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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sad to see some people quiting already....


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To answer the question a previous poster asked.


To fix it, I dont know maybe I would scrap pvp an look at it again.The thing is there is massive amount of pvp experience out there to take notes from.


be it World of warcraft



Asherons Call 1

Darkage of Camelot

Age of Conan


The trouble has come from onpy following wow an rift pvp, both those games have the worst exuse for pvp ever seen in MMO's. World pvp can start as early as you want, an I disagree that you cant have world pvp in leveling area's. It adds ALOT to the game for you to be always watching your back an being aware of whats around you.


Most of the issues stem from this "shiny" generation that wow bred to expect shinys at every turn. Remember early MMO's didn't have pvp gear, there was "gear" be it from....

mobs dropping items on a random loot generator.

Or dungeon drops.....


it is possible to do it in any number of ways.

The "rewards" in pvp were generally done in abilities, and allowed you to buy an ability you dont normally have. be it raising stats, giving you special mana/energy boost.... whatever you care to think up.

For instance in DAOC, at RR 6(Realm rank 6) you got one called "MOC", a VERY popular skill to have in pvp for some classes, it allowed you to gain mana back at a boosted rate that meant a direct damage increase, as the classes most using it, were high damage high mana use classes.


The pvp gear generation is where everything went wrong because now people demand it, an devs give it out. battlegrounds are fine in an of themselves, but they should never be the central focus of a pvp game. So you make pvp rewards skills instead of gear, an you would fix alot of the problems. Then you jsut need to add a reason tof ight, and give people thing sin the world to fight for.


DAOC for instance, had Castles with relics in them. SO what would happen is people would be out in the frontiers pve grinding (you were given HUGE bonuses for killing pve in frontiers). A relic raid would kick off an a siren went off in your realm for everyone to hear. that called people to go defend the relic keep. 100 on 100 battles were quite normal. This in turn meant whoever had the relic gained exp bonuses for everyone in their realm, an pvp bonuses for the clan/guild that held it.


At end of week they would look at the pvp stats an see who did the most, an that would then open up a special dungeon called Darkness Falls.

This dungeon was linked directly to pvp, an allowed you to pvp an raid all at once in same dungeon.

You gained very special gear in that dungeon that cant be gained anywhere els, while having to defend yourselves form the other realms who were still in there...


Sadly, as long as MMOs are popularized among casuals, PvP gear is here to stay. Because apparently enjoying PvE and PvP are mutually exclusive.

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your calling Daoc small an dead ? you realize it is STILL seen widely as the greatest pvp MMO ever created, an has yet to be equaled. The only reason people say wow is the best is a because they dont know any different. They have nothing to balance it against.

So far 90% of posts here have been nothing but mindless insults an petty put downs over a very real issue. I dont understand hwy it is you even read a thread you dont want to hear about. I can guess its purely to coarse trouble as has been seen in all the insults an hate posts.


Honestly boggles the mind when this issue effects everyone who plays, not just a small %.

As for the numbers of people, remember only the tinest % of players read forums, theres a hell of alot more in game that wouldn't touch these forums with a barge pole.


It has 5000 players estimated and peak was 250k. I would say its pretty small and dead and i bet that if even all players that played it thinks its greatest MMO ever created it aint much people, and if it was greatest, i wonder why all left. WoW seems to be greatest MMO in terms of popularity and i dont think it peaked so much players unless people thought it was an awesome game.

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Its actually sad to see people keep paying money for this pille of sh...!

No content

Pvp nonesense with ubbergeared 50's fighting baby oponents(lol they even forming premades)

Crashes ,ability lags ,bugged companions,20 min walk for a quest that takes 2 min to complete

1 faction mmo

Copy paste trees for ac's

mantainaces during peak hours

One viable end game crafting profession

Tanking ranged and squizie tanks

No combat logs(i can understand this,if we had combat logs more mess would come on top) ,no addon support(only hack support)


I am former costumer of mythic/bioware for many years and was really hopping that they could learn from past mistakes or at least use the knowledge the gaming comunity accumulated all these years,but no thay have to repeat all the steps from scratch!A week left and is more than enough to complete a couple of stories left and its g.o.!Maybe resub in 5-6 months when the real beta test is over

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People get to 50 and then don't stay, wanna know what I think?


