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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sad to see some people quiting already....


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I don't class "top PvP'ers" as people who so called have skills then quit when a challenge is presented to them like Ilum.


Imo a good PvP'er doesn't complain and whine, he or she finds ways around things, organizes groups, and talks tactics to win. It's like football, doesn't matter how talented you are, it takes dedication, and a will to overcome the opponents even when it seems bleak to become a true great.


I'm an old fashioned PvP'er though, I come from a time when there was no PvP content in some games so people just did it because they enjoyed it, bragging rights, or whatever. It seems as the years drag on, I am becoming a minority.



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I don't class "top PvP'ers" as people who so called have skills then quit when a challenge is presented to them like Ilum.


Imo a good PvP'er doesn't complain and whine, he or she finds ways around things, organizes groups, and talks tactics to win. It's like football, doesn't matter how talented you are, it takes dedication, and a will to overcome the opponents even when it seems bleak to become a true great.


I'm an old fashioned PvP'er though, I come from a time when there was no PvP content in some games so people just did it because they enjoyed it, bragging rights, or whatever. It seems as the years drag on, I am becoming a minority.




^^ This.

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The game is not for everyone to like(its not WoW herp derp, devs wont BJ you as soon as you post "i quit" thread) and you simply don't have to play it.


But for the love of... DO NOT SHARE WITH US THAT YOU GO.

We don't care and stream of new players more then makes up for loosing of few crybabies who thought its going to be WoW with glowsticks.




Im nowhere near out of end game content as a 50

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it's a shame what is slowly happening to the game, Tor was a great idea, an a fun game (still is) but retailing the game with no content is a BAD THING!.... I talk to alot of 50s on my server, (swiftsure) an many of em are saying already they are probably not gonna make it past free month.

Understandable when you consider theres no pvp, no reason to world pvp, botting/farming BG's wears out in a day...

The raids if your into that, are always full but even if they wernt, what are you doing it for ? just to get a shiny so you can do it all again....


pointless, I dont know how to fix it, other than to start fixing pvp an stop trying to instance everything. World pvp doesn't belong in an instance, its world pvp for a reason....


I know for me, my chars are only in high 30s, an I am already feeling like I cant be bothered logging in till evening most days for as few hours.


Now I know the fanboys will call me silly names, an put down my comments, but that doesn't change anything, alot of people are getting bored already, an with GW2 coming out in 3 months, tor really needs to pick up its pace. I know I wont be subbing for another three months with the state of pvp an game in general as it stands.


my two mates quit the game last week after hitting 50 cos it was just mind numbing apparently....I am not far off, an i know of at least 3 guys who have had enough.


Most MMOs don't have much endgame content on launch and this one is no exception. But it DOES have an insane amount of content in general. Saying it has no content is just stupid. Give it some time, the pvp and endgame content will come.

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Most of my friends quit halfway through leveling. Couldn't get past the load screen spam, stupid travel times and 9 boring quests for 1 average quest.


Those of us who made it to 50 enjoyed warzones somewhat for about a week. But knowing that it'll be least 3 months before theres any pvp content added, we're not gonna subscribe.


Bugs/responsiveness/boring classes zzz.


Really think they underestimated how much pvp means for an mmo's success.


LOL, load screens that last max 5 seconds? So much QQ. Maybe instead of leveling as fast as you can you should enjoy the game a bit more. Do some non PvP quests see the galaxy etc.

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I'm afraid than Bioware cannot turn the ship now.

In short, the selling point of this game is leveling your toon while listening/watching the story. It's a single player game sold as a MMO. It cannot success on MMO market.


I've leveled 4 toon already to 50. The game has no more to offer for me. And no need to bash Bioware. The devs just didnt get it, they missed the point.

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Got level 50, did the raids and they were fun the first few times although extremely easy. Did HM/NM which were exactly the same no new mechanics just slightly more hit points and damage a major let down. The gear was bugged on NM so we had always do HM after the first run. Each time we went more and more people quit so we had to find replacements which sucked.


Our guild has 10 battle masters on the rep side which is really good. Each day they play less and less as the content is stale and the bugs are rampant. We get our 3 wins in about 20minutes and stop for the day.


I have stopped logging in as of last week. Just go on forums to see if they are fixing/adding anything that might make me want to not unsub. I unsubbed as of a week ago and my play time is going to expire soon.


This game was great in theory, but the hype was much over lived once we got to 50 and the entire flaw with Ilum first with win trading and second with the crappy system of us being out numbered 10:1.

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What is all of this nonsense of repeating the same 3 wzs?

Vanilla wow had the 3 same bgs all the time, tbc only added 1 in the form of eots, arena came but alot of people back then simply did arena for the gear not for the pvp aspect.

