How many times have we seen it happen now? how many MMO releases have there been since WoW that have been half assed buggy games that weren't ready for release or just had 0 innovation that are no at 1-3 severs?


All of them...

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And WoW won many awards and is 11th on top 200 game of all times and got killer ratings on almost every review when it came out, ToR wouldnt even be here without WoW, neither would be RiFT guild wars and failed AoC and warhammer. I just hate when some people are saying that WoW is terrible game and worst crap ever, when many players, subs and reviews and awards say otherwise.



Like it or not, WoW is only MMORPG ever that has reviews and subsrictions go hand in hand. Niche MMOs are like artistic french movies which critics praises but movie theaters are empty.


Whos said is terrible game , i think your mistaken i never said that.


Fact vanilla wow should be the best mmorpg of all times esp in combat department , beautiful enviroments and pve raids.


But when it comes to pvp and crafting Daoc was and still is unmatched.


Also whiners usually means to complain or protest in a childish fashion.


Last i check most of the players have valid reasons to complain for like the broken defences in pvp , unabalnced classes , crap heals , awfull end game , no world pvp , bugs - bugs and more bugs and unpolished gameplay , lag , missing features that current mmos have , awfull pvp combat overall , lack of high texture graphics etc etc.


On the other hand trolls ... plenty of them

Edited by topoulo
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Please leave the forums as well. If you are one of those people who want everything to be perfect at launch of a game then you are way to hard to please and should go back to console gaming.


Haven't console gamed in about a decade. Although your fantastic lack of maturity for not wanting other people to voice their opinions is showing through your Jr. High uniform buddy.


People like you are always worth a chuckle or two. Like any opinion other than your own is so outrageous you just can't stand to hear it and ask them to leave. Get over yourself.

Edited by Mhak
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I appreciate your self-righteousness over a videogame. You go, Mr. White Knight. Defend this game to your last breath!


Opinions other than your own != whining. You'll notice a compliment I originally threw in there along with my valid opinion.


How about you get over yourself too. I wonder what makes you think you're so special...I salute your mother for working so hard, although she clearly worked a little too hard. Don't worry, when you grow up and have to work for a living one day you'll realize you're no more special than anybody else.

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I do not understand this sentiment at all. You're not playing the lottery. The rewards are tokens that you can use to purchase the first tier of PvP gear at your leisure. As an ADDED incentive, there's a chance to get a random piece of tier 2 gear.


And this only applies until Valor 60, when you get bags that bump it up to tier 2 base with an ADDED incentive for tier 3.


It seems the problem is that because there's a CHANCE of an extra reward, people feel they are entitled to that reward, and then when they don't get it, they feel the system is broken.


I'm not entirely happy with the reward system - they need a way to directly earn Merc Commendations again - but you ARE grinding WZ to purchase gear.


Thats not what they mean by RNG. Yes, they accept the fact that the bag may be empty. However, what really sucks is when you get your 5th belt token, because then even the 2 extra commendations from the empty bag would have been better.

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