Good Leave, kick mud, don't let the door hit you where the sun don't shine.


There is plenty of gaming and social stuff to do till a new update of levels, or other stuff comes later.


People rush content, don't do hard modes, don't help guild members, don't see all the other classes, don't open world PvP, really don't do **** but nit pick everything and compare.


People think "Well I got to 50 and I don't feel like staying, this game sucks I'm bored rah rah rah"


It's like a spoiled kid that gets a new car then gets bored after a few weeks.


This is a mmo that is evolving, more stuff is coming and the future will be SWTOR when it comes to a blockbuster of a mmo.


I could care less if carebears and crybabies leave this game to go back to Panda Land, or suck *** Rift, or where ever they think is better for their spoiled rich boy/girl ego.


Kick mud baddies, have fun in candy land.

Edited by Caeliux
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People get to 50 and then don't stay, wanna know what I think?


Good Leave, kick mud, don't let the door hit you where the sun don't shine.


There is plenty of gaming and social stuff to do till a new update of levels, or other stuff comes later.


People rush content, don't do hard modes, don't help guild members, don't see all the other classes, don't open world PvP, really don't do **** but nit pick everything and compare.


People think "Well I got to 50 and I don't feel like staying, this game sucks I'm bored rah rah rah"


It's like a spoiled kid that gets a new car then gets bored after a few weeks.


This is a mmo that is evolving, more stuff is coming and the future will be SWTOR when it comes to a blockbuster of a mmo.


I could care less if carebears and crybabies leave this game to go back to Panda Land, or suck *** Rift, or where ever they think is better for their spoiled rich boy/girl ego.


Kick mud baddies, have fun in candy land.



Well come back in 6 months when this is f2p.

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This game will be free to play by the end of the year. Just like FFXIV.


Not gonna waste my money on subs when the content isn't there. Not to mention pvp is broken, the choice system effects nothing on a substantial scale, and the gear in the game isn't even designed well.

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This game will be free to play by the end of the year. Just like FFXIV.


Not gonna waste my money on subs when the content isn't there. Not to mention pvp is broken, the choice system effects nothing on a substantial scale, and the gear in the game isn't even designed well.



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People get to 50 and then don't stay, wanna know what I think?


Good Leave, kick mud, don't let the door hit you where the sun don't shine.


There is plenty of gaming and social stuff to do till a new update of levels, or other stuff comes later.


People rush content, don't do hard modes, don't help guild members, don't see all the other classes, don't open world PvP, really don't do **** but nit pick everything and compare.


People think "Well I got to 50 and I don't feel like staying, this game sucks I'm bored rah rah rah"


It's like a spoiled kid that gets a new car then gets bored after a few weeks.


This is a mmo that is evolving, more stuff is coming and the future will be SWTOR when it comes to a blockbuster of a mmo.


I could care less if carebears and crybabies leave this game to go back to Panda Land, or suck *** Rift, or where ever they think is better for their spoiled rich boy/girl ego.


Kick mud baddies, have fun in candy land.



obviously not a level 50 lol

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it's a shame what is slowly happening to the game, Tor was a great idea, an a fun game (still is) but retailing the game with no content is a BAD THING!.... I talk to alot of 50s on my server, (swiftsure) an many of em are saying already they are probably not gonna make it past free month.

Understandable when you consider theres no pvp, no reason to world pvp, botting/farming BG's wears out in a day...

The raids if your into that, are always full but even if they wernt, what are you doing it for ? just to get a shiny so you can do it all again....


pointless, I dont know how to fix it, other than to start fixing pvp an stop trying to instance everything. World pvp doesn't belong in an instance, its world pvp for a reason....


I know for me, my chars are only in high 30s, an I am already feeling like I cant be bothered logging in till evening most days for as few hours.