Vanilla wow didn't have gear though, but getting the gear simly meant farming the rank.

Alot of raiders with their pve sets and legandary powned ***.

Wotlk was strand of ancients and isle of conquests so I guess 2?

Cata only added battle of gilneas which basicly was just arathi basin but with 3 bases instead of 5. Granted though the pvp here is a mess, but I'm still having fun.

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I'm afraid than Bioware cannot turn the ship now.

In short, the selling point of this game is leveling your toon while listening/watching the story. It's a single player game sold as a MMO. It cannot success on MMO market.


I've leveled 4 toon already to 50. The game has no more to offer for me. And no need to bash Bioware. The devs just didnt get it, they missed the point.


Level another 4 get the other adv. classes. Then reroll the other faction and do the same.

There's so much to do, I haven't even touched flashpoints at 50 or raiding yet.

I did do lvl 50 pvp though, which depending on server can be painfull.

Ilum made alot of players get free valor(think mostly the imps) making them overgeared against us reps. But regardless I still love to pvp.


Got level 50, did the raids and they were fun the first few times although extremely easy. Did HM/NM which were exactly the same no new mechanics just slightly more hit points and damage a major let down. The gear was bugged on NM so we had always do HM after the first run. Each time we went more and more people quit so we had to find replacements which sucked.


Our guild has 10 battle masters on the rep side which is really good. Each day they play less and less as the content is stale and the bugs are rampant. We get our 3 wins in about 20minutes and stop for the day.


I have stopped logging in as of last week. Just go on forums to see if they are fixing/adding anything that might make me want to not unsub. I unsubbed as of a week ago and my play time is going to expire soon.


This game was great in theory, but the hype was much over lived once we got to 50 and the entire flaw with Ilum first with win trading and second with the crappy system of us being out numbered 10:1.


Raiding is exactly the same in wow, you got normal you got heroic, according to stats though I think most people didn't even bother with heroic, either because of it's difficulty or just because it's the same thing as normal mode.

If your guild has 10 BM guys then dont play with them or start over again.

If you keep roflstomping because of your gear I get that, start over or use weaker gear.

But if youre just getting your 3 wins each day, sounds to me you dont even like pvp in general.

Edited by Spero-Mcgee
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1.7 million in subs and growing. This game will only grow as time presses on. What is sad is that some just don't realize that a lot of people out there jump ship at the end of their 30 days that come with these types of games. It is what they do. They hop from one to another and never last in one title longer then that. They never give any new title a fair chance to shine.


If they want to leave, nothing will stop them. Nothing a community can say or do and nothing a developing/production company can do. Some just never have it set to stick around for anything.


In short, some will never be happy with anything life throws at them.

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1.7 million in subs and growing. This game will only grow as time presses on. What is sad is that some just don't realize that a lot of people out there jump ship at the end of their 30 days that come with these types of games. It is what they do. They hop from one to another and never last in one title longer then that. They never give any new title a fair chance to shine.


If they want to leave, nothing will stop them. Nothing a community can say or do and nothing a developing/production company can do. Some just never have it set to stick around for anything.


In short, some will never be happy with anything life throws at them.



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1.7 million in subs and growing. This game will only grow as time presses on. What is sad is that some just don't realize that a lot of people out there jump ship at the end of their 30 days that come with these types of games. It is what they do. They hop from one to another and never last in one title longer then that. They never give any new title a fair chance to shine.


If they want to leave, nothing will stop them. Nothing a community can say or do and nothing a developing/production company can do. Some just never have it set to stick around for anything.


In short, some will never be happy with anything life throws at them.


I'm not going to disagree/agree with you Rehneu, but you do have to understand the game is unplayable for some people. In terms of hardware, FPS and a multitude of other problems. A lot of people are leaving not because they don't enjoy the game, but rather because they can't play it properly or at least the way it's supposed to be played. It's a shame really considering most of those people have specs beyond the recommended requirements. If this problem continues more and more people will try and the game and leave because of the same issues. I don't know how that will affect the numbers but it's worth at least pointing out. I believe Bioware has a fix in the works and this will help them stable things out.

Edited by Xruptor
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Level another 4 get the other adv. classes. Then reroll the other faction and do the same.


How far from reality can comments get?


I am not even playing my second toon, since ALL the quests are the same, except for the main quest! You can juggle a bit along the way, but that doesn't change it.


Maybe reroll other side, and level 1 more... But more than that?

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I'm not going to disagree/agree with you Rehneu, but you do have to understand the game is unplayable for some people. In terms of hardware, FPS and a multitude of other problems. A lot of people are leaving not because they don't enjoy the game, but rather because they can't play it properly or at least the way it's supposed to be played. It's a shame really considering most of those people have specs beyond the recommended requirements. If this problem continues more and more people will try and the game and leave because of the same issues. I don't know how that will affect the numbers but it's worth at least pointing out. I believe Bioware has a fix in the works and this will help them stable things out.