Now I know the fanboys will call me silly names, an put down my comments, but that doesn't change anything, alot of people are getting bored already, an with GW2 coming out in 3 months, tor really needs to pick up its pace. I know I wont be subbing for another three months with the state of pvp an game in general as it stands.


my two mates quit the game last week after hitting 50 cos it was just mind numbing apparently....I am not far off, an i know of at least 3 guys who have had enough.


3 years and the Bioware team clearly doesnt understand Open World PvP

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People get to 50 and then don't stay, wanna know what I think?


Good Leave, kick mud, don't let the door hit you where the sun don't shine.


There is plenty of gaming and social stuff to do till a new update of levels, or other stuff comes later.


People rush content, don't do hard modes, don't help guild members, don't see all the other classes, don't open world PvP, really don't do **** but nit pick everything and compare.


People think "Well I got to 50 and I don't feel like staying, this game sucks I'm bored rah rah rah"


It's like a spoiled kid that gets a new car then gets bored after a few weeks.


This is a mmo that is evolving, more stuff is coming and the future will be SWTOR when it comes to a blockbuster of a mmo.


I could care less if carebears and crybabies leave this game to go back to Panda Land, or suck *** Rift, or where ever they think is better for their spoiled rich boy/girl ego.


Kick mud baddies, have fun in candy land.


thank you for your insightful an thought provoking discussion... Sadly your well thought out an comprehensive comments will not amount to much in long run.

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Ditto everything you said. It's actually worse for me. The game is so bad, that I make any excuse not to login, and when I'm playing I can't wait to log off. Today I signed up for the Guild Wars 2 newlsletter. I hope this means I get a beta invite. I didn't know that they will launch in 3 months. I've been looking for that info. I'm trying to decide between a necromancer (warlock), and a elementalisht (mage). I like the chick with the tatoo on her leg on the website. Not saying that, because I'll roll a female. It's just one more reason to enjoy the scenery in game. The trailers look fantastic too. Hope that is not a bait and switch, in other words, I hope the trailers are a fair representation of true in game graphics.
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3 years and the Bioware team clearly doesnt understand Open World PvP


Well they understand so much that they aint promoting part of the game that only a real small playerbase does. If lots of people wants to make world PvP in any MMORPG they would do it but there isnt such a game so far.

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your calling Daoc small an dead ? you realize it is STILL seen widely as the greatest pvp MMO ever created, an has yet to be equaled. The only reason people say wow is the best is a because they dont know any different. They have nothing to balance it against.

So far 90% of posts here have been nothing but mindless insults an petty put downs over a very real issue. I dont understand hwy it is you even read a thread you dont want to hear about. I can guess its purely to coarse trouble as has been seen in all the insults an hate posts.


Honestly boggles the mind when this issue effects everyone who plays, not just a small %.

As for the numbers of people, remember only the tinest % of players read forums, theres a hell of alot more in game that wouldn't touch these forums with a barge pole.


if it's so damn good, why are there 5,000 people playing?

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Well they understand so much that they aint promoting part of the game that only a real small playerbase does. If lots of people wants to make world PvP in any MMORPG they would do it but there isnt such a game so far.


Aion has open world pvp and a massive korean following. they had various issues keeping a western following.


i guess you dont pvp outside warzones.

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Yeah, but there are grinds and there are grinds. Grinding WZ comms to purchase gear isn't bad. Grinding comms to play the lottery?


It's like back in TBC where you had to get keyed for heroics before you could grind your hero gear for raids Except the RNG makes it worse. Get to 70. LOL go run some lowbie dungeons to get your rep up, you aren't good enough for heroics yet! Have to grind before you grind.


Here is where you sir are mistaken. You misinterpret your chance to get a drop as your right to get a drop. When I PVE I get the same chance as you do to get a drop, so why should you get a SURE thing. They are already giving you a SURE thing to get gear ... its called Centurian Commendations. Grind towards collecting those or grind towards 60 Valor that is your sure thing. Why do u take a EXTRA that BW has given us and DEMAND that be given to you because you are entitled to it without working for it? Get lvl 60 Valor and u get your sure way to get Champion gear. SIMPLE as that. Im tired of the QQ all these WOW kinds bring to this game.

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Its actually sad to see people keep paying money for this pille of sh...!

No content

Pvp nonesense with ubbergeared 50's fighting baby oponents(lol they even forming premades)

Crashes ,ability lags ,bugged companions,20 min walk for a quest that takes 2 min to complete

1 faction mmo

Copy paste trees for ac's

mantainaces during peak hours

One viable end game crafting profession

Tanking ranged and squizie tanks

No combat logs(i can understand this,if we had combat logs more mess would come on top) ,no addon support(only hack support)


I am former costumer of mythic/bioware for many years and was really hopping that they could learn from past mistakes or at least use the knowledge the gaming comunity accumulated all these years,but no thay have to repeat all the steps from scratch!A week left and is more than enough to complete a couple of stories left and its g.o.!Maybe resub in 5-6 months when the real beta test is over


Some interesting points here:


* crafting


I wonder why someone should be an armor or weapon crafter when you get better gear with pvp tokens. The crafting itself is done by your companion, everyhting served on your silver tablet. You just send companions to missions to gather ressources and they do the crafting aswell....


* delivery missions


damn did i hate them, after the Imperial Fleet in the first starter town there are quests where you really have to walk 15 minutes around, there and back several times....there are similar quests in other areas.



* Not behind the target & cant activate skills in Battlegrounds even with low latency


There are serious problems, either you get the warning you are not behind your target or the warning that you cant activate the skill because you are moving....with low ms and no fps issues.


* ranged tanks



I dont get it why ranged classes are tanks or at least in heavy armor but dishing out enormous dmg in short time wheras other tanks are not even doing this in close combat.


* no combat logs



Well I dont need combat logs for raids or something, but combat log is important to see actually how classes perform in pvp and to compare them.


* pvp and Battlegrounds


I have to shake my head that lvl 10-50 have to fight together in Battlegrounds and the worse thing is:


Actually brackets would fail aswell...the classes are just not balanced in the lower levels. Brackets would remove lvl 50s but the lvl range from 10-49 isnt balanced either. This is a bad concept, they mixed lvl 10-50s together because they did not balance the classes for brackets i.e. 10-20, 20-30


One important point...


* cheat protection



There is no cheat protection currently i.e. speed hacking and I dont understand why this was not tested and fixed before release.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Here is where you sir are mistaken. You misinterpret your chance to get a drop as your right to get a drop. When I PVE I get the same chance as you do to get a drop, so why should you get a SURE thing. They are already giving you a SURE thing to get gear ... its called Centurian Commendations. Grind towards collecting those or grind towards 60 Valor that is your sure thing. Why do u take a EXTRA that BW has given us and DEMAND that be given to you because you are entitled to it without working for it? Get lvl 60 Valor and u get your sure way to get Champion gear. SIMPLE as that. Im tired of the QQ all these WOW kinds bring to this game.


Then dont read the thread. I dont play wow, I despise wow, an I only world pvp, my opinion carries every bit of wieght as anyone els. You obviously fail to understand anyone's opinion or stance than your own. SO you farm/bot/account swap your way to shinys in a battleground where there are no surprises, no risk of losing, no responsibility on you to win for yourself.

Then when you have that shiny, what do you do ? you turn round an do it again for the next one.


all you lads wanna do is abuse people an insult anyone that believes different to you.You an others like you have done nothing but act like "wow kinds" whatever that is...


I was mistaken to try an bring a constructive discussion to this forum, I wont make that mistake twice....

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Cause its widely known as best MMORPG ever created lol.



your so clueless.


Daoc is like 12 year old , it was on an era that online gaming was in a stone age. Not much hype , not good internet providers etc etc.


Still it had like 250k subs which for that time was far better than what couple of millions for swtor at best when War had 1.2 m and consider a big failure.

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