I do not think SWTOR is that demanding on the hardware. It runs very smooth on my PC.

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I do not think SWTOR is that demanding on the hardware. It runs very smooth on my PC.


I had to buy a new graph card; not that it wasn't working but I needed a little boost...still, Ilum can be a bit frustrating when there's 150 players on my screen at the same time...but I guess that's kind of normal...

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I do not think SWTOR is that demanding on the hardware. It runs very smooth on my PC.


I want to forward you to this very popular thread about hardware issues, performance problems, and FPS issues a lot of people are having. It's 12 threads long already.




Here is an excerpt from it. I would say it's pretty demanding on people's PC's.


welcome guys to iteration no. 16

Actually were on the 12th reincarnation of this thread? Good grief! :D With this many people vocal about the problem you would have think they would acknowledge that something is wrong.


Here is the list from start to finish of all the reincarnations thus far of this thread:















I want to point out with the exception of the first post that went to 200 posts, if you do the math you can sorta estimate how many posts in total.


200 - first thread

(~100 posts per thread) x 10 = 1000 (note I'm not counting the current thread since it hasn't reached 100 yet)


Total: ~1200 posts

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I'm having a lot of fun with Thread like this!!! :rolleyes:

Reading post like this you have the feeling that 2 millions of users that bought the game till now are all idiots!! :rolleyes:


btw.. my server is always full.. :rolleyes:


In all seriously it varies on opinions, observations and several other factors. Yes a server may be full, but the degree of game play varies a lot depending on the faction your playing on. Example, a server can be full Empire side but on the Republic side it's a ghost town. I'm unsure if this happens the other way around but you never know. This issue has been observed on several servers.


I have to question your response though. Seems a tad immature at best.

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I had to buy a new graph card; not that it wasn't working but I needed a little boost...still, Ilum can be a bit frustrating when there's 150 players on my screen at the same time...but I guess that's kind of normal...


I have an i7-2600, windows 7 64, OSZ agility 3 240G SSD and ASUS ENGTX570 DCII card and 8GB ram. Not that is not bad but it is not top end either.

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I have an i7-2600, windows 7 64, OSZ agility 3 240G SSD and ASUS ENGTX570 DCII card and 8GB ram. Not that is not bad but it is not top end either.


Can I have your computer? :( Your specs gives me some ideas though on future upgrades for the system. Do you have decent FPS?

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Can I have your computer? :( Your specs gives me some ideas though on future upgrades for the system. Do you have decent FPS?


To be honest I have no idea what my FPS are like. Forgot the commant that shows my fps. But everything runs very smooth. No I do not think you realy need an i7 processor, an i5 will do as well. But a 64 bit OS and an SSD helps to run things smoothly. I guess GTX560 will also be enough depending on screen size.

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To be honest I have no idea what my FPS are like. Forgot the commant that shows my fps. But everything runs very smooth. No I do not think you realy need an i7 processor, an i5 will do as well. But a 64 bit OS and an SSD helps to run things smoothly. I guess GTX560 will also be enough depending on screen size.


Trying to remember from the top of my head but I think it's CTRL+SHIFT+F . I have a pretty decent computer but am experiencing the issues so many have. Though I do believe even people with top performing graphics cards are still experiencing issues. It's been discussed many times that upgrading your system is not a guarantee that things will improve.

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This is rather amusing, people complaining about the grind, etc., etc. I bet those are the same people with 5-8 85's in that OTHER game, grind out dailies and arena for gear, and do it all over again for each character.


People who have no attention span, and feel self-entitled, hop from one game to the next, seeking to WIN, and once they have done that or they are no longer top of the barrel, they move on.


People from that OTHER game must forget the launch, the constant disconnects, Blizz giving out free game time because the game was unplayable for days at a time, server queues, server lag, pvp imbalances, BG's broken, mailboxes devouring things, accounts being hacked, crafting sucked, bugged instances, AFKers, botters, resource node bugs, client crashes, login servers broken, the list goes on.


The point is they took YEARS to fix their issues, and are still fixing some all the time and some never.


Give it a chance


GW2 will still be more instanced pvp, with a storyline that is not as engrossing as SW:TOR has been.


I guess to each his/her own, but don't bash the game for failing then try to place hope is something else following the same formula.


You can have the soap box back.

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Always find it entertaining that you people can't just walk away. No on cares if you are quitting. The only reason people read these threads is the same reason they get posted in the first place, ego.


No one but you cares about you on the internet. Have some self respect and a little backbone.






No need for a ceremony. You aren't important.

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